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Fight Like A Girl

Page 12

by A. D. Herrick

  “I just want to talk,” I called out over my shoulder jovially.

  “You're a lunatic.” Oh, he was right. I'm sure there was a team of professionals willing to stand by and agree. But that didn't stop me. No, it spurred me on, encouraging me to continue.

  I was a fucking lunatic.

  I was Crazy.

  A Madman.

  I was a desperate mother fucker. That’s exactly what I was.

  I carried on, whistling the tune of the seven dwarves. Just like them, it was off to work I went. I smiled at the thought. Elation pulsed through my veins. The monster in me thrived on the destruction.

  G had been gone two days. Two full solid fucking days and I was no closer to finding her.

  When I got to the gym, bloodied bodies were everywhere. The evening was spent identifying the bodies, contacting their MC to report the casualties, and sniffing out the culprits behind her abduction.

  There was one body missing. One body that I was sure I would find there. After questioning members of the Reckless Dogs I had my answer.

  Shank was gone.

  None of the bodies had been removed. I arrived just minutes after the Dogs doc and support team. There was no way Shank had walked away injured. No way had any of the Dogs been able to move his body.

  It was a setup.

  It was then I lost control. It was that moment of realization that I set forth the beast. Shank’s call had been a farce. A plan set in place to lure me away from Devil's so he could move my girl.

  The remainder of the night was spent in agony. I could have turned my truck around and went dead after them, but it would do no good. They would know I was coming. They would be prepared for retribution.

  What I needed was a plan. I needed to throw them off the trail. I needed the Devils in a state of security to ensure the lines of communication stayed open. I needed the Devils relaxed and confident in their betrayal.

  Pulling out my phone I dialed Bullet's number. I smirked to myself when he answered on the second ring.

  “Chaos, man, how bad is it?” Bullet’s poor acting nearly made me laugh. He sounded like an extra in a bad porno flick.

  I held myself together and fed him the line. I would feed him all the line he needed, enough to hang himself and his entire MC.

  “It's not good. G’s gone. Everyone at the gym is dead. I need eyes and ears on the ground. Do you think you can do that? I know you have intel in places I couldn't dream of getting.” I nearly choked on the lie as it spilled from my lips.

  “Absolutely man. We can't join your fight, but I can keep an ear out for you, Brother.”

  “I understand. All I need eyes on my back and ears on the ground. I just want my girl home safe.” The last part was the truth.

  After promising to listen for any word on G, bullet hung up.

  The line was cast. Now it was time to reel it in.

  The gym was cleared of blood and bodies by noon the next day. Several of the MC’s vowed to get retribution, some went so far as to chase down leads immediately. How many of them were being honest? I didn't know, but I knew it wouldn't take long to find out.

  Secrets had a way of getting out in the Folds. Nothing was sacred when your life was on the line. All I needed was to apply a little pressure.

  My plan was coming together faster than I thought. Though this wasn’t how I'd foreseen it coming together, it did make my job a whole lot easier. I only hated that G was caught in the middle.

  I loaded Mamá and all of her personal belongs into my truck and moved her out of town. Things were about to get rough and the last thing I needed was to worry about someone coming after her. I told no one where we were going. Though my plan was moving at an accelerated pace, I wouldn’t let them catch me off guard.

  “Hijo, you get those pendejo and you make them pay. You get our girl back.” I didn’t think I could love her more at that moment. I promised her with everything in me that I would do just that.

  My mother wasn’t a stupid woman. She knew who I was. What I was. She also knew what would happen to those who had taken G. That alone is what made moving her so much easier. I had a place on the other side of the state, just a few short hours’ drive away. It was a small place, but it was perfect for my mother. The neighborhood was safe and the town was large enough for her to get lost in but not so large that she would be lost. It was also free of MCs which meant it was perfect.

  A flock of bikes rolling into town would draw attention alerting the authorities. It was the safest plan of action. I hated leaving my mother to the safety of local officials but it was the best I could do, knowing I couldn’t afford to divide my time.

  By the time I made it back to the Folds, it was time to set things into motion. It was time to get my girl. Loading the back of my truck with gas cans and chains I made my return to the Devils clubhouse. I knew the Devils had a hand in G’s abduction. They were the first stop on my list. The Devils served as a warning to those who threatened what was mine.

  Now I was at stop number two for answers. The Crows would serve as a reminder of what happens to those who touch what's mine.

  Dropping Hangman’s body into the lawn chair I had set up, I stood over my prize. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours. Where's my girl? Where's G?”

  Hangman glared at me through tear stained eyes. Snot and spittle ran down his face, clinging to his beard. “Fuck you!” He spat.

  “Your choice.”

  Drawing back with the bat, I swung out. The solid wood splintering against his uninjured knee.

  “Where's my girl?” I yelled over his incessant howling.

  “Fuck your girl, I don't have her.” He cried bowing forward to cradle his knees with his good arm.

  “Okay then, who does?” I gave him a moment to think about the answer.

  “I don't know.”

  “Wrong answer.” I took out his other arm, rendering it useless.

  “Try again.”

