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Daring Little Daisy

Page 4

by Rayanna Jamison

  “I know and I won’t make you eat those. Here, give me your plate.” He pulled it toward him and used his fork to pick out all of the onion pieces. Loving being able to take care of her, he also took his time and cut the carne asada and bell peppers into bite-sized pieces. She sat quietly and watched, and he noticed that the blush that had graced her perfectly sculpted cheek bones since she’d taken off her panties and laid them in his upturned hand had not faded. Her inability to turn down a dare was going to get her in trouble one of these days and he just hoped he could be the one to deliver the consequence. For now, though, he planned to have fun with it.

  Sliding the plate back toward her, he watched as she shyly picked up the fork and took a bite.

  “Thank you,” she finally spoke before picking up the doctored fajita in both hands and taking a small bite. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned as the spicy meat tickled her taste buds.

  His cock hardened at the look on her sweet face and he thanked his lucky stars that a table was concealing him from her view. If that’s how she looked after a bite of fajita, what was she going to look like when he was making her come, over and over again? Yeah, a few days was not going to be long enough for him to get his fill of her, he could already tell.

  “Mind if I join you?” Derek’s voice boomed in the cozy room and Rett couldn’t help but smile when Daisy almost jumped into his lap at his sudden intrusion.

  “Of course, cousin.” Rett nodded at one of the empty seats and at the same time reached for Daisy’s chair and scooted her as close to him as the space would allow. “I was wondering if you would be eating here since your Little wifey is under the weather.”

  Derek sat heavily and set down his plate of food. “She’s getting better, but that means it’s harder to get her to rest and if I have to fight her one more time, I’m going to tan her stubborn hide and then tie her to the bed.”

  Rett laughed and shook his head. “Sometimes that’s just what the doctor ordered, isn’t it though?” he asked, watching Daisy out of the corner of his eye. She sat stone still staring at her plate. He knew without looking that her hands were again holding down the hem of her skirt.

  “Ain’t it the truth,” Derek agreed with a laugh. “But enough about my problems. Are you going to continue to be a rude bastard and not introduce me to your little lady, or what?”

  “You interrupted our dinner and I’m the rude one?”

  “Touche.” Derek shoveled a spoonful of rice into his mouth, and Rett gave him the introduction he was waiting for.

  “Daisy, this is my cousin, Derek. Derek, this is my precious flower.”

  Daisy peeked up at him without moving her head and the corner of her mouth curled into a smile.

  Derek met her smile with one of his own, a wide, genuine grin known for putting anxious Littles at ease. “Nice to finally meet you Daisy. Rett has told us all about you.”

  “Nice to meet you too.” Daisy’s voice was small and timid and Rett wrapped his arm around her shoulders loving how she cuddled into him, accepting his comfort and support.

  “I’m sorry we couldn’t welcome you properly. My angel is chomping at the bit to meet you and it’s killing her that we can’t have you up to the house for dinner,” Derek continued.

  “That’s okay. I mean, I wanna meet her too, but she should be worrying about getting better for Christmas.”

  “Exactly. You are a smart young lady. Maybe you can teach Sadie a thing or two?” He winked and Daisy giggled.

  “I could try.”

  “I’m sure you two will hit it off as soon as you are able to get together. And I’m sure she will be well enough to meet you before we have to go, but for now, there are still many things I want to show you at this Little’s paradise, so why don’t we finish up?”

  Daisy looked at her plate then back at him. “I, um, I’m all done.”

  “You barely touched your dinner, little flower. You need to eat more than that if you want your cake.”

  Biting her lip, the blush on Daisy’s cheeks deepened. He didn’t think she could possibly get any redder and it dawned on him that she was more worried about clutching her skirt to her legs than making sure she got to have dessert.

  Picking up his fork he stabbed a few pieces of food and held it up to her mouth. Her lips parted without hesitation and she took the offered morsel. She stayed silent and allowed him to feed her almost every bite as him and Derek chatted about ranch work and everything else under the sun. He loved the quiet intimacy of feeding her and decided it would become a normal part of their dynamic. The way she relaxed against him and her intermittent sighs of contentment told him that she would not protest that decision.

  So far, everything was going better than he’d imagined.

  Chapter Five

  All Daisy could think about as Rett took her on a tour of the Ranch, was the fact that she was still naked beneath the already too short skirt. Every time any kind of breeze flowed through, she shivered as it came into contact with her wet slit. She didn’t know what her body’s problem was, but she had been in a constant state of arousal since he had made her take off her panties. Okay, so he hadn’t exactly forced her, but he might as well have, and he knew it. Now he was just torturing her on purpose.

  “How about if we go see the playroom?” he whispered into her ear.

  “Can I have my panties back?” she asked, hopefully. She wanted to go and play. She loved Legos and dolls and the whole room looked like so much fun, but there was no way she was going to get onto the floor to play with any of it without panties. He was out of his damn mind.

  “Nope, you will be lucky if you are allowed to have them back at all for the next few days. I may be addicted to that blush on your cheeks and the face you make every time you think your skirt has shifted.”

