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Sara in Montana - A Christmas Wish

Page 8

by Morris Fenris

“Grace, I need you to do this to keep you and Daniella safe. The same man who tried to kidnap Daniella this afternoon has someone watching the front of your house right now. The FBI are going to sneak you out the back door and a man named Samuel Drackett is going to meet you and take you to a safe house until this blows over.”

  “Grace? This is Samuel Drackett, I’m monitoring the call between you and your sister, and everything she has told you is absolutely true. It’s in the best interest of you and your daughter that you let my men help you leave tonight.”

  Sara could envision her sister chewing on her bottom lip while she tried to decide what to do, “Grace, quit chewing on your bottom lip and go open the back door.”

  “Sara, are you safe?”

  “Yes, Gracie, I’m safe for now. Once Mr. Drackett gets you to a safe place, he’s going to let us talk again and I’ll answer all of your questions then, okay?”

  “Sara, are you still going to come home for Christmas? And what am I supposed to tell Daniella?”

  “Just tell her that you are going on a little vacation. Tell her that if she gets ready quickly, she can talk to Aunt Sara when you all get there.”

  Sara could hear the smile in Grace’s voice when she replied, “Yeah, that will definitely get her motivated. She thinks you hung the moon.”

  “She’s very smart for her age. They are telling me I need to hang up now. I love you and Daniella very much and can’t wait to tell you everything. Be safe and do whatever the FBI men tell you to. I trust them and you can too.”

  “I love you, sis.”

  “Love you too.” Sara hung up the phone just as the tears began to flow. Trent wrapped his arms around her once again and disconnected his call with Samuel. Murmuring words of comfort in her ear, he let her tears flow. When the coughing once again took hold of her, he urged her to sit up and dried her tears with a tissue.

  “Sara, I know you’re scared for your sister, but she really is in great hands right now. Why don’t we close down everything here and get back home. Jane was going to throw together some cookies and we can find a movie and relax for a bit.”

  Sara nodded and gave Trent a small smile. She appreciated the comfort he had given her and for the first time in several days, felt like she might be able to recover from this event in her life. Standing up from his lap, she returned to the great room and replaced the blanket she had commandeered earlier. Once the lights were turned off, Trent set the alarm and walked Sara back down to the jeep.

  Chapter 12

  The drive back to the house was accomplished in comfortable silence as Trent maneuvered the snow-covered roads. He pondered the feelings he was beginning to have for the young woman sitting next to him. He had no idea how this situation would work out, but he hoped that he would have an opportunity to spend more time with her before she had to go back to California. He was so comfortable around her and it appeared to be mutual. He thought back to when he had pulled her on to his lap. It had been instinct to try an offer her comfort, but he had never been so familiar with a woman in his life.

  He thought about Sara’s reaction, and the ease with which she had given up her struggle to get off his lap. He remembered her burrowing into his hold when the tears had started and how relaxed she had let her body go as they subsided. Holding her and offering her shelter and comfort had felt so right.

  Glancing over at her as he pulled the jeep back into the driveway, he saw a look of peace on her face. He was glad that he had played some small part in putting it there. “You look very relaxed over there.”

  Sara turned her head and looked at Trent. As they had been driving, she had been trying to make sense of her emotions and feelings. She was very relieved that her sister and niece were now being protected. The events that had transpired since she arrived in Castle Peaks earlier in the day defied comprehension. She had started this journey alone, scared, sick and running for her life. Now, not only was she in a safe place, but her family – the two people who meant the most to her, were also safe.

  For the first time in several days, she felt like she could relax and rest. Her body was getting the medicine it needed to be healthy again, and then there was Trent. She had never been a social butterfly and relationships with guys had always taken months to develop to where she felt comfortable just being with them. She’d known Trent less than a few days, but she felt connected to him in a way she couldn’t quite understand.

  Smiling at Trent, she asked, “Do you think Jane is finished with the cookies yet?”

  “Have a sweet tooth, do you?”

  “You know it. One of my favorite things about Christmas is the baking and cookies. It’s one of my fondest memories of my mom; baking and decorating sugar cookies at Christmas time. Grace and I have tried to keep that tradition alive, even if it doesn’t happen until Christmas Eve.”

  Trent heard the love she had for her sister in her voice. “I take it that you were pleased with your Christmas wish coming true?”

  Sara reached across the console and placed her hand on Trent’s shoulder. “Trent, I can’t thank you enough for everything that’s happened tonight. I needed to talk to Grace so badly the last two days, but I was afraid that if I called her I would put her and Daniella in danger. I never imagined that David and Trevor would go after them anyway.”

  “That’s because you didn’t realize who you were dealing with. Trevor Ward is the worst sort of criminal and has the power and resources to create havoc, and then disappear when it all falls apart. According to Samuel, the FBI has been trying to catch him for over ten years. The man is smart and has connections around the world. If David Patterson willingly got mixed up with him, he’ll be lucky to make it out of this alive. Trevor isn’t known for leaving witnesses behind or loose ends.”

  Sara shuddered at the thought of David and Trevor. Part of her wanted to feel some sympathy for David and the situation he was in, but the wiser part of her was just glad she had found out what was happening before the ship had left the marina.

