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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

Page 27

by Tiffany Carby

  Lesson learned.

  Art might speak to her soul, but it wasn’t worth risking her life. Besides, if she ended up in hospital, nothing would get finished. Failure to complete the pieces on time wouldn’t do her reputation any good. Nor would lying in bed, fantasising over an imaginary white knight her addled brain had conjured.

  Angry red skin greeted her as she pushed back the sheet. It explained why she was only wearing underwear, but not the lack of memory of undressing.

  Let it go, Sel, just let it go.

  It didn’t hurt as much she expected when she touched it. Guess it looked worse than it was. Not wanting to aggravate it further, she slipped on a silk robe and wandered toward the kitchen.

  Today called for coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

  The paintbrush clattered on the tabletop.

  Frustrated, Selene backed away from the easel and laced her fingers atop her head. The inflamed skin on her arms protested and she let them fall. It had hurt more as the morning wore on but she ignored her discomfort and stared at her sketch. Work had progressed in a slow and steady manner, at least until thoughts of him entered her head. Now she itched to paint something more interesting, but her schedule allowed no time to get sidetracked. Time to rein in her runaway thoughts and focus, but that required a refill.

  Selene wandered into the kitchen and returned with a fresh cup of coffee in one hand and a hot cross bun in the other. Though only January, stores had stocked the buns right after new year. Unlike early Christmas decorations, Selene loved being able to indulge her weakness for hot cross buns months in advance. Even if her hips didn’t agree. But that’s what yoga was for, right?

  Rich flavours filled her mouth invoking memories from childhood, drawing her towards a display case in the corner of the room. Inside lay nineteen hand-painted eggs, each with an individual design. A single bare egg waited amongst them. This year’s design hadn’t made itself known yet. Not that it mattered, she had more pressing matters to attend to first.

  Selene returned to the sketchbook and took a cleansing breath. Back to work.

  She ran her fingers across the page, trying to reignite emotion for the piece. Brush in hand, eyes closed, she allowed her thoughts to drift. With deep, steady breaths, she tried to recall everything from the actual location; the colours, the smells, and—


  Resigned, she set her coffee aside and flipped to a clean page. Perhaps if she got the urge to draw him out of her system, she’d be able to concentrate again.

  A shiver of excitement raced across her skin. None of the hesitation she’d experienced with the landscape hindered her now.

  From her pencil, lines flowed uninhibited. Each stroke drawing him out of her head and onto the page. With his face complete, she squeezed paint on her palette, mixing it into the correct shade of green. Years of perfecting her craft guided her brush, to fill his eyes with life.

  Finished, she set the brush aside, surprised by what she saw. Nothing she’d ever painted had looked so… alive. Selene rubbed her thumb over his full lips as she had in her dream. Now conscious of her actions, the gesture implied something far more intimate than she recalled and unexpected need wove its way through her body. The feeling puckered her nipples, causing them to brush against the robe bringing both pleasure and pain. Unable to bear it, she undid the tie at her waist and lifted it off her sensitive skin.

  Embarrassed, she ducked her head and drew a calming breath. Perhaps last night she’d fallen under the spell of the full moon. She had no other explanation for her irrational behaviour. Fanciful dreams, lack of concentration, endangering her health, and now this—it was so unlike her. Selene had cast aside the notion of relationships years ago, even imaginary ones. You couldn’t miss what you never had, and it couldn’t hurt you when you lost it. So why torment herself now?

  A knock at the door startled her.

  Visitors were rare, and she wasn’t dressed for this one. Perhaps if she remained quiet whomever, it was would leave.

  The knock came again, and she held her breath.

  “I know you’re in there.”

  Her self-imposed restraint weakened as his voice beckoned. After years of denial, why did her body chose now to betray her with nothing more than a voice to encourage it? Was there no end to her insanity?

  She pulled her robe tight around her and crossed the room to open the door. What she saw on the other side held her spellbound.

