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Page 31

by Shera Eitel-Casey

  I looked up, dammit and replied "Well, we think Cale is the guy attacking and following me, but there no way to prove it. I am really baffled why he’s after me in the first place.”

  “Mmmhmmm.” He mumbled in agreement, looked up at me, raising one eyebrow. I said "I have no idea why Cale is so obsessed with me." I gave him a quick rundown on Cale being cool at school and then a geek on dates and that we only kissed even though his reputation is different. I also told him he acted more like a dad than a boyfriend. So I really didn't get his obsession, I also told him about the time I woke up in front of the white house and how Topher told Declan the weird story about Cale and his girlfriend and everything we hadn’t told him before. And that is why I thought it was Cale in the woods today.

  “Really!” he said. Jett pulled me on his lap and we hugged for a while. It was nice. I felt safe and I actually knew I could trust him. “I’m so sorry Addie, no one should ever have to go through that. Please know that you can trust me.” I nodded my head while my face was still buried in the crook of his neck. “Is that everything?” I didn’t break the silence “If I was to tell Nic you told me everything, and I mean everything, could she shock me?"

  I cleared my throat. Damn he’s good. I let myself slide off his lap, but first, I leaned against the couch and just looked at him and squinted my eyes a bit.

  "Welllll" he said...I looked at him in astonishment - déjàvu - -I shook off the eerie feeling I was getting. I remembered my dream from last night...and him saying "Welllll" and everything about this moment. Now I know why I was crying in my dream. Should I tell him about my dreams or would he think I’m a freak. Maybe, I could just tell him what happens next and tell him the short side of it..... make it humorous....

  "Dammit Jett,” I got up and started pacing. “I have one other inconsequential weird thing, I don't expect you to believe a word of this but go ahead and read this.” I took out my note from the front pocket of my jeans and handed him the folded up piece of paper. “I don't want you telling anybody any of this ever, not what I just told you or what you are about to read! You got it?”

  I handed him the note but held on tightly to it so he couldn't get it out of my hand the first pull. "I mean it, no one!" I threatened.

  "I promise." He said with a smile and I released the paper.

  "It's not a big deal but Nic might tell you about this if you told her you knew everything. It doesn't happen all the time and sometimes it's just about little things and sometimes big. It’s just something fun I thought I would do - write them down and see if they come true – and they seem to; my dreams come true." I was rambling but I got it out, I think.

  He looked at me in confusion “What? What are you talking about?"

  I put my hands to my face and said "Just read it." My voice muffled, “That's my dream from last night.” He didn’t stop reading my note so I got up and went upstairs to go to the bathroom to check my makeup. As I opened the door I saw Storm scooting around the corner and up the stairs.

  Dammit, what am I, stupid? I should have remembered and known not to tell Jett unless I checked to see if we were alone. I went in the bathroom and started to half cry again and then I told myself to knock it off. I locked the bathroom door and washed my face in cold water several times and thought of the worst scenario, if he thinks I am a nut job then I go home. The best scenario is my dream comes true. Maybe I should get the note back from Jett, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. One story was good enough for the day.

  A smart, normal person would have never told him about it and avoided the conversation. I should have ripped the note out of his hand and said never mind and then eaten the evidence. I smiled inside thinking that; but then I thought the more freakish my whole story started to sound. I should have kept my big mouth shut. I was obviously very nervous and unsure of myself – I found myself headed back to the basement in a hurry.

  I darted toward Jett he was reading the last page, I went to grab it from him but he moved quickly and I missed. I tried it again and said "I changed my mind, can I have that back."

