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Dating Dilemma

Page 11

by Brownell, Rachael


  Walking through my front door, something feels off. There's no sign of Abby anywhere.

  Dropping my things on the counter, I dial, and after two rings, her voicemail picks up. Where is she and what is she up to? The fact she sent me to voicemail has alarm bells ringing in my head.

  An hour later, she walks through the front door with two shopping bags in each hand and a devious smile on her face.

  "Honey, I'm home," she sings, laughing loudly at her own joke.

  "Where have you been?"

  "You said you weren't going to be home until five, so I went shopping. I picked up a few things for you, too. A dress I think will look amazing on you and some boots to go with it."

  "Why didn't you answer when I called you?"

  "I was naked," she replies, brushing me off. "So try these on. We're going out for dinner." Shoving a bag in my hand and pushing me toward my room, Abby effectively dismisses me.

  The dress is too short, but the boots fit perfectly. Changing into a pair of jeans before Abby tries to force me to wear the dress, I slip the boots back on and slide into a dressy black top that accentuates my chest.

  "That looks nothing like the outfit I picked out for you," Abby points out as soon as I open my door.

  "The dress was too short. My ass was practically hanging out. I'm pretty sure no one wants to see that,” I say, challenging her.

  Abby mumbles something under her breath before slipping into the bathroom and changing. She comes out moments later wearing the same boots she bought me and a dress even shorter than the one I tried on.

  "Where exactly are we going?" I ask, gathering my purse and keys.

  "A bar."

  "For dinner?"

  "And dancing. There's a line dancing place just outside of town."

  "Where did you hear that?"

  "From the lady who sold me our boots. Tonight, Lauren Lynn, you are going to let loose and have fun. What better way than with a good-looking cowboy twirling you around the dance floor? Now, go put that dress on and get your ass out here."

  "Oh, you'll see my ass everywhere if I put that dress back on," I reply, rolling my eyes at her. When I look back in her direction, she's glaring at me. Staring at each other for a few minutes, I finally relent when I realize she’s not going to give in. I don’t want to fight with her tonight. I have enough going on in my life. Having her in my corner is the only positive I can think of. "Fine. I'll put the dress on, but if I drop anything on the ground tonight, I'm not picking it back up."

  The bar is packed by the time we get there. Abby claimed she knew where to go, but it took us over an hour and asking for directions twice to actually find the place. It was hidden between two corn fields, set back off a dirt road. If you didn't know it was there, you'd drive right past it.

  The music is loud enough I can hear every word of the Luke Bryan song as soon as I open my door. Grabbing my hand, Abby dances us to the entrance. Once we're inside, I scan the room, looking for a place to sit. Just as I'm about to suggest a table in the corner, Abby takes my hand and pulls me in the direction of the bar.

  "One of us has to be sober to find our way back home."

  "I have that covered."

  "I'm pretty sure a taxi isn't going to be able to find us," I yell over the music.

  "Two top shelf long islands," Abby hollers at the bartender, winking when he looks down her dress as she leans over the bar.

  "On the house," he says as he slides them across the counter a few minutes later.

  Abby makes sure to flash her wedding ring as she picks them up and hands one to me. "Thanks," she calls over her shoulder as she pulls me away from the bar.

  I mouth "thank you" to the bartender, but he's not paying attention to me. His eyes are glued to Abby's ass, the part of it that's visible to the entire room.

  Tugging my dress down as far as I can without my tits popping out the top, I pull away from Abby and go in search of a table. If my ass is planted in a chair, it won't be on display.

  An hour later, my drink is empty and I'm watching Abby learn to line dance, fascinated at how quickly she picks up each step. She's always been a good dancer, but this is different. You would never know this was her first time by watching her. It took her one verse and she fell in step with the rest of the people crowded on the dance floor.

  A woman a few years older than me slides into the chair next to me and nudges my arm.

  "Which one belongs to you?" she asks.

