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Texas Pride

Page 26

by Kindle Alexander

  “She cut it too short.” Kitt picked up the hair brush on his dresser.

  “No, come here. Let me gel it.” Austin didn’t wait for Kitt to agree, he padded over to the bathroom. Kitt didn’t follow.

  “Get over here and trust me.” Austin stuck his head out the bathroom door a minute later. “Hello? Remember what I did for a living…come on!”

  Kitt heard his bathroom drawers opening and closing as he pulled off his jacket and went as far as the bathroom door.

  “No weird crazy messed up hair. I just want it off the forehead,” Kitt warned.

  “Got it. Sit on the toilet, it won’t take but a minute.” Austin had gel in one hand and a hair dryer in the other. Reluctantly Kitt moved forward to do as he was told, and Austin went right to work.

  “I just don’t understand why you can’t come over after you’re done tonight.” Austin started right in again. It was the same argument that brought Austin over earlier, even though Cara and Seth were left alone at his house. Austin hadn’t gotten the response he wanted from Kitt by phone, so he’d brought the argument face to face.

  Kitt tried to remind Austin of the importance of the Spring Football game and the naming of the Spring Fling Queen during half time. Bryanne was up for nomination, thereby forcing Kitt away from the farm to escort her out on the field as her father figure. Then after the big game, he would be obligated to attend a district wide school dance as a chaperone. It was Cedarville’s big night out. Everyone went, dressing up in their finest, and Kitt wouldn’t be home until the early morning hours.

  Besides all that, Cara and Seth were on their second and last night at the farm. Seth had taken the whole stay about the same as he had the first time, making it clear he needed to get the hell out of Dodge, or they would all be miserable. Kitt thought Austin should spend some quality time with his friends. It all seemed perfectly reasonable and clear to Kitt why Austin couldn’t come over tonight. But, Austin’s hard head wasn’t having any of his line of thinking. Their argument ended up in bed just like everything else they did together. Austin tried to persuade him the entire time they made tender sweet love, but Kitt wouldn’t give.

  “You’re a difficult man, Austin.” Kitt looked up at Austin who stood working on his hair.

  “Don’t move! You messed me up! First rule of hair and makeup: no moving!” Austin slapped Kitt’s head back down. Kitt gave a deep sigh, and then realized his eyes were the perfect level to stare at Austin’s cock. It was rare Kitt got to see it sated and hanging freely. After a moment, he lifted his hand and cupped the sac, bring the cock up for a better inspection. He could see it hardening in his hand and he smiled at the response.

  “You know if you get me hard and leave, that’s just plain mean. You’ll have to come over afterward. It won’t be a choice anymore.”

  “Like it ever was a choice?” Kitt replied, this time lifting only his eyes to look up at Austin, not moving his head at all.

  “Good, you agree to come over.” A grin spread on Austin’s face.

  Before he could reply, the dryer flipped on. Kitt rolled his eyes at Austin’s tactics and focused back on the now hard cock lying in his hand. He watched it for a second or two before lifting his other hand to cup Austin’s sac, rolling the balls in his palm. He debated on moving his head. Austin was brushing his hair with the blow dryer on. After a minute Kitt gave in and moved, sucking Austin deep into his mouth.

  He wasn’t as good at giving a blow job as Austin, but he was getting better. Kitt took him deep with the first suck, gripping the base with his hand. He moved back and forth, sliding Austin’s cock against his tongue, his hand following the movement of his mouth. Kitt worked Austin’s cock deeper and deeper until he finally had Austin hitting the back of his throat. The effort wasn’t lost on Austin. The dryer dropped to the floor and his fingers tangled into the short pieces of Kitt’s hair. Austin’s hands helped Kitt move fast as the taste of pre-come filled his mouth.

  “Damn,” Austin muttered, his hips rolling with each thrust of his dick in and out of Kitt’s mouth.

  “Open wider, baby.” Austin urged and Kitt closed his eyes tight, gripped harder than he should at Austin’s sac and forced his throat open. It was exactly what Austin wanted. Austin fucked his mouth, stopping his breath, and Kitt fought the urge to panic. Instead, he let his heart hammer as Austin’s sac tightened and he punched his hips forward spewing his seed deep down Kitt’s throat. It was exactly the move Kitt loved for Austin to do to him, and finally, he gave it back. It didn’t matter spots were forming in his eyes and his lungs were about to burst. Austin was getting something he loved and just like that, he released Kitt and air filled his lungs.

