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The End of Men and the Rise of Women

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by Hanna Rosin

  Frankel, Lois, 34, 209

  Franklin, Bernard, 154, 156

  Friedan, Betty, 53

  From Chivalry to Terrorism (Braudy), 266–67

  Fulbright scholarships, 255

  G.I. Bill, 152

  Gaga, Lady, 33, 189, 191

  Garreau, Joel, 133

  Gates, Bill, 166

  Gender equality, 14, 37, 67

  lack of, 125

  Gender role reversal, 137

  Generation Y, 141

  Georgetown University, 147

  Gerberding, Julie, 199–200

  Gergen, David, 199

  Germany, 251

  Gerstel, Naomi, 264

  Getting to 50/50 (Meers), 224

  Gettys, Charles, 81–84

  Gettys, Sarah Beth, 82–84, 97–98

  Ghana, 234

  Ghost Writer, The (Polanski), 189

  Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Larsson), 43, 190

  Girlfight (movie), 189

  Girls (television show), 43–45

  GlaxoSmithKline, 172

  Gneezy, Uri, 188–89

  Godsall, David, 57–60, 70

  Goldin, Claudia, 119, 130, 140, 152, 196, 216

  Goldman Sachs, 224

  Gold Misses, 238–39, 253, 257

  Goler, Lori, 197

  Goodstein, Eban, 158

  Google, 193–94, 196–97, 226

  Gordon, Claire, 18

  Gorn, Elliott, 133

  Gossip Girl (television show), 252

  GQ magazine, 225

  Grade point average (GPA), 147

  Great Depression, 62, 152

  Great Recession, 4

  Greece, ancient, 10

  Greenberg (movie), 56

  Greenstone, Michael, 86, 125–26

  Greer, Germaine, 66, 67

  Griffin, Phil, 214

  Grose, Jessica, 9, 56

  Gupta, Monica Das, 235

  Gurian, Michael, 160–61

  Guttentag-Secord theory, 39–40

  Guyana, 151

  Guyland (Kimmel), 40

  Hakim, Catherine, 29–30

  Hallmark, Gerald, 79–80, 97

  Hamilton, Laura, 22, 25

  Hanna (movie), 190

  Harmon, Mark, 30

  Harris, Tanner, 100

  Harvard Business Review, 141, 217

  Harvard University, 119, 227, 268

  Business School, 203, 246, 247

  Kennedy School, 198, 211

  HBO, 43

  Health-care industry, 118, 140. See also Doctors, female; Nursing profession; Pharmacists

