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Ph's Great Puffle Search 7 (9781101610381)

Page 4

by West, Tracey

  “There it is!” you cry, and you all hurry after the green puffle.

  The path makes another turn and you wind up in a clearing loaded with bushes bearing orange O-shaped berries.

  “O’berry bushes!” Jet exclaims.

  PH nods. “Yes, they grow all over Club Penguin. Puffles love them. Look!”

  Wild puffles of every color have gathered around the bushes, munching on the berries. PH waddles over and plucks some and then hands them to you and Jet.

  “Try them,” she said. “I think they’re delicious.”

  You pop an O’berry in your mouth. It’s bitter, spicy, and not like anything you’ve ever tasted. You don’t really like it.

  “Wow!” you exclaim. “That’s . . . something else.”

  “Orange O’berries are the most common,” PH tells you. “But I’ve found pink ones and purples ones, too. I’ve got to do some research on these different O’berries.”

  While PH is talking, the green puffle that you followed flies up to you and drops something at your feet. You reach down to pick it up, and to your surprise, you see that it’s a black O’berry.

  “PH, I think you’d better see this!” you say.

  Go here.


  “Let’s try the blue lever.” You pull it.

  The machine whirs and hums. A scoop rises up and dumps a perfect mound of vanilla ice cream into a bowl resting on a pillar. The pillar rises and hits the ice cream, which then hits a balloon, popping it. Sprinkles rain out of the balloon onto the ice cream. Then a claw picks up the bowl and sets it on a conveyor belt, where it is sprayed with chocolate syrup.

  “It’s an ice-cream-sundae machine!”

  A cherry rolls down a slide and lands on top of the sundae. Then the machine stops.

  “It looks so good!” you exclaim.

  The puffles hop up and down, and one brings you three spoons.

  “I think they want us to taste,” PH says.

  As you eat, PH tells you how the brown puffles were discovered.

  “I was on the trail of the brown puffles for a while, but I couldn’t find them,” she says. “Then in 2011, penguins who embarked on the Wilderness Expedition helped me locate this cave. I was so excited to finally see the brown puffles! They’re extremely interesting.”

  “Definitely,” you agree.

  You thank the brown puffles for the ice cream and head back to follow the strange tracks. You cross the bay once more and pick up the tracks where you left off.

  The tracks take you around the bottom of the cliff and back to a wooded area. At the edge of the trees a small group of puffles are performing what looks like a strange dance.

  “Well, isn’t that something?” PH says, stopping in her tracks. “I’ve never seen a dance like that before. I should record this.”

  She’s about to open her backpack when she looks down at the snow and frowns.

  “The snow is starting to melt,” she realizes. “We might lose those tracks soon. Maybe I shouldn’t record this.”

  If you stay to witness the dance, go to here.

  If you keep following the tracks, go here


  “I wonder if that red button opens the door?” you wonder out loud.

  “Don’t touch it!” PH warns. “That would be too easy. I think that control panel is probably the key to getting in. It looks like there’s some kind of code to figure out.”

  You study the control panel. “There are five shapes. A circle, a square, a triangle, a star, and a rectangle.”

  “Maybe you have to press them in a certain order?” Jet guesses.

  “Let’s give it a try,” PH says.

  You press the shapes in order: circle, square, triangle, star, rectangle. Nothing happens.

  “There’s got to be a way,” Jet says, and he tries another random combination: triangle, star, circle, square, rectangle. Nothing.

  “Come on!” Jet says, frustrated. He tries another combination, but that doesn’t work, either.

  You’re thoughtful. “There’s got to be some logic to it,” you say.

  “I agree,” PH says. “What’s a logical way to order the shapes?”

  Then it hits you. “Maybe they’re in alphabetical order!”

  Jet steps aside, and you carefully touch the shapes in alphabetical order: circle, rectangle, square, star, triangle. You hear a click, and the door swings open.

  “That was ace!” PH congratulates you. “Now let’s be careful. That door has Herbert’s paws all over it.”

  You all enter the door and find yourself in a chamber with metal walls. A huge machine with wires and tubes fills the space. There are words scrawled on the side: Herbert’s Ice Melter.

  “An ice-melting machine!” PH exclaims. “That pesky polar bear plans to turn all of Club Penguin into a giant swimming pool!”

  “We’ve got to stop him!” you say.

  Then you hear a sound coming through the walls of the chamber. It sounds like a flute.

  “Chirp!” PH cries, and she pushes through a door on the wall.

  In the next room, a little yellow puffle is trapped in a cave. PH quickly uses the tools on her spy phone to pick the lock and grabs the puffle.

  “Chirp! Are you okay?” PH asks.

  The little yellow puffle nods and jumps out of PH’s arms. It hops around on the floor.

  “I see,” PH says, interpreting the puffle’s movements. “You followed Herbert to the cave and then got caught in a booby trap. Is Herbert still here?”