  Hangman screamed. His pains were my pleasure. Holding my arms out to the sides I let his fear and panic wash over me, luxuriating in it like a soothing balm.

  “Tick, tock. You're running out of parts. Who has my girl?”

  Hangman’s wide wounded eyes shot up to mine. “Shank has her.”

  I dropped the bat down to my side. The look of relief washed over his face causing my upper lip to tick. He thought he was saving himself. How precious.

  “Why does Shank have my girl? Who sent him?”

  Shank didn't belong to anyone. He ran freelance, like me. There was something missing. Shank had no reason to work alone. With no one to cover for him, he would be easily found out.

  “Marco put out a bid. Highest bidder gets the girl. Only, instead of taking the highest bid, he accepted them all.” Fuck. Fucking Marco.

  “How many bids did he take?

  Hangman’s lip curled back in an arrogant smirk. “Six. But you'll never find out which.” He chuckled.

  “Thanks, pal.” Jerking back the bat, I sent it careening through the air.

  Hangman’s head flew to the side, a thick wet pop echoed through the night as splinters of wood flew through the air, raining down on us.

  The right side of his head was caved in. His eyeball hung down his cheek, swaying with the twitch of his body. It was a picture perfect moment if there ever was one.

  Two down, four to go.

  At least now I had some semblance of direction to go. I just needed to find out who all Marco took bids from.

  Tossing down the remnants of the bat I pulled my phone from my pocket. I had a few more calls to make before the night was up.

  This was my second night away from G. There wouldn’t be a third.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I woke splayed out on the cold concrete floor. My body screamed out in agony. There wasn’t a fiber of flesh or muscle that didn’t singe with excruciating pain. My mouth felt as though it were filled with cotton, my throat dry, and ton
gue like sandpaper.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had food or a drink. Time had no meaning here. I was in Hell. There was no doubt about it. It may not have been the fire and brimstone Hell preachers threatened on Sunday mornings but it was Hell nonetheless. It was my own personal brand of Hell.

  Despite being in bowels of Hades, my body shook violently against the cold concrete flooring. My only protection against the elements was the thin bloodied shorts and sports bra I fled Destruction in days before, possibly weeks. My head swam, nausea rolled through my stomach as bile coated the back of my throat.

  My heavy swollen eyelids fluttered against the darkness, unable to stay open for long as I fell in and out of consciousness.

  Chaos. The tiny spark of hope I held in my chest. The flicker of blind faith that he would find me held me here. It was that unwavering belief that kept me from slipping away, giving in to the long deep sleep that threatened to pull me under.

  It was tempting to give in. The darkness promised to ease my aches and pains. It promised relief from the blinding pain that left me shattered on the floor. But I couldn’t give in. I couldn’t give up that sliver of hope that he would find me.

  He loved me. He told me so. I had to believe that he would find me. I had to believe that he was out there now searching for me. The moment I lost faith I knew it would all be over.

  Shank threatened to sell me to the highest bidder. He threatened to offer up my virtue in place of the lost earnings on the last fight. I knew I was running on borrowed time. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he made good on his word. I only hoped Chaos would get to me in time.

  “Eat. You need your strength for the company you have coming. Your ass has been purchased for the next week. I suggest you get prepared.” A gruff voice barked out. A thick foot landed solidly on my stomach leaving me gasping for air before he retreated.

  The world went dark around me.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The blood on my hands did nothing to calm the rage burning through my veins. Four MCs down and I was still no closer to finding G. I felt as though I was spinning my wheels. Every lead led to a dead end.

  I left a trail of broken bloodied bodies everywhere I went. Still, no one was talking. All I had were whispers in the wind to go by. Those whispers led me here, to the now empty warehouse across the state. The Hunter’s fight club.

  I had to admit, I didn’t expect to see them in the mix. The shock wore off the moment I loaded my truck down with gasoline and a nice assortment of gardening tools. It was the Hunter’s men along with Shank who had left Marco and the Grim Howlers broken and bloodied along G’s living room floor. The fact that they were involved made no sense, yet here I was. Marco had cast his pool wide when he was looking for bidders. How he had managed to get word out so far without me finding out was still a mystery.

  Fred was bound to the chair in front of me. How he was still alive was beyond me. I guess being given the name Fred made a man stronger than the rest. The years of ridicule must have hardened him, making him more tolerant of pain. If he hadn’t been on the wrong side of the situation I would have been proud of him.

  “You still don’t want to tell me anything?” I tsked as I closed the pruning shears around the last remaining toe on his left foot. A pile of bloody phalanges lay forgotten on the floor. The gasoline soaked rag bound to the bleeding nubs did nothing to stop the seepage of blood trickling to the floor.

  “I t-told you.” He stuttered out biting back a scream as I squeezed the handle on the sheers. The remaining toe dropped to the floor with a thud. Blood spurt from the open wound like a sprinkler on a hot summer day. Fred’s teeth ground together as he fought back a scream.

  Tossing a fuel-soaked rag over the geyser erupting from his foot; I shook my head in shame. We had been at it for over an hour. In that time Fred had lost all ten of his fingers and toes along with one of his ears and several other body parts he wouldn’t be getting back. I wasn’t sure how much longer he would last before finally passing out.

