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The End of Men and the Rise of Women

Page 31

by Hanna Rosin

  Spike TV, 40, 87

  Sri Lanka, 184

  Stanford University, 40, 196, 268

  Prison Experiment, 187

  Stanton, Katie, 194–95

  Stay-at-home husbands, 51, 54

  Steenbarger, Brett, 173

  Steinbacher, Roberta, 12

  Steinem, Gloria, 215

  Stevenson, Adlai, 152

  Stop Sabotaging Your Career (Frankel), 209

  Story of Edgar Sawtelle, The (Wroblewski), 114

  Suicide bombers, female, 184

  Summers, Larry, 86–87

  Sumners, Joe, 86

  Super Bowl, 57

  Swank, Hilary, 189

  Sweden, 19, 267

  Swinger culture, 42

  Switzerland, 55, 251

  Taiwan, 238

  Talk magazine, 228

  Tallapoosa County (Alabama), 85–86

  Tanenhaus, Sam, 178

  Tanzania, 188

  Target stores, 136

  Tatler magazine, 228

  Teachers, 9, 51, 71, 84–85, 100, 231, 265

  and gender differences in students’ behavior, 164–66, 259

  men as, 71, 84, 89, 119, 263

  Sunday school, 80, 83

  training of, 152, 155

  TED, 224

  Teen Mom (TV reality show), 19, 179

  Teen pregnancy, 19

  “Telephone” (song), 190

  Thailand, 36

  Thatcher, Margaret, 175

  Thelma & Louise (movie), 190

  Things of a Man (Korean best seller), 259

  30 Rock (television show), 58

  “Throwing Like a Girl” (Young), 189

  Time magazine, 107

  Title IX, 17, 18, 26, 147, 189

  TMZ, 179

  Toledo (Ohio), 179

  Tomasdottir, Halla, 202

  Too Many Women? (Guttentag and Secord), 39–40

  Tosh.O (television show), 126–27, 143

  Town Bloody Hall (documentary), 65–66

  Twenge, Jean, 187–88, 191

  Twilight (book and movie series), 267

  Twitter, 195

  Tyre, Peg, 161

  U.S. News & World Report, 107–8, 145

  Unemployed Man and His Family, The (Komarovsky), 62

  Unemployment, 56, 62, 86, 89, 106, 110, 116

  benefits, 84, 123–24, 261

  UNESCO, 150

  United Kingdom, 4, 48, 117, 166, 183, 185, 249

  United Nations, 236

  Up All Night (television show), 265

  VandenHeuvel, Sarah, 138–39

  Vassar College, 145, 158

  Victimization, 20, 179–80, 182, 183

  Victorianism, 134, 249

  Video games, 40, 110, 157, 163, 186, 217, 265

  Vietnam, 256

  Vietnam War, 152

  View, The (television show), 242

  Virginia, University of, 49

  Wagoner, Lou Ann, 101–2

  Walgreens pharmacies, 121, 133

  Wallace, Emma Gary, 129

  Wallace, George, 92

  Wall Street Journal, The, 206

  Walmart, 87, 88, 103, 104, 111

  Walters, Barbara, 225

  Washington, DC, 179

  Washington Post, The, 207, 212

  Wayne County (Indiana), 92

  Weel, Bas ter, 135

  We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Jackson), 170

  Weinberg, Bruce, 135, 137

  Wertheimer, Albert, 134–35

  What to Expect When You’re Expecting (movie), 265

  When Work Disappears (Wilson), 88

  “Where I’m From” (song), 95

  White, Emily, 195, 197, 215, 220–21

  White-collar jobs, 129–30. See also Professions

  White House Council on Boys and Men, 69

  White House Council of Economic Advisers, 86

  Whitmire, Richard, 162, 167

  Whole Foods, 108, 196

  Why Boys Fail (Whitmire), 162

  Why Girls Fight (Ness), 180

  Whyte, William, 64

  Wilcox, Brad, 49, 93–95

  Wilson, William Julius, 88

  Winter Olympics (PyeongChang, 2018), 250–51

  Wisconsin, 113–17, 137

  Wisconsin, University of, 114, 116, 120

  Wonder of Boys, The (Gurian), 160

  Working class, 1, 6, 24, 60, 71, 82, 87, 124. See also Manufacturing

  Working mothers, 9, 76, 141, 241, 243, 254

  Working Mother’s Guide to Life, The (Mason), 76

  Work It (television show), 55

  World Bank, 235

  World Health Organization, 238

  Wright, Joe, 190

  Yale University, 17–19, 26, 45

  Yamaguchi, Tsutomu, 175

  Yates, Richard, 64–66

  Yevlapova, Natalya V., 184

  Young, Iris Marion, 189

  YouTube, 179

  Yuhan-Kimberly, 249

  Zimbardo, Philip, 40




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