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Fight Like A Girl

Page 13

by A. D. Herrick

  Not just yet.

  Instead, I had to wait. I had to bide my time as I eased my way down the narrow passages toward the raised voices that echoed off the walls.

  It was a wonder I found her at all. After chasing so many dead ends I couldn’t see straight I had nearly given up hope of finding her, which nearly killed my soul. Every false lead would leave my heart heavier than the last. My father had worked tirelessly, calling in every favor ever owed to him in order to help me track down G. For all that man's flaws, I owed him my life.

  It was by the grace of God we were tipped off that Shank had been spotted at an old abandoned building on the south end of the state. How he had managed to make it so far I’ll never know. Apparently, my less than stellar friend had stirred up a lot of shit courtesy of yours truly. MCs didn’t like it when entire chapters were eliminated. They especially don’t like it when their lands and buildings are burnt to the ground along with all their product.

  As the casualties piled up so did the lost revenue and the uninvited heat. The police were coming in hot and heavy, scouring the state in search of the men behind the mass murders and charred buildings. The news stations cried out about gang violence, demanding the police to step up and do something, brushing the recent attacks off as a gang war. They were so close to the truth yet so far from it. This was a war, yes, but it had nothing to do with gangs and everything to do with finding my girl.

  Reckless Dogs had proven their loyalty. Spike and his men took over Destruction, using the gym as a base camp. Spikes men followed behind me, cleaning up the path of destruction I left behind, ensuring there were no witnesses to testify.

  With four of the MCs eradicated from the Folds and a fifth, the Grim Howlers, taken down by the Hunters, my obligation was almost fulfilled. My girl was so close I could taste her.

  I worked my way across the state taking out all the Hunter’s chapters I could find. It had all led me to here, the Angry Spades; a small group Shank had leaned on to help hide my girl. The Spades were barely a blip on the radar, their numbers in the teens. That’s how Shank had been able to avoid detection, using smaller clubs to move around in, clubs who rode more for fun than as an actual way of life.

  Reckless Dogs had taken claim to the now vacant land in the Folds as their reward and payment. The men remaining back in the Folds stood guard against any new clubs stupid enough to take up residency.

  Already neighboring clubs were fighting over the Hunters vacated territory in the neighboring area and across the state. The small territory wars helped to cover my tracks, ensuring the heat stayed off my back. After all, who would believe a single man could take down so many men at one time?

  A handful of Spike’s men had followed me down to the southern tip of the state. A crapshoot of a gamble I hoped would pay off. At this point, we were following any and every lead and alleged sighting of Shank or G. It often felt like we were being led around, like a dog chasing his tail.

  I crept along the vacant hallways, my ears strained as I listened to the raised voices of two men arguing. I felt a spark of hope bubble in my chest, as one of the men urged the other to turn over my girl. My heart stood still in my chest. I blinked several times as if doing so would increase my hearing.

  One man continued to plead his case to the other, begging him to turn in the girl in exchange for their lives. The fear radiating off the men was so thick it nearly gagged me, feeding the monster that lived within.

  One of the men was an optimist, I would give him that. I nearly felt sorry for him hoping that by turning G over he would be granted leniency. If only it would be that easy for him.

  Like a lion stalking his prey, I crept in closer. The voices were so close. I knew it would only be a matter of moments before I was right upon them. Slipping my blade from the back of my boot I got ready to attack.

  Then I heard a voice I never thought I would ever hear again. All of the oxygen felt as though it had been sucked from my lungs. Her soft, sweet broken voice was music to my ears causing my body to sway in shock. Emotions lodged in my throat, thick and heavy, nearly choking me. I swallowed down the painful lump, forcing down the irrational thoughts that filtered through my mind.

  The voice was faint, laced with fear and pain. It was so low I nearly thought I had dreamt it. Her voice was followed by the sound of something hard hitting the wall, sending a stabbing pain through my chest as I imagined the worst. It felt as though someone had ripped my heart from my chest leaving a gaping wide hole in its place.