  On the threshold stood the man from her dreams.

  Surprised, she stepped aside as he entered her home, closing the door behind him.

  “I’m glad to see you are up and about. You had me worried there for a while.”

  Back pressed against the door, Selene didn’t answer. Her mind grappled to sort fantasy from reality. Dreaming, she had to be still dreaming. It was the only logical explanation.

  At her silence, he looked back over his shoulder. “Cat got your tongue?”

  Selene shook her head. Why was she answering his questions? She’d let a complete stranger, into her home without a second thought.

  Full moon madness, no question.

  He stretched his hand towards her. “Come, Selene. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  But that was a lie. He’d disturbed every facet of her day since before the moment she’d woken.

  “Are you alright?”

  Not even close.

  Skirting the edge of the room, Selene grabbed her phone and typed rapidly. Her eyes lifted to his as the electronic voice spoke. “Who are you? What are you doing here? How do you know my name?”

  His eyes drifted to the phone in her hand and back to her face, before he lifted his hands and signed, “I’m Kyler. I own the cottage.”

  Selene’s fingers flew over the keyboard. “I’m not deaf. You don’t need to sign. I hear perfectly well, thank you.” She sucked back a breath as his eyes roamed over her.

  Kyler stepped towards her and she moved back. Her knees connected with the couch, folding beneath her. She braced her hands on either side as he moved closer still, invading her personal space.

  This was the part where she screamed, where she pushed him away, and locked herself in the bathroom until help arrived. Only none of that happened.

  Instead, she closed her eyes as he kneeled between her legs and place his hands on her neck.

  Selene froze. What was she doing? A strange man was in her home, touching her, and she was letting him. She needed to do something, to resist, to fight back, to—

  Her eyes flew open he took her face in his hands.

  “Stop freaking out. I’m not here to hurt you. Geez, you’re even more untrusting of people than I am.”

  She heard the hurt in his voice at her overreaction.

  “I might not be as skilled as my brother, but I sense nothing wrong beyond the stiffness of an unused muscle. You chose to stop speaking. Why?”

  Selene jerked at his assessment. How could he possibly know that? She pushed him away, clutching her robe together. It had been one thing when he’d been a figment her imagination, but the reality was something entirely different. Okay, yes, she might have misjudged his motives, but he saw things which were none of his concern. “You need to leave. Now.”

  He stared her a moment. “No.”

  Shock at his refusal held her in place. No. What did he mean no?

  Kyler produced a small blue jar. “Locals usually understand how unforgiving the sun can be at this time of year. You weren’t doing so well when I found you lying beside the creek. Heatstroke is a serious issue. People do die from it, you know.”

  Images rushed at her. Not a dream? “I—you—you were there?”

  “Yes. Lucky for you I spend most of my evenings swimming.”

  The truth in his voice formed a lump in her throat.

  “I cooled you down as best I could, brought you back here and called my brother to come look at you. Other than a severe sunburn, and mild dehydration, you were very lucky. It could have been much

  Lucky. That was not a word Selene would use to describe herself. Unaware two strange men had been inside her house while she lay unconscious, had to put ‘stupid’ at the top of the list.

  But if he... if Kyler hadn’t been there, how long would it have taken for anyone to notice she was missing? A day? A week? More likely when she didn’t show up for the auction in eight weeks time.

  Tears pricked at her eyes. If she’d died, there’d be no one to miss her, no one left behind, hurt by the loss. The logic made sense to her on so many levels. So then why, when faced with the reality of it happening, did it sadden her? If there was no one to miss her, who would bear witness to say she’d even lived? And what was the point of her life if she didn’t even exist?

  The beliefs she held tight to for years shattered around her.

  “Hey.” Kyler wiped away an errant tear. “You’re okay. You’re safe.”

  Safe. What had playing it safe gotten her?

  “Thanks to you.”

