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Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1)

Page 8

by Morgan Kearns

  He still wore pinched brows and a confused frown as he grabbed his jacket. “I’m sorry, Gabs, I’m not sure—” Another head shake. “I love you.”

  For the second time tonight, she leaned against the door after closing it. Jayson’s bi-polar act made absolutely no sense. She knew he didn’t like Niko, but he’d never pulled the jealous Neanderthal act before.

  She would never understand men.

  Chapter Eight

  Thankfully, Niko didn’t ever find anyone but Gabby in her bed.

  Was tomorrow really the wedding? Was he already out of time?

  A week ago, Nikolai was convinced he’d gotten through to her. If only the stupid punk peddling pizza hadn’t interrupted.

  From their first touch Niko had been determined to let Gabby make the choice for herself, to choose him without outside influences, but he’d be damned if anything had worked thus far. And if tonight went badly, well, then he would truly be … damned straight to a life of hell. This was his last chance. If he didn’t convince her tonight, then Gabrielle would marry Jayson tomorrow.

  Nikolai popped into Gabby’s room when he was sure she’d drifted to sleep. It was well after midnight, and as he cautiously approached the bed, he breathed a sigh of relief to once again find her very much alone—and very much naked which both excited and horrified him.

  How was he supposed to remain in control and get his message across?

  Losing control would get your message across.

  Waving a hand over her forehead brought her to the delirium stage between awake and asleep. He wrapped her up like a burrito before tucking her safely into his arms.

  “I love you,” he told her as she cuddled further into his embrace. “I need you, Gabrielle. Marry me. I can make you happier than you even know is possible. Please give me a chance.”

  Her small hand gripped tightly at his shirt. Her tears soaked his shirt. “Tomorrow. Marry Jayson tomorrow.” The words came out on a sob.

  “Don’t do it, bebelus, please don’t marry him.” He held her tight against his chest, covering her face with tender pleading kisses, and whispering the phrase over and over.

  When the sun trickled in through the window, Niko slid out from under her and prepared for the worst day of his horribly long, lonely life.

  Gabrielle awoke excited, nervous, and scared to death. Were those good feelings to have on your wedding day? She guessed the intense fear and sense of loss didn’t exactly fit the protocol of emotions.

  Every muscle stretched as she moved and shifted under the sheet. Last night, once again, she’d slept naked, and once again, she’d dreamt of Nikolai, and yes, once again, she’d awoken covered in the erotically dark scent that was exclusively him. A sick part of her wondered if things would be different tomorrow morning after she’d slept in Jayson’s arms.

  She’d invited Nikolai to the wedding, hoping beyond all hopes it would kick him in the ass. The delusion, dreamy version of Nikolai had become more aggressive, kissing her, telling her how much he adored her. Hell, he’d even asked her to call off the wedding—in her dreams.

  But the real-life Nikolai had been as cool as ever, barely acting as though he recognized her as a woman. He’d sent her flowers; at least she thought he had. When it came time for him to verify or deny, he’d done neither.

  The last few days away from the office had been spent getting ready for the wedding; final dress fittings, approving flower arrangements, picking up tuxedos. It’d also been used to help Gabby distance herself from Niko.

  As soon as she got back from her honeymoon, she would give her two-week notice and be rid of Nikolai Voinea forever.

  Good riddance.

  Her hand rubbed at a deep ache as it bloomed in her chest.

  As hard as it would be she would say goodbye to Niko. There was no choice in the matter. The internal struggle was too painful. It certainly carried its intense emotional and psychological pain, but there were also physical aches an entire bottle of Advil wouldn’t ease.

  She swallowed hard, trying to choke down her feelings for Nikolai. Today was her turning point. With Jayson, she would be happy—the kind of happily-ever-after romance novels were written about.