  I nearly lost it the moment I rounded the corner, in time to see a tall dark haired man drop G to the ground. I had my blade buried into his shorter partner’s skull by the time the taller man’s foot sent G skidding across the concrete floor. Rage like I had never felt before consumed me.

  Pulling my Sig from my jeans waistband I unloaded the clip into the chest of G’s attacker. The man fell to the ground with a sickening thud, blood pooled around his crumpled form. Once satisfied he wouldn't be getting back up my eyes fell to the woman on the floor.

  I didn’t care about the noise. I didn’t care if anyone heard. I didn’t give a fuck about anything except holding G in my arms. The devil himself could rise from the ground and I wouldn’t have given a single shit.

  I had finally found her.

  My heart could finally beat again.

  My feet moved on autopilot as I made my way to the small crumpled form of my girl. Scooping my battered broken woman off the floor I clasped her to my chest. Guilt and relief washed over me, both emotions battling for dominance.

  It had taken weeks to find her. Weeks of her enduring unimaginable abuse at the hands of those cowardly bastards. It was time I could never take back. Time, I knew, I could never erase from her memory. Every moment away from her had felt like an eternity.

  The streets had run red with blood in my quest to find her. Rivers of life lost because one selfish bastard felt the need to touch what was mine.

  With my girl safely tucked in my arms, I carried her out of the decrepit old building placing her gently in the cab of my truck.

  G was out cold. The only tale that she was alive was the uneven lift and fall of her chest. Her face was swollen nearly beyond recognition, colored in black and blue bruises matching the marks that littered her body. The way her wounded body curled in upon itself shattered my heart.

  Red hot tears burned at the back of my lids at the sight of my girls’ tattered figure. Shank would not get away with this. I may have my girl but my pursuit didn’t end here. I would hunt him to the ends of the earth if need be. The tears I fought so hard to hide came forward. I made no move to wipe them away.

  Once behind the wheel, I pulled G’s battered frame against me, resting her head gently on my leg. I didn’t miss the sigh of relief that escaped her swollen cracked lips as my arm wrapped around her withered waist. G’s hand clung to my denim-clad legs. Her knuckles were wrung white as she held on for dear life.

  “I got you, Baby,” I whispered soothingly as I lightly stroked her head. The broken woman beside me was everything to me. She was my life, my future, my past, my everything. She was my entire world and she held my whole heart in her hands.

  The gym was no longer safe. Despite the fact that Spike and the Reckless Dogs had taken up residence I couldn’t take G back there. Shank was still out there and I wasn't going to take any chances. I had taken enough already and look what it got me. Look what happened to G. Turning my truck in the opposite direction I drove to the only place I knew that would be safe.

  It was a long drive. One I wish I didn’t have to take with G in her condition. But I couldn’t risk stopping. I couldn’t risk anyone spotting us.

  With a quick call to Spike, I let him know what to do. Spike’s men put out word that we were still looking for G. Through purposeful misdirection, his men were off to the northern tip of the state, leading all eyes away from G and me. I told no one where we were going.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  My mother stood waiting with the door wide open as I carried an unresponsive G inside. “Oh Carlos, my poor baby, look at her. Hurry up and get inside.”

  I followed Mamá into the small house with G crushed to my chest, allowing her to lead me into the back bedroom. Gently I lowered my girl on to the mattress. Small whimpers of protest escaped her lips as she clung to me. “It’s okay baby, you're safe. I'm here” I coaxed tenderly running a hand down her battered face.

  “Don’t leave me, Chaz,” G begged through parched cracked lips, her voice so soft and broken. Her plea shattered my heart dropping me to my knees beside her.

  “Never Baby, never again,” I promised, meaning every word. It would take an act of God himself to pull me from her side.

  Mamá flitted around the room straightening things that didn't need to be straightened, her eyes dancing between G and me nervously. I could read it in her eyes, the utter heartbreak, and devastation. With the tilt of my head, I encouraged her over, knowing it was killing her to stay away.

