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Dashing Rogues: A Historical Romance Collection

Page 43

by Dawn Brower, Amanda Mariel

  “How often do you desire to have me in your bed?” Sarah lifted her head and gazed at him.

  He had forgotten all about their bargain. His heart grew heavy. She had not married him for love. He opened his mouth but closed it again. A wave of disappointment swept through him. He would not say the words until he knew she felt the same way for him. Perhaps someday, she would grow to love him.

  “Every night. But now that our marriage is consummated, whether or not we make love is your choice, wife.”

  She smirked up at him. “Very well, husband, but do not forget our bargain. You are forbidden to have a mistress.”

  Bargain. His chest constricted at her words, pain wrapping around his heart. She clearly did not care for him at all.

  “My word is as good as the crown’s jewels. I will honor our deal.” He moved to get up, and she lifted her head off of his chest, positioning herself against the thick pillow. He could not stay in the bed with her, knowing she only cared for her freedom.

  “What would you like to do for the remainder of the day?” He tossed the words over his shoulder as he pulled his trousers up. He retrieved his shirt from the floor, avoiding eye contact with her.

  “Can we remain here in bed?” Her voice shook.

  His heart tugged at the timidity there as he worked his cravat into place. Part of him wanted to take the garments off and join her, but his wounded pride would not have it. “It would be best if we did not. How about a tour of the estate? As lady of the house you need to know your way around. You must meet the staff as well.”

  The bed creaked as she rose. He straightened his waistcoat, still not looking at her. Something unfriendly unfurled in his belly.

  “I will send your maid in to assist you, Lady Luvington.” He strolled out of the room leaving her alone.

  SARAH INHALED and headed for the door leading to Julian’s office. Her feet felt leaden on the cool marble floor. After the way he treated her, she was in no hurry to spend time with him. Alas, she had no choice. Straightening her spine, she marched into the office.

  He glanced up at her over a stack of papers from his large leather chair. “Have a seat.” He indicated the straight-backed chair opposite him.

  “I would rather stand. We shall not be in here long. You did promise me a tour of the house and grounds.”

  “I thought we could go over the necessary documents to put you in control of your dowry first. My solicitor drew them up, and I have already signed off. All that is left for you to do is read them over before you sign under my name.” He held the documents out for her.

  She moved to stand in front of his mammoth carved desk and picked up a pen. “I have no need to read them. I trust you. Just show me where to sign.”

  He laid the papers on the desk and pointed to a signature line. “Here.”

  She glided the pen across the bold line, then he flipped through the pile stopping on the next one. “And here.” He pointed again, and she signed.

  “I will leave these on my desk. Should you choose to read them, they will be here.” He glanced up at her, and a warm smile softened his features. “Thank you for placing your trust in me. It means a great deal.”

  The coolness he showed her before seemed to have vanished. Perhaps it had not been his intention to mistreat her. Perhaps he genuinely thought it a bad idea to stay in bed. Nonetheless, she was glad to see him acting like himself again. “You are my husband. I would not have married you if I did not trust you.”

  He stood and moved to her side, pulling her into his arms. “Accept my apologies for being so short with you earlier. My pride was injured, but I should not have taken it out on you.”

  His pride? Sarah furrowed her brow at him. “I assure you, there was no reason for you to doubt yourself. I rather enjoyed our coupling.”

  “Then we shall make love often.” His deep throaty chuckled wrapped around her.

  Sarah resisted the urge to shake her head, befuddled. She did not know what to make of him.


  SARAH LAY with her head on Julian’s chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Their lovemaking the night before left her deeply satisfied. She had slept the night away curled against him, her body pressed to his and found herself reluctant to break the connection.

  The now familiar throbbing between her thighs urged her to touch him. She reached under the covers, feathering her fingers over his shaft, but pulled them back when it jerked under her touch.

  His hand caught hers, bringing it back to his hardness. “I like when you touch me.” He guided her hand over him, applying more pressure. “Wrap your fingers around me.” His words came out a husky whisper.

  She followed his instruction, marveling at the way he turned to stone under her stroking. Courage mounting, she let her hand explore the rest of him. His body arched beneath her. A deep moan erupted from him. Her hand stilled at the unexpected intensity of the sound.

  She glanced up at him. “Does that not please you?”

  “Come here, wife, before you undo me.” He reached for her and guided her mouth to his. Their lips meshed in a scorching kiss.

  Sarah pulled back. “I do not understand.”

  He gazed at her through heavy lids and grinned in the roguish way only he could. “If you were to keep touching me like that I would have spent myself. I would rather bring you pleasure as well.” He pulled her head back down to his and trailed kisses across her neck and collarbone until she panted. “Let me teach you, my pet.”

  Without thought, she climbed onto him as he indicated. She brought her lips back to his, allowing her tongue to dart out and twine with his. He ran his hands down her back to her hips, then guided her until she slid down on his erection.

  As though on instinct, she began to rock her hips while he guided her up and down, building a rhythm. She kissed his neck the way he kissed hers, sucking and nipping as she rode him. The tension built in her, begging to be released.

