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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

Page 26

by Tiffany Carby

  The notes of blood ran down her arm, as a melody grew.

  My love, I'm tied to the power in your eyes,

  How in the darkness, you make the moon rise,

  Tied to the skies, as I see your face in the sunrise.

  * * *

  He felt her touch in the wind, on a hot bitter day,

  Saw her face rooted in the bark of every tree in his way,

  Felt her spiritual energy in the moving waters at bay.

  * * *

  How their embrace turned the atmosphere dusk red,

  At nights, serenity turned them to the lover’s bed,

  Their love saved the world from humanity’s hateful despair.

  * * *

  Tessa Roberts

  About the Author

  I'm the mother of two beautiful grown daughters, BamMaw (grandma) to two handsome young grandsons and one beautiful new granddaughter. I'm happily married to my best friend who I work with building our own line of live edge furniture.

  I will read just about anything but favorites are romance, science fiction, and horror. I started writing when I was young after the passing of my mom. It was and is a great way to escape to other places real and imaginary. I write all genre's (including the naughty ones).

  I love to make jewelry and remake dolls into fantasy creations, and dressing up to play at Ren Faires

  * * *

  Follow me on Facebook:


  Witches of Everwood, Book One

  J.C. Madison

  This story is dedicated to all those who told me they believed in me when I wasn’t able to believe in myself.


  It’s been one hundred years since the Everwood triplets left town in the middle of the night, but now they’re back. It’s time to put the past behind them and reclaim their family home. If only it was that simple.

  * * *

  Kyler Everwood knew he’d have to return to Red River one day, but that doesn’t mean he has to be happy about it. The only good thing about the town is the animal reserve he’s built, and the creek that runs through the Everwood Estate. Handy for a witch with an affiliation for nature. He loves his brothers. He’ll tolerate others of his kind, but humans, forget it. He’s seen firsthand the darkness inside them. History paints his kind as evil; if only they knew.

  Selene lost more than just her parents the day they died. Unwilling to lose more, she keeps everyone at arm’s lengths, because you can’t lose what you don’t have. There was a time when the art she painted was enough to fulfil her, but a chance encounter shows her how isolated and lonely she’s become.

  The quiet little artist defies Kyler’s view of humanity, while the bold, patient witch, awakens needs in Selene she never knew she had.

  But as Fate brings them together, everything else conspires to keep them apart.

  Can a reclusive artist, and a stubborn witch, with a shared love of nature, overcome their differences and fears, and find a HEA together? Or is it destined to be over before it’s even begun?


  Big baby.

  Kyler Everwood ignored the lion as it barred his teeth and growled. Eric was such a wuss when it came to pain. Despite the fierce sound he knew big softie meant him no harm.

  Granted, if he wasn’t a witch with the ability to speak to animals, Eric’s actions might have elicited a different response. The fact the rest of his team had chosen to watch from behind the safety of reinforced glass, highlighted this point. Kyler had tried, though not all that hard, to reassure everyone Eric wouldn’t hurt a fly, but no one had rushed to assist him with the procedure. His refusal to use restraints or sedation with the big animal further ensured a lack of volunteers allowing him to work alone which was exactly how he preferred it. He didn’t tend to play nice with others.

  Three months ago he’d shown up, and ruffled everyone’s feathers. From the self-appointed team leader who bitched about being tossed from the sumptuous manager’s office back to his designated broom closet, to the cafeteria worker who broke down after Kyler railed on them for adding milk to his green tea. But seriously, milk in green tea... what had they been thinking?

  From day one he’d made it clear that the Board, who controlled the reserve, had given him complete autonomy to run thing as he saw fit and interference with his methods wouldn’t be tolerated. Either the staff got on board with the way he did things, or they were free to seek employment elsewhere.

  What he failed to mention, was the fact the reserve sat on family land, funded by a family foundation, and he’d been the one to establish it, so arguing him was pointless. This was his baby.

