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Sara in Montana - A Christmas Wish

Page 7

by Morris Fenris

  Trent had felt the sadness begin to overtake her, and breathed a sigh of relief at her question. She was making an effort to not worry and he was proud of her for the effort. Meeting her gaze, he began to discuss the town’s Christmas celebration events. “Well, we’ve already installed the life size nativity on the church lawn and the inside of the church has been decorated already.

  “There’s normally a Christmas pageant and a bazaar at the local school, but someone’s gotten it in their heads to cancel those activities this year. They’re not going to get their way, but they’ve definitely put a damper on the plans this year.”

  “Why would they want to cancel a Christmas pageant? It sounds like fun.”

  Trent shook his head. Half the town was wondering the same thing. “We’re not really sure what prompted their opposition this year, but there’s a town meeting tomorrow night to discuss it and find someone else to head up the event. Old man Mercer and his family have always been the most involved in the pageant plans, but this year he has adamantly refused to participate and wants the entire list of holiday celebrations canceled.”

  Sara thought about that and then asked, “Has anyone asked him why he wants the celebrations canceled?”

  Trent looked at her and thought for a moment about her question. Had anyone asked Mr. Mercer why he wanted the pageant canceled? “I can’t think of a single person who bothered to ask that question. Everyone was so upset at the idea of canceling it, I don’t think anyone bothered to find out the reason behind his opposition. Maybe I’ll ask that question first thing tomorrow.” Glancing over at Sara, he once again was struck by her beauty.

  Directing his attention back to his driving, he let his thoughts drift to Mr. Mercer and his wife. Since Miriam had become so sick, Bill Mercer had stopped living life. Now, it appeared he wanted to town to stop living as well. Trent’s secretary had shared with him her conversation with Bill’s daughter and son-in-law. Bill was grasping at anything he could to help give Miriam just one more day. If canceling Christmas would keep her here for another day, he was willing to do that. Somehow, he needed to convince Bill that celebrating Christmas, or not, wasn’t going to make any difference to the time that Miriam had left. Maybe she could find some enjoyment in the different holiday celebrations and forget for a moment about the terrible disease ravaging her body.

  Trent had been tasked with discovering what could be driving Mr. Mercer’s desire to cancel Christmas this year. Unfortunately, he was also in charge of making sure things went along as normal. Since receiving the information from Becky, he had been trying to come up with a logical explanation to present to Bill Mercer that would have him backing off from his desire to cancel Christmas in Castle Peaks. None of the options he came up with seemed to fit and he decided that one way or another, tomorrow night he would be getting some answers and hopefully, helping Mr. Mercer cope with the impending death of his wife.

  Pulling off the road, he carefully navigated the narrow lane leading back to the safe house. Parking as close to the front porch as possible, he turned to Sara, “Stay there and I’ll come around and help you out.”

  Sara nodded and unhooked her seatbelt. She looked at the picturesque little house with its wraparound porch and stone chimney. It looked so peaceful and serene. Opening her door, she was struck by how quiet it was. She closed her eyes, took a slow breath, and allowed the calm to fill her weary soul. Opening her eyes again, she found Trent standing in the open door, watching her with a quizzical look on his face.

  “Everything okay?”

  Sara nodded and smiled. “Everything’s good. It’s so quiet and peaceful here. It’s never quiet like this San Francisco, not even in the middle of the night.”

  Trent smiled back and took her arm to help her exit the jeep. “This is one of the things I like most about living here. It really is peaceful and you can hear yourself think.”

  Sara just nodded and let him lead her up the front steps and into the small house. Glancing around, she took in the natural wood furniture, the stone fireplace in the great room, and the comfortable overstuffed couches and chairs. This place had been decorated with comfort in mind.

  Trent ushered her into the great room. “Let me turn some more lights on and then we can head back to the communications room and you can make that call to your sister.”

  “I’m so excited to talk with her. She’s probably worried sick.”

  “Just hang on a few more minutes, okay?”

  Sara smiled and nodded. Trent turned on some more lamps, and then removed his hat, coat and gloves. Sara had already begun to remove her outerwear, including the oversized boots. She looked adorable with her hair all mussed up from the stocking cap, and he quietly chuckled as he watched her attempt to finger comb it into submission. It wasn’t in a mind to cooperate, at all.

  Chapter 10

  Just as Trent headed down to the communications room, his cell phone rang. Glancing at the number, he picked it up and Sara heard him ask the caller to give him a minute. Watching him continue down the hallway, Sara settled into one of the overstuffed chairs and turned her eyes towards the big picture window looking out at the snow covered forest beyond.

  Seeing that his buddies from the FBI were calling him back had him worried. Until he knew what information they had for him, he wanted to keep the I.D. of the caller to himself. Reaching the communications room, he glanced back and was pleased to see Sara settling in. Closing the door for some privacy, he lifted his phone up, “Talk to me.”

