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Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel

Page 16

by Jennifer Miller

  “Alright, we’re glad that everything is fine, but you should be more careful next time.”

  “Don’t you worry your gorgeous head about that. I will.” Gina says with a large flirtatious smile.

  “Okay then, we’ll be going now,” Reggie says.

  “What? So soon?” Gina asks. “Let me at least feed you first. Or get you something to…uh drink.”

  Tessa rolls her eyes and takes my hand, pulling me back into the bedroom. “Oh my god, that girl is nuts,” she says.

  “Well, she’s entertaining, I’ll give her that.”

  “Just when things were getting so very good too,” she says as she runs her hand up my chest.

  “Whoa, just getting good? Excuse me?”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I mean, just when things were heating up even more.”

  “That’s better.” And then I laugh lightly, catching her pun. Taking her hand in my own and bringing it to my lips, I kiss it softly. “It’s like our very own chastity alarm. Maybe it’s a good thing that damn alarm went off. I was about to break my promise.”

  “I think I wasn’t objecting. In fact, I’m pretty sure I begged you to.”

  Smiling sinfully, I cup her ass, “Yes, you did. I like the sound of you begging, firecracker. I can’t wait to hear it again some time.”

  She smiles and tilts her head upward, rising to her toes. As her lips meet mine, my stomach growls loudly. Tessa smiles, “Come on, stud. Maybe we should make sure Gina’s ordering some food after all.”

  “Sounds good, but I want to ask you something really quick.”

  “Okay,” she looks at me and waits.

  “Will you come watch me fight this weekend?”

  “I didn’t know you had one again so soon.”

  “I’m filling in last minute. Another fighter that was supposed to fight this guy, got injured. Jax asked me this morning if I’d want to fill in. It’s just me, none of the other guys are fighting. I’d like for you to be there, but only if you want to come.”

  “Of course I want to go. I’ll be there. Just tell me when and where.”

  “Good.” Leaning down I kiss her and then we walk out to find out if Gina followed through on that order.


  It’s fighting day and as I warm up in the back, I wait for Tessa to show up. I asked her to come to the back. To start out the fight with me here and even walk out with my team. We have a seat saved for her in the front, but I want to see her before I fight. Gil has never liked my pre-fight entertainment, but this is my decision. I get to use whatever pre-fight warm-up routine that will work, and seeing her works for me.

  Pacing back and forth, I watch as Cole sends all the women that try to come back away. They look to me in confusion and I ignore them all. Usually, I could care less if they want back here. The more the merrier. But, there’s only one girl’s attention I want now.

  I don’t know why she’s not here yet. I hope she didn’t change her mind and is still coming. When I spoke to her earlier in the day she didn’t indicate that plans had changed.

  “Ryder?” I whip around at the sound of her voice. She’s sliding past Cole and walking towards me. I take in the sight of her – a simple t-shirt and jeans manage to look amazing on her and I boldly walk right up and kiss her hard. I thrust my tongue into her mouth, grip her hair in my hand and yank her head back to penetrate deeper.

  When I pull away, she looks dazed. “Whoa,” she says and I grin. “What was that for?”

  “I’m just happy to see you. I thought you may have changed your mind and decided not to come. I’m just glad you’re here.”

  “Sorry I made you worry. I was late getting out of work and I had to go home and change really fast. But, I’m here,” she smiles and drags her fingernails down my bare chest. “And you look sexy as hell,” she says with a saucy smile.

  “Yeah? I think you should show me later,” I wink at her.

  Before she can respond, Cole walks up behind her, “Let’s tape up your hands now.” I nod and hold them out so he can get to work. Tessa stands next to me and watches every move Cole makes.

  “What do you mean I can’t come in? I always come back before the fight,” a female’s voice says very loudly and grabs all of our attention.

  Looking toward the open door, which should be closed, a woman stands there and I feel dread at her appearance. Hell if I remember her name, but she’s been back here before a fight a lot and has even helped to uh… well… relax me before a fight, or after one. She’s decked out in the shortest white dress I’ve ever seen and she looks right at me and smiles.