  Hearts of Men, The (Ehrenreich), 63

  Hegedus, Nathan, 267

  Heilman, Madeline, 210–11

  Henderson, Darren, 89

  Heriot, Gail, 145–48, 158

  Hewlett Packard (HP), 219

  “Hey, Soul Sister” (song), 122

  Higher education, 94, 163

  gender dynamics of, 149–60

  See also specific colleges and universities

  Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, 175

  History Channel, 126

  Hodge, Monica, 109

  Home health care, 118, 124

  Honduras, 81

  Hooking Up (Bogle), 20

  Hook-up culture, 17–45

  Housewives, 65, 152, 172

  in Asian cultures, 239, 259

  role reversal fantasy about, 122

  in television shows, 47–48

  Housing industry, collapse of, 87, 89

  Houston, 81

  How to Train Your Dragon (Cowell), 190

  Huggies, 266

  Humber, Gabby, 100

  Hungary, 237

  Hunger Games, The (Collins), 34, 190

  Hunter-gatherer societies, 175

  Hwang Myeong-eun, 241–45

  Hyundai Motors, 204, 234, 250

  Iceland, 5, 202

  I Love Lucy (television show), 47–49

  India, 5, 119, 184, 188

  traditional families in, 220

  Indiana, University of, 21

  Information economy, 5

  Information technology (IT), 138

  Institutional Investor, 203

  International Olympic Committee, 250

  Internet boom, 201

  Iowa, 96

  Iraq war, 175

  Israel, 237

  Ivy League schools, 26–29, 31, 145, 198. See also specific universities

  J. C. Penney department stores, 97

  Jackass 3D (movie), 143

  Jacks, Margaret, 132

  Jackson, Shirley, 170

  Japan, 55, 238, 241, 253, 267

  Jersey Shore (TV reality show), 178–79

  Jews, 227

  Job, The (Lewis), 120–21

  Job loss. See Unemployment

  Jobs, Steve, 166

  Johns Hopkins University, 147

  Jolie, Angelina, 190

  Journal of Human Resources, 94

  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 187

  JPMorgan Chase, 202–3

  Justice Statistics, Bureau of, 182

  Kansas City, 89–90, 154–58

  Katz, Lawrence F., 152

  Keating, Charles, 178

  Kefalas, Maria, 93, 95, 96

  Keith, Toby, 80

  Kellerman, Barbara, 198

  Kelly, Megyn, 225

  Kennedy, Flo, 65

  Kentucky, 92, 158

  Kenyon College, 158–59

  Kessler-Harris, Alice, 119

  Khasi, 188

  Kia automobiles, 111, 204, 250

  Kim, Stephanie, 253–55

  Kim, Yeeun, 231–32, 239–40, 258–59

  Kim, Yongah, 246–48, 251

  Kimmel, Michael, 40

  King, Cisco, 109

  King, Jacqueline, 155

  King Kong Theory (Despentes), 256

  Kinsey, Alfred, 41

  Kipp, Peter, 232–33

  Knocked Up (movie), 56

  Knowing Your Value (Brzezinski), 214

  Komarovsky, Mirra, 61–63

  Kontz, Ann Miller, 172

  KPMG accounting firm, 226

  Krawcheck, Sallie, 205–7, 219, 226–27, 229

  Kuziemko, Ilyana, 152

  Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of, 117

  Ladge, Jamie, 124, 199

  Ladies’ Home Journal, 3

  Lady, The (magazine), 228

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence), 52

  Laschever, Sara, 209

  Las Vegas, 81

  Latinos, 180

  Lavin, Maud, 189

  Lawyers, 11, 28, 51, 59, 75, 104, 108, 132, 220, 222

  Leadership, 117, 123, 139

  charismatic style of, 30

  corporate, 198–203

  in Korea, 310

  male, economic factors in collapse of, 97

  Ledbetter, Lilly, 109

  Lee, I-Sing, 68

  Lee, Kirsten, 253–55, 257

  Lee, Stephanie, 259

  Lee County (Alabama), 106

  Legal profession. See Lawyers

  Lewis, Michael, 202, 218–19

  Lewis, Sinclair, 120–21

  Li, Tianle, 172

  Liberated Man, The (Farrell), 69

  Liberia, 259

  Lightdale, Jenifer, 186

  Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 64

  Longitudinal Survey of Young Women, 153

  Los Angeles Times, 218

  Louisville College of Pharmacy for Women, 129

  Maasai, 188

  Macho culture, 4, 55, 57, 69, 87, 160, 236, 259

  female aggression and, 181

  in workplace, accidents due to, 268

  Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 118

  Mad Men (television show), 197, 206, 234

  Mailer, Norman, 66

  Males, Mike, 19–20, 183

  Manson, Charles, 178

  Manufacturing, 108, 110, 262, 282n

  decline of, impact on men of, 2–4, 81, 85

  jobs for Africa
n-Americans in, 88

  pharmaceutical, 130, 155

  steel, 155

  Marriage, 18, 23, 40, 92, 96, 98, 142, 237, 254

  age for, 25, 238

  in Asia, 6, 238–39, 256–57

  attitudes toward, 32, 36, 101

  births outside, 93, 96

  commuting, 122

  ending, 94–95

  declining rates of, 81–82, 87, 91, 94

  delaying, 151, 154, 220, 237–38

  expectations about, 7, 95

  “seesaw,” 7, 47–77, 265

  sexuality and, 20

  See also Divorce

  Maryland, University of, 200

  Masculinity, 63, 266–69

  ornamental, 9

  post-feminist, 73

  Massachusetts, 92

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 86, 87, 125, 201

  Mass Career Customization, 141

  Masturbation, 41, 52

  Max, Tucker, 28

  Mayer, Marissa, 193–94, 196–97, 229

  McDonald’s, 179

  McDowell County (West Virginia), 87

  McGowen, Meghan, 108

  McKinsey & Company, 229, 246, 248, 251

  Median income, 87, 107, 125, 155

  Medical professions, 140. See also Doctors, female; Nursing profession; Pharmacists

