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Dancing in the Darkness

Page 16

by Lexa Luthor

  "Is there a problem?" Kal demanded, her thick voice echoed off the walls.

  "Charlie," Fairlee whispered, "It's okay."

  Charlie looked sidelong at Fairlee and saw her calm manners. Truthfully, she knew that Fairlee was safe, especially in the Great Tower of all places. Slowly, her attention was drawn to Andren, who was silently pleading with her to back off. After a hard swallow, she returned to her original spot and replied, "Joh, Kal."

  Kal nodded at the guards, who followed their orders finally. She waited until the guards were gone before she said, "You will be paid in full at first light. Until then, you may stay as a guest or return to your ship."

  Chewing on the inside of her mouth, Charlie gazed over at the guards who escorted Fairlee up the steps to the elevator. She then turned her head back toward Kal and mentioned, "I have two kidnappers in my shuttle along with several heads."

  "And I will honor our terms," Kal assured.

  "I will stay in Tarrak tonight." Charlie noticed how Andren straightened her back.

  "You are dismissed from duty this evening," Kal ordered Andren. "Return to the barrack and rest."

  Andren sighed low but bowed her head in submission.

  "Commander Dorlon will take you to your shuttle for the kidnappers." Kal signaled Dorlon to come forward. "And we will complete our deal at first light." With her final word, the informal meeting came to a sharp end, and everyone spoke at once.

  Dorlon went directly to Charlie but looked at Andren and reminded, "You are dismissed."

  "Ja, commander." Andren exchanged a glance with Charlie before she vanished among the people.

  However, Charlie made an attempt to get to Kal but was cut off by Dorlon. She glared and said, "I need—"

  "Let it go," Dorlon stated. "And don't speak any further here."

  Charlie ground her teeth and tried calming her irritation. Over Dorlon's shoulder, she saw Kal speaking to Lennox, and she silently pleaded for Kal to make eye contact with her.

  Dorlon grabbed Charlie's shoulder and ordered, "Go." When Charlie shrugged off her grip, her next words held warning in them. "Don't be stupid right now."

  Charlie was breathing heavy and snarled, "That Omega was—"

  "Don't," Dorlon hissed. "Not here. Not now." Fire lit her eyes with wildness. "Just go."

  Charlie cussed, then stormed off, leaving the Great Tower. The rain helped cool her while she stomped down the walkway to the trucks.

  Dorlon came to Charlie's side but remained quiet. Once loaded into the truck bed with a few soldiers, they stared across at each other in a silent battle of wills. Charlie realized certain things hadn't changed between them, even though so much time had gone by.

  The trip to the shuttle and back to the city took nearly an hour, but it did nothing to settle Charlie's anger about Kal ignoring her sister. She fumed during the whole ride to Tarrak and felt Dorlon's hard stare on her. Once back at the Great Tower, Charlie jumped out of the truck with the duffle bag and was escorted up to the floor with countless rooms.

  Dorlon was on Charlie's heels.

  After walking around, Charlie deduced which room was hers, since it had an Alpha guard. She then saw three guards at another door farther down, and it dampened her mood again.

  Dorlon followed Charlie into the room and practically slammed the door. "What were you thinking, you idiot?"

  Charlie tossed the bag onto the bed, then turned her wrath on her old friend. "She didn't even acknowledge it was her sister!"

  "Because that Omega isn't her sister anymore!" Dorlon shouted back. "She is just another citizen of this planet like all the rest of us."

  Fisting her hands, Charlie stomped over to Dorlon and argued, "I don't believe that for a damn tick. She wouldn't have hired me if it wasn't her sister… if Fairlee didn't still mean something to her."

  Dorlon shook her head and countered, "It didn't matter whether it was her sister or another; she would have done anything to retrieve one of her people." She narrowed her eyes and whispered, "All the time you've spent here, and you've not learned a damn thing about the High Commander."

  "You mean that last son of a bitch who nearly wiped my people out?" Charlie fired back.

