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Dashing Rogues: A Historical Romance Collection

Page 44

by Dawn Brower, Amanda Mariel

  Her Grace’s butler opened it. “Good day, my lord.”

  “Is Lady Luvington in residence?” He glanced around the foyer.

  “I am afraid not, my lord.”

  He handed the butler a calling card. “I wish to have an audience with Her Grace.”

  The butler frowned. “I am afraid Her Grace is not here, either.”

  “Where might I find her?” Julian pressed his mouth into a straight line.

  “She has departed for Scotland to--”

  Julian spun on his heels without waiting for the man to finish and bounced down the steps even quicker than he had climbed them. If the duchess had gone to Scotland, Sarah was surely with her. They could only have gone to one destination. Goldstones.

  But what if Sarah had not left with the duchess? He took the reins from the stable boy. “When Her Grace departed, was Lady Sarah Luvington with her?”

  The lad angled his head toward the ground. “No, my lord. She was quite alone except for her maid.”

  Well, that did not mean Sarah had not wound up in the carriage, but it may behoove him to check around London before racing off so far as Scotland. “You have been most helpful.” He reached into his pocket and tossed the boy a coin before throwing himself into the saddle and pushing his mount into a run.

  She could be at her parent’s estate, but he did not think it as likely a place as Lord Shillington’s residence. She and Lady Jane were friends, and Lord Shillington always seemed to hover near her. His gut insisted she had gone to the Duchess of Goldstone’s, but the gamble was too big to take without exhausting other avenues first.

  Alas, the more time that elapsed, the farther she potentially drifted from him. He needed to hurry the search. A carriage swerved to get out of his way, its driver yelling back at him as he raced by. Julian pushed the horse faster still.

  People’s complaints assaulted his ears. “Slow down! These are public streets.”

  “If you want to race, go to the track.”

  “You are a madman! Slow your beast at once.”

  He ignored them, pushing his mount on.

  Shillington stood on his porch when Julian raced up to the house. He did not waste time dismounting. “Where is my wife?”

  “How should I know the whereabouts of your wife, Luvington?”

  His blood boiled. “It is clear the two of you are friends. It seems reasonable enough that she might come here.” Julian scowled at him. “Are you hiding her, Shillington?”

  “I have not seen Lady Sarah since your wedding.” Lord Shillington placed his hands on his hips.

  “Have I your word as a gentleman?” Julian peered at him.

  Shillington’s eyes narrowed in consideration before he nodded. “Yes, as a gentleman.”

  Julian spurred the horse back into motion, leaving a cloud of dust in Shillington’s face. He did not like the man’s friendship with Sarah, though he believed it to be innocent. The way Shillington always hovered did not set right with him.

  Alas, she was free to choose her friends. If he were honest, he would admit he and Shillington were friendly as well. The two of them had spent many a night together at White’s. An ugly thing, jealousy, but he could not help it where his wife was concerned.

  Enough time had been wasted already. Sarah could be as much as four hours ahead of him. He steered the horse home. Once there he would send a footman to check Lady Vivian’s and the Havenshire’s, as well as Lord Roseington’s, with instructions to get word to him should Sarah be found. If all else failed, he would get a fresh mount and head for Scotland.


  FOUR NIGHTS LATER, Sarah arrived at Amelia’s with Greta in tow. They had switched horses every fifty miles and traveled straight through. The two of them slept and took meals in the rented carriage. By the time they arrived, she was exhausted and coated in travel dust. Amelia had Sarah shown to a guestroom straightaway so she could freshen up.

  Now, Sarah sat on a high-backed chair in Amelia’s parlor. Though her heart ached, joy filled her at the sight of her dearest friend entering the room. She rose to her feet and grasped her hands. “You are positively glowing.”

  Amelia grinned. “I am glad you have come. Your last letter said your parents forbid it. How did you change their minds? Have you come alone?” She dropped Sarah’s hands. “Let us sit, and you can tell me everything.”

  Sarah nodded. “I fear it is quite the story.” She reclaimed her seat and folded her hands in her lap.

