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Ph's Great Puffle Search 7 (9781101610381)

Page 3

by West, Tracey

  “Aye, I can,” the pirate replies. “So there I was, sailin’ the seas in me trusty ship, when I found a red puffle lost at sea. I rescued it and it led me to the red puffles on Rockhopper Island. The little fellas were full o’ piratey spirit, and they hopped aboard me ship and came to Club Penguin.”

  He nods over to the tall mast. “But the one I rescued became me true-blue friend. That’s me first mate, Yarr.”

  Yarr is bouncing up and down in the crow’s nest on top of the mast. You wave to it, and it responds by shooting snowballs at you from a tiny cannon.

  You and Jet dodge the snowballs, laughing. “Wow, Yarr is really cool,” you say. “Maybe I should go adopt a red puffle.”

  “We still have more puffles to learn about,” PH reminds you. “Where should we go next?”

  If you head to the Box Dimension, go here

  If you head to the Snow Forts, go here


  “Let’s go to the Stage,” you say.

  You and Jet follow PH next door to the Stage. Inside, the Stage is set with a waterfall cascading down a sandy hill and a wooden bridge that goes over a flowing stream. To the right of the waterfall is what looks like an ancient Egyptian temple with a statue of a golden puffle on a pedestal.

  “It’s Quest for the Golden Puffle! This play is bonza!” PH exclaims.

  An orange penguin wearing an adventurer’s costume is crossing the bridge. On the other side, a penguin wrapped up like a mummy is waddling toward her. Between them, a yellow puffle wearing a black director’s cap is hopping up and down.

  “Yellow puffles are very creative,” PH tells you. “They love to paint and sculpt. And this one is directing the play.”

  “Pretty impressive,” you say. “I bet we’d have fun putting on plays together.”

  “Let’s waddle on over to the Night Club,” PH says. “I’m sure we’ll find some black puffles up in the Arcade.”

  The three of you waddle to the Night Club and head upstairs. The Lounge is filled with tables, chairs, video games, and an arcade game called Hit the Target!

  A small group of black puffles are hanging out there. Two of them are skateboarding around the circle pattern on the smooth floor. Two others are hurling snowballs at the targets in the game.

  “Cool!” Jet cries, and he runs up to shoot targets with the black puffles. You’re entranced by the skateboarding puffles—these guys are really good!

  “I bet I could learn a lot of tricks from them,” you say.

  “We’ve still got more puffles to check out,” PH says. “Where to next, mate?”

  If you choose the Beacon, go here.

  If you choose the Stadium, go to here.


  “Let’s keep chasing the green puffle,” you say. “I have a feeling that he’s going to lead us to that special O’berry bush.”

  “You may be right,” PH agrees. “Let’s go!”

  You race through the trees as the green puffle whizzes through the Forest. Finally, he stops in a clearing, hovering above a bush. Huffing and puffing, you reach him.

  Shiny, black O’berries are hanging off every branch of the bush. The green puffle flies up to one and gulps it down.

  “Black O’berries!” PH says, gently handling one with her flipper. “They seem to be genuinely black, not old or rotten. This is a real discovery!”

  She opens her turquoise backpack and pulls out a sterile plastic jar with a lid and some tweezers. Then she carefully plucks several berries and puts them in the jar. Next she takes out another jar and gathers some leaf samples. Then she cuts off one branch and places it in a third jar.

  “I’ve got to get this back to my igloo and put it in water,” she explains. “I want to see if I can grow the bush. But before we go, some photos!”

  PH snaps photos of the bush from every angle. Then she turns to you and Jet.

  “I think we’re done here,” she says. “I’ve got to get back. Thank you both for your help. If it weren’t for you, this green puffle would never have led us to these black O’berries.”

  “Thanks,” you say.

  PH grins. “In fact, once I finish this report I will make sure you’re listed as my co-O’berry discoverers. What do you think of that, mates?”

  You and Jet look at each other and grin.

  “That would be puffle-tastic!” you both reply.



  You follow the orange puffle—and pop out of a completely different box! PH and Jet pop out of boxes on either side of you. Then the orange puffle suddenly appears in the box with you.

  “They’re fascinating,” PH says, writing down notes. “They seamlessly move through the Box Dimension. But how?”

  You reach down and pick up the orange puffle. It starts sniffing your pockets, looking for food.

  “I like it,” you say. “Can I adopt it?”

  “It’s up to it,” PH says.

  You look down at the puffle. “What do you say? Do you want to come home with me?”

  The orange puffle nods—and in the next instant, you’re all instantly transported to your igloo!

  “Amazing!” PH says, scribbling quickly.

  “I’ll say,” you agree. “I’ve got my first puffle!”



  You aim for the cannon. The red puffle lands inside the cannon, but the cannon spins to the right and shoots the puffle wildly into the sky. The puffle falls into the water and then swims back to you.

  “Your game’s over,” PH tells you. “But you’re off to a good start. Want to try again?”

