Book Read Free

Untainted Magic

Page 8

by Karen DuBose

  “You haven’t been thinking about Drik either?”

  “Not since we left the road side. Like I said I haven’t been thinking about much. Well, except how this is all the Coven fault. We wouldn’t be fighting for our freedom if they would have just done what they were supposed to do.”

  “I never really liked the Coven. They always thought they were better than everyone else. I just don’t get their mind set. I mean I understand people are there to be protected, but at what cost. If my mom wasn’t part of the Coven, I think our lives would have been better. I’m just glad she isn’t a Coven leader.”

  I laugh at that. I couldn’t see her mom ever been a Coven leader. She has a pure heart. “What did you tell your mom when you left?”

  “Told her it was time for me to spread my wings and see the world. I love her dearly, but something had to give. I planned on leaving anyway. Even if I had to drag you with me. The Coven leaders just made it that more difficult. They need to learn to stay out of people’s lives. They don’t own us.”

  I let out a snort. I have never heard her talk ill about the leaders before. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that way. “It’s for the better. I hope anyway. I mean they brought this on themselves. They should have known I would never let them use me. I went against them every chance I got. Did they really think I was going to roll over and let them?”

  “Who knows what they think. All they care about are themselves. The old Coven leaders are probably rolling in their grave at how their coven turned out. Oh, look! Slushes. You want one?”

  I swear sometimes she gives me whiplash with her erupt subject chances. “No, I’m good. I will just grab a soda after I use the restroom.”

  “Suit yourself. They’re so good.”

  Walking into the restroom, I get the feeling I’m being watched. Before the door could shut all the way I peer out of it. I didn’t see anyone from the view it gave me. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. A lot had happened since leaving. Just to be sure I whisper to Lex. “When we leave this bathroom, I want you to stay close to me.” She doesn’t even ask questions, she nods.

  Once we finish with the bathroom. I grab ahold of the door opening it slowly. If someone is out there I want to make sure I see them before they see me. I got the door half way open when I spot a guy leaning against the wall. He hasn’t looked this way yet. I slowly close the door. “I’m going to make us invisible. You have to be touching me to keep yourself invisible. Don’t let me go no matter what.

  “Dea illaqueant atque amplectuntur nos in obumbratio.

  Salvos nos fac Domime in tuum complexum” (Goddess envelope us in your shadows. Keep us safe in your embrace.)

  The magic that surrounds me is a soft caress. I’m just glad I didn’t make us explode. I open the door slowly again to make sure he isn’t watching the door. Holding on to Lex like our life depends on it, we walk out the door that is barely open. My heart is beating so hard I can hear it. I just hope he can’t.

  So far, he hasn’t seen us or felt us. I don’t dare breathe until we are completely pass him. I bring Lex in front of me not breaking contact with her. We’re almost out the door, when the man speaks. “Did you really think light magic would hide you from me? Wow, whoever has been teaching you about dark magic doesn’t know a thing about it. This is going to be a fun lesson to teach you.”

  I freeze in place— my body refusing to run like I’m asking it to. Instead I turn to the man. My brain must be fired, because the words that leave my mouth is not the smartest by a long shot. “Who the hell do you think you are? You know nothing about me or what I know. Why don’t you just got back to where you came from and leave me the hell alone.”

  He just stares at me like he is trying to figure out how to shut me up. “Your mouth will be the death of you one of these days. I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me to be here. I’m ordered to make sure you stay safe. For whatever reason the Prince of Darkness wants you alive. If it was up to me, I would kill you on the spot. Now if you are done here, we need to go. The other soldiers are coming for you.”

  I know my mouth is hanging wide open. Is this guy for real? He isn’t going anywhere with us. “I don’t care if the Dark Prince or source or whatever you want to call him asked you to babysit me. You are not going anywhere with us.”

  He pushes off the wall and is in front of me so fast I didn’t even see it happen. He stares in my eyes with so much rag., I fell my heart skip a beat. “I don’t care whether you want me here or not. You will do as I say or else.”

  Staring back at him with as much loath as I could muster. “Or else what?”