  “That’s not fair.” She could not keep the whine out of her voice if her life depended on it. She wouldn’t survive the embarrassment of being panty-less for three whole days. “I can’t go play like this, though.” She pouted, hoping to get him to change his mind.

  She knew it wouldn’t work, but what’s a girl to do when she needs her panties back so she can play with Legos?

  “You can go and play if you want to, little one. There’s no one else here right now. Even if there were other people, no one would be surprised by your lack of panties.” He winked and she held tighter to her skirt to keep from slugging him.

  “There’s no way!” she exclaimed, shaking her head vehemently.

  “Not even if I dare you?”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “You’re here in a skimpy schoolgirl’s outfit, sans panties, and you think I wouldn’t dare you to go checkout that amazing dollhouse over there? I seem to recall you telling me about one just like it that you wanted when you were a little girl. And now here it is, and you could have it all to yourself for a bit. You might want to reevaluate your thinking.”

  Damn, he was good. She was really going to have to start rethinking this dare thing because he was seriously starting to push her limits.

  Isn’t that what she wanted though? She wanted to come to the Ranch and have new experiences. And she wanted to have those new experiences with the most amazing man she’d ever met, but dammit, did he have to be so good at getting her to do whatever he wanted? Did he have to use her one major weakness against her?

  “Please don’t.” It was all she could think to say, but apparently it worked. Rett pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

  “You’re too cute for your own good, you know that?”

  “You may have mentioned it a time or two.” She looked up at his smiling face.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like that!”


  “Because it makes me want to kiss you.”

  “I dare you,” she sing-songed, excited to throw a dare back his way.

  He leaned down slowly and she closed her ey

  “Just to prove to you how easy it is to turn down a dare, you’re out of luck.” His lips were so close to hers that she felt his breath as he spoke. Lifting up onto her toes, she tried her darnedest to steal the kiss he was so blatantly teasing her with, but he was faster and pulled back just before she made contact.

  “Tsk tsk. Naughty girl, trying to take something that’s not yours to take.”

  She pushed her lip out in the cutest pout she could muster. “You’re mean!”

  “You haven’t seen mean yet, little lady.” He raised a brow and she bit her lip to keep back her sassy retorts. “C’mon, let’s go back to the room. It’s been a long day for you.”

  “But…” Maybe she should just do it, say screw it and go play. As she thought it, another Little ran past her into the room. The breeze came swift and sudden and started to lift her skirt. If she hadn’t been quick, she’d have flashed her naughty bits to all and sundry, even if that was only Rett.

  Yeah, not a chance.

  What would it feel like to be able to act without worrying what others thought? She wanted that. She wanted to feel free.

  “Be a good girl for Daddy and you can earn your panties back so you can play,” Rett offered not so helpfully.

  She gave one last longing look at the playroom and sighed as she allowed him to lead her away.

  Why couldn’t he just have dared her to go play with that amazing dollhouse?? She pouted all the way back to the room, but it did her no good because Rett was distracted. He held her hand and strode forward with determination. Daisy wasn’t quite sure what he was distracted by, or what had brought on his determined gait, but she had a feeling that once they got back to the room, things were going to get real.

  Her stomach flipped with nerves, and she felt instantly nauseous.

  She also couldn’t wait.

  “Okay, little one. Bath and then rest, in that order,” Rett commanded as soon as the door to their room closed behind them.

  Daisy turned and looked at him with surprised confusion. “But I’m not tired,” she protested. “And I took a shower this morning.”

  “The bath is to relax you. You were up early travelling, and I know how stressed you have been over this trip. There is an event tonight that I want to take you to, but if you are dead on your feet you won’t have any fun,” he informed her matter of factly. She may not have been completely ready to give him everything, but he was still determined to take care of her the best he could. “Plus, crabby and tired Littles tend to get themselves in trouble and we don’t want that now, do we?”

  His veiled threat hit the target. Her eyes widened and her hands wandered back to cover her backside as she shook her head.

  “I thought not. Let’s get you in the tub.” He hoped she wouldn’t put up a fuss about him being in the bathroom with her. He wanted to pamper her and bathe her, but she also had not said that one magic word. She hadn’t called him Daddy.

  He took her into the bathroom and started the tub, he pulled out his basket of bath goodies that he’d purchased just for her and set them on the side of the tub where they were easily reachable. He’d gotten her bath crayons, a rubber duck, and a couple of soft washcloths he could not wait to use. Along with all that he’d procured a sparkly purple hairbrush with her name on it. There were so many ways he’d wanted to spoil her, but he’s shown some restraint. Not much, but some. Fortunately, the Ranch provided everything they would need, or he would have gone into debt buying her clothes and accessories.

  “Okay, let’s get you undressed.”

  “I can do it.” She took a step back, grabbing the hem of her skirt and holding it down. He was beginning to think that move was more of a nervous habit than it had to do with her being sans panties.

  “I know that you can, little flower, but Daddy wants to take care of you.”