  “Trent, are you in a place you can talk for a few minutes?” Samuel Drackett asked. Samuel and Trent had entered Quantico at the same time and been bunkmates. They had immediately clicked and even though Samuel had followed his lifelong dream of working for the FBI and Trent had returned home to become local law enforcement, they kept in touch and visited each other several times a year. Trent viewed Samuel as a brother and knew that it was reciprocated.

  “Yeah, I’m at the safe house in the comm room. Sara’s out in the great room resting. What did you find out?”

  “Nothing good, I’m afraid. Seems that the California State Patrol already checked for Sara at her sister’s house. That was three days ago. Her sister Grace’s name was linked to the stolen vehicle report as a potential witness or person of interest.” Samuel paused for a minute and Trent could hear him typing into a keyboard across the phone.

  “So the locals questioned Grace about her sister’s whereabouts,” Trent said flatly. “That’s not so strange.”

  “Not by itself it isn’t. But the sister called the authorities to report an attempted kidnapping earlier today.”

  “What?! Someone tried to kidnap her today?” Trent attempted to lower his voice and hoped that Sara hadn’t heard his outburst through the closed door.

  “Not the sister, her daughter. According to the report, Sara’s sister had taken her daughter to the neighborhood park to play earlier this afternoon. A strange man approached her daughter, Daniella, and then tried to get her to leave the park with him. Mom saw what was going on and intervened. Luckily, they were both very helpful in providing the sketch artist with an accurate description of his face.”

  Trent swallowed and then asked, “Let me guess, David Patterson?”

  “Not quite. Let’s try Trevor Ward.”

  The implications were not lost on Trent. “So, the hired muscle tries to kidnap Sara’s niece. Why not David?”

  “I wondered the same thing myself. I did a little more checking into the police report he filed. Someone worked him over good. His face looks like he went five rounds with Ali and there was mention of several cracked ribs as well.”

  “There is no way that little gal sitting here did that kind of damage. She herself is sporting several bruises from a fall down the stairs ... at least that’s what she’s saying happened.”

  “That’s what has me worried. We talked it over here, and the only scenario that makes sense is that David got himself worked over by Ward when Sara escaped an
d then filed the police report in an attempt to have the authorities help him get her back.”

  “So why go after her sister and niece now? Sara hasn’t even contacted them according to her.”

  “That’s what has us worried. We think Ward was trying to kidnap the little girl so that mom would go to the press and it would get national attention. It would be pretty hard for Sara to stay away if she knew her beloved niece was missing and her sister was dealing with everything on her own. She would mostly likely be headed straight back to California, into their waiting hands.”

  Trent was silent as he tried to figure out what to do next. “So, you guys come up with any suggestions out there?”

  “Yeah. A recovery team is on its way to the sister’s house to bring her and the daughter in for protection. The only problem I see, I don’t think she’s going to come willingly unless she can talk to her sister.”

  “Well that’s easily taken care of. Sara is anxious to talk with her sister. That’s why we’re at the safe house right now. Sara was afraid David might have her cell phone traced or her sister’s phone tapped. I was going to hook up the blockers and let her call from here. I figured I could keep the line scrambled for several minutes before she would have to disconnect.”

  Samuel’s laugh came through the phone, “You would have made a great agent, my friend. But, I can do you one better. Last time the guys were there, they dropped off some new satellite phones. They can’t be traced easily, not even by our own geeks. They should be in one of the gray crates they left in the comm room storage closet.”

  While Samuel was talking, Trent located the crates and opened one up, removing what appeared to be a small flip phone, but with a really big antenna attached to it. “Okay, I found one. Anything tricky to using this thing?”

  “No, you just have to locate the access code. There should be a red folder in the same case. Just match the serial number on the phone with the code in the book and you’re all set.”

  “Got it. So, do you want me to wait until the recovery team gets there before I let Sara make the call?”

  “Already ahead of you, man. They are outside her house right now and just waiting for my signal. If you’re ready for her to make the call, I’ll have the team start their approach.”

  “Let me get her. Hold on a sec.”

  Opening the door, Trent called out, “Sara, sugar, come on back here. It’s time to talk to your sister.”

  Hearing Trent’s voice startled Sara. She had been mesmerized with the way the moonlight was playing off the snow covered landscape, and almost back to sleep. Stretching her arms over her head, she gingerly stood up and made her way down the hallway to Trent’s voice.

  Chapter 11

  Pushing the door open, she could see Trent holding an odd looking phone in his hands, but his cell phone was also opened up and he was talking to someone through the speaker.

  Trent heard Sara enter the room, and turned, gesturing for her to join him at the control panel where he sat. “Sara, I’m on the phone with my good friend at the FBI, Samuel Drackett.”