  Chirp shakes its head no, and PH turns to you and Jet.

  “We’ve got to try to destroy the machine before he gets back. Let’s take a look at it.”

  The machine is a complicated mess of wires and tubes attached to what looks like a large motor.

  “We could pull out all the wires,” you suggest.

  “Or maybe we should take apart the motor,” Jet says.

  If you pull out the wires, go here

  If you take apart the motor, go here.


  Jet’s idea appeals to you.

  “Let’s do it!” you say. “If we can find the puffle herd on our own, it’ll be an amazing discovery.”

  You head down the left-hand path, but you don’t get far before there’s another fork in the road.

  “Which way should we go?” you wonder.

  Jet waddles to the center of the fork, where a big tree is growing. Fuzzy, green moss is growing up the right-hand side.

  “I read somewhere that moss grows on the north side of the tree,” he says. “So I think if we go right, we’ll be okay.”

  You shake your head. “I’m pretty sure moss grows on the south side of the tree. We should go left.”

  If you agree with Jet and go right, go here.

  If you’re sure moss grows on the south side of the tree, go here.


  You’re curious to see how the big cannon works, so you ask PH to show you how to play Puffle Launch. She ushers you behind the cannon and shows you how to work the controls.

  “Don’t you need to use a puffle to play with?” Jet asks.

  PH looks up at the plastic tubing. “Here comes one now.”

  A red puffle drops from the tube into the cannon. PH fastens a red-and-white helmet on top of its fuzzy head.

  “Ready?” PH asks you, and you nod.

  Whoosh! The cannon shoots the puffle out the window into the blue sky. It lands in a shiny green cannon and immediately is shot out again. The puffle gobbles up Puffle O’s and lands in another cannon. Then it automatically shoots out again!

  “The object is to reach the flam
ing hoop at the end of the course, collecting Puffle O’s along the way,” PH tells you.

  The puffle lands in a cannon, but this time doesn’t shoot out. The cannon revolves, turning from left to right.

  “When the cannon is pointing where you want it, you can launch the puffle,” PH instructs.

  You wait until the cannon is lined up with the Puffle O’s and launch. The red puffle soars through the air, gulping down the round treats as it goes. Then it flies through the flaming hoop.

  “Beauty! You finished Level One!” PH exclaims.

  The red puffle bounces back through the window. It looks really happy.

  “Want to try again?” you ask it, and the puffle nods.

  Jet starts flipping the controls. “Try Level Four. There are balloons on that level.”

  The cannon launches again, and the red puffle soars through the air. This level is a little more challenging. There are big green balloons floating everywhere, and the puffle bounces off them into the cannons.

  You do pretty well, and then you come to a tricky spot.

  “I’m not sure what to do,” you say. “Should I aim for that green balloon or shoot for the cannon next to me?”

  “Trust your instincts,” PH tells you. “That’s the best way to learn.”

  If you aim for the green balloon, go here

  If you aim for the cannon, go here.


  “Um, I guess I’m creative,” you answer.

  PH looks thoughtful. “Well, brown puffles are creative because they’re always inventing and improving things. And yellow puffles are more artistically creative. They like to paint, make music, and perform.”

  You’ve always dreamed of being onstage, so the choice is easy.

  “I’ll go with a yellow puffle!” you decide.

  PH grins. “Nice choice. Let’s get you to the Pet Shop!”

  A short while later you’re sitting in the Pizza Parlor with Jet and your new yellow puffle. It’s at the piano, playing a happy song.

  “It sounds like your new puffle is happy you adopted it,” Jet remarks.

  “Are you kidding?” you ask. “I’m the happy one. I finally have a puffle to call my own!”



  “I like to have fun,” you say.

  “Who doesn’t?” PH asks with a grin. “So I can think of three good choices for you. Purple puffles love to go to parties and dance. Orange puffles are curious and eager to try new things. And green puffles are mischievous.”

  You remember how the green puffle at the Beacon got you to chase him.

  “I think I’ll go with a green puffle!” you say.

  “Then let’s go back to the Pet Shop!” PH tells you.

  A short while later you and Jet are walking through the Plaza while your green puffle flies next to you wearing a propeller hat.

  “I think you should call it Jet,” Jet says.

  “Why not?” you say. “It flies around, and you did help me today. Along with PH.”

  Your green puffle flies in front of you, blows a raspberry, and flies off. You and Jet laugh, and then you chase it. Owning a green puffle is definitely going to be fun!



  “Let’s just blow it once and see what happens,” Jet suggests.

  Tweet! You go outside and blow the whistle, and the sound bounces off the mountains. Things are tense as you and Jet quietly wait for something to happen. And then you see it—a green blur coming across the snow toward you. And it looks like it’s flying!

  As the blur gets closer, you realize it’s a green puffle wearing a red-and-white propeller cap. When the puffle reaches you and Jet, it hovers expectantly.

