Book Read Free

Untainted Magic

Page 9

by Karen DuBose

  “Oh, Honey, none of this is your fault. Please don’t think it is. We would follow you to hell and back because we love you. Fate put you on this path for who knows why. You’re not going crazy trust me. I’ve seen crazy and you my child are nowhere near crazy. Stressed? Yes. We will work on your magic. It will work with you again, I promise.”

  “Thanks, Mom. It just seems like our life is falling apart. All I ever wanted was to be out on our own with our shop. I guess when it rains it pours. Let’s hope for the best. It’s time to get our lives back the way it was without the Coven though.”

  Lex pipes in with her excitement. “To new futures without the Coven and the crappy ways!”

  The smile that graces my face is a real one. I love my family. Through thick and thin they are always there for me. I would never change them.

  “I always hated being in that town from the first time I stepped into it. I always knew there was something wrong with it. Their fake smiles and politeness got under my skin. I tried to stay away from them as much as possible.”

  “I never knew you felt that way. Why didn’t you ever tell me, Chase. I would have never had you go to all those social parties. Hell, I would have stayed behind with you?”

  “I didn’t want to upset you. I know your mom is part of the coven. I didn’t want to disrespect her either.”

  “Makes sense I guess. You know you don’t have to hide things from me. I won’t get mad at you. There is this new thing called compromise.”

  Chase chuckles, bringing Lex into his lap. “I will have to remember that one.”

  “Ok, enough of that, I don’t want to see all that mushy crap.” I say shaking my head. I swear those two are going to ruin me from ever wanting a relationship.

  I hear Lex sigh and say. “We need to find her a man and soon. At this point she is going to be asexual….”

  Oh, this needs to stop. “Hey! Don’t talk about my lack of sex with him. That’s not even cool.”

  “All I’m saying is you need to find love. Maybe you wouldn’t be so grossed out around us.”

  I let out a sarcastic laugh. “My lack of love is not the reason I’m so grossed out around you two. Trust me on this one.”

  “Ok…ok…ok. No more sex talk with Chase on your behalf.”

  I don’t answer her right away. I’m looking at the small town we just entered. There is no name anywhere, but I know this is the place we are supposed to be. The feeling of home washes over me the further we get into town.

  “Thank you. I think we are here.” We all look out at the town surrounding us. I see a spot out front of the little store and pull into it. “Should we ask someone if there is a motel or something?”

  Mom gets out of the car. “Yeah, why don’t you go inside and ask them?”

  “Ok, I will be back in a few minutes. No exploring without me, I mean it.”

  “You know me to well. I have to ask. Do you feel it?”

  “Feel what, Mom?”

  “The feeling of being home finally.”

  Smiling at her. “I felt it the moment we crossed into town.”

  She nods her head and shoos me away. Telling me to hurry up, she wants to explore this town.

  Walking into the store, the bell above the door rings. “Hello, welcome to my store, my name is Quinn. How can I help you?” He raises his hand up, so I can shake it.

  Grabbing his hand, I give it a firm hold and shake it. “It’s nice to meet you Quinn. I’m new here and I’m wondering if there is a motel or something nearby I can stay at for the night?”

  His bright smile and warm eyes make me feel at ease instantly. “We do have a boarding house down the way. They accept people who are interested in staying here, that is if that is what you want to do.”

  I think about his for a moment before answering. “I do believe I would like that. There is just something here that makes it feel like home, you know?”

  “I get that. That is why I have stayed so long. There is no place like home, right.?”

  “You are right about that. Can you give me the directions to the boarding house and the name of the person running it?”

  “No problem, the ladies who run it are Rachel, Zoey and Layla. One of them will be able to get you settled in. If you keep following this road about a mile, you will be able to see it on the right. You can’t miss the huge plantation. It’s the only one out there, the others are tiny in comparison. Good luck, and I hope to see you around town.”

  “Thank you so much for your help and I hope to see you again too. Have a great day.” Turning around, I walk back outside to the others. Mom is still staring out into the town, Lex and Chase are talking amongst themselves. When they see me, they stop talking and give me their attention.

  “There is a boarding house down the road. Quinn said if we plan on staying here they will accept us. I do believe this is the place. The pull is gone. Let’s get settled in before it gets too late, and then we can come back to explore.”

  Mom doesn’t take her eyes off the town when she answers me. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s make it quick. There is a lot to be seen.”

  We pile back up in the car. We head to the boarding house without saying a word. We are too busy looking out the windows as we pass the town. I can’t explain how this place makes me feel other than home. There is something else, I just can’t put words to the feeling.

  The magic that surrounds this place is comforting. Unlike in Starburn, this magic feels pure. I felt it caress me as soon as we crossed into town. My excitement jumps just thinking about the possibilities of living here. Could we open our store or at least work for ourselves doing something? I don’t want to work for anyone ever again. Will this place be our home for good? What are the people like here? Are they like the Coven or are they completely different? Is this place like Starburn and they control everything, or do they let you be yourself with no strings attached?