  “Hello, Sara,” came the voice from the other end of the phone.

  Sara wasn’t sure why Trent was talking with the FBI again, but manners prevailed, “Hello back.”

  “Samuel called me a few minutes ago with an update on your sister and niece.” Seeing Sara begin to get agitated, he reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him and on to his lap. Sara struggled for only a second, before giving up and becoming still.

  “Someone tried to kidnap your niece earlier today.” Sara gasped and immediately tried to get off Trent’s lap, but he tightened his hold on her and waited for her to settle back down. “Remember, I said tried. They were not successful and your sister and niece gave a very accurate description of Trevor Ward to the authorities.”

  Trent felt Sara sag in relief, and then just as quick, the tension filled her body again and she attempted to stand. Tightening his hold, Trent softly told her, “Samuel and his team are going to take your sister and niece into protective custody until this plays out. They’re a little worried about your sister’s cooperation. Samuel would like you to call her and explain what’s been happening so that she will go with them quietly.”

  “Of course. Grace is going to be so scared. When is this going to take place?” Sara was speaking to both Trent and the man on the other end of the phone.

  “Sara, my team is outside your sister’s house right now. We felt it was imperative that we get her out of this situation immediately and out of Mr. Ward and his associates line of fire, so to speak.”

  “Thank you so much! I’ve been so worried about them both. Do I need to call them now?”

  Samuel had never met the young lady on the other end of the phone, but he gave her marks for keeping it together. Her voice was calm and she appeared to be handling things well. “That would probably be best. Trent has a satellite phone he’s going to let you use. The call cannot be traced, and we will be able to monitor the entire conversation from our end here. I need you to say your hellos and then explain briefly that David was not who you thought he was. Tell your sister that David and his security personnel are involved with drugs and you were forced to run away. Tell her that the man who tried to take Daniella earlier today works for David. Let her know that you are working with the FBI and that they are outside her house waiting to take her and Daniella to a safe place and that she should let them in the back door.”

  Sara swallowed, “I can do that.”

  “Sara, it’s really important that she only open the back door. There’s a car parked across the street from her house that appears to be watching the front door and garage. We are going to get her and her daughter out of the house without alerting them. Any questions?”

  Sara shook her head, glancing at Trent and then replied, “No, I don’t think so. Will I be able to talk to her again once she’s someplace safe?”

  “Sure. I am going to personally take them to a safe house while the rest of the team takes down Mr. Ward and his goons.”

  Trent was surprised to hear that Samuel wasn’t going to stay in the thick of things. “You’re not going to be in on the collar?”

  “I can’t. Ward knows my face. Remember when I worked that undercover gig in Atlanta a few years back?”

  “The one where you decided to stop a bullet with your leg? Yeah, I remember.” Trent chuckled as he recalled what a poor patient Samuel had been. He had been placed on administrative leave to heal up for six weeks and it had been plain torture on everyone around him.

  Samuel’s chuckle came through the phone, “Well, don’t blame me for not wanting to sit around on my ass day after day when there were bad guys out there that needed catching. Anyway, Trevor Ward was the head of security. He wouldn’t be too happy to see me again. Not after I convinced him to hire me on and then turned his operation upside down from the inside.”

  “No, I can see why you need to stay far away from this one.” Turning to Sara, Trent continued, “Sara, I can personally vouch for this man. I would trust him with my own life and I know he’ll take excellent care of your sister and niece.” Trent gave her a slight squeeze to back up his words.

  “Thank you, Samuel. I feel better knowing that Grace and Daniella will be safe again. It scares me to think that Trevor almost got his hands on them.” Sara shivered and then settled back into Trent’s arms when his hold tightened around her once again.

  “Okay, I’m going to have my team approach the back door. Make the call now.”

  Trent punched in the access code and then dialed the number Sara gave him. When the call started to ring through, he handed the phone to Sara along with a smile of encouragement.


  “Grace? It’s Sara.”

  “Sara, oh I’m so glad to hear from you. The police were here looking for you. They said that you beat up David and stole his car?”

  “None of that’s true ... well, most of it’s not true. I did steal
his car, but I didn’t beat him up.”

  “Sara, why would you steal his car? There’s a warrant out for your arrest.”

  “Look, Grace, I know you have a lot of questions, but right now I need you to do something for me.”

  “Sure, anything.”

  “Grace, there are some FBI agents approaching your backdoor and I need you to let them into the house.”

  “What? Sara, I don’t know. Did you know some man tried to kidnap Daniella today at the park? I just...”

  “Grace, listen to me. I know all about the attempted kidnapping. It wasn’t a random stranger, it was the head of security that is also trying to find me. I think they were trying to use you and Daniella to make me come home. The FBI are there to take you and Daniella some place safe.”



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