  I knew what she saw and how much it broke her heart. G was like a daughter to her. She loved her with every fiber of her soul. I knew it was killing her to see her girl so broken knowing there was nothing she could do. G lay in the center of the bed, her battered body resembling that of a discarded rag doll.

  “Carlos we need to get her out of those clothes we need to get her washed up and into something clean so we can assess the damage”

  Clutching my eyes closed tightly I nodded my head. I knew we needed to, but the truth was I wasn't sure how much more I could take. If anything else had happened to her. If the threats Fred had muttered had become true, I couldn’t promise that I wouldn’t completely lose my shit.

  Shank was a dead man.

  That wasn’t even a question. But, if anyone so much as touched my girl, I would burn the country to the ground until I killed every last one of them.

  “Hijo, help me get her into the bath. There is nothing you can do now but be here for her. She needs you.” The pleading tone in her voice did it for me. There was no mistaking that she was right.

  Closing my eyes I took a long deep breathing, preparing myself for what I must do.

  “Mamá, we need some scissors to cut off her clothes and a hot bath.” I directed, needing the order and structure to still my racing mind, keeping me somewhat sane.

  With a pat on my shoulder, she rushed off. In the distance, I heard the sound of water running as the bath began to fill. It didn’t take long for Mamá to make it back into the room, a long pair of silver clothing sheers in her hand.

  “Be easy, Hijo.” I could only nod.

  The material gave away easily. With each snip more of G’s bruised flesh appeared. Each new flash of flesh brought added weight to my chest, encasing my heart and dropping my stomach.

  “Give me those rags, Hijo,” Mamá demanded, pulling me from my raging thoughts, holding her hands out she waited for me to hand her the remnants of G’s clothing.

  I sat there in silence, my eyes raking over G’s body, committing every bruise and puckered flesh to memory. Shank would suffer. His death would be anything but swift. There wasn’t a square inch of G’s body that wasn’t discolored. There wasn’t a stitch of her that had been left unharmed. Her body reminded me of a nights sky just before a tornado, black, blue, and swirls of purple tinges with green and yellow, its destruction proudly displayed for all the to see. Every peak and valley told a tale of utter heartbreak.

  “Hijo, come. Get her in the bath.” Obeying my mother’s orders I gently gathered my girl into my arms, holding her tightly to my chest.

  “Easy, Hijo. Let’s go.” Mamá led me to the bathroom. The tub had been filled with hot water; sweet smelling bubbles crested the top, resembling whipped topping.

  “There are towels along the bottom so she won’t slip. Just ease her in.” She coached from the side as I gently placed G in the tub.

  At the first touch of water, G’s body seized, her hands fisting my shirt in an iron grip.

  “Easy, Baby. Just breathe. Let’s get you clean.” I continued to lower her into the water.

  As the water wrapped around her frail body, she began to relax. Her dark blue eyes fluttering open, locking on mine.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  His eyes were the color of milk chocolate edged with a deep forest-green. And when he smiled both colors ignited with a glow dazzling with the warmth of a crackling fire on a cold winter's night. It was an intoxicating sight to behold and the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.

  Never has a look made me feel so much love. I knew it was only a moment's reprieve. I knew Shank was still out there. I knew Chaos wouldn’t hang around for long. I could see it all in his eyes, just past the blazing love he felt for me was the anger and hatred of his once friend. Shank was a dead man. There would be no rest until his cold dead body was in the ground.

  For the first time, in what felt like an eternity, I could breathe again. I was safe. Really and truly safe. Looking into his eyes I felt the world melt away, with it all the pain and horrors of the past few weeks. There was only here, now, him and me. Nothing else mattered.

  I lay in the tub with Mamá watching over us. The pain in her eyes was palpable, shattering my heart.

  “Mamá, I’m okay.”

  “Ay Hija, I know you are. You’re such a strong girl.” Her lips slanted into a weak smile that didn’t match her damp eyes. A limp cloth had been wrung tightly in her hands, showcasing her true worry. I knew she was trying to be brave for me and it only made me love her more for it.

