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In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions... When It Counts

Page 15

by Jerry Weissman

  I am equally grateful to Microsoft alumni: Jon Bromberg, the Max Bialystock of video; Paul Gross straightened the long and winding road from Scotts Valley; Rich Tong, the champion of champions; John Zagula, who recently went through his own initiation into the literary fraternity, still found the time to give me the right sequence, the right title and, as he always does, the metaview; and Jonathan Lazarus, both a CBS and a Microsoft Emeritus and an ongoing trusted advisor, whose most memorable contribution was a Redmond-to-New York-to-Las Vegas parlay that rivaled Tinkers-to-Evers-to-Chance.

  In a category all by himself is the man who bridges both the Cisco and Microsoft worlds from his lofty perch as a patron saint, Jim LeValley.

  In Show Business, the closing act is reserved for the star of the show. For this Road show, that position goes to the Impresario who, with the panache of a Sol Hurok, started it all, Benji Rosen.




  Democratic National Convention

  Republican National Convention




  ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power)

  active listening

  body language

  concentration, importance of

  football analogy

  Roman Columns analogy (key issues)


  understanding the question

  Zen master analogy


  Al Gore's debate with Jack Kemp in October 1996

  debates between Al Gore and George W. Bush in October 2000

  debates of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry

  versus force

  agility versus force

  agreement with guilty as charged questions dangers of

  AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP)

  answering questions with questions

  dangers of

  answering the question (control in group settings)


  danger in skipping

  anticipating tough questions

  asking challenging questions See challenging questions, reasons for asking

  audience perception

  effect of reactions to questions on

  audience reaction

  as involuntary

  ***copy page number from "involuntary head hods"***


  back references



  Bellet, David

  benefit to the audience (WIIFY)

  Bentsen, Lloyd

  debate with Dan Quayle



  Black Entertainment Television

  Blitzer, Wolf

  question to Bill Clinton

  body language

  importance of

  Boston Red Sox

  "bounce" (in political compaigns)

  Brokaw, Tom

  debate between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle


  Buffer technique

  Double Buffer

  Key Words Buffer

  paraphrasing as

  Bush Scowl

  Bush, George H

  at National grocers Association convention

  impact of presidential debates town hall debate with Bill Clinton and H. Ross Perot

  guilty as charged questions

  importance of listening


  Bush, George W

  debate with Al Gore


  debate with John Kerry

  "mistakes made" question


  facial expressions

  impact of presidential debates

  interview with The New York Times

  "mistakes made" question

  preparation for debate with John F. Kerry

  presidential campaign of 2004


  presidential debates with Al Gore in October 2000

  agility and force

  presidential debates with John Kerry in 2004

  agility and force

  press conference after declaring second term candidacy


  press conference at high school


  Topspin example

  town hall debate with Al Gore

  town hall debate with John F. Kerry


  call to action

  Carter, Jimmy

  impact of presidential debates

  Carville, James

  CBS Television

  challenging questions See also Q&A techniques

  confronting See also Q&A techniques

  David versus Goliath analogy

  effective management perception

  preparing list of

  reactions to

  Buffer technique



  Double Buffer technique

  effect on audience perception


  Key Words Buffer technique


  Triple Fail-Safe

  "you," power of

  reasons for asking

  types of

  Clinton, Bill

  confidentiality when answering questions

  difficulty of active listening

  "I feel your pain"

  impact of presidential debates

  questioned by Wolf Blitzer

  town hall debate with George H. Bush and H. Ross Perot

  importance of listening

  town hall debates with Bob Dole


  importance of


  handling questions involving


  of reaction to challenging questions

  contentious reaction to questions

  H. Ross Perot example


  and loss of control

  control See also effective management

  importance of

  in group settings

  answering the question

  anticipating tough questions

  body language

  Buffer technique

  Double Buffer technique

  Key Words Buffer technique

  listening to questioner

  opening the floor for questions 2nd


  recognizing the questione

  retaking the floor

  Triple Fail-Safe

  yielding the floor

  "you," power of

  loss of

  The Bob Newhart Show example

  Q&A sessions

  Cruise, Tom

  in The Last Samurai


  David versus Goliath

  analogy with confronting challenging questions

  deafness ruse (repeating the question)

  Dean Scream

  Dean, Howard

  debates See presidential debates, rules changes in.

  defensive reaction to questions

  The Bob Newhart Show example

  Democratic National Convention (DNC)


  Dingle-Norwood Bill (HMO legislation)

  direct answers

  importance of


  importance of

  NAFTA debate between Al Gore and H. Ross Perot

  presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon

  DNC (Democratic National Convention)


  Dole, Bob

  impact of presidential debates

  twon hall debates with Bill Clinton

  Double Buffer technique

  Dukakis, Michael

  impact of presidential debates

  interview with Ted Koppel



  earning Topspin

  Edison, Thomas

  formula for genius

>   effective management See also control, importance of.