  "Your people?" Dorlon laughed bitterly. "Since when did you give two fucks about your people?" She suddenly grabbed Charlie by the collar and jerked her into her body. "Kal has given away everything, so she could save your people." She lowered her face, lips nearly touching Charlie's own. "At least give her the respect she deserves." Shoving Charlie away, she moved to the door, then turned around.

  "Ja, she gave away everything and lost what made her a Kalmar." Charlie was shaking all over. "How is that fair to her, to her sister? Her entire family?"

  Dorlon narrowed her eyes and asked, "Why do you even care? You left this planet a long time ago. Nobody is asking you to understand our ways." She faced the door about to leave.

  Charlie was trembling all over and unable to control her spinning world, she unexpectedly confessed, "Because I don't have one." When Dorlon looked at her again, she yelled, "Because I don't have a family, and she just threw hers away."

  "Don't you think she considered all of that before she looked into the Light?" Dorlon asked and came over to Charlie. "It was her choice."

  "I know. I know that." Charlie covered her pounding heart and rasped, "I didn't have that choice."

  "Ja, you did." Dorlon shook her head and disappointment filled her features. "You abandoned your family here on Kander, your friends, your people, and me." She huffed and returned to the door but finally declared, "You made your choice too, but at least hers was a noble one." Then she was gone, with another boom of the door.

  Charlie reversed until the back of her knees hit the bed, then she toppled to the floor and could no longer ignore the tears that'd been fighting to escape. She propped up her legs and let the old, ugly emotions drown her until she fell over, exhausted and weak. Sleep finally took her away from it all, for a little while.

  * * *

  A low vibration started in Charlie's jacket pocket, then a soft chime became progressively louder until Charlie was forced to wake up. The room was dark, other than the moonlight streaming through the window. But the annoying vibration forced her to sit up, and she groaned at the stiffness in her muscles. Finally, she retrieved the techbit and tapped the answer button.

  "Hey, Raakor." Charlie had to clear her throat.

  "Hey, boss. Sorry to bother you so late, but a transmission came in."

  Charlie ran her fingers through her disheveled hair. "From who?"

  "From Sallarus," Raakor replied. "He's got a job for us. I told him you'd respond to him soon. He said he'd better hear from you in twelve hours, or he was calling Taj."

  "Oh, for fuck sake!" Charlie rolled her eyes and argued, "That dickweed couldn't tie his boots, much less do a job right. Did you tell him we're at Kander?"

  "Yes, I told him we're finishing up a job with the Kalmar."

  Charlie smirked and knew that Sallarus would be interested to hear about the job. "I'll be up there tomorrow morning after I get our stills from the High C."


  After a sigh, Charlie asked, "How's Starr?"

  "Licking her wounds but fine otherwise."

  Charlie nodded a few times, then stood up, working the strain out of her muscles. "I'll let you know when I'm headed up. But we'll have to come back down with both shuttles for all the darakar."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Charlie smiled weakly at Raakor's tease. "See you in a few, Raakor."

  "Sleep well, boss." Raakor ended the transmission first.

  Charlie grunted and decided she should at least sleep on the bed rather than the floor. Using the techbit's light, she undressed and wore something lighter for bed. She kept her weapons nearby and realized that they were never confiscated from her. She wondered if it was an oversight or merely a new trust. Rolling over, Charlie did her best to sleep rather than think anymore about Kal, Dorlon, or the
whole damn planet. She would be happy to get off this hellhole again and leave it… for good.

  * * *

  An hour after dawn, Charlie woke up and prepared for the day, which would be rather busy. She had a lot to accomplish before she and her crew could fly away from Kander. Thankfully, the night's rest had improved her overall mood, even if Dorlon's words still stung.

  Deciding to take her things, Charlie shouldered the duffle bag's strap, then went to the door, which was still being guarded by a soldier on the other side. When she left the room, she noticed that the three guards for Fairlee's room were gone, and she frowned before she asked, "What happened to the Omega?"

  The guard fidgeted with the spear but quietly replied, "She has been taken."

  "To where?" Charlie countered but received no response. Rather annoyed, she hastily went to the elevator and was hardly surprised the guard accompanied her. The only direction she could think of was the ground floor, so she tapped the down button. After a short ride, she briskly walked around until she came to the top of the steps that went to the ground floor. Voices from below caught her attention, and she spotted Fairlee surrounded by her three guards. Charlie bolted down the steps and called, "Fairlee."