  "The one whose ass is hanging out of her dress," I say, pointing at Abby.

  "No, which guy?" she asks, laughing.

  "None of them. Single. You?"

  "I left my husband at home. I came to meet a friend," she explains.

  "Gotcha. Is your husband okay with that?"

  "I didn't ask. It's his turn to watch the kids." I'm unable to hide my curiosity at her statement. I'm about to ask when she reads my look and saves me the breath. "I get to go out Friday nights and he gets Saturday nights. It's this thing we started after our second daughter was born. Thursdays are date nights; my parents watch the girls. Fridays and Saturdays, we get time with our friends. Sundays are family days. It gives us each a break from the kids and from each other. Best decision we ever made."

  "Huh," I say, for lack of anything better.

  "Yeah, best advice I've ever received."

  "You obviously have some great friends."

  "Why do you say that?" she asks. "My friends are all divorced. We were headed that way, too. Always stressed out, at each other's throats. If I hadn't asked for help, my marriage would have never survived."

  "Whose idea was it? Yours or his? I'm betting it was yours. No offense, but I'm pretty sure a man would never come up with a plan like that."

  "Your boss, actually," she says, extending her hand. When I take it in my own, she introduces herself. "Hope. It's nice to finally meet you, Lauren."

  Hope. As in, Kyle's sister, Hope? There can only be so many people out there with that name. She obviously knows who I am. And judging by the look on Abby's face as the song ends and she heads this direction, this wasn't an accidental meeting.

  Abby plops down in a chair across from us, a huge smile on her face as she attempts to catch her breath.

  "I see you've finally met. Lauren, Hope is going to help us."

  Both of them are staring at me, waiting for my response. Right now, I can’t think of anything to say. Should I be excited? From what Kyle has told me about his sister, she likes to meddle. So does Abby. The fact Abby contacted Hope shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does.

  "I don't understand. Why?"

  "Because my brother is head over heels for you. You're the best thing that's happened to him in a long time. After Kristen destroyed him, I prayed he would find someone like you, and I'm not about to let him throw your relationship away without giving it a chance. He deserves to be happy and so do you. Plus, the advice you gave me led him to you. That was fate, Lauren. He might not see it now, but he will."

  Both of them are still staring at me, smiling, and waiting for me to agree to whatever they have planned. As far as Abby goes, her plans always end in disaster. Combine that with a like-minded person such as Hope and things are bound to turn out bad. There's only one way to find out...



  The bar is packed when I walk in. Instead of coming straight from work tonight, I went home and changed first. My tie felt like it was choking me today while I waited to get the phone call deciding my fate. It still hasn't come.

  I'm assuming that means the answer is no.

  My one opportunity to get away from Ron was just washed down the drain. The presentation went fantastic. I'm not sure what I could have done or said to convince them I was worth the risk more than I've already tried to do. I gave it my all, even if I was a bit distracted by my current situation.

  Settling in the only empty seat at the bar, a beer appears before me without even asking for it, followed
by a menu. Looking up, the same bartender from a few weeks ago is leaning across the bar, giving me a devious grin.

  "What can I get for you tonight, Hun?" she purrs, her tits about to pop out of the tank top she managed to squeeze them into tonight.

  This is not what I signed up for. What happened to the male bartender who used to be back here on Friday nights? He was great. Served me until I couldn't stand up, took my keys, and promised to make sure my car didn't get towed before morning. He left me to drink my sorrows away. This chick is not going to do the same if the look on her face tells me anything.

  "The beer’s fine, thanks. I'll have a basket of fish and chips, too."


  "Yes, please," I reply, taking a sip of my beer. Spinning the stool so my back is to the bar, I pretend to take an interest in the band that's about to start their set.

  Two beers later, my food finally arrives. It was hard not to notice all the other people around me with food when mine was missing. My stomach growled in appreciation when she finally set the basket in front of me followed by the slam of the vinegar bottle.