  “Ryder! Hey baby, let me in!”

  Shaking my head, I look away from her and into the eyes of Tessa. I want to close mine, afraid of what I’ll see there, but she surprises me. Somehow, she always manages to do that. She looks entertained. Not a trace of anger on her face at all. “Fan of yours?” she asks crossing her arms and cocking out a hip.

  Embarrassed, I shrug. Cole unhelpfully adds, “Yeah, he’s got a few of those.”

  “Fuck dude. Really?” I ask angrily and he shrugs. “Just warning her. She may not be the last one Tessa encounters tonight.”

  He’s right, but hell. “It’s okay,” Tessa says. “I’ve got this.”

  Cole and I watch speechless as she approaches the door. “Hi, honey,” she says, and the way she says it is in that way that women hate. Mocking and with way more bitch than sass. “Ryder no longer needs your…uh…services. Right, baby?” She says as she turns and looks at me. I couldn’t look away from her even if I tried. “Right,” I confirm. Tessa turns back to the girl that looks like she wants to both cry and scream. “You can run along now. He has me.” And then she closes the fucking door in her face before she can even think about responding. My mouth hangs open in shock, Cole’s too. Then we look at each other and start laughing at how awesome that was.

  Tessa smacks her hands together as if she’s wiping dirt off of them, “All taken care of.” She smiles widely and I smile back, “Well, that was certainly one way to handle it. Nicely done.” I tell her and she laughs.

  “I don’t think I’d ever want to piss you off,” Cole adds.

  “Smart man,” Tessa says.

  Cole finishes wrapping up my hands and I move to the heavy bag hanging in the corner. Throwing some punches, I feel my muscles begin to warm up and my adrenaline starts pumping. With Tessa here, I feel even more fired up that usual.

  Jax walks over and throws out instructions here and there and I nod at each one. “Remember the videos we watched? We saw that this guy’s a bit unorthodox. He’s also a jujitsu champion, so whatever you do, stay off the fucking ground.”

  “Got it.”

  “I’m serious, Ryder. He’s a powerhouse just like you. You’re evenly matched, but with his jujitsu skills, you’ll be dead in the water if you give him an inch.”

  “I won’t. He’s going fucking down,” I reply as I pound the bag.

  “Hell yes he is!” Cole hollers.

  “Who’s taking him down?” Jax yells.

  “Me!” I yell pounding the bag harder.

  “Who’s going to win this fight?” Jax yells louder this time.

  “I am!”

  “Who’s got the bigger dick?” Cole asks.

  “I do!”

  “Fuck yes you do! Kick his ass!” Tessa yells and all of us stop and stare at her.

  She looks around at all of us and smiles hesitantly. And as one, we all crack up laughing. Cole laughs so hard, tears roll down his cheeks.

  “Um, sorry?”

  “No. Don’t be sorry,” I tell her. “That was awesome.”

  Someone knocks on the door and Jax answers. After a few words he turns to me, “It’s time.”

  They all gather around me, Tessa helps me put on my robe with a smirk on her face. “Why do you look so amused?”

  “Oh, I’m just picturing how sexy you’ll look in the shorts I’m having made for you.”

  “Very funny. You
haven’t come up with something else yet?”

  “I’m not going to.”

  “Besides, I bet they aren’t even the right color,” I tease.

  “And what color would that be?”

  “Pink of course.”

  “Pink?” she asks in surprise.

  “Of course,” I wink. She laughs and shakes her head. “Are you ready for this?”

  “Yes,” she nods. “I’m a little nervous. I’m not sure how I’ll feel watching if you get the crap beat out of you.”

  I look at her with dismay, “Um excuse me? Have a little faith why don’t you!”

  “Sorry, I guess that came out wrong. But, there’s a chance he could get in just the right shot and I won’t like watching that, right? Uh, that’s all I meant”

  “Just remember I train for this, okay? And I’m tough, firecracker. Tough as nails. And don’t forget, my dick is bigger.” I tell her with a sexy smile before I lift my hood up to the sound of her laughter.