  Amelia pointed accusingly to Sarah’s ring finger though a smile tugged at her lips. “You married. When? To whom? Why have I not even a clue as to when this happened? No letter or messenger.”

  “Believe me, my marital state is no reason for celebration.” Tears threatened as Sarah glanced down at the gold band hugging her finger.

  Amelia’s smile faltered. “What happened? Were you compromised?” She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, wincing some, her hands rubbing low, below the full curve of her belly.

  Sarah shook her head. “Worse. I made a bargain for my freedom then fell in love with a rake who could never love me in return.” She plucked at the material of her silk skirts. “Julian loves another.”

  Amelia’s eyes widened. “Lord Julian Carrington? The notorious Marquess of Luvington?”

  “The very same.” Sarah glanced toward the window, shame twisting in her chest. “And now Lady Claudia has come back for him.”

  Amelia pushed herself up using the chairs arms as leverage. “The same Lady Claudia he compromised?”

  Sarah’s eyes stung. “Yes.”

  Amelia crossed the room to Sarah and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I am so sorry.”

  Sarah covered her mouth too late, a sob broke free.

  “Do not waste tears on the scoundrel. You will stay here with us.” Amelia handed Sarah a handkerchief. “Dry your eyes and let us move on to a happier topic.”

  “I am sorry for showing up and sniveling all over you.” Sarah dabbed at her eyes and met Amelia’s gaze. Nodding to her swollen belly. “Tell me about the baby and Scotland. Have you a name for the wee one?”

  “Your Grace.” A footman entered the parlor. “Lord Julian Carrington to see his wife.”

  Amelia looked to Sarah. Concern flared in her gaze.

  Sarah pivoted to stare at her husband in the doorway. Never had she imagined Julian would follow her. She stood, squaring her shoulders. Her traitorous heart raced at the sight of him.

  A muscle in his jaw flexed. “I must speak with my wife.”

  Amelia glanced at her. “Lady Sarah?”

  An unfriendly smile pulled at her mouth. “I will allow it.”

  Amelia took a step then doubled over, her hands cradling her belly.

  Sarah went to her and wrapped her arms around her. “What is it, Duchess? Is the baby coming?”

  Amelia groaned in response.

  “Julian, carry her to her room. I will get help and send for the Duke at once.” Whatever needed to be said between her and Julian would have to wait.

  Amelia did not protest when Julian scooped her into his arms. Her head rolled against his chest, and a cry ripped from her.

  He carried her out of the parlor, then threw a glance over his shoulder at Sarah. “Where is her room?”

  “Up the stairs third door on the left.”

  Sarah pulled the call cord before his footsteps faded away.

  A young maid entered the parlor. “How may I be of assistance, my lady?”

  “I need you to send someone after His Grace and have another get the midwife. The duchess has gone into labor.” Sarah waved her hand at the door. “Do not dally. Go at once!”

  Sarah left the parlor on the maid’s heels then came up short at the top of the mahogany staircase. Julian stood in front of her.

  He rubbed a hand over his jaw, gaze intense on her face. “I will wait for you in the parlor. Will you come to me when Her Grace no longer needs you?”

  Sarah nodded.

ian glanced down the staircase. “Very well, I have no right to ask for more.”

  She stepped around him without another word. Amelia’s cry drifted down the hall beckoning her to hurry and driving all other worries from her mind. She moved into the room, taking a seat by the bed.

  “I have sent for the midwife and His Grace.” Sarah slid her gloved hand into Amelia’s bare one. Her lady’s maid had already stripped her down to her shift. Blankets covered her to the waist, and a stack of pillows elevated her head.

  “Thank you.” She squeezed Sarah’s hand and closed her eyes on another groan.

  Edna came forward and placed a rag on Amelia’s forehead. “The labor is strong. I fear the midwife may not come in time.”

  Sarah swallowed. “Are you capable of delivering the babe?”

  “Yes, my lady. It was my hands that brought Her Grace into the world. Her mother labored less than an hour before bringing her forth.” Edna nodded to the door. “I need to gather supplies.”