  He thrust up, increasing their tempo. She tossed her head back and cried out. Pleasure erupted through her, sending her over the edge as his seed pumped into her.

  She collapsed on his chest, panting. Her entire body tingled as he softened inside her. To think, she once worried if they would be compatible in such an intimate way. She lifted her head to stare at her husband.

  “Good morning.”

  “The best morning I have ever experienced.” He smiled at her, his chestnut hair mussed, green eyes sparkling.

  “You jest. Though it is a splendid way to begin a new day.” She rolled off him, laughing as she settled against his side. He held her close, and she rested her head on his chest.

  “It was not a jest.” He squeezed her waist. “If I could choose to wake up in the same way every day, I would.”

  She turned her head and placed a kiss on his arm. Part of her wanted to savor this moment for as long as possible. The rest of her needed to discuss Scotland with him. She needed to see Amelia. Now, with her freedom and personal fortune, she could.

  “What is on your mind, my pet?” He trailed his fingertips back and forth across her abdomen.

  “I… Will we be taking a wedding trip?” She closed her eyes, inhaling the spicy scent of him.

  “Indeed, I have one planned.” His hand stilled. “We depart tomorrow at noon.”

  “And where is my dear husband taking me?” She batted her lashes.

  “It is a surprise.” He rolled her onto her back, and his lips brushed hers. “Let us ready ourselves for the day? I have some matters I must attend to before we embark on our adventure.”

  She pouted her lips and gazed at him. “I suppose if you must, I will not try to stop you.”

  His roguish chuckle filled the space around her as he ran his finger across her bottom lip. “And what has my dear wife planned to occupy her time?”

  “Do not worry your head over it. I shall be perfectly content keeping company with myself while you work.” She grinned. “Now ready yourself and go before
I change my mind.”

  He smiled then nipped the side of her neck before kissing it. “As you wish.”

  SARAH SPENT the morning going over the household accounts and speaking with the staff before having lunch. With her feet worn out and her stomach filled, she retired to her private sitting room to read. Julian’s library proved to be expansive, positively bursting with educational materials.

  Soon her eyes grew too tired to read, and she rested the leather book in her lap, looking out the window. Dusk would be upon them before long. She should seek Julian out. At the least, he could break from his work to take supper with her.

  She set the volume aside with a sigh. The day’s activities wore her out. A cursory glance at her skirts revealed a wrinkled mess. She stood and shook them out, trying to smooth them with her hands. Not perfect, but it would have to suffice.

  On her way through the residence, she would need to stop at a looking glass and check her reflection. Pray, do not let it be in as poor a condition as her skirts. She took her leave of the room intent on finding her husband. If she had too, she would bring the meal to him.

  The normal patter she had come accustomed to in her parent’s home when she walked evaded her. Here, the plush carpet of the hall absorbed it. She dipped into their room and made haste to correct her wayward curls before pinching color into her cheeks. Then she continued on her way.

  Having reached the curved staircase, she paused to run her hands over her skirts one last time. A female voice drifted down the hall. Sarah froze. She strained to make out the words. In no way had she prepared for visitors. What lady would interrupt them the day after their wedding? She moved down a few more steps, trying to place the voice.

  A tall woman with auburn hair stood alone in the foyer. Who was she?

  Sarah ducked low on the stairs, not wishing to be seen in her current state but too curious to leave. A primal need held her there.

  “Lady Claudia, Lord Luvington will be out directly.”

  The words hit like a jolt. Was this the Lady Claudia Julian had ruined so many years before? No. Surely many ladies carried the same name.

  Julian came into view as he approached the auburn-haired beauty. “Lady Claudia, what are you doing here?”

  She grinned at him.

  Sarah nearly gave herself away at the sight of the woman’s low cut garment. The curves of her creamy breasts were barely restrained by the burgundy gown. That had to be the riskiest garment Sarah had ever laid eyes on. She should return to their room and wait for Julian. He clearly had no idea the woman would drop in on them.

  “I came the moment it was proper to do so. Say you are pleased to see me, Julian.”

  Heat spread through Sarah at the woman’s brazen use of his Christian name. If he had indeed ruined her, why would she come back and address him in such an intimate way?

  Stepping closer to him, Lady Claudia wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his. “Do you not see I have come back for you? Say you still love me.” She pressed her cheek against his chest. “Julian, the years we spent apart were unbearable. Memories of you, of our love, were all that kept me going. Say you are pleased to see me.”

  A lump formed in Sarah’s throat, and her eyes stung. She willed him to tell Lady Claudia he loved another, to remove her hands from around him. She fought the urge to run down the stairs and confront them.

  “We should talk.” Julian’s voice drifted up to her, not a hint of unease in his tone.

  “We have the rest of our days to talk. Right now, I want to feel you.”

  Sarah’s heart froze in her chest when Lady Claudia lifted onto her toes and pressed her lips to Julian’s.

  He did not pull away.

  Sarah stood and raced to her sitting room. Moisture built in her eyes as she fought for breath. She could not withstand any more of the couple’s reunion.

  She flung herself onto a wing-back chair and buried her face against its floral upholstery. What a bird-witted fool she had been to believe he would ever love her. One did not arrange a marriage based on a deal and then fall in love. It simply did not happen.