  confronting challenging questions

  evasive reaction to questions

  Pedro Martinez example

  Trent Lott example


  lower expectations

  Eye Connect

  importance of

  Eye on New York


  facial expressions

  George W. Bush's debate with John F. Kerry

  Fallows, James

  NAFTA debate between Al Gore and H. Ross Perot

  importance of preparation

  Farley, Daniel

  presidential debate between George W. Bush and John F. Kerry

  Fight or Flight reaction

  Fight or Flight response


  and negative behavior

  follow-up questions in presidential debates

  rules changes concerning

  football analogy

  active listening


  Al Gore's debate with Dan Quayle in October 1992

  debates between Al Gore and George W. Bush in October 2000

  debates of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry

  versus agility

  force versus agility

  Ford, Gerald

  impact of presidential debates


  Gibson, Charles

  presidential debate between George W. Bush and John F. Kerry

  Gordon, Ed

  interview with Trent Lott

  Gore Sigh

  Gore, Al

  debate with H. Ross Perot on Larry King television show

  impact of presidential debates

  presidential debate with Dan Quayle in October 1992

  force versus force

  presidential debate with Jack Kemp in October 1996


  presidential debates with George W. Bush in October 2000

  agility and force

  town hall debate with George W. Bush

  Grabel, Linda

  debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry

  group settings

  control within

  answering the question

  anticipating tough questions

  body language

  Buffer technique

  Double Buffer technique

  Key Words Buffer technique

  listening to questioner

  opening the floor for questions


  recognizing the questioner

  retaking the floor

  Triple Fail-Safe

  yielding the floor

  "you," power of

  guilty as charged questions



  Hall, Marisa

  obscuring key issues in questions

  town hall debate between George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, and H. Ross Perot

  guilty as charged questions

  importance of listening


  hand raising

  in Q&A sessions

  head nods

  importance of receiving

  involuntary action of

  Hewitt, Don

  presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon

  importance of preparation


  importance of

  hostile questions See challenging questions, reasons for asking.

  Hume, Brit

  debate between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle



  "I feel your pain" (Clinton)

  inaccurate questions See accusations, refuting.

  Initial Public Offering (IPO)

  challenging questions during

  consequences of reaction to questions

  interpreting the question

  dangers of


  H. Ross Perot and Al Gore by Larry King

  Michael Dukakis interviewed by Ted Koppel


  President George W. Bush by The New York Times

  The Bob Newhart Show

  Trent Lott by Ed Gordon

  loss of control example

  Trent Lott by Ed Gordon

  involuntary head nods

  IPO (Initial Public Offering)

  challenging questions during

  conquences of reaction to questions

  irrelevant questions See also tangential questions, handling.



  "Jack Kennedy" quote (Lloyd Bentsen)


  Kee, Lisa

  George W. Bush and Al Gore debate


  Kemp, Jack


  Kennedy, John F

  impact of presidential debates

  presidential debate with Richard M. Nixon

  importance of preparation

  Kerry, John

  confidentiality when answering questions

  debate with George W. Bush

  "mistakes made" question

  agility and force

  Kerry, John F

  debate with George W. Bush


  impact of presidential debates

  lack of focus during presidential campaign

  preparation for debate with George W. Bush

  town hall debate with George W. Bush

  key issues in questions


  Roman Columns analogy 6th

  Key Word Buffer technique

  Norman Schwarzkopf example

  Key Words Buffer technique

  King, Larry

  debate between H. Ross Perot and Al Gore

  Koppel, Ted

  interview with Michael Dukakis



  Larry King Live (television program)

  ***copy page numbers from "King, Larry"***

  Lehrer, Jim

  presidential debate between Al Gore and George W. Bush

  Lewinsky, Monica

  question to Bill Clinton about


  active listening

  body language

  concentration, importance of

  football analogy

  Roman Columns analogy (key issues)


  understanding the question

  Zen master analogy

  importance of

  loss of control

  The Bob Newhart Show example

  Lott, Trent

  consequences of reaction to questions

  statement about Strom Thurmond

  lower expectations


  martial arts

  analogy with Q&A techniques

  Martinez, Pedro

  consequences of reaction to questions

  evasiveness example

  media sound bites

  "mistakes made" question

  President George W. Bush's response

  Mondale, Walter

  debate with Ronald Reagan


  impact of presidential debates


  moral responsibility (theme of 2004 presidential election campaign)

  multiple questions



  NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)


  addessing questioners in Q&A sessions

  National Grocers Association convention

  negative behavior

  negative questions


  neutral questions

  paraphrases as

  neutralizing hostile questions See reactions to challenging questions, defensiveness.

  New York Mets

  Night Beat


  Nixon, Richard M

  impact of presidential debates

  presidential debate with John F. Kennedy

  importance of preparation

  nodding in agreement

  involuntary action of

  nodding the head

  importance of receiving

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


  obligation to respond to questions

  obscuring key issues in questions

  opening the floor for questions

  control in group settings



  as Buffer technique

  perception of audience

  effect of reactions to questions on

  Perot, H. Ross

  consequences of reaction to questions

  debate with Al Gore on Larry King television show

  hiring of Ed Rollins

  impact of presidential debates

  importance of listening


  in presidential debates between George W. Bush and John F. Kerry

  Point B. See also Topspin.

  Point B (call to action)


  during Q&A sessions

  political campaigns


  polling results

  presidential election (2004)

  polls (in political campaigns)


  position statements

  Powell, Colin

  Foreign Press Center press conference

  Key Words Buffer technique

  refuting accusations


  importance of

  list of tough questions

  NAFTA debate between Al Gore and H. Ross Perot

  presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon

  presented material questions


  presidential debates

  impact of

  list of

  preparation for

  rules changes in

  rules for debates between Bush and Kerry

  presidential election campaign of 2004

  themes of

  press conferences

  Schwarzkopf, Norman

  Putin, Vladimir


  Q&A sessions See also press conferences, Schwarzkopf, Norman

  active listening

  body language

  concentration, importance of

  football analogy

  Roman Columns analogy (key issues) 6th


  understanding the question


  in group settings

  answering the question

  anticipating tough questions

  body language

  Buffer technique

  Double Buffer technique

  Key Words Buffer technique

  listening to questioner

  opening the floor for questions


  recognizing the questioner

  retaking the floor

  Triple Fail-Safe

  yielding the floor


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