  Everything would be perfect when she walked down the aisle to marry the man who loved and adored her. Marie had seen to every minute detail; red roses, white lilies, vanilla cake with raspberry filling, flowers on top instead of a blissfully happy couple. Gabby smiled as her mind’s eye imagined how handsome Jayson would look, and her smile widened, knowing there would only be two tuxedos in attendance today; the groom and the best man. There would be no father of the bride. Just the way it should be.

  Her father—if you could call him that—had never been around for Gabby and she’d be damned if she would pretend today. Today was all about what she wanted—for the most part.

  And Bam!, just like that, she was right back to where her thoughts had begun.


  She screamed and yanked the Niko-scented sheets up over her head. What were the odds he would ride in on his white horse and steal her away before the ‘I do’s’?

  “Nikolai,” she pleaded with the silence around her, “please, don’t hold your peace.”

  “Gustav.” Nikolai’s voice broke.

  A growl rumbled from behind the curtains of the bed as red painted toes peeked out. Gustav murmured something to his companion then raised his voice to say, “You can’t keep popping in here and waking me up.”

  “I need your help.”

  Gustav’s laugh was deep and gravely from sleep. “I’m not in the best mood to be granting favors, brother.”

  “The wedding is today.” Agony seeped through every syllable and his throat tightened around the words.

  Gustav swung his feet over to sit on the edge of the bed. He scrubbed at his face with his hands.

  Long, French-tipped fingers crept up and over his shoulders. A female face appeared and lush lips whispered something in his ear.

  He shook his head.

  She eased around him with grace, clad in only a red negligee that left nothing to the imagination, and barely acknowledged Nikolai before evaporating away.

  Gustav dropped his head into his hands, tugged at his hair, nearly ripping it out as he whipped his head back to glare at Niko.

  “You really let it get this far?” His loud laugh mocked. “You’re an idiot!”

  Nikolai sighed, unable to contradict his brother. He was an idiot. A moron. A freaking jackass! The list could go on and Gustav probably couldn’t come up with a name he hadn’t already attached to his asinine, passive behavior.

  “So, how do you need my help? You want me to help you kidnap Gabby?”

  “No!” Niko felt a sudden stab of panic.

  “You want me to do it for you?”


  Gustav’s hand stroked at the stubble on his chin, making a soft scratching sound. “I’m too tired to keep guessing.”

  “I want you to go with me to the ceremony.”

  Nikolai’s back met the wall with a thud. The muscles of Gustav’s forearm flexed against his neck. Charcoal eyes flashed with intense onyx fury. Niko struggled, which only made Gustav tighten his hold.

  “You are going to the wedding?” His question low, controlled.

  He only nodded because his brother’s arm crushed his vocal cords. He could have fought his brother, could have thrown him off, but Gustav needed to release some of his frustration and Niko enjoyed the physical punishment.

  “And you’re going to sit there and watch your heartmate marry another man?” Gustav growled, his nose nearly touching Nikolai’s. “When did you get castrated?”

  Niko’s forehead met Gustav’s nose. “Get off me.”

  Instead of relenting he continued, “You gonna let that mortal marry her? How’s it gonna feel to know he’s making love to her? What about when her belly grows with his child?”

  Anger erupted inside him and he launched Gustav across the room. He
smashed into the wall, knocking a painting off the wall and grinned.

  “That’s better. Now, what can I do to help you?”

  Niko hated his brother’s smirking taunts, but wasn’t sure he could do it alone. “I need you to come with me and keep me from ruining her happiness.”

  “What about your happiness?” Gustav asked under his breath just before he burst into laughter that oozed sarcasm, his head shaking back and forth. “You’re an even bigger fool than I thought. If you want to put yourself through hell, I can’t stop you. But don’t you dare expect me to watch.” He turned on his heel and stormed toward the bed.

  “Please,” Niko begged through a tight throat.

  Gustav turned, his face full of fury which softened as he met his brother’s pleading eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again.

  Nikolai dropped his gaze and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Gabby’s choice had been made. He’d done everything except steal her away last night. Now he wondered if that wouldn’t have been best.