  Austin was on his knees, digging his fingers into Kitt’s hair, pushing his tongue forward for a deep thorough kiss. Austin lapped at the taste of himself in Kitt’s mouth. It was another move Austin did every time Kitt sucked him off. Austin told him he loved to know Kitt tasted of him. It took Kitt some time to understand some of these moves his boyfriend made, but now that he did, it filled his heart with pride. Kitt loved that Austin loved him.

  “I have to breathe.” Kitt finally pulled from the kiss to take large gulps of air. At the same moment, he heard his sister in the living room.

  “Kitt, come on! We’ve been waiting for you to go, and I have to be there early. I have to be the first one there because I’m head cheerleader.” Bryanne’s voice sounded louder the closer to Kitt’s bedroom she got. Kitt pushed Austin over trying to slam the bathroom door closed.

  “Bry… I’m dressin’. Y’all go without me!” Kitt called through the now closed door.

  “You’re a pig. Why are all these clothes layin’ all over your house? And your bed’s a mess, it looks like you never make it. I’m tellin’ mom you don’t make your bed. You know how she hates that.” Bryanne’s words came right from the other side of the door.

  Both Kitt and Austin stood staring at the door. Austin nudged Kitt, moving his hand in front of his mouth, trying to get him to say something. Nothing came out because Kitt’s heart was pounding so badly in his chest, he couldn’t hear to think.

  “Kitt, open the door! I want you to see my all white, head cheerleader uniform. I look good in it! You need to tell me how pretty I look! Besides I’ve seen you in just a towel. Open up!”

  “Bryanne, go on, I’ll be there in a little while. I’ll see you then,” Kitt said lamely, and as an afterthought, he threw out. “Of course you look beautiful. You’re the prettiest girl in school.”

  That one earned Kitt a silent double high five from Austin.

  “Yep, that’s true! Okay, hurry! Don’t be late! I don’t want Margaret Hines’ dad to get all the attention because then everyone will be lookin’ at her. And don’t wear your hair stupid. Look good Kitt!” The bells on Bryanne’s sneakers made it clear she was walking away.

  After hearing the front door close, Kitt stuck his ear to the bathroom door and listened to see if she might still be inside ready to jump out and scare him. After several long minutes, he heard nothing.

  “Just go out there and see if she’s gone,” Austin whispered.

  Kitt’s heart slammed so badly he couldn’t think how to move, little alone do anything else. Austin stepped back and opened the door, letting the door hide him as he pushed Kitt forward.

  He kicked into action, scanned the house and looked through the front window. There was dust on the trail. Austin came to stand behind him, and he jerked at the sudden touch. Austin laughed, but Kitt couldn’t return the gesture. It was times like these that always hit home with him. Just when he thought everything was going smoothly, that he and Austin were safe and doing a good job at hiding, something happened to prove him wrong.

  “You aren’t supposed to be here in the day light hours,” Kitt said in a stern voice, pointing a finger in Austin’s face.

  “Aren’t you getting tired of that rule? We could just be friends. No one knows what we’re doing in here. Or, the few people that don’t a
lready know what we’re doing could think we’re just friends, Kitt. Guys do hang out with each other.”

  “No, we start breakin’ our rules, then we get relaxed, and it slips out more. No daylight hours.” Kitt ran his fingers through his hair and stopped, patting his head. “It’s all messed up now, isn’t it?”

  “It’s my fault. Come back to the bathroom, let me redo it.” Austin pivoted on his heels. “Besides, if you would just have followed the rules and agreed to come over tonight, I wouldn’t have been forced out in daylight hours to come talk to you. Ever think of that?”

  “Wear these,” Kitt said, sitting down on the toilet handing Austin his pants.


  Mirror balls and colorful flashing lights spun in time to the music blaring in the high school’s gymnasium. Kitt sat with some of the other parents at the designated chaperone’s table listening to whatever Taylor Swift song was now playing. The kids danced closely together under the hanging twinkle lights that represented some theme Kitt was sure he wasn’t getting. What Kitt did know, Bryanne danced too close to her current boyfriend, but he didn’t need to get involved. The principal stood ready to pounce, separating any dancing couple who actually got close enough to touch chest to chest.

