Never Over You

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Never Over You Page 4

by Ryleigh Andrews

  “Hi, ma fille. Still like to push the time, I see,” her father said with a wink.

  Forever late.

  It wasn’t going to change now.

  Adjusting the straps of her short, plum summer dress, waistless to hide the small bump beneath, Mia’s eyes landed on the man responsible, her face splitting into a wide grin as she took in Ethan. His khaki pants that fit too perfectly and his maroon polo that made those golden eyes of his stand out. She kept her eyes on her husband-to-be. Tomorrow, that sexy man would be her husband. She would finally be Mrs. Ethan Christopher. That thought made her smile grow even wider. She wouldn’t be surprised if it reached her ears.

  The wedding planner from the alien planet of Getting Shit Done loudly harrumphed and gave them the evil eye. This woman was good. She’d planned the entire wedding in two months and Mia just knew it was going to be beautiful.

  The wedding and reception would be held on a large secluded piece of land that Marty’s family owned along the Lake Michigan coast about an hour north of Chicago. The property was adjacent to the Locke Family compound. Mia would be getting ready there before the ceremony, which would be held under the canopy of trees looking out onto the beautiful waters of Lake Michigan. Their guests would sit on either side of a large path that led to the lake. Simple, white wooden chairs lined both sides. Right now, no one occupied them, but that would change at five tomorrow evening.

  The reception would be under the stars. Multiple tents had been used to create one big area. Some parts were open on top and held small, intimate seating vignettes. Mia couldn’t wait to see what it looked like all lit up tomorrow.

  The music started, bringing Mia back from her future to the rehearsal, and then Stalin’s better half started spewing out commands, telling everyone what to do, where to go, how to stand. Kaitlyn walked out first, followed by Allie, who along with Luke made up her best people. Luke, her best friend and also Ethan’s, stood by Ethan’s side, watching with a proud smile as Kaitlyn took her place. His eyes changed when they landed on Allie.


  That look … she knew what was happening in those hazel eyes of his: desire.

  Luke wanted Allie. Interesting.

  Her father gave her a squeeze and Reagan gave them a forceful push. “Now here comes the bride …”

  Mia took a deep breath and made her way to the front of the church with her father right by her side. Luke gave her a wink, and in return, she gave him her tongue. Her gaze then landed on Ethan and the world around her muted. All she saw was him. She didn’t stop where she was supposed to. No, she went right to him and kissed him—hard.

  “No, no, no!” the Supreme Commander of all things wedding exclaimed, pulling her from Ethan. Mia held firm as her lips caressed his yet again.

  “I love you,” Mia said to Ethan, letting Reagan drag her in place. Her fiancé laughed along with everyone else there.

  “Kissing happens at the end! Remember that!” the wedding dictator scolded Mia.

  “I’ll try, but look at him!” she replied, staring at Ethan, his mouth turned up wickedly.

  That smile and that kiss were going to torture her until tomorrow night because of Ethan and his stupid notion to not have sex until the wedding night. It had been two weeks already! She wanted to jump him so damn bad right now. Hell, she wouldn’t even care who knew. With a slight shake of her head, Mia focused on the rehearsal. She really didn’t want to mess up her wedding tomorrow because she couldn’t stop thinking about sex with Ethan right now.

  She kept the connection with Ethan as Reagan ran through what they all had to do and when the priest finally said, “You may now kiss the bride,” Ethan did so, his palms capturing her cheeks, his fingers pushing their way into her mess of hair, and kissed her good and thorough.

  “Oh fuck,” she whispered against his lips, feeling the desire pool between her legs. “You and your damn ideas,” she added before taking a step back.

  He chuckled and placed a chaste kiss to her forehead with some parting words low enough that only she could hear. “Don’t worry, suga, I’ll fuck you as often as I can for the next two weeks. You’ll probably tire of me.”


  Reagan addressed them, turning them towards the seats and away from the priest.

