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Daring Little Daisy

Page 5

by Rayanna Jamison

  She nodded and smiled shyly. “I know you will.”

  “Good. What’s your safeword, little flower?”


  “Thank you, if you say that word we will slow down and chat, all right? Red will stop everything.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He sighed happily. “I’ve waited a long time to hear those words in person. I’ve dreamt about it many times, and you know what?”


  “Hearing it in person is a thousand times better than it is in my dreams.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and patted his knee. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  Daisy worried her lip and stayed where she was. “Are you gonna spank me now?”

  “Whose decision is that?” Rett asked sharply. He had the control now, and he was going to make sure she knew it.


  “That’s right and you will be getting a spanking whenever I decide to administer one, and you will obey or risk making it worse, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She still did not move to obey, but Rett was patient. He really did not have to punish her just yet. He just wanted her to know that the when was up to him, not her.

  “I’m not going to spank you right this second, little flower. Daddy just wants to hold you.”

  “In my towel?”

  “Yes, in your towel is fine.”


  “Do I need to count to three?”

  “What happens after you count to three?”

  “Do you really want to have to find out the hard way?”

  She was stalling and testing the boundaries and he loved it. He lived for the push and pull of the Daddy/Little Girl dynamic. It was truly unrivaled by any other dynamic he’d ever had with a woman, and he’d tried them all. Or at least he’d felt like he had.

  Continuing her nervous dance in the doorway of the bathroom, Daisy didn’t answer him. He raised an expectant brow and gave her another few seconds before putting one finger in the air and beginning the count. “One.”

  “Wait! You didn’t tell me what would happen.”

  “And I’m not going to, but if you’d like to find out, by all means stand your ground. Two.” A second finger sprung up next to the first and he waited.

  The war in her brain was visible all over her face. She wanted to know what would happen, but she was nervous. The nerves beat out the curiosity and she slowly began moving toward him.

  Rett smiled. “Good choice.”

  Once she was close enough, he took the liberty of reaching out and pulling her onto his lap. Holding the towel tight at her chest, she balanced awkwardly on his knee.

  “Hmm, weren’t we in this very position just before we went to eat?”

  “But I had clothes on,” she mumbled.

  “Indeed, now you only have this one thin piece of protection. What’s a Daddy to do when he has an almost naked, very naughty girl on his lap, hmm?”

  “Cuddle her?” The hopeful look in her eye made him chuckle.

  “Yes, sweet girl, we are going to cuddle. I want to chat for a few minutes, then you will be getting a spanking and taking a nap.”

  “But I don’t wanna have a spankin’!”

  She began to shorten her words, one of the cues that she was slipping into her Little space. He’d read it in chats and emails a million times, but it was so much cuter in person. He was beginning to realize everything was better in person and he didn’t know what he was going to do when they were separated again.

  Now is not the time to worry, he reminded himself.

  “You’re not supposed to want it, silly girl.” He pinched her butt through the towel. “You aren’t in charge anymore. Your only job is to be in the moment and act and react with the freedom of knowing that I will respond appropriately.”

  He’d said that to her before during their many conversations and he knew it matched her wants and needs, as well.

  Daisy laid her head on his shoulder. “But I wasn’t naughty.” It wasn’t an argument as much as an appeal. Unfortunately for her, he could prove her wrong.

  “Haven’t been naughty, you say? Let’s think about that for a second, shall we? When we were in wardrobe, I asked you to do something and you didn’t, did you?” He took her hand and pinched one of her now clear nails where the red had once been.

  “What?” she squealed, indignant. “That was before and it doesn’t even count! I took the polish off, see?” She pushed her arms and legs out in front of her, wiggling her fingers and toes.

  “I did notice that, and I appreciate it, but that’s not going to save you. When Daddy requests something, you need to obey immediately, not when you feel like it.”

  “But it was still my choice,” she protested, not looking entirely convinced. “I didn’t call you Daddy yet.”

  “You always have a choice, but choices come with consequences. I never said you wouldn’t have to answer for any of the things you did before you handed over your control, did I?”

  Daisy squinted her eyes at Rett. “You tricked me.”

  Ignoring her adorable glare, he continued with his list of infractions. “You also postponed a much-needed spanking by lying about being hungry.”

  “I didn’t lie.” Her voice raised slightly, her brows furrowed, and her lips bunched into an angry scowl.

  “Watch your tone, little one,” he growled in warning.

  “How can you watch something you can’t see?” she sassed.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe you should go think about the answer to that in the corner?”

  “No, thank you.” She visibly shrunk in his lap. “I don’t like the corner.”

  “I know, but it will be good for you. Go on.” He nudged her off his lap and pointed to an empty corner of the room. “Nose to the wall, hands behind your back. I will let you know when to come out.”

  Chapter Seven

  Nose to the wall and hands behind her back? That was going to be difficult since she was still wearing a towel and needed one hand to keep it from falling.

  As she made her way to the corner, she attempted to tighten the towel and tuck one side into the other. Unfortunately, it was not working. The towels were soft and fluffy and simply did not want to cooperate with her efforts.