  She didn't ask if I wanted anything else. In fact, she ignored me for the rest of the night like I ignored her advances when I first sat down. If she only knew I was even more fucked up than she's probably imagining. She wouldn't want to touch me with a ten-foot pole.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, but I don't bother to check and see who's calling. I'm off the clock. My shift ended hours ago. If it's an emergency, they can call Ron. If it's Hope, which is highly unlikely since it's girls’ night, she'll call me back in the morning. Better yet, she'll be the one dragging my ass out of bed.

  The band plays until a little after midnight. They weren't half bad. Much better than some I've heard play here recently. Maybe it's because I'm not completely wasted that I was able to enjoy their music. Either way, tonight was exactly what I needed.

  To relax and unwind.

  This week has been stressful on so many levels. Come Monday, the stress will return full force when I meet with Ron and explain to him I wasn't able to get the financial backing I needed to buy him out. Maybe he'll show me some mercy and bow out. He could always become a silent partner. He would still receive his half of the profits but wouldn't have to show up at the office. Ever. Again.

  He could move to another country, and I wouldn't have to worry about shopping at the wrong store and running into Kristen. I could go back to my bar, the one within walking distance of my house. No more late-night cab rides home. No more leaving my car behind. I could walk there and walk home. Like I used to before she ruined my life.

  My phone vibrates again just as I'm about to call for a cab. It's Hope, texting me to come pick her up.

  ME: isn't that why you have a husband?

  HOPE: he's watching the kids.

  ME: is everyone drunk?

  HOPE: pretty much.

  ME: me, too. I can send a cab.

  HOPE: NOOOOOOO. Come get me or I'll never forgive you.

  ME: we both know that's a lie. You won't even remember this conversation tomorrow. Send me the address. I'm on my way.

  The cab driver isn't excited about driving out to the middle of nowhere to pick Hope up, so I promise him an extra twenty dollars for the inconvenience. Honestly, neither am I. I'd rather be crawling in bed right now, sleeping off the buzz I have.

  Pulling up in front of the honky tonk, I roll my eyes when I see Hope dancing in the parking lot behind the last two cars in the parking lot. One is hers and one belongs to...


  Why is she here? How is this possible?

  She's leaning against her car, holding her stomach and laughing hysterically at Hope and another girl. Her dress is so short it leaves very little to the imagination. Her tits are about to pop out, and unlike with the bartender from earlier, I'd actually like to see that happen. Just thinking about it makes my dick hard.

  The other girl doesn't look familiar. It's not one of her friends, so I can only imagine it's one of Lauren's. As I open my door, I hear her laugh and realize who she is. Abby. The one who is on my side. Or at least she was supposed to be. She hasn't called me back since I hung up on her.

  Stepping out of the cab, I whistle at Hope, and she stops dead in her tracks. Turning slowly, she grins and starts running toward me. Jumping, she wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes.

  "You'll thank me later. I promise," she whispers in my ear before pulling away.

  "I highly doubt that. Let's get out of here," I reply, ducking back into the cab before she can argue with me.

  Closing my eyes, I rest my head against the back of the seat and wait for Hope to say goodbye to her new friends. I picture Lauren's legs wrapped around me, her dress riding higher on her hips, revealing a tiny pair of panties. Panties I'll get to rip off her after I make her beg.

  "Scoot over," Hope hollers, pushing against my shoulder.

  When I open my eyes, I realize why.

  I'm not just picking Hope up from the bar. They're all getting in the cab. Including Lauren.

  "Hey," she says, sliding in on the other side of Hope.

  "Hey," I reply, shooting daggers at Hope the second Lauren looks away.

  "Abby," a voice screams from the front seat. "Nice to finally meet you. You're much hotter than Lauren described."

  "Abby!" Lauren screams.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see her cheeks are flushed bright pink just as the interior light of the cab dims.