  Over time, it was more how he worked, rather than his sparkling personality that won their respect. Well, most of them. Given his unique skill set, he interacted with the animals, in a way that both fascinated and terrified the rest of the team. More often unable to get past their own fears, they left him free to use his gifts right under their noses.

  It took an effort not to laugh as he reached for the lion and it shied away. “Don’t blame me, mate. You got what you deserved.”

  Eric bristled. “I did not. How dare you suggest such a thing?”

  With a patient hand, Kyler continued to clean the gash that cut across the lion’s nose. “Raina spent hours getting those cubs to sleep, only to have you wake them five minutes later. You’re lucky it’s only your nose she attacked.”

  The lion pressed his knees together. Who knew lions could do such a thing?

  Kyler bit back a smile. “Offering to stay up with them tonight, so your wife can sleep, might get you back in her good books.”

  Pride straightened the lion’s back. “Minding the cubs is women’s work. I’m the provider.”

  Laughter burst from Kyler. “Eric, you get room service delivered three times a day. What are you providing, exactly?”

  Eric ducked his head and had the grace to look sheepish. “C’mon Ky, I wouldn’t know what to do. Raina makes it everything look so easy.”

  Fisting his hands in Eric’s mane, Kyler forced the lion to look him in the eye. “Believe it or not, kids don’t need much. Tell them a story or play a game. Teach them things your father taught you, or just sit and talk to them.”

  “That’s it?”

  Kyler closed the bottle of disinfectant. “Don’t underestimate the power of the little things my friend.”

  The lion blew out a breath and nodded.

  “Right, we’re done here.”Kyler rested his hands on his hips. “Now, do I have to tranq you, or are you going to behave and walk nicely past everyone out there?”

  Eric turned to look at the faces watching them. Several took a step backwards. “I’ll behave. Besides, most are good sorts. Except for that twat, Troy. Him… him I’d bite just for the fun of it.”

  As if he could sense them discussing him, the twat in question, pressed his nose against the glass.

  Staff scrambled in search of a secure location, as Eric climbed off the table and Kyler walked the unrestrained lion along the hallway. The hand on Eric’s shoulder was unnecessary but gave the impression he had the lion under control. With his free hand, Kyler punched the release button to open the main doors.

  Hot summer air rushed in, sucking the cool air from the building.

  Damn, he couldn’t wait to get home and hit the creek for a swim. In the three months since he and his brothers had returned, the heat had taken a bit of getting used to, but swimming most days in made it more than bearable. And the privacy meant clothing was optional.

  The rear hatch to his SUV remained open. He stepped back to allow the lion to pass. “Come on mate, let’s get you back to Raina, and the kids.”


  At the unexpected voice, Kyler and Eric’s heads turned as one. “Excuse me?”

  Behind the counter stood Troy. Unlike every other person in the building, he’d chosen not to observe Eric’s departure from b
ehind a solid barrier. Either the guy was incredibly stupid, or suffered from a hero complex. Probably both. “Felicia. The lioness he bred with is Felicia.”

  Eric huffed and shook his mane.

  “No, her name is Raina and she’s his wife.”

  Troy snorted. “Really? And I suppose he told you that.”

  “Well, duh? Who else?”

  “Oh, so you’re a modern-day Doctor Dolittle is that it?” Sarcasm pooled at Troy’s feet.

  “Please… that amateur.”

  “He’s make believe, you idiot.” Troy’s tone brought a low rumble from Eric.

  Kyler ruffled a hand through Eric’s mane. “Forget it, mate. He’s not worth it.” Together they turned back to the SUV.

  “Your mate Eric isn’t much of a lion the way he lets you push him around. More like a pussy if you ask me.”

  Damn. Did the guy have a death wish?

  Time appeared to slow.

  With breathtaking grace, Eric spun around, leapt onto the reception counter, and roared.

  Never question a lion’s masculinity.

