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Dancing in the Darkness

Page 15

by Lexa Luthor

  After a sigh, Charlie argued, "I don't know about that." She moved from the chair and took a seat beside Fairlee. "I spent some time with her. She is Kal but… there's still life in her." She watched Fairlee's distraught profile, hoping her words helped somehow. "Your sister is still in there."

  Fairlee covered her mouth, as if holding back her words, but her hand fell to her lap. "Sometimes I still feel her or fragments of her, but then it slips through my fingers." She searchingly peered up at Charlie. "Do you have a twin?"

  "No. I have no siblings, but I've heard twins have a special connection."

  "We always did. Even when she left home, I still knew she was okay," Fairlee agreed. "But then it was broken when Kalatas took her."

  "But it comes back sometimes?"

  Fairlee gave a soft nod.

  Charlie toyed with her fingers, trying not to touch Fairlee. She closed her eyes briefly and imagined how difficult it was for Fairlee to lose her twin sister but then feel her again at random, only to have it taken away once more. It had to be a constant state of mourning, never ending.

  After a deep breath, Fairlee stated gently, "You care."

  "I—" Charlie released a sigh then moved her head in agreement. "I do care."

  Fairlee revealed a thin smile and whispered, "Alphas are completely wrong about Betas."

  Charlie bit her lip, remembering how Andren also pleasantly used the slur name as if it were an honor. Perhaps it really was for the Omegas. "I've heard humans are now called Betas."

  "Earthlings," Fairlee corrected. "Only Earthlings that are on Kander."

  It was true that there were other humans throughout the galaxy, a few race variants on planets other than Earth. When Charlie's home planet was destroyed, her people traversed the galaxy and settled on two planets, one of which was Kander.

  "Other humans do not understand Kalmar," Fairlee said.

  After a moment, Charlie shook her head, and a furrow continued pulling across her brow. "You called me a Beta. How do you know I am one?"

  Fairlee tapped her nose once and replied, "I can smell your scent. It's nothing like the humans who held me captive." She grinned when Charlie lifted an eyebrow. "A human from Kander smells different than the one not from Kander."

  Startled by the information, Charlie combed her hair back and released a heavy breath. "Wow," she muttered.

  "Why do you care?"

  Charlie curiously waited for Fairlee to explain her question.

  "For Kal," Fairlee added.

  "I uh…." Charlie grumbled at her discomfort, then slowly a frown shaped her lips. "I don't know, I just do." She wiped her damp palms on her worn jeans. "She's different… different than any Alpha I've met." In truth, Kal was different than any individual that Charlie had met over the span of her life, and she'd met many in her travels around the galaxy.

  "She is different than most Alphas," Fairlee agreed.

  "She told me she's a Carnec Alpha." Charlie blushed when Fairlee gave her a knowing look, and she prayed that Fairlee had no clue about Charlie's affair with her estranged sister. The fact her body betrayed her earlier when she thought about sex with Kal was not helping her. Hopefully, Fairlee wouldn't scent her earlier arousal.

  "A Carnec Alpha is special and rare," Fairlee said, breaking the tension in Charlie. "A Carnec is only born among identical twins."

  Charlie stiffened and tried absorbing the new information, slightly awed by it.

  "The primary twin is either an Omega or an Alpha while the secondary twin is the Carnec." Fairlee paused when Charlie met her gaze, but she continued explaining the nature behind them. "The secondary twin will be the opposing sign, except they will carry both reproductive organs."

  "So," Charlie closed her eyes and held her hand above her knee as she said, "the secondary twin, which is the Carnec, will be the opposite sign of the primary, have both reproductive organs, but look like the primary twin." She looked at Fairlee again as her hand fell.

  "Ja, exactly." Fairlee smiled at Charlie's comprehension. "In my and Kal's case, I was the primary twin, an Omega, so Kal is the Alpha version of me."

  "Damn," Charlie muttered. "I never knew this about Alphas and Omegas."

  "Ja. It is rarely spoken of in Kalmar culture."

  "Kal said Carnecs are often killed at birth, especially the Alpha ones."

  Fairlee nodded and brushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "Thankfully, our parents were proud to sire both an Omega and an Alpha at once."