  When it’s my cue, I shadowbox to the octagon, Tessa following me the whole way. When we reach the front, before I get in the box, I pause in front of Tessa’s reserved seat. Turning to her, I smile, “Just wait for me here. I’ll be back in no time.” She stands on her toes and finds my lips under my hood. “Good luck,” she says as she pulls away and I wink at her, “You’re all the luck I need.” She sits in her seat next to Cole and the other guys that are already there. Each of them pat me on the back and cheer for me. Zane, filling in for Gil who couldn’t make it, and Jax are waiting for me inside.

  “You ready?” Zane asks when he starts rubbing my shoulders.

  “Yep.” I jump around keeping my muscles loose as the announcer steps to the center. He announces the fight and our stats, but I don’t listen. My complete focus is on the jackass jumping around across from me, Johnny ‘The Shark’ Stoots. He keeps pointing at me and yelling obscenities. To go with his fighting name his robe has a shark tail fin on top of the hood and he looks fucking ridiculous. I’m done with this fight before it even begins.

  My robe comes off, Jax puts my mouth guard in and when the bell rings I waste no time going right to the center of the ring toward, Johnny. Johnny immediately tries to go for a take down by diving for my legs. I barely contain rolling my eyes at the predictable move. I throw a solid right to his temple, and he falls to the mat like a tree in a forest. He’s out cold. With one punch, it’s over just as fast as it started. The crowd hardly knows how to respond – roaring loudly, almost pausing, then cheering once again. It’s a madhouse.

  Jax and Zane run to me and lift me up on their shoulders. Everyone is going fucking insane and when they put me down, the announcer grabs my arm and raises it over my head. “The winner by a seven second knock out that no one saw coming, Ryder ‘Playboy’ King!”

  The crowd goes insane and I smile widely. When Tessa finds her way to the octagon and appears under my arm, I’m even happier. “That was amazing,” she says looking up at me in excitement.

  “And to think you were worried,” I tell her cockily.

  “What was I thinking?” she asks.

  “Good question.”

  As soon as I finish up an interview, I make my way back to the dressing room anxious to shower and get changed. After Jax removes the tape from my hands, I flex my fingers and turn to Tessa, “I’m going to shower. Give me twenty?”

  “Of course,” she smiles and sits on the couch next to Cole in the dressing room as I go into the attached bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Turning on the water, I disrobe quickly while I wait for the water to warm. When it finally does, I duck my head under the spray and sigh at how good it feels meeting my skin. The fight may have been quick, but my muscles still ache from pent up anxiety and adrenaline.

  Tessa’s face flashes across my mind and I smile when I see the excitement in her eyes again after I won. I’m glad that it was an easy fight for her to watch the first time. I didn’t expect for it to go that well, but I’ll take the win. It’s an easy pay day.

  Finishing up in the shower, I grab my towel and after drying off my body, wrap it around my waist. Standing at the sink, I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Looking at myself in the mirror, I notice my scar is much fainter. There’s a deeper red line where the impact of his glove must have met my face, but in a few more weeks it will be quite faint, I think.

  “We do good work don’t we?” I startle as Tessa appears behind me in the mirror pointing to my scar.

  “The best,” I tell her.

  She nods back at the dressing room door. “The guys are gone. I told them to go ahead and leave, that I was planning on staying with you and would see that you reached your next destination.”

  And maybe it’s my imagination, but the way she said that sure sounded suggestive. “Okay. I just have to get dressed and we can get out of here. Since I wasn’t even touched by Johnny during the fight, I don’t have to see a doctor or anything – we can just go.”

  Stepping closer to me, she smiles and I suck in a breath when she traces a finger along the top of my towel. “You know… I had an ulterior motive for telling them they could leave.”

  “Oh yeah?” I ask breathlessly.

  “Yeah,” she says as she yanks the towel from my body leaving me standing completely naked. Her eyes brazenly take me in, starting at my chest. She moves down further and bites her lips when she gets to my abs and when she gets a look at my cock, now standing at full alert having her undivided attention, she actually licks her fucking lips. When she looks back at me, her walls are stripped bare and desire is clearly evident in her eyes. “There’s something I didn’t expect to feel watching you fight tonight.”