  Turning, she put on her most pathetic look. “If I put my hands back, my towel will fall.”

  “Oh, well, in that case, let’s go ahead and skip the corner time,” Rett deadpanned with his voice somehow still full of sarcasm, as he pointed to the corner again, snapping his fingers. “Now.”

  The stern Daddyness of his tone had her scurrying to obey. Twisting the towel so that the seams lined up down the middle of her back, she scooted to the corner, and pressed her nose to the wall.

  Behind her, Rett cleared his throat. She smiled to herself and carefully moved her arms to cross behind her back. It was a long shot, but she figured out that if she clasped them over the seam she had moved, she might be able to get the towel to stay up that way. At least, she could hold it up in a way that covered her ample bottom, and the part of her legs where her thighs touched each other. As she had expected to happen, the top of the towel, above where her arms were holding it, fell down to the sides, exposing her back and shoulders, but her bottom stayed covered. She breathed a sigh of relief and wondered how long he planned to make her stand here.

  “Until the towel falls, along with your defenses,” he answered from behind her.

  Shit. She must have spoken that last thought out loud.

  “Part of being my little girl means giving yourself over to me. Fully and completely. Mind, soul, and body. Even the parts of your body you are a bit self -conscious about, flower. I have been a very patient man, given our time constraints, but my patience is waning. I want you, all of you. And I’m not giving any more of me, until I know you are going to give me what I need and deserve too. So yes, you will stand there until the towel drops to the ground.”

  Well crap. What was she going t
o do now? She briefly considered the possibility of staying in the corner as long as possible, maybe even overnight, simply to call his bluff, but she wasn’t quite that stupid or stubborn and she knew without a doubt that the consequences would be tenfold when she finally came out if she really were to pull that kind of stunt.

  She was left without any real options so with a huff, and a soft stomp of her foot, she released her grip on the towel, staring at the pile it made on the floor around her feet.

  “Good choice, little flower,” Daddy purred. “Could have done it without the foot stomp though.”

  “Could not have,” she retorted softly. She knew it was not wise as soon as the words left her lips, but her stubborn sarcasm was the only defense she had left at the moment and she was wearing it like a robe.

  A robe that threatened to fall with every ominous step Daddy took across the room. She shuddered as he got close but managed not to leave her position. She didn’t have a death wish.

  “I don’t know why you are so determined to hide from me. What is it that you are hiding?” He was so close now if she so much as exhaled deeply their bodies would be touching. Holding her breath, she wasn’t surprised by the two sharp slaps to her bottom that followed his words.

  She was, however, surprised by her reaction to them. At first, she only gasped, and then a full minute later, her body was wracked with the strength of her cries as she sagged against the wall, sobbing brokenly.

  “I wanted to look better for you,” she cried. “I wanted to be as pretty as you are handsome, and not have all this extra fat and weight. I’m ashamed of the way I look, and I can’t stand to have you look at me,” she gasped out between her cries.

  Rett exhaled sharply. Then he turned her body toward him with both hands and held her at arm's length. “You. Are. Beautiful,” he said so firmly and with such conviction that she almost believed him.

  When her only answer was a long wail, he heaved a long-suffering sigh and scooped her into his arms, cradling her like a baby. She thought he would hold her like this, but he didn’t. He deposited her into the bed and climbed up beside her, wiping her tears and peering at her with a look that was a mixture of concern and quiet determination.

  “I thought we would ease into things and take it slow,” he whispered, wiping an errant tear with the back of one knuckle, “but I can see now that if I don’t help you release these worries and fears, you won’t be free enough to have the full experience the Ranch has to offer, and that is all I want for you.” He bent and kissed her forehead, then her lips. “Do you understand that, little flower, that anything I do is to bring you a freedom to enjoy yourself and leave your fears in the past where they belong?”

  Mildly panicked at the hidden meaning behind his words, she shot him a glare of concern and confusion, then sniffled and nodded. A lack of fear and the chance to be herself sounded nice. She didn’t know how anything he would do or say would possibly get her there, but she knew she needed to trust him enough to let him try.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she agreed with a pitiful sniffle.

  “Those words are the sweetest coming from your beautiful lips,” he murmured, propping himself up on one elbow to loom over her. “My sweet flower, I want everything for you.” He paused and turned serious. “Daisy, my heart broke when you said those things about yourself. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, baby girl.”

  “I wish I could be pretty for you,” she mumbled, pouting again as a tear crept down her cheek.

  “Enough of that.” He spoke sternly. “I’ve only just met you for real today and I’ve already forgotten what other women look like. All I see is you, and when I see you, all I see is beauty.”

  Wisely, this time she didn’t try to argue, but he had no doubt it would come around again before he well and truly made his point.

  “Even your tears are beautiful,” he whispered as he wiped away a stray one from her cheek. “I’m jealous of your tears because they get to touch your beautiful face.”

  Again, she swallowed hard, but said nothing.

  “They get to fall from your long dark lashes onto your beautiful blush-covered cheeks, and sometimes, they get to kiss your heart-shaped mouth.”