  He never breaks the stare he has on me, but I can see the evil smile that is forming on his face. I don’t back down from him. “You don’t want to know the what else part. Now be a good little witch and let’s go.”

  He grabs my arm, I hold my ground. “Let me go!” I seethed.

  He gives me a look, and without so much as moving in my eyes, I’m over his shoulder being hauled out. The look on Lex’s face make me even more determined to leave without him. I start kicking and hitting him. I even try to use magic with no veil. “You might as well stop; the prince has made sure your magic wouldn’t work on me.”

  Walking out the door, my mom must have spotted us. “Put her down before I kill you.” The venom in her words even makes me stop kicking. He doesn’t even break his stride. I don’t even know if we are headed to our car or somewhere else. The magic that is blasted this way would have dropped anyone on their knees. Luckily for me; Mom’s magic doesn’t affect me. It doesn’t seem to affect him either except his grip loosens just enough for me to get out of his grasp.

  I realize my mistake and know this wasn’t the smartest move when I see the ground closing in on me. I barely have time to roll to the side, so my head doesn’t take the brunt force of the hit. The impact jars my side. I hear a crunch letting me know I broke a bone or a few from the way the pain is coursing through my body. I try not to move but the pain is making that impossible. I need to find a spot that will be comfortable enough to lessen the pain.

  “I should kill you for this. You have no idea what is going on. We don’t have time for delays. They are coming, and I can’t take them all on by myself. Now heal her so we can leave this place.”

  I have no idea who he’s talking to, at this point I could care less. I’m in too much pain. “I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t think. It will be ok. We will get you healed up and figure out what is really going on.” Mom places her hands on me, I felt her magic looking for all of my injuries. I can feel the warmth of all the places the magic is mending me back together. My broken wrist is the first to heal following one of my ribs, elbow, and the last to heal is my shoulder— all on my left side. The relief is instant, the pain gone. I let out a sigh, opening my eyes to see mom looking at me.

  “Are you in anymore pain?”

  “No, just my pride.” Closing my eyes again, I get my breathing under control and rejoice in a pain free body. I don’t know how regular humans could handle the pain from a broken bone.

  “Get up we are running out of time!” The guy barks. Without even opening my eyes I give him the finger. He wants to be an ass, he will be treated as one. I hear him growl before I’m yanked up to my feet. “If you want to die fine, you can stay here and get them all killed as well. Is that what you want?”

  Ripping my arm out of his grasp, I got into his face. “Unlike you I care about my family. We are leaving and we’re leaving without you. Now get out of my way.”

  I step around him grabbing Lex’s and Mom’s hands. Chase is already holding a sobbing Lex’s hand. No matter how much I wish this wasn’t our life now, it will never come true. I hate seeing Lex this upset.

  “DUCK!” I drop to the ground pulling them both with me. Once we hit the ground I felt the dark magic pass us. It crawls all over my skin, making me think of bugs crawling on me. I flip over to see who is attacking us.

  “Get your ass in
that car and don’t look back. I will find you.” I don’t hesitate this time. I run for the driver’s side door, opening it I fling myself into the seat. Starting the car, I barely look to see if everyone is before I tear out of there. I did as he said to not look back.

  I can hear Mom, Chase, and Lex talking at a high volume, but I didn’t listen to them. I’m having a battle of my own inside my head. Why the hell would Drik send someone to protect me? What the hell does he think I am a child? If he was here right now I would knock him on his ass.

  “Skylar! If you don’t answer me I’m going to ground you until you turn eighty!”

  This statement finally breaks me. I let out a struggled laugh. It’s between a sob and a laugh. For the hundredth time, I’m asking myself how my life turned out like this in just a few days.

  “I think she finally lost her mind.”

  “Chase, that’s not nice to say. She has a lot going on right now.”

  “You can stop talking like I’m not here anytime now. No, Chase, I have not lost my mind yet, and mom you can’t ground me, I’m an adult. What was the question you asked?”

  I can tell Lex is holding back a laugh, her shoulders are shaking, and she is hiding her face.