  Turning around, Fairlee smiled sadly at Charlie, who came directly to her. "Turen, Charlie," she greeted, warmth in her tone.

  "What's going on?"

  "I am being escorted back to my village," Fairlee replied.

  Charlie bit her lip, then sighed quietly. "Did you see—"

  "Joh." Fairlee shook her head. "But it's okay."

  Slowly, Charlie's frown caused her blue eyes to darken once she knew Fairlee never saw Kal last night or today. Fairlee's gentle smile did nothing to soothe her returning anger.

  "Now that I've been returned to my planet, I will be going home soon... back to my Alpha and my children." Fairlee's smile never faltered, and she said sincerely, "I am thankful, especially to you."

  Trying to wrestle her emotions, Charlie nodded twice, then gave a weak smile. "I was paid, remember?"

  Fairlee chuckled and argued, "I am still thankful that you were successful." She then shifted closer but faltered and questioningly looked at Charlie for help.

  Grinning, Charlie dropped the duffle bag, then took Fairlee's silent offer for a hug. During the hug, she noticed the guards' uncomfortable glances amongst each other, and she inwardly chuckled at them. But at the end of the hug, she sensed a raw power flow into the tower's grand foray from the main entrance. As she withdrew, she took in the High Commander approaching them.

  Kal had narrowed her eyes during Charlie and Fairlee's warm exchange but seemed to recover, face now indifferent. Behind her were nine soldiers who stood with straight backs and firm grips on their metal spears.

  Charlie folded her arms and waited for whatever Kal wanted from her and Fairlee.

  "You will be returned to your village today," Kal said directly to Fairlee. "Twelve soldiers will escort you." She signaled for the nine Alphas behind her to join the other three at Fairlee's side. "Safe travels back home."

  Fairlee bowed her head and said, "Tah, Kal." She glanced at Charlie one last time, appreciation shining brightly in her eyes. Taken from the foray, she left the Great Tower.

  Charlie briefly watched Fairlee and silently wished the best for her. She lifted her gaze to Kal, who was staring at her.

  "You are late again for our meeting."

  Struggling to keep her tone even, Charlie replied, "Just a slight oversight."

  Kal gave a hum that rumbled low. "We will complete our transaction in my office." She dismissed Charlie's guard, leaving them alone.

  Charlie felt a shock pass through her belly and settle in her gut, making her clit throb. She grumbled at how easily her body reacted to Kal. She refocused herself by grabbing the duffle bag, then said, "After you."

  Kal went to the steps that led them to the elevator lobby on the second floor.

  Charlie stood next to the High Commander while they waited for the elevator. She was flushed with a desire to bring up Kal's twin sister but withheld it here in the lobby where anyone could possibly hear them. Once in the elevator and truly alone, Charlie toyed with the shoulder strap and worked up the nerve.

  Kal was staring directly at the sealed gate of the elevator, calm as ever.

  "Did you even speak to your sister before they took her?" Charlie finally asked, heart slamming against her chest.

  Kal placed her hands behind her back and hooked her fingers together. "A god has no family."

  With closed eyes, Charlie did her best to remain calm and talk herself back down, to be logical rather than irrational about the situation. After a deep breath, she opened her eyes and mentioned, "Well, somebody out there got the impression she's your twin sister and had her kidnapped for a reason." She tilted her head and watched Kal's profile. "My guess is that Gyr had no idea you have or had a sister. Somebody told him."

  Kal remained silent and continued staring at the sealed gate.

  "Aren't you even the least bit worried that somebody is trying to get at you?"

  When the elevator hitched, Kal finally looked at Charlie. "It does not concern you. Your job is complete." She stepped off the lift now that the gate was open, then went to the office.

  Charlie took calming breaths as she trailed behind Kal. Once in the office, she dropped the bag near the door and waited until it clicked shut. "But it might be my job again if they decide to kidnap somebody who's valuable to you.… like Dorlon."