  “Oh please,” she muttered, turning her head away from him. “Sure, maybe I have some decent facial features, but they are kind of hidden by my fat face and triple chin.”

  His eyes met hers with a stern glower. “I can see I have a lot of work to do here. Might as well get started now.” Grabbing her feet, he scooted to change position and lifted her legs into the air. The diaper position was not one he often used, but as it opened up the view of her glistening pussy and her tight hole, he had the thought that he might want to change that.

  Pulling his hand back, he swung hard, aiming for the stretch of skin just below her bottom where the skin stretched taut in its current position. He spanked six times, hard, and in quick succession, and held her legs over his shoulder in case he needed to deliver more. Regarding her sternly, he cocked one brow and pursed his lips. “I said no more of that, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she breathed softly. “But—”

  “No buts.” He punctuated the proclamation with two more swats before lowering her legs and positioning himself to kneel between them.

  “I love every inch of this beautiful body, and you are not leaving this bed until I’ve convinced you of that.”

  She squirmed under his stern and determined gaze. “That could take a long time. I don’t know if you have that kind of willpower.”

  He smiled because she was joking with him, and that was a good sign, but she was also grossly underestimating him.

  If it was a game, even for a moment, two could play it.

  He shrugged one shoulder and gave her a sly grin. “Okay, maybe I don’t,” he agreed. “But I do have restraints, and that’s kind of the same thing.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” she gasped.

  “Oh, but I would. Unlike you, I don’t have a problem with dares one way or the other.”

  “I don’t need to be tied up,” she whimpered, with a plea in her eyes.

  “Okay then, stop fighting me, little one. All you’re doing is making more trouble for yourself when we get to that part of the event. And you’re helping Daddy to think of some very clever ways to punish you besides just spanking your beautiful, albeit naughty bottom.”

  “I don’t want a spanking,” she whispered, and he noticed that she was not in her Little zone. That was good because it meant that her body was reacting the way he wanted it to, and she would be ready for what would come next.” When he wanted her in Little space again, he knew exactly how to get her there.

  “The ‘you not getting a spanking’ ship has long since sailed. By the end of the night, flower, your beautiful shapely bottom will bear the marks of my belt across it.”

  Her lashes lowered and she gave a soft mewl as her only response to his edict.

  He had her just where he wanted her.

  Turning his attention back to his mission, he put his hands on her knees and pushed, spreading her legs wider, giving him an open view of her glistening pussy.

  Her hand flew to cover herself and he gripped her knee in warning, poised to lift her leg and spank her again if need be.

  She hesitated but obeyed.

  Scooting forward, he spread her pussy lips with a v of two fingers.

  Her spine went rigid, but her ignored her discomfort. She had a safeword if she needed it, and he planned to turn her into a pile of gooey satiated mush that forgot any self-conscious notions here soon anyway.

  “Daddy likes this pretty pussy,” he continued, still holding her slit open with two fingers. Using the thumb of his opposite hand, he found her clit, and massaged it gently in slow circles using only the ball of his thumb.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  “Please?” he repeated impishly. “Please what? Do you want Daddy to touch you more? Do you want Daddy to slip his fingers inside this ti
ght, pretty little pussy?”

  “Yes!” she squealed, slapping one open palm against the mattress in a show of horny desperation.

  “If you want more, you have to give Daddy what he wants.”

  She frowned at this and glared sullenly. “Your clothes are still on.”

  “I’m not talking about sex,” he answered with a chuckle. “What Daddy wants is to hear you say something nice about yourself before he will continue.”

  She frowned and pushed her hips toward him, as though shifting her body would enable her to take what she wanted. It didn’t.

  He stopped the gentle cycle of his thumb against her clit and waited.

  “Argh.” Her strangled cry was wrought with frustration. “I have a really good singing voice.”

  “Nice try, flower, and that is good to know, but I meant something about your physical appearance specifically.”

  “Ugh,” she groaned. Shooting her a look, he moved both hands and gripped one knee to lift her leg.

  “Wait! No! Okay, okay, okay!” she cried just as the curve of her bottom lifted off the mattress.

  “I… I have really pretty hair!” She met his eyes with a plea, and he nodded. It was a start.

  “Very good,” he purred. “And yes, you do. Daddy can’t wait to run his hands through those luscious curls of yours later tonight.”

  “But, are you going to touch me?” she asked breathlessly, as he lay her legs flat upon the bed once more and positioned himself between her legs again. Two fingers spreading her pussy lips, one thumb on her swollen clit, and a breathless beauty waiting for his touch.

  Chapter Eight

  “Am I going to touch you?” Rett chuckled openly at her wantonness. She couldn’t even believe herself how desperately horny she was, or how ready for this man that in some ways she barely knew, but she was desperate for his touch. Anywhere.

  She had been alone for so long, and it felt so good to get pleasure from a real live man and not the battery-operated boyfriend she relied on in emergencies. His touch had the added bonus, of course, that when he was driving her wild with just a thumb and two fingers, she was so desperate for more that she couldn’t think of much anything else, including her own body issues.


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