  “You two will go first, followed by your best people …”

  Mia didn’t even pay attention to the rest of what Reagan said. Ethan had threaded his fingers with hers and tugged her into his side. “Wanna meet my mama now?”

  She looked up at his handsome face and nodded. Finally.

  It wasn’t like she hadn’t spoken with his mother often over the past month. She just hadn’t physically been in the other woman’s presence or seen her since Skyping that one Christmas many years ago. Though Mia would never forget what his mother looked like.

  Mrs. Christopher stood up as they approached. Her once blonde hair was now completely white, still shoulder length and cut in a layered bob and styled with big, loose curls. It surprised Mia that this woman was her height. For some reason, Mia thought Ethan’s mother would be taller.

  “Mama,” Ethan began. Mia didn’t let him finish his introduction. She stepped forward out of Ethan’s hold. The moment she did, Ethan’s mother opened her arms to her. Mia barely held it together as she was wrapped in the warm embrace of her soon to be mother-in-law’s arms.

  “I’m so happy that you’re finally going to be a part of the family.”

  “Me too. I can’t believe I’m meeting you—in person.”

  She hugged Mia once more then, her eyes found Mia’s stomach, a huge smile lighting up her face. “And this …” she said, gesturing to Mia’s growing belly then to Ethan. “My baby is having babies.”

  Stepping towards her son, she gave him a quick embrace then cupped his face. The two were silent but Mia could see the communication happening between them in their eyes. Ethan grinned at his mother then kissed her cheek. He looked like he was going to speak, then Reagan’s voice filled the air.

  “Okay, everyone, we’re done here. Time for dinner. The address and directions for the restaurant are in the packets I gave you when you arrived. See you all there.” And Reagan actually smiled—lips turned up, teeth showing and everything! They must have done good!

  While everyone took the path back to their cars, Mia stayed behind with Ethan. He led her down the hill towards the beach. Her eyes crinkled in surprise when she saw a blanket set upon the sand.


  He stayed silent until he had her seated in the middle of the blanket. Following her, he wrapped her in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder. “I just wanted a few moments to have you to myself before the chaos of tomorrow.”

  Turning her head, she lightly kissed his lips. “I like this idea.”

  “How did the doctor’s appointment go?” he asked, unable to keep the concern from his tone.

  “Our babies are doing great,” she replied. Her fiancé had been a bit of a worrier since they’d gotten the official word that they’d be having twins, and to be honest, Mia was enjoying the extra attention from him. But right now, she didn’t want extra attention, she wanted to ease the worry from the love of her life.

  “And you?” he questioned.

  “The same,” she replied, feeling his weak nod against her back. Turning in his arms, she situated herself so she straddled his strong thighs. “Hey, I’m a healthy woman. I’m okay,” she spoke, lifting his face to hers, trying to alleviate the anxiety gripping his body. “Nothing is going to go wrong. We have the best doctor in the area. I have you by my side looking out for me. I’m totally fine. Let’s focus on that, okay?” she added, placing her lips on his cheek. “Okay?” she repeated, kissing his other cheek when he didn’t respond. She moved closer to him, their chests touching as her lips traveled from his cheek to his mouth.

  She would get him to respond—somehow. Increasing the pressure of her lips, Mia moved her body against his until he finally let go. His ha
nds pulled her even closer, his mouth attacking hers.


  His reaction to this was hard to miss between her legs. And Mia made sure he knew she hadn’t missed that reaction as she rubbed against it. Her little dress allowed perfect access and when she sighed, her mouth opened and he took advantage, his tongue going after hers. Those strong hands of his fell to her hips and moved her along his cock. She wanted him inside of her so badly. Her hands snaked down between them to his pants, going for the fastening but he stopped her, holding her intent hands still.

  “No, Ethan! Please …” she begged. “I need you! I need to feel you inside me. Because soon I’ll be big and fat and you won’t want to have sex with me at all.”

  “Suga, I’ll always want to have sex with you.”

  “Except right now,” she said with a pout that she hoped would change his mind.