  Mom clears her throat before she asks the question again. “Do you even know who that man is?”

  Looking at her in the rearview mirror I answer her. “All I know is the dark source.” Putting my fingers in the air to do air quote. “Drik, had sent him to protect me so he says. I didn’t get to find out any more about him because I didn’t want him anywhere near us.”

  I watch her turn towards the window going back to her thoughts no doubt. “I can’t believe the nerve of Drik. He sends a protector and the first ten minutes he breaks you and your mom has to fix you. What kind of protector is that? Why even bother sending you a protector anyway when you guys are supposed to fight in the end? What’s his end game?” Lex says bringing my attention back to her.

  “I wish I knew what his game is, but I hope I’m prepared for whatever it is.”

  Chase leans between the seats. “Whatever his end game is, you need to know everything about him. You might want to get that dark and gloomy bastard back there.” He points behind us, “to help in some way.” I give him a sideways glance.

  Lex on the other hand lays into him. “That is the stupidest idea you have come up with. What if he is here to distract her from defeating him, or what if he isn’t really who he says he is?”

  Placing my hand on her arm to get her to stop yelling at the poor guy, I say, “I think he is on to something. Let’s hear him out.”

  “Ok, we don’t know the real reason he is here, or he could have been telling the truth. He did save us back there. For all we know, he could be dead right now, so it wouldn’t matter if she used him for information or not. I think if she just caught him off guard and got to know the dude he might spill some beans. It’s worth a try. Didn’t he say he would catch up to us?”

  “Yeah, he did say that, if he survived the attack that is. I don’t even know how he found us in the first place. I cast a spell on us a long time ago. Maybe I didn’t cast it right. My magic isn’t doing what I want it to do lately.”

  “We will find out the next time we stop, and I sure hope it’s the last stop. I’m ready to be out of this car for longer than a few minutes.” He leans back into his own seat. Lex stays quiet as well— leaving me with my thought yet again.

  Chapter 14

  The hours have past. We are almost out of the state of Tennessee. We left Knoxville thirty minutes ago, but the pull is still making me go forward. Maybe I’m wrong about it being Tennessee. Maybe it’s taking us to North Carolina. That thought alone makes me sad for some reason. Everyone went to sleep on me a while ago. I wish I could take a nap right about now. The adrenaline from earlier is gone. My eyes are having a hard time staying open. Maybe if I just pull over for a few to get some fresh air and stretch. I will be able to wake up some, and maybe grab a huge thing of coffee or two. I take the next exit that says “Dandridge and Jefferson City.” There is a Pilot truck stop. They should have lots of coffee. I’m sure truck drivers live off coffee. Pulling into the parking lot, the gang woke up. Lex in her sleepy voice asks. “Are we here?”

  I’m about to ask her when the pull is so strong I knew we are close. “I think so, I really just stopped to get out and awake up. Oh, and grab lots of coffee.”

  I hear Chase yawn loudly before he opens his door and gets out. Mom follows him out. “Do you want anything from Subway? I can get it while you’re getting your coffee fix. Don’t forget about me while you’re at it.”

  I give her my best smile. “Sure, just get me whatever you get. You want a big cup as well?”

  She looks back at me before she walks off. “You know it.”

  Getting out of the car myself. I stretch for a few minutes looking at the view. These mountains aren’t like the ones in Washington, but they are still breath taking. “I see that look in your eyes. I told you they are beautiful. I wonder what they look like in the fall. I bet they are amazing to see.” She walks over to my side of the car.

  “You’re right as usual. I never doubted you, you know. Come on let’s get our caffeine fix on.”

  She giggles while she wraps her arm in mine. “You know I am down for a caffeine fix any time of the day.”

  We walk in the store; the smell of fresh baked bread consumes the small place. My stomach grumbles making Lex laugh at me. I think we all have lost at least ten pounds in the last few days. We haven’t really eaten a meal in days. Chips and other junk food doesn’t last long. I find the coffee, reaching for two of the biggest cups they have. I put in creamer and sugar for my mom. Pouring the rich smelling goodness in to both cups. I take a sip of the delicious coffee letting it warm me from the inside out.