  After a low grunt, Charlie tilted her head and asked, "Do you think Kalatas chose her because she is a Carnec Alpha?" Her conversation with Dorlon had already led her to believe that Kander's god had great plans for Kal.

  "Of course." Fairlee smiled proudly this time. "Before becoming Kal, my sister was different than all the other Alphas in the village." She folded her hands in her lap and looked down, as if gazing into the past. "She was both gentle and fierce, like an Omega and like an Alpha. Unlike families that had one Omega child and one Alpha child, we were much closer than those siblings to the point that the young Omegas and Alphas couldn't understand it."

  "They were jealous," Charlie guessed.

  "They were scared," Fairlee explained, her smile slipping now. "But my sister held her ground and protected me at every turn."

  Charlie imagined a young version of Kal waving a stick around at snarling Alpha kids. She grinned to herself and barely held down a chuckle. "I guess they were all surprised when she became Kal."

  Fairlee laughed softly now, then shrugged and said, "Many don't even know and haven't connected the dots." She sighed and pursed her lips. "She was very young when she left home."

  Nibbling on her lip, Charlie weighed her chances to learn Kal's former name, needing the truth to bring her closer to Kal for some reason. Maybe Kal's old name would somehow free one of the many locks that Kalatas had on Kal. Slowly, her heartbeat grew stronger, but she fisted her hand and asked, "What was Kal's name before she became the High Commander?"

  Fairlee slowly shut her eyes and lowered her head, as if searching for something or perhaps fighting a demon. Her features twisted into pain, and tears fell down her cheeks.

  Charlie quickly grabbed Fairlee's smaller hand and snaked her arm over shaking shoulders. "Fairlee," she rasped as the pain transferred into her.

  Fairlee shook against Charlie and whimpered once, before she confessed, "I don't know her old name." She lifted her stricken features and shook her head over and over. "It was taken from me upon her ascension. It was taken from all of us."

  "Oh gods," Charlie whispered and instinctively wiped the tears from Fairlee's reddened cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

  "I should have written her name down, in the dirt or on a tree, but I didn't know." Fairlee fiercely brushed the dampness from her face. "When I know her name again, that's when I'll know… I'll know she's dead."

  Charlie swallowed hard against the lumpy needles in her throat, keeping her emotions in check. She pulled Fairlee against her and offered all her comfort. For the second time, she silently cursed Kalatas for taking so much from Kal's family. However, the means justified the ends in the eyes of Kalatas, who needed to rule its people with a clear mind and no personal ties.

  "I know she would want you to honor her sacrifice," Charlie whispered and hoped Fairlee would calm down.

  "I honor it every day," Fairlee shakily said. "Because, otherwise, I'd mourn the loss of my sister every damn day."

  Charlie squeezed Fairlee tighter and nearly whimpered at the pain lancing through her heart for Fairlee and for Kal. She gazed up at the metal ceiling and willed her strength to keep her together just a bit longer.

  Fairlee pulled away and cleared her throat before saying, "I am proud of her." She smiled sadly at Charlie while she wiped the last of the moisture from her face. "She will be one of the greatest Kals in the planet's history. I know it."

  "I think she already is," Charlie stated confidently and mirrored Fairlee's smile. She slid off the bed, the
n went to the exit and stood near the sealed door. "You should at least lie down for the rest of the trip. We'll be back at Kander soon, and you'll be reunited with your Alpha." When she noticed the relief in Fairlee's eyes, she realized the job was about more than just stills. Charlie tried keeping her personal emotions at bay, but it was becoming harder, as if Kander itself pulled at her heart.

  "You should rest as well."

  Charlie chuckled and sighed tiredly. "Ja. I can feel it." She tapped the button to open the door. "See you soon."


  Pausing, Charlie peered over her shoulder at Fairlee.


  After the thank you, Charlie shrugged and brushed off the sincerity with a joke. "Just a merc doing her job." She left without waiting for a reply and went to her own quarters. There was enough time to get a quick nap in before she had to return to a tall tower full of damn Alphas, including her favorite one.

  * * *

  "You're not going down there alone," Starr snarled and bared her teeth at Charlie.