  “I know, but…” she shifted from foot to foot and shook her head. “I’m not ready.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, he regarded her carefully. Her brain was at war with itself, of that much he was certain. They only had a few precious days with one another and while he wanted to push her and help her get over her fears, he couldn’t push too hard. Her bottom lip quivered, and tears filled her eyes.

  Maybe now was not the time to push.

  “Okay, but I would like you to keep the door open in case you need me. Deal?”

  “Do you promise not to look?”

  Rett reached up and pushed some stray hairs behind her ear. “I would never do anything to break your trust.” He couldn’t help feeling disheartened. There was no doubt in his mind that this was overwhelming for her, but he also knew she’d gone to play parties and scened publicly with other Doms in different states of undress. Why was she being so shy with him?

  Daisy could see disappointment etched in all the lines of Rett’s handsome face and pangs of guilt attacked her like pissed off bees whose nest she’d disturbed. It hurt and she didn’t like it one bit. He left the bathroom, closing the door behind him, but not all the way. She’d wanted to call to him to tell him she changed her mind, but her fear of him seeing her naked body was too strong.

  Why had she come here knowing she would never be comfortable in her own skin? She wouldn’t, at least not until she dropped all the extra weight she’d packed on. Quickly shedding her clothes, she stepped into the hot bubbly water. Maybe the bubbles would hide her enough that he could come back in? Being bathed by her Daddy was on the top of her fantasies list and something she’d never been given the chance to experience.

  She opened her mouth to call out to him but stopped. If she called him by his name, then he wasn’t technically her Daddy, was he? And if she called for Daddy, she would be handing over the reins. Leaning back against the tub, she squeezed her eyes shut, willing her brain to slow down so she didn’t have a panic attack. She took some deep breaths and decided to leave well enough alone. She just wasn’t there yet.

  “Live in the moment, Daisy,” she chanted to herself as she took deep calming breaths and focused on the water around her. It felt good and the bubbles tickled her skin and her heart rate slowed to a normal pace. Crisis averted, for now anyways.

  She opened her eyes and spotted the basket Rett had put on the side of the tub. Curiosity got the best of her and she sat up to explore it a bit. What she saw filled her heart. He’d gotten her bath toys. He really had been listening to her rambling. Of course he had, he was the world’s most perfect man and she was refusing to let him in. How dumb was that?

  Reaching inside the basket the red polish of her nails caught her eye. Hadn’t he mentioned not liking it? Or at least not preferring it? She bit her lip, wondering if she’d remembered to pack her nail polish remover and if her things had made it into the bathroom.

  This is seriously the most perfect place on earth, she thought to herself as she spotted the toiletry bags on the counter. They really took care of their guests. Unless Rett had done it for her. The bag was a detachable piece from her suitcase, so it wasn’t like he had to go digging in her things to find it.

  However it had gotten there, she was happy to see it. She got out of the tub, cringing at how much noise the water made in the echoey room.

  “Everything okay, little one?” Rett’s voice came from right outside the door.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered quickly. “Just grabbing something from my bag.”

  “Why didn’t you ask me for help?”

  Because I’m trying to surprise you, big dope. “I’m fine,” she repeated. “I don’t need help.”

  “Be careful, the tile gets slippery.”

  She smiled at his unnecessary warning. He was so much a Daddy, even when he was trying not to be. She needed to let him fly his Daddy flag, and she needed to fly her Little flag. Who knew when she would get another chance?

  Grabbing what she needed she got back into the tub, rid herself of the polish on her fingers and toes, and let the water out. She stood there naked, and self conscious, b
racing herself for what she knew must be her next move. She was done having any semblance of control in this relationship. She’d convinced herself to let go and give herself to her Daddy, and if she didn’t hurry, she was liable to change her mind. The doubt was already sneaking in. After a quick rinse, she wrapped herself in a towel and readied herself for the giant leap she was about to take.

  Chapter Six

  Daisy emerged from the bathroom, a huge fluffy white towel the only thing covering her body. Rett’s cock hardened instantly, which wasn’t surprising since he’d been sporting a semi since he first spotted her at check-in. He’d convinced himself that his penis had a mind of its own and the only control he had was what he did with it.

  And he would control it, even if it killed him. Although, if she did anything besides put clothes on in the next thirty seconds, it might do just that.

  At that exact moment, he noticed the red that had previously decorated her finger and toenails was gone.

  Lord help him, was this her way of handing him the control? It was at least a step in the right direction.

  They’d been standing in silence for almost a full minute before he was able to form any words.

  “Did you have a nice bath?”

  Daisy cheeks were tinged pink as she shifted back and forth from foot to foot.

  “Yes, D…” she trailed off. Squeezing her eyes shut, she took a deep breath and shook her head.

  “Yes?” he coaxed, hoping this was it. He knew she was going to kick herself if she went home without getting the most of their time together. Hell, he might kick himself for not pushing harder.

  Daisy looked down at her feet before speaking again. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl.” He had never meant those words as much or felt them as deep as he did in that very moment. “I appreciate your trust; I promise to cherish it and protect it with all that I am.”


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