  His skin was ashen and pale with a subtle hint of gray. He couldn’t withstand much more blood loss, of that I was sure.

  “All you have to tell me is where the girl is and then I’ll let you go,” I promised urging my words to convince him in spilling his secrets.

  Of all the guys I had tortured here tonight, they all had pointed to Fred. I knew he had the answers I needed; only he wasn’t talking.

  “I told you, I don’t know where Shank’s holding her.” He spit out angrily.


  It was always Shank.

  I was sick and tired of hearing the man’s name. Shank had become a ghost since the shootout at the gym, taking my woman with him. For a man that was once so easily found he somehow became really good at disappearing.

  “Where do I find Shank?” I bit out angrily, tired of playing games with the old man.

  A sickly smile spread across Fred’s face. “The girl lost the match. She went down like a sack of rocks. You should have seen it.” Laughter bubbled from his lips. “Shank was not happy with that one. No. Said he would be selling her pussy to the highest bidder since the girl wasn’t a fighter. I bet she has some sweet virginal pussy that one. I heard he already had a buyer.” Fred cackled tossing his head back in glee.

  I saw red.

  Enraged I slammed my fist into his chest in an attempt to shut him up. I couldn’t hear another word of it. I’m going to kill that mother fucker the moment I lay eyes on him.

  A rush of sticky warmth coated my hand. Looking down I noticed the pruning shears buried between Fred’s ribs. I felt a sick satisfaction in ending his life but it was only momentarily. I was nowhere near finding answers. I was no closer to finding G.

  Gathering my gear I left the building. There was nothing left for here for me. Again the trail had run cold. It had been a week and I was still no closer to finding my girl.

  Wiping my hands clean against my jeans I fished out my phone. I refused to give up. Someone knew where Shank was hiding. With enough pressure, people would start to come forward. No secrets stayed buried in the Folds. I just needed the right incentive.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Get up, let’s go.” Rough hands circled around my bicep dragging me up onto my feet. My body nearly collapsed back onto itself.

  “Fuck,” the man swore as he hauled me back up. His thick arm circled my waist as he hefted me up onto his shoulder.

  The world swam with the movement. My body was limp in his hold. I didn’t try to struggle or fight back. It would do no good. I was out muscled with nowhere to run.

  Closing my eyes I let the gentle sway of my body lull me into false relaxation. I needed to conserve my energy. If the past week had taught me anything, I taught me to comply without fighting back. Every time I tried I only got knocked down harder.

  “Is she still alive?” A man asked from across the room. “Yes.” The man holding me hissed out.

  “She looks dead.” The man jeered angrily. I ignored the comment. If I looked dead then at least I now had a justified reason for feeling that way.

  “Shut the fuck up. We need to get out of here or were dead.” The man holding me growled.

  My ears perked at his agitated state as I continued to feign unconsciousness. Something was going down. Something had the men holding me captive scared. The flicker of hope swelled in my chest.

  “What happened?”

  “Shank called. Chaos is coming. He took out the other five MCs and left a trail of bodies in the streets.” There it was. The hope in my chest blossomed swelling in my chest. Chaos was coming. The men had every right to be scared. They should be fucking terrified.

  “Fuck.” The second man growled out irritably. “Is she worth it?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about man?” The man holding me roared out.

  My shoulder connected with the doorjamb as the man holding me spun around on his heels. A bout
of nausea coiled in my stomach as I bit back a scream of agony. How much more abuse could my body take?

  “The chick. Is she worth it? Because for me she’s not. Chaos has taken out all the MCs, no one’s walking away. No one’s living through the night. Fuck. He’s gone past MCs and is taking out anyone even thought to have ties to Shank. The bitch isn’t worth it.” The fear radiating off the second man rolled off him in waves nearly drowning me.

  “What are you suggesting? We leave her here? Drop her off at his doorstep? Then what? What happens when Shank comes after us next?” The man holding me shouted. His body shook with fear and agitation.

  “Fuck Shank. Do you think Chaos is going to let him live? Do you think Shank will have the time to track us down? Because I don’t. I think we have a chance. I think this bitch is our way out.” The second man shouted out as he drew near, his voice echoing off the walls.

  “I think that if you take me to Chaos he’ll let you go,” I said weakly hoping my raspy voice was loud enough for the two men to her.

  The second man had provided the opening. He was willing to forgo Shank’s plan and set me free. All they needed was a little encouragement.

  The man holding me dropped me to the floor like a lead weight. My body hit the hard concrete with a sickening thud, all the air whooshing from my lungs. My vision dimmed leaving the two men in shadows.

  “Fuck you. How do you know? You’ll probably tell him to kill us.” The man screamed his foot sailing through the air. The contact sent my body skidding across the roughened surface.

  “No, she could have saved your life. But it’s too late.”

  A smile splayed across my lips as the lights went out.

  Chapter Twenty One


  Of all the things I had done in my life, the hardest thing I’d ever had to do was dispose of the two men that had my girl when all I wanted to do was run to her, cradle her in my arms, and promise her it would all be alright.

  But I couldn’t do that.


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