  “That’s not true. I want to have sex with you so bad right now. Let’s wait, just one more night. Please? For me?”

  Mia sighed and removed her fingers from his pants. She’d do anything for this man, including not having sex. “Fine, even though it’s killing me!”

  He laughed and a smile took the intensity away from his face. “I know it’s torture, suga, but I’ll make the ache go away tomorrow. I promise.”

  “A vow.”

  A loud chuckle rumbled from his chest. “Yes, a vow. I promise to torture you for the rest of our lives.”

  Giving him an exaggerated eye roll, she pushed herself off of him. “Just know in five months, I’m going to torment you when we can’t have sex because I just had the babies. Six weeks of no sex,” she said, extending her hand to him.

  “I look forward to this sweet torture.”

  “You would!” she said. “Six weeks of no sex!”

  “But we’ll have two little babies keeping us company.”

  “Yeah, we will. Two babies looking so much like their father.”

  He grabbed her hand and they started walking towards their cars. “Or just like their mother.”

  “Guess we’ll see in five months.”


  June 18, 2011

  Waiting nervously for Mia to join him, Ethan stood by the altar, Luke by his side. There was a bit of a hill the girls had to walk up and it acted like doors in a church. His eyes were locked on the spot when he’d see her face for the first time.

  The change in the music had his attention. He looked over to the side and saw Mia’s bandmates in place with the quartet that had been playing music while everyone arrived.

  Over the hill first was a beautiful Kaitlyn all dressed up in a lovely, light pink, strapless, silk dress, that landed just below her knees. No long gowns today. The temperature was eighty-five degrees. He didn’t even have on a jacket and his shirt sleeves were rolled up.

  “Don’t cry, bro,” Ethan said to Luke as Kaitlyn took her spot.

  “Fuck you, bro,” Luke shot back followed by a quick sniffle. That sniffle was followed by a quick intake of breath.

  Ethan looked up and saw Allie looking nothing like the all-business woman he was used to. She was gorgeous in her dress, so similar to Kaitlyn except that the cut was sexier.

  When Allie reached Kaitlyn’s side, the music stopped and all heads turned around. Marty started to strum the guitar, playing the intro to “Air à Danser” by Penguin Cafe Orchestra, then Clark joined on the bass, followed by Todd on percussion, then the string quartet. Mia had played this song for him so when he heard it, he would know she was coming.

  The moment Mia came over the hill, his breath caught at the vision she was in her short white dress. She went the complete opposite of the wedding dress from the last time she said, plus she had a belly she insisted on trying to hide. A belly that he loved so damn much.

  His hand flew to his mouth as he fought not to cry at how stunning she was. Absolute perfection.

  “Don’t cry, bro,” came Luke’s voice, causing him to smile behind his hand.

  Mia mimicked his hand, leaning into her father, happy tears streaming down her cheeks.

  When she got to him, a wavering smile greeted him along with a “Hi.”

  “Hi, suga.”

  She let out a quick laugh, a huge grin lighting up her face, her beautiful eyes sparkling with her unshed tears. Ethan didn’t hear anything going on around him, every ounce of his focus was on the woman in front of him.

  She turned to her father, who kissed both of her cheeks before turning towards Ethan, extending his hand to him. Ethan shook his hand and then took Mia’s with the other.

  With her by his side, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. It may have been a difficult road to this place, but he would have gone through it again and again to have her as his wife.

  Certain parts of the wedding Mia parted with tradition, like the processional song, but when they pledged their lives to one another, she went traditional.

  “Ethan, will you take Mia to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you love, comfort, honor, and protect her, forsaking all others to be faithful to her until death do you part?”

  “I do,” Ethan said, a smile hitting his mouth as his soon-to-be-wife danced with her excitement.

  “Mia, will you take Ethan to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you love, comfort, honor, and protect him, forsaking all others to be faithful to him until death do you part?”

  “I do! Finally!”

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ethan, you may now kiss your bride.”