  He looked at me and said "I'm almost done." I folded my arms, then threw them down, I couldn’t watch him and walked back up to the kitchen. I was mad at myself for giving it to him....and then realized Storm just possibly overheard everything I told Jett. So the two of them now know, I felt myself getting madder, humiliated, distressed… and I couldn’t undo any of it, I started pacing. When Jett is done reading my note he’ll know Storm overheard us and me being pissed. Plus, he knew what was going to happen next…

  The dream I had the night before, I almost didn't write it down because I thought I had the dream about Jett because I was in love with him. Plus, we had just spent time together and he slept over my house, so he was obviously on my mind. And not all my dreams come true. The dream started with him looking right at me and saying "Wellll." And here we are and now he knows about everything I dreamt about last night.

  The clock chimed six. I sat and stared at him he turned the letter over. He looked at the clock, his mouth opened and then looked at the letter again, then looked at the clock and then at me and he scrunched his eyes in confusion. "Here goes nothing." I said

  “Jett!” his mom called down, I just about jumped out of my skin even though I knew it was going to happen. "You have a phone call” I put my hands over my mouth, Jett pulled me up, put his hands on my waist and 'like a train' pushed me up the stairs. We stopped in the kitchen where he picked up the phone. I already knew who it was and that Declan and Rae were coming over with a pizza. He got off the phone and reviewed my letter again and I asked him "Did Rae get her hair cut?" He was still re-reading it when I saw a pen on the counter and told him he had to sign and date it. I explained why and he did.

  He wasn't saying anything though, so I decided to "People make phone calls all the time and "wellll" is such a common word. Even if Rae got a haircut, people get them all the time and maybe she said something to me last week about it. As far as the rest, I had forgotten what I wrote in there otherwise I would have never have given it to you," rambling again. I really wanted to know what he was thinking - if my dreams does come true then I knew what he was going to do next but it just seemed weird....of course I wasn't going to tell him the only time I spoke to Rae was on our first date and that we hadn't spoken since.

  I was pacing in the kitchen. He stopped and turned me, planted a soft kiss on my lips and said "Come on," and he took my hand and we were off. "I didn't dream about that kiss" I retorted but I knew where we were headed, upstairs and I knew exactly what was going to happen.

  Upstairs we found Storm, of course, Jett asked him if he was listening in on our conversation and of course he denied it. I caught him at the top of the stairs so I know he was lying, plus the dream caught it. Jett gave him a warning to stay out of our business and that he’d better keep his mouth shut! We left, I chuckled "following the letter to the tee I see." I felt a little bad for Storm, I wonder if he heard everything?

  We paused in the hall and he stopped and turned around "I don't think this is in there." Jett said and bent over and pressed his soft warm lips to mine and the doorbell rang.

  "That is!" I said.

  When we got to the door I took my letter from Jett, folded it up and put it back in my pocket. He didn't say anything about it but I knew he still had questions. Declan and Rae came in, and Jett and I both looked at each other in awe. Jett took the pizzas from Declan and said "nice haircut Rae."

  "Why thank you Jett, Declan didn't even notice" she said snidely.

  "If he’s so observant have him tell us what else you had done!" Declan said giving Jett a look.

  Jett replied “Looks like it's lighter right?"

  Rae hit Declan in the shoulder.

  We headed to the kitchen and I whispered to Jett “that wasn't funny you just got Declan in trouble...” he laughed “he can handle it.” Declan snarled at Jett.

  We played a game and watched a movie and after Rae and Declan lef
t Jett got real serious. I was hoping it wouldn't get weird.

  "So you're telling me that your dreams come true?"

  "Not all of them" I replied.

  "And why do you write them down?"

  "I don't remember some of them if I don't write them down. It started because I had a couple I did remember that I swore came true and long story short, I wanted to find out if they did... so Nic and I came up with this system. I write and she reads, signs and dates them…it’s a simple method."

  I explained to him about having a lot of "déjàvu or eerie moments" and then told him about my shiny silver pay phone dream... and that it actually came true on our vacation this summer. I told him the whole story. I also told him about the dream I thought it was about Jewel, he thought it was a little farfetched. “That’s why Nic and I came up with our little note system. We thought it was fun, of course, at first we didn't really think they were predictions, we thought they were just dreams but now.....”