  Regretfully, they served no beer. Kitt knew how that sounded in his head, but after two hours of the Spring Fling dance, Kitt sat at the small table past ready to hit the road. Even at this point, spending the evening with Seth and Cara sounded preferable to this. Micah sat in the seat next to Kitt, looking pretty much just as miserable. His wife, Heather, came to the table and sat down in a huff. She looked exhausted as she plopped her feet up on an empty chair.

  “Kitt, I have someone I want you to meet, and you can’t say no. She’s one of those Dallas girls you like so much. I met her when I was buying the decorations for tonight. I got her phone number. She’s smart, pretty and single. Here, look at her picture. I told her I’d be calling to set up the date. When’s good for you?” Heather fired out word after word, working with her phone and shoving a picture of a pretty woman in his face. If this was Heather exhausted, he wondered how Micah kept up.

  “I told you not to do this,” Micah said. “I’m sorry Kitt.”

  “And, I told you he needs a wife and kids. It’s time he got one.” Heather shot right back at her husband.

  “Kitt, I’ve been meanin’ to talk to you, buddy.” The Future Farmers of America Agriculture teacher came up to the table, taking the empty seat next to Kitt, effectively saving him from any answer he needed to tell Heather.

  “What’s up?” Kitt asked, hoping the relief wasn’t showing on his face.

  “No Henry, wait! I need to get this done tonight.” Heather interrupted them, typing on her phone. “Kitt, when’s good?”

  “Heather, leave him alone. Kitt, don’t answer her.” Micah took the phone away from her which started a whole new argument, leaving Kitt free to focus on the Ag teacher.

  “The cattle drive runs next week. Tuesday through Thursday, during spring break. I need parent volunteers. Got any time to go with us again this year?”

  And, that’s when Kitt remembered why he dodged the FFA teacher. All of a sudden, he wished he was scheduling a date with Heather’s girl rather than sitting here talking to his high school buddy.

  Kitt had done this run every year since he was in high school. It was hard, treacherous, and absolutely zero fun from an adult point of view. They ran two hundred head of cattle around in a big circle, all on horseback doing an authentic, old school cattle drive. It was three days of pushing teenagers to act like grown men and women. Some got it, but most didn’t. Last year, he’d told the old teacher he was done. No more trips for him, but now as he looked at his high school buddy his heart plunged.

  “Is it already that time of year again?” Kitt asked lamely. Micah chuckled at him. Of course, Micah was going. He had two boys involved.

  “Yep, same time every year. Can I count you in? The boys learn a lot from you, Kitt. Nobody but you can put modern agriculture education to practice. We sure would appreciate it if you’d head out with us again.”

  Henry’s enthusiasm had Kitt backed into a corner. If Austin didn’t like him being gone one night, how would he feel about two or three nights? As if on some sort of cosmic cue, his phone vibrated in his pocket.

  “Let me just make sure Jose’s gonna be around, but okay…yeah, I’ll go.” Kitt finally committed as the second vibration came through on his phone. Then a third. Austin thought tease texting was hilarious. He sent message after message and Kitt felt sure they all said the same thing, ‘COME OVER’.

  “Thanks, Kitt. That means a lot to me. Micah, we all still meetin’ at your place?”

  “Whatever works.” Micah chuckled at the look on Kitt’s face. “Buck up, buddy, Mike’s goin’ too.”

  “Kitt, now answer my question! When’s good for you to drive up to Dallas and take this girl out?”

  “Whenever you want, Heather,” Kitt said, as he rose. He palmed his cup and excused himself, heading across the gym to the punch bowl. Damn, he hoped somebody had spiked it by now.


  It looked like Big Dick’s Tavern was hopping after the school social. The place was packed, drawing Kitt and Micah in as they drove through town together. Heather had stayed behind on clean-up duty giving Micah the out and a few minutes alone. Kitt didn’t even ask as he pulled his pick-up truck off the highway into the gravel parking lot. He skimmed the place looking for a spot to park.

  “It’s because no one spiked the punch. It’s too politically incorrect now to do shit like that. Too bad. It made the place more bearable,” Micah said as he looked around at all the vehicles in the parking lot.