  “Go, I will not leave her side.”

  Edna rushed out.

  Amelia rolled her head to the side and panted. “I am not afraid. Edna is capable.”

  Sarah grinned. “I have no doubt she is.”

  Her hand ached under the pressure of Amelia’s grip as another contraction took hold of her. Sarah had always wanted to have children, but the sight of Amelia in such pain gave her pause. Her heart quickened, and she placed her other hand on her abdomen. Perhaps she was already with child.

  After five squeezes, progressively stronger and closer together, Amelia rolled her head to look at Sarah, sweat slicking her face. “They are coming so fast. So much pressure. I need to push.”

  The words jolted Sarah from her chair. She placed her hand on Amelia’s forehead. “You must wait for Edna.”

  Sarah turned her head just as Edna came through the door. She set down her supplies and moved to the bed.

  Sarah leaned closer to Amelia as the maid pulled down the covers and lifted Amelia’s shift. “It is time.” She glanced at Sarah, then back to Amelia. “On the next pain, I need you to push with all your might, Your Grace.”

  Amelia nodded. She clasped Sarah’s hand before bearing down.

  “Good, keep pushing until the pain has past.”

  Sarah lifted her hand from Amelia’s as soon as the pressure of her grip released. She rubbed the blood flow back into it before returning it to Amelia’s. “You shall hold your wee one before you know it.”

  Amelia leaned forward, bearing down on another pain. Sarah’s fingers overlapped one another in Amelia’s grip. Her scream bounced through the room sending a shiver through Sarah. Amelia lay back against the pillows, panting.

  Edna bent between Amelia’s knees and came up with a smile. She held the babe up for them to see.

  “It is a fine baby boy, Your Grace.”

  A tired grin spread across Amelia’s face. “A son.”

  “Lady Sarah, hand me the knife and twine.”

  Sarah hurried across the room retrieved the requested items, then moved to Edna’s side.

  “Set them on the bed and get the linens. I need you to hold him while I tie off the cord.”

  Sarah handed the blanket to Edna, who whipped the baby off then laid him on the cloth before thrusting him into her arms. Edna tied off the cord before wrapping the blanket around the boisterous babe. Sarah gazed down at his miniature features, studying the curve of his mouth, the shape of his eyes. “I believe he must favor the Duke. Though he has your eyes, Amelia.”

  Sarah glanced at her friend now resting against the pillows. “He is marvelous.” She carried him to Amelia’s side and placed him in her arms.

  The Duke arrived, crossing the room to his wife’s side. Sarah offered him a smile before stepping away from the bed. He lowered himself onto the edge of the mattress. With one hand, he stroked Amelia’s cheek while laying the other on the babe.

  Amelia beamed up at him. “We have a son, Richard. I wish to call him after my father.”

  The Duke of Goldstone leaned over then kissed her forehead. “It is a splendid idea.”

  Sarah snuck out of the room, their words fading behind her. They did not need her in there fawning over the tiny bundle and encroaching on their special moment.

  At the top of the stairs, Greta pointed down the opposite hallway. “Take Lady Sarah’s things to the first door on the left.” Two footmen followed her direction moving off toward the room with trunks in their arms.

  “Greta.” Sarah joined her. “Is that the last of it?”

  “Yes. Let us go freshen you up.”

  Sarah glanced down at her disheveled gown. Her skirts were wrinkled beyond repair and her bodice was damp. “I am a frightful sight. Please have a pitcher sent up for washing.”

  “At once.” Greta moved down the stairs.

  Whatever brought Julian here, she did not want to face him looking so disheveled. It would be easier to hold her head high if she were dressed appropriately. She would not appear unbecoming to him. Come what may, she would walk away a lady.

  JULIAN GAZED at his wife as she entered the parlor in a swish of violet skirts. The gown matched her stunning eyes, making them seem all the more splendid as he studied her. She’d had her hair styled in much the same way she had worn it to the opera, with her golden curls piled high on her head and cascading down her shoulder. The image stole his breath.