  Sobbing would change nothing. Lady Claudia still loved Julian, and she was back to claim him. Sarah stood no chance against the woman. But what was she to do? She glanced around the room. What could she do? Her gaze stopped on the miniature she had placed near the window only this morning. Amelia. She would go to Amelia.

  Sarah strode to her desk, sat, and removed her writing materials from the drawer. Her freedom had been a term of their arrangement. But then she had agreed to sleep in his bed. She sighed. No matter, he had clearly changed his mind.

  * * *


  Do not worry about me. I have my dowry for support and the safety of friends to protect me. I will not stand in the way of true love, even if it breaks my heart to leave.


  * * *

  A ROGUE TEAR slid down her cheek as she pulled the call cord. Edna had packed their things this morning in preparation for her wedding trip. One less thing to worry about. All she had left to do was order a carriage loaded and readied. Where would she get one?


  JULIAN STEERED CLAUDIA TOWARD A CHAIR. “Sit now, and let us talk.”

  The woman gazed at him as she lowered herself to sit. “What is there to talk about? I have returned for you as I always dreamed I would.”

  Julian looked away, unable to meet her gaze. After Claudia cast him aside to marry Lord Akford, he thought he would never see her again. His heart healed, and, with time, he came to understand the difference between a green lad’s fascination and true love. Julian positioned himself on a high-backed chair. Claudia captivated him when they were younger. Her brazen, spirited personality had enthralled him. Back then, he could not get enough of her.

  “Lord Akford passed away. I have only now come out of mourning.” She leveled those flashing green eyes on him. “I did not wish to cause another scandal by coming to you directly after his death.” Her elegantly clad body rose from the chair in a swirl of satin. She swayed her hips as she sashayed over to him before lowering herself onto his lap. How had he ever been fooled by her contrived movements? Julian grabbed her arms and hoisted her back onto her feet then stepped across the room. “I am sorry for your misfortune, Lady Claudia, but we cannot be together.”

  She tipped her chin, meeting his gaze. “Whatever do you mean? Of course we can. I never stopped loving you.” Moisture shone in her green eyes.

  He retrieved his handkerchief and pressed it into her hand. “I have married.”

  “Married men often keep mistresses. I can be yours.” She dabbed at the corners of her eyes. “I admit it is not ideal, but we can make the arrangement work.” She stared at him through clouded eyes.

  “I am in love with my wife.”

  She rested her gloved hands on his shoulders. “But you must love me as well. You kissed me back just moments ago.”

  “You took me by surprise, nothing more.”

  She moved to him, pressed her lips to his.

  He jerked away taking hold of her arms. “Stop this foolishness. I love my wife. Whatever we had is in the past.”

  She stared up at him, her face suddenly void of emotion.

  “Do you hear me? There is nothing for us.” He released her arms and moved for the door.

  “How can you say such a thing after all we shared? I will not give up on us.”

  Her words froze him in place. “There is nothing to fight for. I am afraid you have wasted your time coming here.”

  She threw herself back into his arms. “You can not be serious. I love you, I have always loved you.”

  He pushed her away. “Show yourself out, madam.” He left the office ignoring her calls as he made his way across the foyer.

  The meeting only solidified his love for Sarah. She was pure and innocent, loyal and caring. Claudia meant nothing to him. She was his past. After what she had done to him, all she had put him
through, he could not fathom why she would come to him. He wanted her gone from his home, his life.

  His butler stood at the end of the hall. “Gregory, please see that Lady Claudia is removed from the premises. Make it known that she is not to be readmitted.”

  “Right away, my lord.” Gregory nodded and turned toward the office.


  “Yes, my lord?”

  “Do you know where I might find Lady Luvington?”

  “She retired to her sitting room, my lord.”

  “Very well, that is all.” Julian raced up the stairs before turning down the long hallway. His need for her built with every step as he headed toward her sitting room. He stopped just outside the door and drew in a deep breath. For better or worse, he would tell her the secrets of his heart.

  “Sarah, my pet.” He stepped through the door, but the room lay empty. Her scent wrapped around him, vanilla and jasmine. His gaze halted on a letter sitting on the desk. He crossed the room, picked it up, and began reading.

  ‘I will not stand in the way of true love.’

  He crumpled the stationary in his hand. Bloody hell, she must have seen Lady Claudia. His chest tightened as he smoothed the paper to finish reading it. Perchance she left a clue. One line jumped out at him,

  …‘even if it breaks my heart’. A lump formed in his throat. She loves me too. My Sarah loves me.

  He stormed out of the room, letter still in his fisted hand. He had to find her before it was too late.

  THE HORSE’S hooves pounded the road as Julian urged it into a fast canter. A cloud of dust trailed behind him. At least Abernathy House was not far. He had hurt Sarah. The thought of her seeing him and Claudia ripped at his very soul.

  He tugged on the reins, steering the horse up the drive to the duchess’s estate. A stable lad stood by the porch. Julian drew rein, jumped from his mount, and tossed the reins to the lad. “Keep him here.” He continued up the porch steps two at a time to the mahogany front door.


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