  "I wasn't asking." Charlie kept her back to Starr while she packed a duffle bag for her trip to Tarrak. "I was telling you." She heard Starr's approaching steps and felt the overwhelming presence loom over her.

  "I won't let you go down there alone." Starr placed a firm hand on Charlie's shoulder, firmly gripping her.

  Sighing heavily, Charlie turned around and narrowed her eyes. "We might seem like partners, but we're not." The sting in Starr's features almost filled her with regret, but she held her position. "This is my ship, and you are my crew." She leaned in closer and declared, "You follow my orders or get off my ship." Seeing both anger and concern in Starr, she finally asked, "Are we clear?"

  "I'm only—"

  "Are we clear?" Charlie cut her off.

  With nostrils slightly flared, Starr released a huff and replied, "Yes."

  Charlie willed Starr to leave her quarters and watched her exit the room. Once alone, she rubbed her brow but continued packing a few clothes in case she ended up on Kander for a night.

  Secretly, she wished to stay in hopes that she and Kal would fuck again. Such thoughts took her back to the drawers that held her clothes and other belongings. In the lower left drawer, she dug through a few pairs of jeans until she located one of the sex toys. Lifting her hand, she hummed at the soft, pliable ring and smirked when her moving thumb triggered it to wake up. The aptly named Red Cherry Ring was a toy that Charlie hadn't used yet, unsure when she'd have a partner for it. After a tick, she decided it was worth taking even if the chance of using it was slim.

  Once finished in her quarters, Charlie took the overnight bag to one of the shuttles and put in a back seat, noticing Raakor at the stern. He shut the lid after loading two kidnappers in the locker.

  "Are they sedated?"

  "Yes, you should be safe," Raakor promised. "The heads are also in there." He approached Charlie and asked, "Are you sure about going by yourself?"

  "I'll be fine." Charlie saw Raakor's easy acceptance, unlike Starr. She folded her arms and mentioned, "I may return in a few hours or at dawn."

  Raakor folded his arms, showing off his purple biceps now that he only wore a black tank top. "With a full account of stills." He then frowned and muttered, "I suppose that means a celebration at Lerto?"

  Charlie laughed and patted his shoulder.

  "We will need to fuel up at Lerto," Raakor admitted.

  "Actually, the High Commander promised the load of darakar to us after we completed the mission." For the first time, Charlie watched Raakor's eyes bulge, and she laughed at him. "We'll be set for a while."

  "Yes," Raakor murmured distantly, his technical mind probably trying to fathom for how long.

  "I need to go." Charlie went in search of the two Omegas that were due back on Kander. She found them both in Fairlee's room, so she guided them to the bay where Raakor still waited for them.

  "Tah for your help," Fairlee offered to Raakor, who simply bowed his head and gave a slight smile. She then loaded into the shuttle's co-pilot seat while Andren sat in the back.

  "I have my techbit," Charlie promised. She ducked into the pilot's seat and prepared for departure while the doors closed and locked themselves. "This'll be a quick ride down but might be a little bumpy. From the scans, it looks like there's some rain moving in."

  "How bumpy?" Andren asked.

  "Nothing serious," Charlie lied. She ignored Fairlee's inquisitive look and waited until Raakor left before opening the bi-doors of the bay. Once cleared, she maneuvered the vessel out into outer space and flew directly to Kander, aiming for Tarrak. Once within range, she radioed the planet and grinned when she recognized the voice.

  "Tah, Blade Perras," Charlie replied over the radio channel and pictured his dumb look. She slowed the craft once they entered the planet's atmosphere. Immediately, gravity started pulling the ship downward.

  As the shuttle ate away at the marches, they entered the layer of the planet's atmosphere that had an ugly, cold storm front moving through it. Instantly the fuselage shook from the turbulence, and Fairlee latched onto the front dash, nearly hitting a few switches. Once or twice, the shuttle erratically dropped in altitude before jumping up again from strong wind drafts.

  Fairlee yelped each time and clutched her stomach.

  "I thought you said it was nothing serious," Andren snapped.