  I continued, "If you don't believe me why don't we go check your tire, if it's true I'll have to call my parents to let them know we're going to be late."

  "I thought your note said you were spending the night," he said and raised his eyebrow at me again. I could see a sparkle in his eyes.

  "Well, I figured we can't jump the gun until things actually happen, besides I’m not sure this one wasn’t wishful thinking.” I said with a bashful smile. “Plus, they're usually not about me so I'm not sure how accurate this one will be or how accurate every detail is either."

  "Hmmm" was all he said and headed toward the kitchen to get his keys.

  "Don't forget to turn on the outside lights so we don't scare your mom." I said right behind him. He turned to me and said, "This is weird."

  "I know, but fun right?"

  "Yeah..... A little mysterious."

  I leaned against the passenger side of his car and he took the flashlight around the other side checking out the tires. "Sure enough,” he said “it's flat." His mom and friend pull into the driveway. In my dream we hadn't turned on the outside lights, and when Jett popped up from checking his tire he scared them half to death but that didn't happen because we turned on the light.

  His mom's friend rolled down her window and Jett went over to chat and told them his tire was flat and he couldn't take me home. So his mom asked her friend to take me home as she lived out near me. She said no problem. Jett and I looked at each other, I shrugged - so now I know my dreams are riddled with half-truths.

  His mom spoke up, “I promised Emily a cup of coffee. Addie I'll call your parents and see if they mind if she takes you home after."

  "That would be great Mrs. McGaven." I didn't care, because the more time I spent with Jett the more I liked him.

  "Let's finish our architecture project then." Jett stated so everyone could hear. I looked at him like what project - - then smiled and agreed with him and asked "Do you have extra vellum paper?"

  “Yeah, I have extra.” He smiled his crooked little smile at me and pulled my hand all the way to his room. He closed the door when we got in. He didn't even turn on the light.

  He pressed me against the wall and whispered "You are so beautiful."

  "Really? Because I thought you'd think I was...” he pressed his lips against mine for a second and then released, I gasped letting out "...crazy." I put my hand behind my right wing and flipped the light switch on that was digging into my back. "So do we really have architecture homework?"

  "No, I just wanted to get you alone before you have to go." He flipped the light off.

  "Yeah, I told you it was just a theory that my dreams come true." I turned the light on.

  "Well it was a little farfetched but then again Rae did get her haircut and my tire is flat.”

  I heard the phone ring, Jett kissed me and rolled me onto his bed. After, I got up pulling his hand, he gave me a bit of resistance but gave up and we headed for the kitchen. His mom's friend was putting on her coat, "Yes.” she said, “I'll be there right away."

  "Addie, I’m sorry but I have to go, Carly will explain, I'm sorry..." And she left in a hurry not taking me with. We turned to Jett's mom, she explained to us that her friend’s husband had to take their son to the emergency room; she was so calm telling us I even mentioned it. "You're so calm, aren't you a little worried?"

  She and Jett just laughed, "Honey, I have been to the emergency room so many times with my boys and husband, I can't even tell you. So I'm not going to get worked up about it until we have more information. I better get your mom back on the phone and tell her you'll have to sleep over, Mr. McGaven won't be home until tomorrow.”

  I turned to look at Jett, my eyes and mouth wide open in a very happy surprise! He very silently waved me over to him and we went into the basement. We were laughing, "Can you believe this?" he said in excitement and I said "No!" in hushed tones of excitement.

  “Give me that letter, I want to see it again,” he said.

  I said "No way."

  "Give it." He started chasing me around the basement, not that there were many places to go. He had me cornered fast. His mom yelled down "Jett!"

  "Yeah mom!" he said keeping me pinned in the corner, I was wriggling to get the note out of my pocket.


  "Yes, Mrs. McGaven?"

  “You can sleep in the guest room, okay?"

  "Okay" I said trying not to giggle as I was trying to squirm free.

  "We'll take you home in the morning."

  "Okay thank you." I said getting the note from my pocket and shoving it in my shirt.