  Before you can answer, something rings in PH’s pocket. She takes out a spy phone and answers it, listening. Then she quickly turns it off.

  “Some black puffles need rescuing in the Mine!” she says. “Let’s go!”

  When you get to the Mine Shack, PH suits you up with some scuba gear and a wet suit.

  “The water can get very cold,” she warns. “When you find the black puffle, surround it with an air bubble, so you can bring it back safely.”

  With PH and Jet behind you, you walk inside a dark cavern in the mine, barely lit by lanterns. The cabin opens up to an underground pool with chunks of ice floating on top. In the distance you can see a black puffle shivering on one of the pieces of ice.

  “I’ll save you!” you call out. You dive into the freezing water and swim until you reach the black puffle. Then you surround it with an air bubble like PH told you.

  You suddenly see a dark shadow passing underneath you. It’s got a long, thin head and body and a dozen dangling tentacles. It’s a giant squid!

  Your heart is pounding, and you swim as fast as you can to shore before the squid sees you. When you land on shore, the puffle’s bubble pops, and it happily hops away.

  “That was exciting,” you say. “But I think I’ve had enough adventure for one day. I think I’d like to go back to the Pet Shop and adopt a black puffle.”

  The three of you head back into the dark cavern. Suddenly, you feel something brush past your face. You glance back, and in the dim light you see what looks like a puffle with bat wings fly away. Is that possible?

  “I have a feeling we have a lot more to learn about puffles!” you say.



  “I like to play sports, so I’ll say that I’m sporty,” you reply.

  “Then we can narrow it down to three choices,” PH says. “Pink puffles are really active and love to exercise. White puffles love outdoor sports, like ice-skating. And blue puffles are playful. They’re always up for a game of catch and are easy to please.”

  You think about your day. You had the bes
t time having a snowball fight with those cute blue puffles.

  “I think I’ll go with a blue one,” you say.

  PH grins. “Then let’s get you to the Pet Shop!”

  A short while later you and Jet are hanging in your igloo with your blue puffle.

  “I think I made the right choice,” you say.

  “And once you learn how to take care of this one, you can always get more,” Jet reminds you.

  You slap your flapper on your forehead.

  “No way! I’ll never be able to decide!”



  “Mmm, let’s go to the Snow Forts,” you reply.

  You, Jet, and PH say good-bye to Captain Rockhopper and Yarr and waddle off the Migrator and past the Stadium, until you reach the Snow Forts. One fort has a faded red flag, and the other has a faded blue one. The two forts face each other on a field of white snow. Overlooking the scene is the large snowball-powered clock that gives the date and official Club Penguin time.

  A snowball goes whizzing past your ear and you quickly jump to the side, dodging it.

  “Hey, who threw that?” you ask. You don’t see any penguins around.

  PH laughs and points to the blue fort, where a small group of blue puffles is hopping up and down. “Looks like some blue puffles are up for a snowball fight.”

  Jet races to the red fort. “To the red fort! Quick!”

  By the time you catch up to Jet, he’s already making snowballs and throwing them at the blue fort. You quickly scoop up some cold snow, make a snowball, and send it flying.

  You and Jet are fast, but the blue puffles are really awesome. A barrage of snowballs falls from the sky on top of you like rain. You and Jet collapse on the ground, laughing.

  The blue puffles hop over to you, smiling.

  “Besides being playful, blue puffles are very friendly and loyal,” PH explains.

  You and Jet sit up and begin to stroke the soft fur of the blue puffles.

  “How cute!” says a voice behind you. “I should take a photo of this for The Club Penguin Times.”

  It’s Aunt Arctic, the editor in chief of the newspaper! You’d recognize her anywhere. She’s a green penguin with glasses, freckles, and a little pink hat on her head. There’s a pencil tucked behind her ear.

  “Hello, Aunt Arctic,” PH says. “I was just teaching these two penguins about puffles.”

  “Oh, how delightful!” Aunt Arctic says. “Perhaps I can help. I have several puffles in my igloo right now. Would you like to meet them?”

  You and Jet look at each other. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

  “Of course!” you both say.

  Aunt Arctic’s igloo is small and cozy, with a rocking chair in front of a roaring fireplace. There are several puffles hopping around the room, playing.

  “Let’s see,” PH says. “Which puffles haven’t we seen today? Oh, yes, here’s a white one.”

  “It’s inside now, but normally it likes to be out in the cold and snow,” Aunt Arctic explains.

  You notice a pink puffle bouncing up and down on a trampoline.

  “Wow, that puffle has lots of energy,” you remark.

  PH nods. “Yes. Pink puffles love to exercise.”

  An orange puffle hops up onto the rocking chair and starts to munch on the pillow. Aunt Arctic shakes her head.

  “You orange puffles are always hungry,” she says. “Let me get you a cookie.”

  As she walks off, PH points to a brown puffle in the corner. The puffle is wearing safety glasses and mixing liquids in a beaker.