  Ethan stepped forward and pulled her to him, his one hand gripping her neck, his mouth on hers, his other hand closed in a fist high in the air, like he did when he threw a touchdown. The guests laughed, but he didn’t care—he had Mia.

  At last.

  She was his and he was all hers.

  He hadn’t thought it would be as difficult as it had been when he’d told Mia at the beginning of their relationship that the best things in life were hard. And they had had a lot of hard times. Since the day he’d met her until now, they’d spent more time apart than together. He’d lost her more times than he’d like to count. But the feel of her body in his arms, her lips against his, made it all worth it.

  “Come on! Let’s get going. I need to get you outta that dress.”

  “Well … you don’t actually have to get me out of it to get what you want …”

  He kissed her again. Man, he loved her ideas. “But …” she said with a teasing grin, “it’ll have to wait. We have photos to take, a reception to go to …”

  “You’re enjoying the payback, aren’t you?”

  She took his hand and gave it a squeeze to get moving. “Why, yes I am.”

  Shaking his head, he followed her down the aisle but stopped at his now father-in-law. Mia smiled at her father then ran the flat of her thumb over his cheek.

  “Ne pleure pas, Papa,” she said in French before standing on her tiptoes to brush her lips across his cheek.

  “Tu es si belle, ma fille,” he spoke, wrapping his arm around her shoulder to embrace her. He then turned to Ethan and held out his hand. “Welcome to the family, son.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Ethan replied as he took the offered hand, his eyes drawn to the woman Mia was currently embracing. That must be Mia’s grandmother. Her Mémé, as she called her affectionately. He was expecting a woman with gray or white hair like his mother, who was only five years younger than Mémé. Definitely not the same shade as Mia’s. The beautiful lady holding his wife didn’t look her great age of eighty-two. She was sophisticated, elegant, and at least a few inches taller than Mia. Up close, the resemblance was striking. The smile, the eyes.

  Mia stepped away from her grandmother and both sets of brown eyes landed on him.

  “Si, c’est ton grand amour?” So, this is your great love?

  “Oui, Mémé. C’est lui.” Yes, Mémé. That’s him.

  “Il est très beau.” He’s very handsome.

  Mia blushed. “Il l’est.” He is.

With a knowing grin at her granddaughter, Mémé turned her attention to him. “Bonjour, Ethan.”

  Mia may have looked like her grandmother, but their voices were very much different. Mémé’s was deeper, more confident. Mia’s, on the other hand, tended to be earthier, more emotional, and often times, slightly hesitant and demure.

  “Bonjour,” he said with his most charming smile, wanting—no, needing—Mia’s grandmother to like him.

  “Congratulations to you both and welcome to the family,” she spoke, stepping forward and placing a kiss on each of his cheeks.

  After that point, things were hazy. His family congratulated him and then Reagan whisked them off for photographs. One million photographs later, they were finally ready to party.

  “So, I kinda changed our entrance song,” Mia said as she held his hand, standing in front of the makeshift doors to the reception. Ethan looked over at his wife and couldn’t miss the glint of humor in her eyes.

  “What did you do?”

  “This song takes it back to the beginning, my love,” she said, as the first notes of the song hit him—the Austin Powers theme song. One of the first movies they saw together. The one she’d called porn.

  “Good choice, suga.”

  And with that, the doors opened and their life as husband and wife began.


  Los Angeles, September 2011

  Mia leaned against the wall, her eyes closed, her head pounding as she stood backstage at an awards show, waiting to perform. Even though it was a little awkward to play the guitar with her huge soccer ball of a stomach in the way, she had wanted to play this show. When the band had accepted, it felt right to have this be her last performance for a while. But as she waited to go onstage, it didn’t feel right. She had felt like utter crap all day. And now, she had this killer headache. She tried to think about good things. Like the fact that she was married to Ethan. Life as Mrs. Christopher was fantastic. Life as Pregnant Mrs. Christopher was even better. Ethan was awesome. He catered to her every need, including midnight runs to get her a chocolate banana shake.


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