  “You got further than I thought you would.”

  The warmth I was just feeling went to ice. How in the hell did he get here and how did he know where we were?

  “Oh, it’s you again. I thought for sure you would be dead by now.”

  He lets out a laugh. “Fat chance on that one. Those guys were babies... easily to kill.” He leans close to me like he is going to whisper in my ear. I step away from him.

  “There is a ten-foot rule. Keep your distance, unless you want to lose something that you hold dearly.”

  The evil smirk he gives makes me want to punch him in the face. “I can’t promise you anything if your life is in danger again. Until then I will gladly stay as far away from you. I wouldn’t want you to contaminate me with your light magic.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “What is your name? Unless you want me to call you ‘Asshole’ all the time?” He slits his eyes at me, I shrug my shoulders at him. It doesn’t bother me calling him his new nickname. We are at a stare off. I couldn’t help but notice how handsome he is. Nowhere as good looking a Drik. His hazel eyes have a green circle around the edges, his short sandy brown hair is kept neat, the angle of his jaw is strong, and his nose has a small hook to it. He has full lips the bottom a little bigger than the top. If he wasn’t pure evil I would probably date him.

  “This stare off can last forever, so let’s call it a tie and get going.” Lex hands me my sandwich.

  I turn away from Asshole who still hasn’t given me his name. “Perfect timing as always. I was getting bored. Asshole over here refuses to tell me his name so now that’s his new nickname. Let’s go. We aren’t far.”

  Stepping around him not even paying him anymore attention. If he wants to act that way, he will be treated like the asshole he is. Chase steps behind us and mom walks on my other side. I hope Chase doesn’t get himself killed by saying something stupid to him.

  “What’s it like to be scum working for the Prince of Darkness?” I hang my head at his question. He is going to get killed.

  “Chase, no talking to the asshole. He isn’t worth talking to.” I hope he gets the hint to stop while he is ahead. I really didn’t want
to kill anyone today, nor do I want to deal with a death.

  “I’m just making conversation. Since he will be here for who knows how long. You won’t be with us for very long, will you?”

  “Chase! Enough, the less we know about him the better. It will make easy for us to ignore him. Plus, I can’t stand his voice, I’d rather not hear it more than I need to.” That last part is a total lie. His voice is like velvet and husky at the same time. Why do all the sexy guys have to be evil? That is so unfair.

  “Fine whatever you say. Lex, you sitting in the back with me?”

  Lex falls back to be next to Chase. I’m sure she is going to mend his pride for him. I swear men are so dumb sometimes. “Of course, I’m sitting in the back with you. What kind of sandwich did you get us?” I stop listening to the two of them. I need to concentrate where I need to go from here. Getting to the car, I stand at the front of it looking out at the mountains. I turn and look behind me to the hills to see which way to go. Turning back to the mountains the pull grows stronger. “Mountains it is then.”

  Mom comes to stand next to me with our sandwiches in hand. She hands me mine. I hand her, her coffee. “Thank you. Have you figured out which way we need to go?”

  Taking a bite of my sandwich not really tasting it, I reply “Yeah, I think so. We will soon find out. You ready?” Mom nods her head. Getting into the driver seat, I realize Asshole is nowhere in sight. Good I hope he went back to wherever he came from. I know wishful thinking never gets granted, but hey I have to wish. I don’t even know if he is telling the truth or not.

  Sighing as I back out of the parking spot, I head towards where I hope will be our home. I really hope I didn’t come here for no reason. That would suck for all of us. Turning at the light, I get the feeling of reassurance.

  Mom turns in her seat to talk to me. “You’re worried, aren’t you?”

  “What’s there not to worry about? I mean first I’m a fugitive, there are dark soldiers after us, I drag you all here not even knowing anything but a pull, I have no idea what the future holds, and Drik sends a protector for me. And for what? I don’t know what his end game is, and I’m starting to think I’m going crazy. And to top it all off my magic is screwed up.”


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