  Goddess, maybe he was his father. No!

  “If I’m truly going to lose her, I must witness it myself. Please.”

  Gustav closed his eyes, then he snorted in an attempt to hide his compassion behind irritation.

  “Fine. I’ll go with you, but only if you charge the altar and claim the woman who is rightfully yours.”

  Knowing it was the best he was going to get, he nodded. “The wedding starts in two hours.” He prepared to vaporize home, but paused. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” Gustav prepared to climb back into bed.

  “We have to drive. I’ll be back in forty-five minutes.”

  “Forty-five minutes? You planning to be there early?” Gustav asked with a smile and a raised brow.

  “I guess I was hoping to—” He ran his hands through his hair. “—I don’t know. Maybe talk to her … if—”

  “If nothing. I’ll be ready in thirty,” Gustav announced over his shoulder as he disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Nikolai looked at the closed door and wondered if he could really watch the female who held his heart vow to love another man forever. Could he remain silent or would his possessive instincts flare, making him no better than the bastard father he’d hated for centuries?

  Gabby sat in front of the mirror in the bride’s room at the church. Marie stood behind her, moving her fingers through Gabby’s hair, pinning strands to the top of her head and placing baby’s breath amongst the curls.

  “Are you okay?”

  She looked at her friend’s reflection and forced a smile. “Of course. I’m getting married today.”

  Marie grunted. “Then why do you look like you’re about to meet the firing squad?”

  “I don’t. See.” Her smile was more grimace than grin.


  Marie lowered herself until their faces were side by side and wrapped her arms around Gabby’s shoulders in a hug. Worry and pity shone in her eyes. “It’s not too late, Gabs.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “I love Jayson.”

  Red lips lifted into a smile as Marie tightened her grip. “I know.”

  Gabby could tell her friend had more to say, and was sure Nikolai’s name would be somewhere in the speech. But instead, she sighed.

  “I’m going to give you a few minutes to make sure this is what you really want. Listen to your heart, Gabby.” Without another word, she turned and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

  Gabrielle studied the woman in the mirror. She was a pretty bride, but never in her life had she seen one look so pathetically miserable. Forever was a long time, and living it without Nikolai seemed like a life-sentence of misery.

  She smiled at her reflection and said, “I love Jayson.” And she did. “I deserve to be happy and I will be happy with—”

  Suddenly, her breath caught in her throat, her heart jumped, and her skin began to tingle.


  A smile made its way to her lips, to her very soul. He was here, close. She felt it.

  The steady thundering of his heart started the moment Niko stepped inside the building. His entire body tensed, his skin buzzed.

  He tried to ignore the disapproval oozing from his brother. The small church was quaint, a tiny square entrance led into the chapel with pews on each side of the aisle, the ends adorned with red roses and white lilies.

  “Mr. Voinea!”

  He turned, as did Gustav, and smiled at the olive-skinned woman who’d seemingly appeared out of thin air. “Marie, how are you?”

  “Fine.” She looked over her shoulder, down a narrow hallway. “I’m fine.” Her gaze caught Gustav’s and she smiled. “I don’t believe we’ve met.

  Gustav chuckled softly as he ran a hand through the curly locks of his light brown hair. “I am Gustav Voinea.” He clamped a heavy hand on Nikolai’s shoulder, squeezing.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Voinea.”

  His charcoal eyes twinkled as he smiled. “It’s very nice to meet a beautiful friend of Gabrielle’s. She means a great deal to my brother.”

  Marie’s brows shot up and her eyes gleamed mischievously, her lips lifted into a smile. “Oh?”

  “Do you think Nikolai could see the bride before the wedding?” Gustav put his hand on Niko’s shoulder blade and pushed.

  Marie nearly jumped right out of her shoes as she grabbed a hold of Nikolai’s arm, tugging unsuccessfully in the direction of the small hallway behind them. “Yes, I think she would like that very much.”

  Niko wrapped his fingers around the hand still tugging on his forearm and dislodged the vise.