  They explained the plan to me over margaritas and long islands. Probably not the best idea, but I have a feeling Abby knew I would be more agreeable if I was slightly drunk. Especially when they started talking about taking a cab home. My protests went unheard as they dragged me out of the bar.

  When they started whispering and laughing in the parking lot, I knew they were up to something. Something they didn't plan to include me on. With the music still blaring loud enough for us to hear it in the almost empty parking lot, Abby started dancing around me.

  "I have to pee, Abby. Stop making me laugh," I exclaimed, holding my stomach.

  "That makes it even funnier. Just go behind your car. It's not like anyone is watching. Except me. I'm always watching," she replied in her creepiest voice.

  Of course, this caused me to laugh even harder. Her words were slurred, the impact she was trying to get across lost in translation. When I spotted the cab pulling into the parking lot, I was relieved. I just had to hold my bladder for a little while longer.

  That's when he appeared. As if out of nowhere, Kyle was standing next to the cab, staring at me. All I could see was red. Abby and Hope tricked me. This was their plan all along, and they knew if they told me, I would never go for it. My car keys were in my purse and I was half tempted to jump in my car and get the hell out of there. If it weren't for all the booze they convinced me to consume I would have, but I was in no condition to drive. That didn't stop me from thinking about it or searching for my keys.

  Abby dangled them in front of my face while Hope took off toward her brother, engulfing him in a hug that he didn't reciprocate. His eyes remained focused on me the entire time. He was just as surprised and confused as I was. At least I wasn’t the only person they didn't include in their little plan.

  "You do realize that this isn't going to go over the way you want it to. It's not like he's going to magically forgive me," I said to Abby as Kyle got back in the cab.

  "You never know. You look smokin' hot tonight. That might be enough for him to forget everything and take you home. That's what you want, isn't it?" she asked, taking my hand and pulling me toward my impending doom.

  "Not exactly," I mumbled before ducking to get in the back next to Hope.

  "Hey," I said when Kyle looked in my direction. The pain in his eyes was evident by the way he looked past me and not at me, so I turned to look out the window.

  Abby made her presence known by introducing herself a
nd embarrassing me in the same sentence. I was so upset I screamed at her and resumed my focus out the window at the passing fields of corn.

  Hope and Abby made small talk until we dropped Hope off at her house. I tried to get Abby to switch seats with me when we all climb out of the car to say goodbye, but she ignored me. Hope poked her head back in the window to say goodbye to Kyle, but her words were muffled and all I could hear was "don't expect me" before we pulled away from her house.

  I gave the driver my address and relaxed back into my seat, closing my eyes. The car was silent, but my ears continued to ring from the loud music. I tried blocking it out by breathing deeply, but my heart was beating in rhythm with the hum. The moment I got back in the car next to Kyle it sped up and my palms started to sweat.

  It had been three weeks since I'd seen him. He looked exhausted. I wasn’t sure if that had to do with how late it was or if something was on his mind. I was sure he wasn’t enjoying the situation we'd been forced into either. It was awkward for me. I wanted to talk to him, but I wasn’t ready to hear what he has to say, and being inebriated, I preferred to wait until another time.

  If I got another opportunity.

  I felt the cab come to a stop and then my body being lifted out of the seat. A warm, hard body was carrying me. Kyle. Why is he carrying me?

  Cracking my eyes open, I was momentarily blinded. I didn't recognize my surroundings. I tried to speak, but my throat was dry and my words came out broken and mumbled.

  "Go back to sleep, Lauren. I've got you," he said, slowly lowering me away from his body and onto something much softer.

  A bed. I'm in my bed.

  Reaching for my pillow, I'm met with a table that's not normally there. That's when the fog clears and I sit straight up, cracking my head against Kyle's in the process.

  "Damn it! What the hell, Lauren?"

  Kyle stumbles backward and grabs his head, mimicking me. Shit that hurt.

  "Where am I?"


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