  “I set you free. Why did you follow me?” Sarah demanded.

  “I do not wish to be free.” He strode toward her, strong, ground-eating treads. “I do not know what you saw, but I would like the opportunity to explain. Lady Claudia is nothing to me. I sent her away.” He placed a hand on Sarah’s arm.

  “She did not appear as nothing.” Sarah pushed his hand off. She turned and settled into a wing-back chair. “Do speak your piece before I change my mind.” She folded her hands on her lap and leveled her gaze on him.

  He dropped into the chair across from her. His chest aching. “I am certain you know the scandal in my past, but it is not an accurate account of what happened. We were young, and I was courting Lady Claudia. Lord Akford had his cap set toward her. He wanted to remove me from the equation.”

  If he could change the past, none of it would have happened. Claudia never deserved him. The scandal had tainted is reputation for years and now threatened to take the only woman he had ever loved away from him.

  He rubbed a hand across his jaw. “We were picnicking in a clearing at her family’s estate. I proposed to Lady Claudia then we shared a kiss. Lord Akford stepped out of the clearing, catching us. I could never have imagined what he would do next.”

  Sarah remained rigid in her seat, just staring at him as he recounted the incident. He could not tell what she was thinking…or if she even cared. He needed her to forgive him. Lady Claudia could not ruin him twice. He would not allow it.

  “Lord Akford spread the story all over London before I could ask for Lady Claudia’s hand. By the time I approached her father, he had already deemed me an unworthy rake. In hindsight, he did me a great favor. Though I did not see it as such at the time.” He reached for Sarah’s hand. She recoiled, moving out of his reach. His stomach tightened, but he somehow kept his face cool.

  “With both Lady Claudia and myself ruined, Lord Akford went to her father and asked for her hand. He promised to take her away from London so she could live out her life without the scandal surrounding her. Lady Claudia’s father accepted the offer, and she agreed to the suit without a backward glance at me.”

  Sarah swallowed. “So you never set out to ruin her?”

  “No. And if not for Lord Akford, I never would have.”

  “And now she has come back for you.” Sarah nibbled her bottom lip, emotions roiling in her.

  He fought the urge to scoop her into his arms and sample her sweet flesh for himself. “She has, but I have sent her away.”


  “Lady Claudia is my past. You are my future.”
r />   Sarah rose from her chair and paced toward the stained glass window. “I will not stay with you when you love another.”

  He had no right to blame her. Julian bit back a sigh, coming up behind her and placed his arms around her waist, pulling her against him.

  “I love you, Lady Sarah Carrington. Our marriage may have been born from an arrangement, but I was very much in love with you by the time we said our vows.”

  She rested the back of her head against his chest. “Why are you telling me this now?”

  “I tried to declare my feelings before we married. The evening I threw pebbles at your window, I came intent on telling you how much you mean to me. After I fell and you came to my aid, I changed my mind. Pride got in my way. I feared you did not feel the same way.”

  “How do I know you are not tricking me so I will return to London with you?”

  Julian turned her in his arms and gazed into her eyes. “I meant every word when I told my father I did not care a whit for his money if it meant I could not have you. Even then, I loved you. I just did not know it yet.”

  Her eyes lowered, and for a long moment, she only stared at him. His heart hammered.

  “Marchioness Luvington?” He tipped her chin up gently. The need to know her answer nearly did him in. If she were to turn him away now…

  She met his eyes. A slow grin spread across her lips, adoration filled her eyes. “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Lady Sarah Carrington. You are the only woman for me. I shall love you for the rest of my days if you will allow me to.”

  “I love you, too, Julian.”

  His lips came down on hers demanding, needing to taste her. She kissed him back with an urgency that matched his own.

  Nothing in him would allow him to wait even a moment longer to be with her. He lifted her into his arms and moved toward the staircase, trailing kisses across her cheek and down her neck. “I need to make love to you until you never forget my heart beats for you alone.”

  Sarah beamed up at him, laying a hand on his cheek. “I want that too. Always.”


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