  He cupped the side of her face and smiled. “My pleasure, but I’d suggest not doing it again. Okay?”

  Nothing about her life would be ‘okay’ again.


  “Right, as to the other reason for my visit.” He unscrewed the lid of the jar. “My brother sent this over for you. It will help with the sunburn.” Kyler dipped his finger in the jar. “Kyan says a little goes a long way and that you should apply morning and night for the next couple of days.”

  Like a deer in headlights, Selene watched mesmerised as his hand moved towards her. Nerves quickened her breath. The ability to deny one’s wants and desires was only possible when they remained out of arms reach. Yesterday, she could have died without knowing the touch of a man, and she’d never have known any different. But now, she no longer wanted to deny herself the possibility. Or was she letting her brush with mortality cloud her judgement?

  The ointment slid across her skin as he traced a circle on her chest. Kyler’s eyes stayed fixed on hers as he pushed the robe back off her shoulders. He spread the ointment over them, then along her neck before returning to where he’d started. This time he trailed his fingers down between her breasts.

  Without asking, her hands fell to her sides as he reached them. The robe parted, exposing her body to him. Each breath came quicker the lower his fingers moved. He crossed her belly and went lower still. Only when he reached the top of her underwear did he halt.

  “As I said, a little goes a long way,” Kyler whispered. “Should I continue?”


  Just inches below his fingers, her body begged for his touch. Her breasts swelled and nipples peaked as she imagined his hands running over them. The mere thought made her wet with longing.

  Slowly she shook her head. Wait what was she doing? She wanted this, she did.

  Her heart pounded as his fingers moved lower still, stopping just short of where she wanted him to touch her most.

  “Are you sure?”

  She had no clue. Lust clouded her thoughts leaving her unable to think straight. “I—I—”

  Hands, not her own, pulled the robe closed and Kyler stood, breaking the spell.

  Shame washed through Selene. Her lack of experience with men must be stamped across her forehead. A twenty-five-year-old mute virgin was obviously too much freak to go there.

  Strong hands pulled her to her feet.

  Kyler covered her mouth with his banishing all thought from her head. Far different from the timid kisses she’d experienced as a teen, this was hard and demanding.

  When he drew back his intense emerald eyes stared into hers. “You are not a freak.” He pressed her hand against his arousal. “Make no mistake, I want you, Selene, but I am not the innocent you are, and it would be wrong of me to take advantage.” His next kiss was sweet and gentle. “When you’re feeling better, come back to the creek and join me for a swim. You’re someone I’d like to know better.” He stepped away, pressing the phone into her hand. “By the way, you dropped this.”

  Her mouth gaped even as her fingers typed. “How?”

  At the door Kyler halted and smiled. “Magick.” He pointed to the phone. “Just so you know, you don’t need that with me, Selene. I hear you perfectly well, also.”


  Deadlines and time to heal kept Selene from visiting the creek again. At least that’s what she told herself several times a day. Nothing to do with the super hot guy waiting there, nor the newly awakened desires he’d unleashed. Or the way she’d made a complete fool of herself, more than once, the last time she’d seen him. But besides all that, she didn’t know if she trusted herself around him. Having only ditched her self-imposed ban on living something resembling a life, less than a week ago, getting involved with the guy who’d turned her world on its head, and around whom she lost the ability to think would be insanity. Better to choose someone less... intense, to ease into things with. Because even now she didn’t understand how she’d gone from living like a nun to experiencing dreams each night that set her body alight, leaving her to awake alone and unsatisfied, in under a week.

  But then there were the unanswered questions filling her head. Like, how had they communicated without her text-to-voice app? And, why hadn’t he asked about it in the first place? Everybody always asked. People asked, she answered, everyone felt uncomfortable, and then did their best to avoid each other. In general, that’s how it worked, but Kyler hadn’t followed the playbook. Why? The not knowing drove her crazy. If she wanted answers, she needed to see him again.