  “And last but not least, the brown puffle,” she says. “They’re very inventive.”

  You feel like your head is spinning. “I wish I could adopt one of every puffle! They’re all amazing.”

  PH looks thoughtful. “Good point. Tell you what. I’m going to say some words, and you tell me which best describe your personality.”

  If you say you are adventurous and intense, go here.

  If you say you are sporty, go here.

  If you say you are creative, go here

  If you say you are fun-loving, go here.


  “I’m pretty sure moss grows on the south side of a tree,” you insist.

  You and Jet turn down the left path and keep marching down the tree-lined trail. The trail twists and turns. After what seems like hours, you’re tired and haven’t seen any puffles.

  “What’s that smell?” Jet asks, sniffing the air.

  “I think it’s the Pizza Parlor,” you say. “We must have ended up near the Plaza. Let’s go!”

  Suddenly hungry, the two of you race to the Pizza Parlor and order one pizza with extra fish.

  “It’s too bad,” you say after gulping down a slice. “I guess I’ll never learn about puffles now.”

  “Did you say puffles?” a penguin at a nearby table asks. “I can tell you about my puffle.”

  “Me too,” says another penguin.

  Soon you’re chatting about puffles with all the penguins in the Pizza Parlor. Getting lost wasn’t such a bad thing after all!



  “Let’s go to the Stadium,” you suggest.

  When you get to the arena, a few penguins are skating on the ice rink there. A pink puffle is in the stands, and it looks like it’s practicing a cheerleading routine.

  A black penguin skates up to you, and you realize it’s your friend Ace.

  “Hey!” he tells you and Jet. “We’re playing a hockey game in five minutes. Where’ve you been?”

  “I totally forgot!” you say. You turn to PH. “Thanks for your help, but I promised I’d play.”

  “No problem,” PH says with a smile. “I need to get started on my expedition, anyway.”

  You’re sad when PH waddles off because you think that you may never decide on a puffle. But something happens during the game. The pink puffle really impresses you with its cheerleading routine. When the game is over, you go right to the Pet Shop and adopt a pink puffle of your own.

  “This is great,” you tell Jet. “Now we’ll always have someone to cheer us on!”



  “I think I’m adventurous and intense,” you say.

  PH nods. “Then we can narrow it down. A black puffle or red puffle would be great for you.”

  You remember watching the black puffles in the Arcade, and all those cool skateboarding tricks they knew. Then you think about Captain Rockhopper’s red puffle, Yarr. You imagine going on adventures with your own red puffle.

  “It’s a tough choice,” you say. “But I think I’ll adopt a red puffle!”

  “Then let’s get back to the Pet Shop,” PH says.

  Moments later you are proudly waddling around Club Penguin with your new red puffle hopping by your side.

  “I think you should name it Jet,” Jet says.

  “I was thinking of calling it Rocky, after Rockhopper,” you say. You look down at your red puffle. “Do you like that, Rocky?”

  Rocky smiles and hops up and down.

  “Great!” you say. “Now let’s go play with your cannon!”



  “A puffle with a tail would be a great discovery,” you say. “Let’s follow the tracks!”

  “All right,” PH agrees. “Let me just record our location, so I can look for the black O’berries some other time.”

  Soon you’re waddling through the trees as PH expertly follows the puffle tracks. The trees begin to thin out and you arrive at a bay at the base of a tall cliff. A small rowboat bobs up and down on the water, tied
to a dock that juts out from the land.

  Across the bay you can see a cave in the mountainside. A strange, whirring sound floats out of the cave and travels across the water.

  “What do you know?” PH remarks. “We found another way to get to the cave of the brown puffles. This is where they were first discovered.”

  “What’s that strange noise coming from the cave?” you ask.

  “I’m not sure,” PH says. “But I think we should check it out. I want to make sure the brown puffles aren’t in any trouble. Sometimes their experiments can go a bit wonky, if you know what I mean. I worry about them.”

  Jet walks across the dock and pulls on the rope to bring the boat closer. Then he frowns.

  “There’s a hole in the boat,” he says. “And it doesn’t look like there’s another way to get across.”

  “Maybe we can fix it,” you say.

  “We can try,” PH says. “I know more about puffles than I do about boats. But I think we can plug the hole with some O’berry paste.”

  You nod to some scraps of wood on the dock. “Or we could use that wood,” you suggest.

  If you repair the hole with O’berry paste, go here.

  If you repair the hole with scraps of wood, go here.


  You decide that you might as well tell PH about the green puffle. It could be important.

  “PH!” you say, running up to her. “I’m pretty sure I saw a green puffle fly up the path on the right. I mean, it might have been a leaf, but it looked like a puffle to me.”

  “Let’s check it out!” PH says eagerly. “If you’re right, this is a great chance to study the behavior of a green puffle in the wild.”

  The three of you change direction and head down the right-hand path. It’s quiet, and you’re worried that you made a mistake. But then you see a tree branch wave up ahead, and a green puffle flies out of the branches.


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