  Chaos dipped his hand in the water, gently wiping down my body with a soapy rag. Clenching my teeth I fought back a wince as his hand ran along my tender battered flesh.

  “Easy, Baby. I got you.” And he did. He had me, mind, body, and soul.

  “You came.” The words slipped out before I could restrain them.

  “Always. I will always come for you.” I knew he would. I had always known.

  White hot tears ran down my face. Tears of happiness, relief, and hope. I was safe.

  “Don't cry, Baby. You're breaking my heart.” His voice wavered as he spoke as though he himself were on the verge of tears.

  Reaching a hand up from the water I gently stroked his cheek. A trail of frothy white suds lined the path my fingers had traveled, tugging the corners of my lips up with it.

  Chaos’s autumn colored eyes glassed over, unshed tears lined his lids. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed hard. My strong devout man swallowed back his emotions, shielding me from the pain and heartache I glimpsed in the creases along his face. My heart hurt for him.


  “Yes, Baby,”

  How could I put into words the way I felt? I didn't know. So I said nothing.

  How do you tell someone, not just someone but your entire universe, the monstrous thoughts inside your head? How do you explain the evil, vile thoughts that parade around in your mind?

  I wanted Shank dead. I didn't just want him to die, I wanted him to suffer. I want him to feel every ounce of pain and humiliation he put me through. I wanted him to experience what it felt like to be helpless, betrayed, and brutalized. I wanted to hear him cry out in agony the same way he made me.

  I wanted it all and then some.

  Only, I didn't know how to ask for it. I didn't know how to put my desires into words, words that would undoubtedly reveal the monster I truly was. The monster I kept hidden.

  “He'll pay, Baby. He'll pay.” Chaos promised as though reading my mind.

  Giving my hand a squeeze he lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to my knuckles and then my palm. I felt the zing of electricity straight to my core. The simple touch lighting me up like a Christmas tree. He jump-started my heart making me feel more alive than I’d felt in weeks.

  “I'll get you something to change into. Doc will be here shortly.” Mamá said giving me a sympathetic smile. She placed a comforting hand on Ch
aos’s shoulder, allowing it to settle for a moment lending him her strength.

  My heart lurched for her. “Thank you Mamá.” With tears in her eyes, Mamá turned away, walking out of the small bathroom leaving Chaos and me alone to bathe.

  “I'm going to wash your hair. I need you to tilt your head back, Baby.” I didn't miss the brittle sound of his voice. I knew he was hanging on by a thread.

  Obeying his orders I allowed him to care for me, the gesture so intimate. I felt as though my heart was going to swell out of my chest.

  This man. This devastatingly handsome man would have searched the world for me. And he did.

  To all those who knew him, he was a killer. A cold-hearted, soulless killer. To me he was everything. No one saw the man behind the mask. They didn’t see how caring and compassionate he could be. They didn’t know how gentle his touch could feel. They didn’t understand how loving and affectionate he was when we were alone.

  They never would. For the man before me was all mine and mine alone. He was Chaz, my savior, my hero, the love of my life. To them, he would always be Chaos - Destruction.

  Chaos was gentle with me as he washed the filth and grime from my injured body. Every touch of his flesh against mine was met with absolute love and affection. He took his time massaging my scalp as he worked in the shampoo and conditioner. His large hands cradled me as he lowered me into the water to rinse away the horrors of the past few weeks.

  I didn’t miss the way his shirt clung to his body as it absorbed the water from the side of the tub. His nipples pebbled beneath the cool wet material teasing a smile from my lips. I longed to pull him to me, wondering how he would sound if I drug my teeth across his tight bud.

  “What’s that smile for?” He asked an incredulous smile tugging at his full thick lips.


  “Nothing, huh?”


  He chuckled, the sound warm and comforting reminding me of happier times.

  “Let’s get you out of the tub. The water’s getting cold and Doc should be here soon.”


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