  Troy stumbled backward squealing. Backed into the corner between the photocopier and filing cabinet, he held a chair, wheels pointed at Eric, as a makeshift weapon. As if that would save him.

  Eric paced the length of the counter and back again, his eyes fixed on Troy.

  “C-c-call him off.”

  Unperturbed, Kyler examined his fingernails. “Why? What good would that do? You said it yourself, it’s not like I can talk to him or anything.”

  Troy squealed again as Eric swiped at the chair, and Kyler swallowed back a chuckle. The faint smell of urine wafted from Troy’s direction; seemed the guy was about to piss his pants. For a moment he considered letting it happen, be the least Troy deserved. But if he did, Eric might interpret it as Troy marking his territory and the last thing he need was an actual pissing contest to take place. Kyler pushed off the counter and patted Eric’s back. “Mate, as appetising as Fillet-o Douchebag sounds the side order of stupidity accompanying it would give you a stomach-ache. Let’s head back to the others, and I’ll get you something way tastier to eat.”

  Eric ignored him, the scent of Troy’s fear tapping into his primal urges. It took a firm tug on his mane to regain his attention. With a final snarl, Eric dropped from the counter, padded across the room and leapt into the back of Kyler’s SUV.

  The thud of the hatch securing the lion, brought Troy out of his corner. “I’m... I’m going to report you. You and that beast. I’ll see you both gone from this place. Him, permanently.”

  Kyler stepped menacingly in Troy’s direction. Troy backed away. Hands braced on the counter he faced Troy down. “And here I thought you said Eric was a pussy.” He watched the man’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. “You want to report me, good luck with that. I’m in charge around here, remember? And you so much as touch one hair on Eric, or any other animal in this reserve, and I promise, you will be sorry. You threatening Eric is reason enough for me to make my own report.” He gave Troy a hard stare before sliding on his sunglasses. Climbing in his SUV, Kyler made a mental note to follow through on his threat. Everwood Reserve deserved better than Troy the Twat.

  Through the front windscreen, though the sun wouldn’t set for hours, the full moon was visible in the sky.

  I should have known. Goddess save me from any more stupid humans tonight. Kyler slipped the car into gear and set off.

  “Thanks, man. Saved me from doing something stupid.”

  Kyler flicked his eyes to his rear-view mirror. “Nothing he wouldn’t have deserved.”

  Eric huffed.

  “Hey, do you think Raina would mind if I stuck around for an hour or so? I could use the distraction.”

  Their eyes met in the mirror and Eric nodded.

  Relief washed through Kyler. Roughhousing with Eric’s cubs would go a long way to easing his frustration. By then thoughts of Troy meeting an accident on his way home tonight may have subsided.


  Sketchbook clutched to her chest, Selene wove her way through the grove of trees towards the creek. Above her head, the thick canopy offered relief from the oppressive heat of the day. Tucked away in her air-conditioned cottage, she’d waited out the worst of it, but the need to complete her sketch demanded she put aside her discomfort and brave the heat.

  Dry, fallen leaves, crunched beneath her shoes as she skirted the edge of the grove until only a small expanse of uncovered ground lay between her and where she needed to be. The second she stepped beyond the shade line, her skin tingled, the heat pressing on her, and she scooted back. Damn, it was hot today. Her eyes drifted towards the creek as she used her sketchbook to fan herself. The vantage point for her sketch lay a short distance ahead bathed in sunshine. Easter was only eight weeks away. She’d promised six painted eggs for the annual auction, but if she didn’t finish this last sketch in the next day or two, she’d never fulfil that promise. Selene chewed her bottom lip and weighed her options. The temperature would drop in a couple hours, but the full moon would no longer be in the ideal position.

  Moisture dripped between her breasts. The barest hint of a breeze blew across her damp skin but offered little relief. Being out here was madness.