  “I don’t want to bother her,” he said quietly.

  “Haven’t you learned you’re never a bother to Gabby? She lives to do whatever you ask.” She raised her brows as if trying to convey more than what she’d said.

  Gustav chuckled softly and urged him forward with his shoulder. Nikolai turned to glare at his brother then flashed a charming smile at Marie. She smiled in return.

  “I should probably give her a few more minutes … just to make sure she’s decent.”

  Marie nodded, and as she turned to walk away she mumbled under her breath, “She’d prefer indecent, McHotty.”

  “McHotty?” Gustav laughed.

  “You breathe one word and I will cram one of those flower arrangements down your throat.”

  He slumped down on a pew near the back and dropped his head into his hands.

  This was such a bad idea. There was no way he would be able to keep his emotions in check.

  Gustav eased down next to him, comfortably leaning toward him. “What in the bloody hell are you doing?”


  “Sulking!” Gustav growled.

  Nikolai’s teeth ground together and his hands plowed into his hair, balling into fists around the strands. He tugged as hard as he dared, without leaving bald spots.

  “Niko,” Gustav said quietly.

  His only answer was a glare cold enough to freeze fire.

  Gustav nodded and put his hands up in surrender. “Fine. Be a dumbass.”

  The scent of pine needles wafted in and Niko gripped the bench in preparation. Jayson strode through the arched doorway and made his way up the aisle, wearing a tuxedo and the unmistakable smile of a man ready to marry the most desirable woman in the world. Arrogant eyes met Niko’s. The male winked and flashed a smug grin.

  Nikolai’s whole body tightened, every muscle prepared to attack. He closed his eyes. The wood of the bench protested under his hold. He let go, only to have his fingers formed fists. Every molecule urged him to fight for her, to evaporate right into her room and take her somewhere secluded where she would learn to love him over time. Damn! Were these the same thoughts his father had had?

  Keep your ass in the chair, his thoughts chanted. Keep your ass in the chair. Keep your ass. In. The. Chair!

  Air rushed from his lungs as his side absorbed Gustav’s elb
ow. His eyes flew open to glare at the cheap-shot throwing bastard.

  Gustav grabbed hold of his leg, just above his knee and squeezed. He leaned in to hiss. “Get your ass out of that chair.” Another squeeze. “You have five minutes to fix this, five measly minutes to keep her from making the biggest mistake of your life.”

  “I can’t—”

  “You will. We’re all tired of hearing you whine about her. So, either you get in there or I will.” His eyes narrowed, flashing black. “And if I go in there, there will be no secrets left for you to disclose to your beautiful Gabrielle.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Nikolai snarled.

  “Do you really doubt me, brother? After four hundred years, I thought you knew me better than that.”

  Nikolai glanced at Vincent, hoping for support. He lifted one shoulder. “We’ll be right here.”

  Nikolai stood and nervously smoothed the wrinkles from his slacks. “What if she doesn’t want me?”

  “Stop stalling!” Gustav snorted. “You’ve already wasted more time than you have. Go claim your female!”

  No one had to tell him where to find her. He could sense her and it didn’t take long before he stood in front of a closed door. She was on the other side. He stretched his senses, trying to hear something, anything, to offer a hint of what he’d find on the other side. Only silence greeted him. His hand formed a fist and rose to knock. Just before flesh met wood, he heard a soft whimper. A sigh. A sniffle.

  Gabby was crying.

  An intense protective streak surged through him. He nearly ripped the door from its hinges trying to get to his heart.

  She was standing in front of a full-length mirror. He couldn’t help but notice the birthmark on her right shoulder blade; a small upside down heart. Seeing it caused a smile to spread to his lips as he imagined the same mark adorning his chest.

  Their gazes met in the reflection. The sadness in her expression killed his smile. She turned between one blink and the next. Her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths. Her eyes were glassy. Her lip quivered. And she was breathtaking.


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