  Meers, Sharon, 224

  Men’s Health magazine, 31

  “Men of Tears” groups, 6

  Merck Vaccines, 200

  Meritocracy, 125

  Merkel, Angela, 33

  Metropolitan Community College (Kansas City), 154

  Mexico, 81, 236

  Michigan, University of, 162

  MicroSort sperm selection method, 12

  Middle class, 66

  disparities between men and women in, 5, 40, 79–112

  norm of male breadwinner in, 63

  Mill on the Floss, The (Eliot), 163

  Millett, Kate, 60

  Million Dollar Baby (movie), 189

  Miss magazine, 132

  Missouri, University of, 88

  Kansas City, 156–57

  Miss Pharmacy beauty contest, 132

  Mohler, Albert, 97

  Mongolia, 237

  “Monitoring the Future” study, 164

  Moon Kook-Hyun, 249

  Moore, Mary Tyler, 121

  Mortenson, Tom, 150

  Mount, Jeanine, 122

  Ms. magazine, 65

  MSNBC, 214

  MTV, 179

  Murder, 173, 174, 182

  by women, 10, 169–72, 178, 184

  Murray, Charles, 93

  Muslims, 185

  My Life as a Man (Roth), 63–64

  My Misspent Youth (Daum), 31

  My Name Is Kim Sam-soon (television show), 256–57

  Myth of Male Power, The (Farrell), 69, 72

  Nakamura, Hitomi “Miki,” 231–32

  National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 161

  National Crime Victimization Survey, 182

  National Institute of Child Health, 222

  Nerds (Buckley), 190

  Ness, Cindy, 180

  Netherlands, 230, 267, 268

  Neuroscience, 161, 174, 262

  New Jersey, 172

  Newsweek, 161, 166, 219, 228

  New York, 92

  New York, State University of (SUNY), 156

  New Yorker, The, 197

  New York Times, The, 86, 93, 158, 176, 178, 184, 202–3

  New York University, 24, 210

  Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office (Frankel), 33–35, 209