  We are about to find out. I think this is the place Quinn was talking about. It’s huge with white siding and pillars holding up a wraparound balcony. The porch is a wraparound as well. The landscape is neat. Nothing out of place. As I turn into the long driveway, there are shrubs on both sides heading up the driveway. They’re short enough to see over them. The driveway circles around the closer you get to the house. In the middle of the circle is a garden over flowing with beautiful flowers, it doesn’t look cluttered at all. The front of the house has even more flowers along the porch and around the sides and the stairs. It’s nothing I have ever seen before. It’s breath taking.

  Getting around the garden and stopping in front of the stairs, I let out a content sigh. I watch the front door open and two ladies walk out. They wait for us at the top of the stairs.

  I don’t want to keep them waiting, so I get out. The others get out as well.

  “May we help you?” The shorter and slender woman asks. She wears a pale pink pencil skirt that hugs her hips, with a white button-down shirt. Her pale blonde hair is piled on top of her head with strands hanging down to frame her face. The other woman is tall and curvy with strawberry blonde hair. She is wearing skinny jeans and a nice t-shirt. They both have smiles on their faces.

  “I was told by Quinn you might have some rooms available? We are new here and are looking for a place to stay until we can find a permanent place to stay.”

  The shorter one walks down the stairs followed by the other lady. She gets to the bottom of the stairs, holding her hand out to me. I reach out and shake her hand. “Welcome to Shadows Manor. We haven’t had anyone new come round here lately. Please forgive my rudeness. I’m Layla and this is Zoey. Our sister Rachel is somewhere around here.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Amber, this is my mom Ann, that’s Marie and her boyfriend Alex.” I say pointing to them.

  “Please, come in. Would you like something to drink or eat? I’m sure you have traveled far to get here.”

  How does she know we have traveled far? I still don’t even know what this town’s name
is. Mom nudges me with her shoulder before she answers them for me. “Sure, that would be perfect.” She gives me a sideways glance. Like I am being rude, when I’m not trying to be. I’m just trying to figure out what is going on.

  Chapter 15

  Walking into the manor, I look around. The floors look like they are made of marble, the white walls brighten up the entry. What surprises me the most are the real roses climbing each side of the entryway walls. The smell is almost overwhelming. As we walk further in, I can see a stair case that takes up most of the back wall. You could fit thirty or more people on the bottom step. To the left there is a long hallway with lots of doors. To the right there is a swinging door that is closed. I can see a garden from the French door by the stairs.

  Lex wraps her arm around my shoulder, she leans in to whisper into my ear. “You’re not the only one who caught that.”

  Turning my head so I can see her better and give her a nod to let her know I understand. I’m starting to wonder if magic had it’s hand into getting me here. I just can’t prove it yet and assuming something only gets you into trouble. The truth will come out sooner or later. I just need to be patient. I snorted at the that. I’m not the most patient person. I’m a Gemini we don’t even like the word.

  Mom comes over to stand next to me and asks. “What’s with the snort?”

  I give her my innocent look. “I will tell you later, I have a theory.” She shakes her head at me.

  Layla clears her throat to get our attention again. “Would you like to see your rooms first or would you like to eat?”

  I take a step forward. “We would like to see our rooms first. Than we want to talk to you about how much it is to stay here. If that’s alright with you, of course.”

  Layla nods her head. “Of course, that’s alright, but I must say there is no charge for the first month being here. That’s our policy.”

  “That’s awfully nice of you, but we can’t take advantage like that. There must be something we can do to help around here.” Mom says with her hand to her chest.

  Zoey shakes her head no. “If it is meant to be, then you will find your own place within the first month. That’s the way it’s always been. I know you can feel the magic here, it’s no secret. The magic here chooses who it wants to be here. This town isn’t even on any maps or internet. We like it that way. People without magic have never been here nor anyone with dark magic for that matter. I know this town called you, if it didn’t you wouldn’t even be here.”

  I know my mouth is hanging open. “What are you trying to tell me? That some sort of magic lead me here and now we are trapped and can’t leave?”

  “Oh, for heaven sakes no. You can leave whenever you feel like it. We don’t keep people against their wills. The magic called to your soul. If you didn’t want to be here, you would have never felt the pull. Something inside you has brought you here. Now it’s up to you if you want to stay or leave. One more thing, you don’t have to hide your identity here. I can tell when someone lies to me about anything. Something the goddess wanted me to have.” She raises her hands before I can utter a word. “I’m not here to judge, you did what you had to do to get away. I completely understand. I did the same thing thirty years ago. If you want to keep those names that is up to you. I’m just letting you know you don’t have to.”

  It was a relief to know I didn’t have to keep up with my fake name. I would have blown the cover sooner or later anyway. “Thank you for understanding. You have no idea what we have been through. If it’s ok, we would like to get settled into our rooms and check out the town.”

  Layla steps over to me and wraps her arm around mine. “I think you will love it here. I have a feeling you will do great things. Don’t ever doubt yourself and don’t let anyone else doubt yourself either. Come, I will show you your rooms.”