  “What’s that?” I somehow manage to ask her through a sand paper voice, even though I’m sure I already know the answer.

  “Completely turned the fuck on,” she says and with her words she drops to her knees and I about lose my fucking mind at the beautiful sight.

  “Tessa-” I say not sure exactly what I want to say here to be honest. Part of me wants to tell her she doesn’t have to do this and the other half wants to shove my cock down her throat and lose my mind in the process.

  She must see the struggle on my face because she shakes her head at me. “Ryder, just shut up and enjoy this.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I reply and contemplate a salute as well.

  When her tongue licks up my shaft, I suck in a breath in shock and pleasure. When her hands wrap around me and begin to stroke me up and down, my head falls back on my shoulders and I lose all desire to argue with her.

  She works me over good. Every suck, every slide, every moan she makes shoots straight through me. My hands are tangled in her hair and when I try to pull away from her mouth to expel my release, she won’t let me.

  When she stands to her feet again and looks at me with a smile, I wrap my arms around her. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to,” she says. “But Ryder…” she hesitates.


  “I need you. Here. Now. Forget this challenge thing, okay? I want you. And I want you here. And I want you now.”

  I think about it. I really do. I imagine stripping her bare, placing her on the bench in front of the mirror and fucking her so hard it leaves impressions in her soft skin. I want to hear her scream my name, I want to pound into her so hard it leaves a mental mark on her branding her as mine.

  But, I can’t.

  “If you need me to help you find release, I will. But, we are not going to have sex. Not here, my firecracker. And not now.”

  Her brow furrows and like blinds closing on a window, I can see her start to shut down and withdraw at my words. Grasping her arms gently, I wait for her to look at me. “Don’t do that. Don’t withdraw from me. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m thinking that twice now I’ve asked you to be with me and you say no. Are you not… I mean… you’re attracted to me I think, so I don’t understand.”

  “I am more
than attracted to you. All I think about is being with you. Look at me, Tessa.” She looks into my eyes, “No. Look at me,” I look down and her gaze follows, taking in the fact that I’m hard for her once again. “My body doesn’t lie. I would love nothing more than to have you naked and under me right now.”

  “Then let’s do it. I want you, Ryder. I want you so much.”

  “I want you too.”

  “Then what’s the problem? Is it that promise? Because that doesn’t matter!”

  “Yes. Yes it does,” I tell her solemnly. “It matters, Tessa. And you matter. And we… we matter. And this thing between us, it matters too. A lot.” I turn from her for a moment and pick up my towel and wrap it back around my body. Stepping to the bench, I bring her with me and sit down, pulling her onto my lap. “When I’m with you again, I don’t want it to be here in a bathroom again. Even though I’m starting to think maybe you have a thing for them?”

  That gets a small smile out of her and that makes me feel relief that she’s not too upset with me. “Very funny,” she says.

  “It’s been important to me that I prove that this thing between us is more than just sex. I hope that I have because I have feelings for you – real feelings. I may have fought it initially, but it is what it is. I don’t want to be one of those other guys to you.”

  “You aren’t,” she insists.

  “Good. But, that also means that I’m not going to treat you like any one of the other girls I’ve been with either. When we do this again, let’s do it right. Let’s make it different. For both of us. Okay?”

  She nods and I sigh happily when she cups my face in her hand. This time, it’s her that rubs my cheek with her thumb. She leans forward and kisses me softly. “Okay.”

  We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment, but then, I can’t take it anymore. “Babe?”


  “I’m fucking hungry. Can we go get some food?”

  I’ve watched the clock all day long. Sometimes I’ve wanted it to speed up; at other times I want it to go even slower. Ryder and I have a date tonight. I don’t know what we’re doing; he says it’s a surprise. I find that I can’t wait to see him again. At moments that thought frightens me. But I take very deep breaths and remind myself that this is an opportunity I must seize. Who would have thought that I could be this girl? I never thought it was possible. I guess it just took the right man.


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