  Nightingale, Florence, 128

  Nooyi, Indra, 214–15, 219–20

  Nooyi, Rajkantilal, 220

  Norma Rae (movie), 109

  North Carolina, 172

  North Carolina, University of (UNC), 156

  Northeastern University, 124, 199

  Norway, 150

  Nursing profession, 2, 83, 88, 104, 124, 125, 135, 155, 271

  men in, 9, 170, 262–63

  Nuttall, Roger, 171

  Oates, Joyce Carol, 170

  Obama, Barack, 86, 87, 148, 198

  Obama, Michelle, 30

  Office, The (television show), 15, 58

  Office Space (movie), 137

  Offshore oil platforms, 268–70

  Offspring, sex preference for, 12–14

  Oklahoma, 92

  Opelika (Alabama), 84, 106, 107, 110

  Oprah (television show), 242

  Optometry, 118

  Oral sex, 18, 26, 36, 42, 183

  Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), 67, 150, 247

  Gender, Institutions and Development Database, 236

  Organization Man, The (Whyte), 64

  O’Rourke, Lindsey, 185

  Orwell, George, 114

  Oslo stock exchange, 202

  Out-of-wedlock births, 40, 49, 93, 96. See also Single mothers; Teen pregnancy

  Ovesey, Lionel, 63

  Owen, Karen, 43

  OxyContin addiction, 87, 88

  Oxygen network, 184

  Panama City (Florida), 179

  Pandit, Vikram, 205, 206

  Pappas, Aggie, 180

  Park Chung-hee, 234

  Park Geun-hye, 259

  Patriarchy, 10, 42, 136, 188, 230

  authority in, 58, 62

  criminal justice system in, 177

  girls’ revenge against, in popular culture, 190

  middle class, 80

  priesthood model of, 134

  in South Korea, 13, 233–35, 259

  Patterson, James, 190

  Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education, 150

  People magazine, 12, 30

  “People People” study, 135, 137

  People skills, 64, 117, 120, 135

  PepsiCo, 214

  Perhaps Women (Anderson), 128

  Pharmaceutical Era, 128

  Pharmaceutical industry, 155, 172, 249

  Pharmacists, 114–23, 125–41, 157, 284n, 287n

  Philadelphia, 92–93, 96

  Philippines, 256

  Piaget, Jean, 63

  Pink, 180–81

  Pink Brain, Blue Brain (Eliot), 174

  Pinker, Steven, 174–75

  Plasticity, 263

  sexual, 41, 42

  Plastic surgery, 239

  Plath, Sylvia, 49–50

  Playboy Club, 29

  Playboy magazine, 60, 65

  Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman (Evans), 209

  Poisoning, 128, 170–73

  Polanski, Roman, 189

  Polizzi, Nicole “Snooki,” 178–80

  Pornography, 19, 26, 28, 29, 40, 42, 43, 56

  Portland (Oregon), 263–64, 268

  Portlandia (television show), 264

  Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth), 44

  Portugal, 237

  Practical Academic Cultural Education (PACE), 180–81, 185

  Premarital Sex in America (Regnerus), 39

  Prentice, Deborah, 186

  Pridgen, Abby, 106

  Pridgen, Connie, 84–85, 98–102, 106

  Pridgen, Rob, 84–85, 98, 110

  Princeton University, 86, 185

  PricewaterhouseCoopers, 226

  Prinz, Jesse, 175

  Professions, 22, 57, 149, 225, 239–40, 247

  elite, 203, 216

  female-dominated, 4–5, 8

  male versus female status in, 60, 152, 229

  marriage and, 71, 96, 254

  See also specific professions

  Property crimes, 176

  Pseudohomosexuality, 63

  Psychology Today, 175

  Publix grocery chain, 108

  Push Comes to Shove (Lavin), 189

  PyeongChang 2018 Winter Games Bid Committee, 250–51

  Qatar, 151

  Quarterly Journal of Economics, 201

  Quenching the Father Thirst (Williams), 9

  Rah, Theresa, 250–51

  Raiders of the Lost Ark (movie), 166

  Rape, 182–83, 256

  acquaintance, 20

  Re-Making Love (Ehrenreich), 41

  Real Housewives (television series), 48

  Red Families v. Blue Families (Carbone), 88

  Redhill, David, 136

  Regnerus, Mark, 39

  Remington typewriters, 127

  Republican Party, 91–92, 149

  Results-Only Work Environment, 226

  Revolutionary Road (Yates), 64–66

  Rice, Condoleezza, 175

  Richmond, University of, 145, 146, 158

  Riesman, David, 64

  Robyn (pop star), 44

  Rogge, Jacques, 251

  Roiphe, Katie, 67

  Role reversals, gender, 137

  Ronan, Saoirse, 190

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 119

  Roth, Philip, 63–64

  Routly, Chris, 266

  Royal, Ségolène, 30

  Russell Afternoon Center for Creative Learning, 111

  Russell Corporation, 79–81, 88, 101, 102, 105, 106, 111

  Russell Medical Center, 80, 81, 83

  Russia, 184

  Rust Belt, 87

  Rwanda, 259

  Safety 2000, 268–70

  Saint Agnes Medical Center, 171

  Saletan, William, 42

  Samsung Electronics, 234

  Sandberg, Sheryl, 197, 215, 219, 224–25, 230

  San Diego State University, 187

  Saudi Arabia, 151

  Scarborough, Joe, 214

  Scarpace, Katie, 138

  Schalet, Amy, 267–68

  Schmidt, Eric, 226

  Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 147

  School, gender differences in success in, 160–67. See under Higher education

  Schuster, Larissa, 169–72, 178

  Schuster, Timothy, 169–72

  Second Sex, The (Beauvoir), 1, 11

  Seoul (South Korea), 231–32, 248, 252, 253

  Service sector, 5, 87, 88, 108, 282n

  in Korea, 249

  Sex and the City (television show), 31, 43, 252, 256

  Sex at Dawn (Ryan and Jethá), 38

  Sexism, 197, 247

  Sexual abuse, 21

  Sexual assault

  decline of, 19

  See also Rape

  Shockley, Mary, 81

  Shows, Carla, 264

  Sickmund, Melissa, 178, 179, 183

  Siegel, Jordan, 247–48

  Sigurdardottir, Johanna, 5

  Silicon Valley, 194–97, 204, 221, 226

  Silver Spring (Maryland), 122

  Single mothers, 2, 49, 67, 82, 87, 93. See also Out-of-wedlock births

  Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson, 259

  16 and Pregnant (TV reality show), 19

  Slate magazine, 42, 51–52, 56, 208, 263, 265, 267

  Smith College, 152

  Snapped (television show), 184

  Soft skills, 135

  Solis, Bob, 169, 171

  Sommers, Christina Hoff, 160

  South Korea, 13, 55, 231–36, 238–59

  Family Laws, 234

  Foreign Ministry, 235

  Most Admired Companies, 249

  Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 97

  Southern California, University of, 13

  Spain, 55, 117, 237

  Sperm selection, 12


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