  Charlie was concentrating on the flight and barely heard the complaint. "I've had worse." She checked the navigation screen to make sure she was on target for the same landing spot as last time. "It'll settle down in a tick." Finally, when the craft passed through another layer of the atmosphere, she felt the ride smooth and the bumps lessen.

  "Tell me it's not much longer," Andren pleaded.

  After a laugh, Charlie teased, "I thought you liked being a space merc."

  "I prefer being a soldier," Andren said.

  Charlie grinned, then shook her head. "I was going to offer you a job on my ship." She barely made out Andren's grunt. Her attention went back to the flight, and she saw they had only three marches left before they were on the ground. She needed a little help, so she ordered, "Nova, play my Badass Mix list. Start with 'I Want to Come Over.'"

  "Playing your Badass Mix list."

  Over Melissa Etheridge's singing, Fairlee asked, "Do you always listen to music?"

  Charlie flashed a grin, then replied, "Most of the time, but especially when I land a ship." She tapped the touch panel and turned on the landing lights, knowing it would stir up the Alpha soldiers on the ground who waited for them. Refocusing on the instruments, Charlie sang alongside Melissa Etheridge and put her heart into both the song and the landing.

  The craft's nose lifted slightly and slowed the rapid descent to the ground. After it banked to the right, it flew north a ways while it continued closing in on the landing spot. Then Charlie banked the shuttle to the left when they came over the top of the spot. She kept it tilted at a certain degree and carefully spiraled downward to the ground for nearly a full minute before she neatly landed.

  There were several pained moans in the cockpit that made Charlie laugh softly. She turned off the music and announced, "After the engine shuts off, you can get out or fall out if that's easier."

  Andren grumbled from the back.

  When the automatic doors lifted up, Charlie hopped out, and fine droplets of rain dusted her clothes and face. "Great," she muttered. From both the shuttle and the vehicles' lights, she made out the dark figures circling them.

  Andren went around Charlie but paused when Fairlee came to them on one side of the craft. Charlie remained still, quiet, and waited this time for whoever was in charge.

  Commander Gaveston emerged in front of them, still as stone-faced as ever. Two soldiers flanked him on either side with their rifles ready. "We will take the Omega from here, and you can return to your ship until Kal contacts you."

  Narrowing her eyes, Charlie neared her hand to the gun holster in her jacket. "I don
't think so." She shifted in front of Fairlee, blocking Gaveston and the nearing soldiers. "I will take her to Kal myself."

  Gaveston bared his teeth and lifted his hand, about to signal the soldiers but never made the call. His attention had shifted to Andren, who aimed her laser rifle toward him. He recovered from his initial shock and snapped, "Move, Omega."

  Andren opened her mouth, but it was another Omega's voice that came from the darkness.

  "Stand down, everyone." Gradually, Commander Dorlon's image formed in the streams of light; she looked the calmest of anybody. "Charlie only wishes to complete her job and personally return the Omega to Kal." She smiled at Gaveston and neatly ordered, "We will honor her wishes."

  Gaveston lowered his arm, then nodded faintly before he ordered the soldiers to load into the vehicles.

  Dorlon remained in charge and escorted Charlie, Andren, and Fairlee to a hover truck, then hopped in last. After her signal, they drove through the light rain that added a slight chill to their bones. The view of the Great Tower was a welcomed sight, and the torch-lit walkway guided them into the tower's grand foray, which was buzzing with activity.

  Charlie was on Fairlee's left side while Andren was anchored on the other side. Together, they escorted Fairlee through the entrance and found the crowd parting, funneling them to one person in the center of the foray.

  The High Commander was in her usual black attire, long coat, and boots. She held her hands behind her back but slightly lifted her chin when Charlie approached her with the kidnapped Omega. All around them, the people whispered amongst themselves, but Charlie couldn't catch any of it.

  After a deep breath, Charlie halted them a few paces in front of Kal and presented Fairlee to her. "As promised."

  Briefly, Kal's eyes flickered to Fairlee, then locked on Charlie again. "Ja, it is done." She signaled the guards on her left and ordered, "Take the Omega and lock her in a room for the night."

  The three guards marched forward but faltered when Charlie blocked their path. They tightened their grips on their spears, ready to use them at any moment.


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