  I let her lead us up the stairs. Her words have caused something inside me to stir. I’m just not sure what it all means. How do these people know so much? Do they know the Starburn Coven? Will they hand us over of they come? Instead of voicing them right away I ask. “What is this town’s name anyway? I didn’t see any signs as we came in.”

  “Wishing Hallow.” Is all she said before we got to the rooms. “This one will suite you I think. Go on take a look.” I grab the handle and open the door. The first thing I see are the French doors leading out to the balcony. Looking around I notice just how big the room really is. In the center of the room is a king size canopy bed, the teal and purple comforter with matching pillows is calling my name. On both sides of the bed there are night stands with three drawers. Against the opposite wall is a tall dresser. Next to it are two doors, one on either side. I’m guessing one is a closet and the other the bathroom.

  “I don’t know how to thank you. This is perfect.” I turn around and give Layla a hug. I’m not one to hug people but she deserved it.

  “You’re quite welcome, why don’t you get settled and I will take your mom and friends to their rooms. If you would like, I could be your tour guide in town. I need to pick a few things up anyway.”

  “That sounds great, I will see you guys is a few.”

  Lex comes over to take a look in my room. “Don’t get lost in there, I don’t want to have to gather a search party.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Go see your room. I want to hear all about it when we meet up.”

  “Sounds good. See you in a few.”

  I watch as Chase takes her hand and walk down the hall with mom and Layla. Maybe this place won’t be so bad. Just as long as the Coven doesn’t show up and demand they hand me over.

  Looking around the room, I decide to check out the bathroom. If the bedroom is this big, I wonder what the bathroom will look like. Opening the door, I let out a small whistle. This bathroom is bigger than our kitchen back in Starburn. I could get use to this. There is a garden tub that could fit five people easily on the left side, and on the right side there is a stand-up shower with four shower heads, two from the ceiling, the other two on either side of the shower. It looks like a radio is installed as well. There are two other doors between the vanity sink. I open the door to the right of the sink. The room contains a toilet and another sink. I go over to the other door and open it. The fluffy white towels call my name. When was the last time I showered? With a heavy sigh I go back out to the room.

  I’m half tempted to jump on the bed and take a nap, but I know they want to see the town. If I’m honest with myself, I want to learn more about this town. I wonder how many other white magic witches and wizards are here?

  There is a knock on the door. “I’m coming! Be out in a sec!” Taking one last look at the bed before I head out. I know when I get back I’m taking a long hot bath and going to bed.

  Opening the door, there is a young man standing against the wall opposite of my door. He looks up when he hears me open the door. “Hi. I’m Jas, Zoey asked me to come get you, so you wouldn’t get lost. She wants to meet in the kitchen.” He raises a bag for me to see. “Is this one yours? She also asked us to get your things from your car, so you wouldn’t’ have to worry about them later.”

  I stare at him for a heartbeat before I could even say anything. “Um, yes thank you and who is us?” I take my bag from him waiting for him to answer me.

  “Did you think they were the only ones who live here? I’m Zoey’s nephew. My mom, bother, sister and I live here as well.”

  “I didn’t mean to sound rude. You just caught me off guard is all. I do apologize.”

  “It’s ok. We weren’t here when you arrived. We just got home from school. Come on. Let’s get to the others before they think I got you lost on purpose.” He turns to walk down the hall. I have no choice but to follow because I have no idea where the kitchen is.

  “So, what grade are you in?”

  He looks at me over his shoulder. “I’m in eighth grade. Are you still in school or college?”

  I snort at his question. If he only knew how much I wanted to go to college but co
uldn’t, thanks to the Coven. “No, those days are behind me. Do you plan on going to college?”

  He studies me before he answers. “You ask a lot of questions. If you are trying to dig something up, I will tell you now there is nothing to dig up.”

  I stop walking, shocked at his words. “I’m sorry. I’m just making small talk. If you don’t want to talk that’s fine. We can walk in silence the rest of the way. I was just trying to be nice.”

  He gives me a guilty and hurt look. I don’t know why he would even give me that look. “Sorry, I’m being rude. It’s just weird for me to talk to strangers. Please forgive me.”

  I look at the floor. I know what he means about strangers. Starburn was the same way. I wonder if it has the same magic protecting it as well. No one ever came to the town that wasn’t supposed to be there. I look back up at him. “I get it, I really do. It’s weird for me to. How about we start over and go from there?”

  A small smile graces his face. “Hi! I’m Jas. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Hi!” I hesitate for a second debating if I should give him my real name. I am most defiantly done hiding behind a fake name. If I have to use the fake names outside this town, so be it. I don’t want to hide from this town. “I’m Skye, it’s a pleasure to meet you to.”

  “The kitchen is this way. I hope you enjoy being here.”

  “Thank you, so do I.”

  We walk the rest of the way in silence, it wasn’t awkward this time. We walk down a flight of stairs to the first floor. Not the same ones we came up I notice. I better watch which way we are going so I can find it again. Once we got to the bottom of the stair we could either go left or right down the halls. We went to the left hallway. The walls down here are brick. More doors line each side of us.


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