  Jett totally released me "That's not playing fair"

  "I never said I played fair." We both laughed, I couldn't stop laughing. He picked me up over his shoulder and dropped me on the couch, I scooted up so my head was on the arm rest. He was looking in my eyes and I was searching his, he held my gaze for a second or two. I didn't move. His lips touched mine lightly and then our tongues met. My lips felt as warm as his, I didn't stop or slow the movement. I didn't want him to stop. He put his arm behind me and slid himself between me and the couch. His strong hands were warm and rough, but they moved gently. His hand went under my shirt and slid up toward my breast. He slid it around to my back, and had my bra undone in seconds. Then he slid his hand back out from under my shirt, I felt chills go through me... he grabbed my letter!


  That Monday I met Jett at his locker before my first class. He looked like he was in a good mood, he was leaning on his locker with a tight t-shirt on under a fully open flannel, tight jeans and boots; he looked hot as usual.

  “What's up?” I asked with a smile and a nod. He stood up and walked right into me, giving me a hug with his feet on either side of mine, he couldn't get any closer. He turned me around and leaned me up against his locker and kissed my neck; it sent chills right through my whole body. He grabbed my butt with both hands and ran his hands right up... to my pockets...

  “What are you doing?” I asked excitedly. “Are you feeling me up to get personal or searching me for notes?” He had a calm low laugh and that sexy smile to die for, I couldn’t help but smile.

  He shoved his hands deeper into my pocket and with a smoldering voice said “I was feeling you up because I love touching you and for an extra bonus I thought I'd check for notes.” I didn't really care because I liked it when he touched me, he always made my heart flutter. However, me being the sarcastic person I was, I had to say something “Would you like to frisk my whole body or do my pockets suffice?” He took my hand and pulled me under the stairs across from his locker and kissed me hard and excitedly.

  I pushed him back with my hand and actually had to hold him there “You're in a really good mood today..... I think since we have class, though, maybe we should do this later...” …he slid the note out of my front pocket and smiled.

  Jett had asked me if I wanted to go to a family picnic with him over the weekend. I decided to go, meeting new people is never a problem for me
and my calendar isn’t full by any means. He told me they would pick me up at 1:00pm on Saturday. I asked “Who are they?” and thank goodness, it was Declan and Rae. Groups are always good, especially when you don’t know where you stand with the boy you are going with, although I'd saying it's going well. However, he still gets moody and sick once in a while and that worries me and I know it weighs heavily on his mind.

  They arrived a little before one and Jett came to the door, my brother Kit, answered. They were sitting on the porch talking when I came out. I was glad to see Kit getting some attention, I think Jett actually liked him. I started walking to the car and Declan asked me on the down low if I knew what was up with Jett. I told him “Frankly, I'm not sure. Maybe he's getting sick again – or maybe his doc has him on experimental drugs or something.”

  He asked “What is with his mood swings anyway?” I explained to him I wasn’t sure, but I had a feeling it had to do with when he gets sick once in a while.

  Jett came back to the car all smiles “Your brother is a good kid. I told him I would take him on his raft in the pond next door sometime.”

  “Awesome, I’m sure he’d love that,” I replied. Declan turned around and looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, suggesting Jett was in a better mood now and everything was fine.

  We got to our designated picnic area and there weren't many people at the park yet and Declan immediately started to complain – “Jett why did you make us come so early.”

  Jett said “Because I volunteered us to set up rather than clean up, otherwise we would have to stay until the very end of the party. This way we can leave anytime we want and not come back.”

  “Hmmm, that's my boy, always thinkin’!” Declan gave him a hearty slap on the back and was now very eager to help set up. “You two ladies sit down while I help Jett.” They left to empty Jett's mom’s car.

  Rae and I sat down at the table with Mrs. McGaven and another lady she was talking to. “You are lucky you don't have girls, my girls are so emotional I can't even tell you, mood swings all the time!”


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