  First things first.

  With one final perusal of the piece, Selene carefully transferred the delicate artwork into the glass display case and locked it away for safe keeping. One down, five to go.

  Every muscle in her body protested as Selene stretched. To keep herself distracted, she’d worked longer hours than usual. As a result, she’d finished two days ahead of schedule, and run out of excuses not to accept Kyler’s invitation. Besides, he’d invited her for a swim, and a chance to learn more about each other, nothing more. As if to convince her further, the temperature still hovered above thirty degrees even though the clock read after seven. Perfect night for a swim. If only her feet would move towards the door. Perhaps a glass of liquid courage to settle her nerves first.

  Selene wandered into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. The need for a clear head and steady hand prevented her from drinking while she worked, but with the piece finished indulgence was allowed.

  One glass turned into two, the wine working its own special magic. As her muscles relaxed, her mind worried. She’d avoided the creek, and Kyler, for six days. Would Kyler assume she’d blown him off? Had she meant to? Yes, his intensity intimidated her, but she had responsibilities, things she couldn’t ignore. She’d needed time to work through things, adjust to the changes she was making, but would Kyler see it that way? Would he give her a chance to explain? A peace offering might smooth things over. In a bag, she added a full bottle of wine and two glasses, to her half empty one. Time to go.

  Hand on the doorknob, she noticed the streaks of paint, not only on her hand but her pants too. Clothes. She’d forgotten to change her clothes. Forehead pressed against the door, Selene forced herself to breathe. The last thing she needed was to embarrass herself for a third time in front of Kyler. That in mind, she marched to the bedroom, pulled on a two-piece and added a sarong. In the bathroom, she scrubbed the paint from her hands and tied her hair back in a braid. Much better. Bag in hand she raced out the front door, the anticipation of seeing again Kyler hastening her step. All she could do was hope she hadn’t waited too long.

  At the edge of the grove, a tingle rippled over her skin and her eyes searched the water. Not a ripple broke the glass-like surface. Selene wandered to the edge and scanned upstream. The creek wound through the property, ending here in a pool. Over the past few years, she’d explored bits and pieces of the property, the landscape providing countless sketching opport
unities. Technically, it was trespassing. Her only foray onto the wrong side of the law.

  Who would know?

  Unlike the locals who avoided the property, Selene had felt drawn by it, willing to chance being caught to enjoy the beauty it offered. Even the new owners hadn’t kept her from abandoning the place completely. Besides, this time, she was here by invitation.

  Ten minutes later, nerves were getting the better of her. Seated by the water’s edge, Selene poured another glass of wine to bolster her courage. Kyler hadn’t mentioned a time. There was any number of reasons he hadn’t shown up yet.

  Thirty minutes later, the moon was pushing the sun from the sky, and the bottle was empty.

  Kyler wasn’t coming.

  The admission turned her earlier anticipation turned to disappointment. She only had herself to blame. How long had she expected he would wait for her to show? If his disappointment had felt as acute as hers, she understood why his patience might have worn thin. This was why she preferred to be alone, why she held everyone at arm’s length, pushed them so hard till they would no longer stay, so it didn’t hurt when they left. But this time she’d hoped—it no longer mattered what she’d hoped, he wasn’t here. Legs tucked against her chest, silent tears slid down her cheeks.

  “That is twice now. What is it about my creek that brings you such distress, Selene?”

  Tears blurred her vision and alcohol muddled her thoughts as a bare-chested Kyler took a seat beside her. On autopilot, her hands fumbled for her phone, but he stole it away. “I told you, I hear you fine, Selene.”

  Alcohol and relief countered her need to question why. “You’re here.”

  Kyler smiled. “Why wouldn’t I be?” He wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  Wine loosened her tongue. “I—” Selene dropped her head to her knees. “You weren’t here when I arrived. But I waited, and when you still didn’t show, I thought... maybe you’d changed your mind.”


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