  “Are you an Elite Puffle?” you ask, and the puffle nods. “Then we need your help. PH fell into some kind of trapdoor. Come on, we’ll show you.”

  The green puffle follows you into the tunnel. When you point out the trapdoor, it flies around it curiously for a moment. Then it goes zipping out of the cave.

  “Maybe it’s getting help,” you suggest.

  You nervously wait once more until you see the green puffle return with a red penguin wearing a black suit and dark sunglasses.

  “I’ll take it from here,” he says, brushing past you and Jet. “This is official EPF business. Come on, Flit.”

  He motions to the green puffle and then disappears inside the tunnel.

  You’re disappointed. “I wish I could help,” you tell Jet. “It’s my fault that PH is trapped down there.”

  “We’d better leave this to the pros,” Jet says. “And anyway, in a few weeks we can take the EPF test ourselves.”

  “Cool,” you say. “Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll get to see PH again!”



  “A black O’berry,” PH says, her eyes wide. “I’ve never seen one before! This is amazing.”

  She looks at the green puffle. “Can you show us where you got this?”

  In response, the green puffle zooms off into the trees. You, PH, and Jet take off running after it. You’re not sure if the little guy is teasing you or just too fast for his own good because you can barely keep up.

  You’re moving so fast that you don’t see a rock on the path in front of you. Bam! You trip, landing beakfirst in the snow.

  PH and Jet rush to help you up. As PH bends down, she pauses.

  “What do you know? That looks like a puffle track,” she says.

  As you get up and brush off the snow, PH bends down to get a closer look. Then she takes out a camera and starts snapping photos.

  “I’m not sure, but it looks like the puffle that made this track has a tail,” she says, pointing to a short line attached to the puffle-shaped track. “Then again, it could just be a mark in the snow. I’d have to find more tracks to be sure.”

  She glances down the path. “But if we stop to do that, we’ll lose the green puffle. What should we do?”

  If you decide to follow the green puffle, go here.

  If you decide to follow the strange puffle track, go here


  “I think we should be careful,” PH warns. “The machine might be booby-trapped, too.”

  “Then let’s try the motor,” you say. “That looks safer.”

  PH takes out her spy phone, presses a button, and a wrench pops out.

  “Cool,” Jet says. “I can’t wait until we’re both Agents so we can get spy phones.”

  “You both would make great Agents,” PH says with a smile. “Now let’s bust up this machine!”

  You and Jet use the wrench to unscrew the bolts holding the parts of the motor together. PH takes a burlap sack from her backpack and stuffs them inside.

  “We don’t want Herbert to be able to put this back together,” she says.

  Then you notice a bolt that seems to be holding up the base of the machine. After a few turns of the wrench, the bolt pops loose and the machine collapses in a heap of groaning metal.

  Jet high-fives you. “Nice job!”

  “Great work,” PH says. “Now let’s get back to HQ and file a report.”

  You and Jet have never been inside EPF headquarters before, and it’s exciting to see all of the computer screens buzzing with activity and Agents in dark glasses waddling around. PH leaves for a moment and comes back with a blue penguin wearing a lab coat.

  “This is G,” she says. “I told him how you both helped me.”

  G smiles and hands each of you a spy phone. “You’ve both proven that you can be EPF Agents,” he says. “And I’d like to reward you as well.”

  He hands you each a pair of goggles w
ith green lenses.

  “They’re Dark Vision Goggles,” he says. “You can use them to see in the dark. They’re from our Elite Gear collection. You’ve earned them.”

  You and Jet put on your goggles and grin.

  “Awesome!” you say.



  “Let’s climb the tree,” you say. “I’m not sure any of us can fit down that hole.”

  “Good point,” PH agrees. “Here, Jet and I will give you a boost.”

  Penguins might not be known for their tree-climbing ability, but with the help of your friends you hoist yourself onto the first tree branch. The next branch is within reach, so you climb that one and then the next one. Soon you have a great view of the tree’s top branches—but there’s no sign of a puffle, strange or otherwise.

  You’re about to climb down when you spot something in a high branch on a nearby tree. A brown puffle is stuck in the branch, tangled up in what look like the strings of a parachute. The poor puffle looks frightened.

  “Guys! There’s a puffle in trouble!” you yell as you quickly climb down the tree. PH and Jet follow you to the tree where the brown puffle is trapped.

  “It must have been experimenting with a new flying craft and had to parachute to safety when it malfunctioned,” PH guesses. “Can you help me get it down?”

  “No problem!” you say, and PH hands you a small pair of scissors. Then you and Jet climb up the tree until you reach the puffle.

  “Hang in there, little guy,” you say, gently reaching out to hold the puffle in your flipper. Jet cuts the string, freeing the puffle, and you both climb down.

  PH grins. “Great job! You two will make great puffle handlers some day.”

  You look down at the little brown puffle, who’s shivering in your flipper. “You’re safe now,” you say. “Would you like to come live with me in my igloo?”


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