  "Then you should be happy to receive another job," Kal concluded. She went behind the desk and collected the folded tablet that'd been charging in the sunlight. Her attention was on the tablet, opening it up to its full screen. "Why do you care?"

  Looking up to the ceiling, Charlie counted to ten in hopes it would defuse her growing annoyance. She hated how everyone questioned why she cared in the first place, except for Fairlee.

  "You left my planet many years ago," Kal continued. She tapped on the screen and leaned against the corner of the desk in Charlie's direction. "I called you back here because you're the only mercenary who is familiar with my people." She lowered the tablet to her knee and gazed over at Charlie. "And your job is done, the stills are now in your account, and you may go. I will have the darakar brought to you."

  Charlie bobbed her head and looked over to the left, trying to grapple with the tightness in her chest.

  Kal placed the tablet onto the desk and folded her arms, her biceps displaying proudly against the taut jacket. "You hate this planet and my people. Perhaps even your own people."

  "I don't hate any of it," Charlie snapped, then finally turned back to Kal. Her eyes glistened with fire and bitterness. "I hated the war and death."

  Kal pushed off from the desk and slowly approached Charlie, studying her carefully with her bright green eyes that bore into her soul. "What is it you really want if not the stills and darakar?"

  "I don't know," Charlie fiercely replied and growled low. "I don't want anything. I just…." She shook her head and peered up at Kal.

  Kal moved into Charlie's space and hooked her chin with a finger, holding their gazes together.

  Somehow Charlie was soothed by looking into those godly eyes and being so close to Kal again. She released a strained breath and finally backed away from the mental ledge that she'd been walking on for a day.

  "You still care after all this time," Kal whispered. "Kander is drawing you back."

  Charlie turned away and put some space between them. "My place is in space," she insisted, hoping to remind herself why she left in the beginning. She needed to get her head examined and realized that Starr was right. This was a job, and getting sucked into anything more was creating a game in her head.

  "Perhaps, but Kander will pull you back and maybe sooner than you think."

  Charlie huffed low before she reached into her pocket and checked her account for the stills. "I do care," she admitted and looked up from the techbit. "I grew up her
e, and maybe some part of me still sees it as home." She glanced at the deposit of stills in her account and smiled smugly at the number, then reported, "Four hundred and ten thousand stills."

  "As agreed," Kal said. "And I will have Dorlon take the darakar to your shuttle."

  Charlie locked the techbit and returned it to its home. "I plan to fly up to the ship, then come back with both my shuttles and some muscle." In truth, she wanted to make a transmission to Sallarus before she missed out on another job.

  "I will inform Dorlon."

  After struggling with herself, Charlie moved closer to the door. "You should watch your back because somebody is targeting you."

  Kal neared Charlie again, standing in front of her. "Even if they succeed, my spirit cannot be killed and will move on. They can't win."

  Charlie pursed her lips for a moment, then reached up and bravely pressed her hand against Kal's chest. "But there's still a heart beating under here."

  "There are many hearts beating on this planet."

  "And everyone is valuable, including this one," Charlie whispered, hoping that somehow the Alpha behind the god was hearing her. "A true god would understand that."

  Kal lowered her head closer, taking deep breaths. A low purr started in her chest and called out to Charlie. Eventually, Kal raised her hand and placed it over Charlie's own. "We will meet again," she whispered into Charlie's ear.

  Smiling at the promise, Charlie simply enjoyed their closeness even though their hands were the only contact. Every fiber in her wanted to go to Kal, lean into the skilled hands, and drown in the passion between them. She pushed away the needs but made the mistake of looking into those greenish-brown eyes. Screwing the damn risk of crossed scents, Charlie rocked up onto her toes and jerked Kal's head down with her free hand.

  At first, Kal was stiff when their lips crashed together, but she softly growled when Charlie playfully bit her bottom lip.

  Pulling at Kal's swollen lip, Charlie released it after running the tip of her tongue across silky skin. She still held the back of Kal's neck and whispered, "That's how humans say goodbye." She suddenly withdrew and nearly had the duffle bag until she was shoved against the door.


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