  With a critical eye, she studied the unfinished sketch. Perhaps the addition of the moon was overkill? Yes, it worked without it, but having it visible in the daylight sky, made it so much... more. Damn it. Now what, Sel? The best option would be to snap a picture and finish the sketch back at the cottage. To date, she never mastered that particular skill. Digital images lacked the emotion she needed to work from, or at least hers did. She chewed her lip again. Maybe this time would be different.

  From the vantage point, she snapped several shots and returned to the shade of the trees. Back pressed against a tree, she focused on the digital image and prayed for inspiration to hit. Pencil in hand, she held it above the page, waiting, but the connection wasn’t there. Hard way it was then.

  From her water bottle, Selene took a long drink before she picked up her gear and ventured out again. Thirty minutes. She’d give herself thirty minutes to finish the sketch before she headed home. Yep, she could do it. Thirty minutes to finish it. An hour tops.

  The ache inside her head was getting worse. Selene lifted the water bottle to her lips only to find it empty. The spare too. Bugger. Sweat dripped into her eyes and she wiped it away. This had been a mistake. Time to stop being stubborn and call it quits. She tossed everything into her bag and rose to her feet, but after sitting still for so long, the sudden movement caused the world to spin and her vision blurred. Selene bent, bracing her hands on her knees to steady herself. She drew back a deep breath, but only hot air filled her lungs. She collapsed, coughing, and fighting for a breath that didn’t burn, but it never came. Panic made her heart to race. How could she have been so stupid? No way she’d make it home like this, she needed to cool down, and fast. On her hands and knees, Selene crawled towards the creek. Sheer desperation propelled her forward until her fingers connected with the cool water. With a heavy sigh of relief, she fell into the shallows.

  Made it.

  At the edge of the water, gentle waves washed over her heated body and Selene closed her eyes. Fatigue seeped into every pore. She knew she should head back to the cottage, but she couldn’t summon the energy to push off the ground. It would be alright. She’d take a minute to rest, gather her strength and then she’d go.

  The late afternoon sun beat down upon her as she lay in the shallow water of the creek. Each inch of exposed skin turned pink by its powerful rays. She needed to get into the shade, but her body wasn’t heeding her request.

  A quiet splash turned her head and a man rose out of the water.

  As far as hallucinations went, he was one she would suffer gladly, though his arrival highlighted the seriousness of the situation. Perhaps her mind had manifested a knight to rescue her from her predicament.

  Eyes of emerald g
reen, locked on hers through strands of dark, wet hair, as he strode through the water towards her. Inch after inch of his toned, sun-kissed body revealed itself as he approached her, and the artist in her sighed in appreciation. None of the models in the life drawing classes she’d taken at Uni had ever looked like this.

  He disappeared from sight, before reappearing, crouched beside her. Up close, she noted the lines that creased his brow, the way his lips pressed tight together. Concern marked his eyes as he reached out and placed his hand on her forehead. Her entire body sighed when the gesture brought immediate relief. Tender fingers brushed the hair from her face and her eyes fluttered closed. She forced them open, afraid he’d disappear.

  Strong arms scooped her from the ground as though she weighed nothing and headed for the trees. Curled against his chest she watched his lips move, but no words reached her ears. She lifted her hand and ran her thumb over his lips. They continued to move in silence and her eyes grew heavy.

  No, she wasn’t ready to lose him, not yet, but the battle was already decided.

  Selene let go and allowed the darkness to claim her.


  Selene shot up and blinked several times. The familiar sight of her room greeted her. She was home. But how? The last thing she remembered was—

  Dizzy, she fell back against the pillows, hands covering her face as her mind raced to remember. Memories of yesterday seeped into her consciousness. She recalled reaching the creek, of taking a moment to rest, but then—nothing.

  Just some silly dream about a white knight swooping in to rescue her.

  Colour tinged her cheeks. Yesterday had been a mistake of epic proportions. The gap in her memory only reinforced the risk she’d taken. Stubbornness was her middle name though stupid would be more apt. She’d put her own health in jeopardy for a painting. Was it any wonder she didn’t recall how she got home? Although it was preferable than the alternative.


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