  “Yeah, we’re gonna have to work on that next year.” Kitt tugged at his tie, loosening it as he followed Micah inside. It was somewhere after one in the morning, but the place was packed solid. The juke box blared an old Willie tune. The dance floor, pool tables and bar were all loaded full of people.

  “See if you can get us a table,” Micah called out over the music. Kitt wound his way to the tables, nodding his head or shaking hands with people along the way. He knew everyone here. There wasn’t anyone in the place he hadn’t known for most of his life.

  “Hey man! I haven’t seen you around at all!” Jimmy shoved out of a booth, shaking Kitt’s hand before taking the seat next to JoLynne. Kitt heard rumors they were dating. From the way Jimmy’s arm reached around her, pulling her into his side, the rumors seemed to be true. Apparently, they’d hooked up back months ago, the last night Kitt had been in the bar. Right before he met Austin. It was funny, Kitt used to come in here at least once a week, and for the past several months it hadn’t even occurred to him to come in before tonight.

  “Been busy. Hey, JoLynne,” Kitt said, nodding at her across the table.

  “Hey yourself, Kitt Kelly. Where you been hidin’?” she asked.

  “Workin’.” The one word response was all he was willing to give. Micah came up to the table and Kitt pushed himself over and took the offered beer. Micah and Jimmy did quick fist bumps as another song began.

  “He’s sold his horses.” Micah yelled across the table.

  “No kidding, all of ’em?” Jimmy yelled back. “I saw the semi’s movin’ the hay out. You’re doin’ real good, man. I’m happy for you.” Kitt got the same fist bump as Micah.

  “It’s not that big a deal.” Kitt shrugged it off because technically was it considered doing well when Austin bought everything he sold?

  “Whatever, man. No one thought you could dig out of your daddy’s hole.” Jimmy paused, his eyes darting up to Kitt’s. “No offense.”

  “None taken. I wasn’t sure I could either.” Kitt lifted his beer, tapping the long neck with Jimmy’s. “Any chance on a table? The quarters look stacked.”

  “Not tonight. The old timers got some competition goin’. It’s a fund raiser or somethin’. It lasts until four. Next week’s poker. I won a hund
red bucks last week! You should come play!”

  JoLynne stayed weirdly quiet, watching Kitt closely. Kitt ignored it for as long as he could, but finally cut his eyes to her.

  “You’re in love, Kitt Kelly! Who is she?”

  Every head at the table turned to Kitt. Hell, every head within hearing distance turned to him. After a minute, it felt like every pair of eyes in the bar was trained on him just to see what everyone looked at. He knew his cheeks brightened under the stare, and he had no idea how to answer that question.

  “It’s true!” JoLynne sat up a little straighter, clapping her hands. “Who is it? Is she from here?”

  Kitt started shaking his head, but the words weren’t coming. Of course, his phone picked then to vibrate in his pocket. Jimmy narrowed his brow, Micah looked shocked, and JoLynne beamed.

  “There’s no she in my life. You’re way off base.” Kitt denied. Not exactly a lie, but it did feel very much like one. Why was he struggling with lying about his sexuality now? He shook his head again. “You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, JoLynne.”

  “Whatever Kitt! Tell us! You can’t hide her forever!”

  “Heather has him set up with some Dallas girl. I don’t think he’s lyin’.” Micah’s eyes narrowed at Kitt.

  “He hasn’t left the farm for months.” Speculation was clear on Micah’s face.

  “Honest to God, I haven’t. I’ve been workin’. It’s been too busy for any of that.” Kitt drained his beer, resisting the urge to drain Micah’s too, just because it sat in reach.

  “Last call for everyone but the pool players!” The call came from the bar.

  JoLynne kept her eyes focused on Kitt. “Say what you will, but I know a man in love.”


  Verne sat forward at the bar, downing his eighth, tenth, twelfth, or whatever number beer. He stayed hidden, close to the juke box, away from everyone since Kitt and Micah walked in the door. That little mother fucker fired him. He’d helped raise that boy to manhood. He’d been Mr. Kelly’s foreman, his right hand man and lover since before Kitt was born, and the little fucktard fired him for standing up for the Kelly legacy. Something that little fucker should have done all on his own.


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