  Exiting the vehicle, Trent went around and helped Sara down and into the back door of the house. Helping her remove her outerwear, he gestured for her to precede him into the kitchen.

  The first thing Sara sensed as they entered the house was the smell of freshly baked cookies. Closing her eyes, she inhaled and savored the sense of rightness that came along with the good memories of Christmases past. Trent watched Sara as her eyes closed, and it was evident that whatever memories the smell had brought back, were ones of happier times.

  Entering the kitchen, Trent saw Jane sitting at the bar, surrounded by frosting and decorations. Looking up, she invited them to join her, “You’re just in time to help me decorate these cookies.” Jane’s eyes traveled over Sara’s, looking for signs of additional stress and finding none. “Did everything go well with your phone call?”

  Sara nodded and couldn’t contain her grin, “Yeah, Trent was wonderful and his friend Samuel and some other FBI guys went to Grace’s house and now have her and Daniella in protective custody. Trevor actually tried to kidnap my niece yesterday.”

  Jane looked at Trent with a mixture of disbelief and horror, “They didn’t hurt her, did they?”

  “No, it seems that Sara’s sister is a warrior princess when it comes to protecting her daughter. She ran him off and was able to give a really good description of him to the police. Right now, his picture is being plastered all over the media as someone who attempted to abduct a child. I’m guessing that might put a damper on his ability to move around San Diego as freely as he’s used to. I wonder what the Quintana brothers will have to say about their hired muscle becoming so popular with law enforcement?”

  Sara was silent for a moment, and then burst into giggles. Jane took one look at her and then started giggling herself. “Can you imagine, the big, tough, hired killer having to skulk around because every news service is showing his picture and every mother in town is looking out for him? I can see the headlines now, FBI’s Most Wanted brought do
wn by the Mother of a Four Year Old.”

  “You have to admit, it has a certain ring to it,” Trent offered. Just then he saw Sara hide a yawn behind her hand. She was completely exhausted and the excitement of the last hour had zapped whatever strength she had left.

  “Sara, why don’t we take a rain check on the movie? You’re tired and it’s just about time to take some more cough syrup.”

  Sara yawned again and wasn’t even remotely successful in hiding it this time. Jane spoke up as well, “Sara, why don’t I put these things away, and we can decorate the cookies tomorrow? They’re not going anywhere and you really do need to get plenty of rest so that your body can fight off the infection.”

  Sara nodded and smiled at her in gratitude. When Trent had suggested the movie, she had been excited at the opportunity to spend some more time in his company, but after entering the house, her remaining energy had drained away and she was barely able to keep standing upright at the moment. Another dose of cough syrup and she would sleep like a baby. “Thank you both so much. Trent, I think maybe you’re right. I would love to help you decorate the cookies tomorrow, but for now, I think I will head to bed. I’m so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.”

  Trent placed his hand on the small of her back and directed her out of the kitchen, “Jane, I’m going to help Sara and then I’m going to turn in as well. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight. Oh, by the way, Bill Mercer called while you were out. He wants to see you first thing in the morning. He said something about having spoken with Dr. Baker and Sara having the answer to his wife’s pain?”

  Trent nodded, knowing Jane was fishing for additional details, but Sara needed to get to bed. “I’ll give him a call in the morning. Sara has some experience with pain management and offered to help Miriam however she could. I’ll fill you in on all the details in the morning after breakfast. Goodnight.”


  “If you have everything you think you need, I’ll leave you to get ready for bed then. Jane put some pajamas in the top drawer of the dresser for you to use, and there should be plenty of bathroom items under the sink. Use whatever you want and don’t forget to take your cough syrup.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Sara was going to throw in a salute, but the comical expression on Trent’s face when she had referred to him as Sir had her giggling instead.

  “Am I being just a little controlling, is that what you’re trying to say?”

  “Not at all. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I was just messing with you.” Sara reached out and placed her hand on his arm as she finished her statement.

  Trent’s eyes sparkled and he ran the back of his fingers down one cheek. “I’m glad things are working out for you. Tomorrow will probably bring about some more questions that need answered, but you and your sister are safe and that’s enough for now.”

  Sara nodded and leaned into his touch just the slightest bit. She looked up and caught his eyes. She really wanted him to kiss her goodnight, but was hesitant to ask. She didn’t want to seem too forward and run the risk of turning him off.

  Trent could see the need in her eyes, as it echoed his own. Leaning forward, he used his fingertips to lift her chin up as he lowered his head. Brushing his lips across hers gently, he inhaled her unique scent and then backed away. “You should probably get ready for bed while I’m still willing to let you do it by yourself.”

  Sara took a step back and he let his fingers drop. Shaking her head, she told him, “I don’t understand what’s happening here. I’ve never felt this close to someone this quick.”

  Trent nodded, “Me either. I’m usually pretty reserved when it comes to women, but I feel like I’ve known you all my life. I can’t explain it either.”

  Sara cocked her head to the side as she studied him, “Maybe it’s not something we need to understand.”

  Trent nodded and agreed, “Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s all part of the Christmas magic and we should just let it play out and see what happens.”


  They looked at each other for several more minutes before Trent backed away and silently closed the bedroom door. Sara stood in front of the closed door for several more moments and said a silent prayer that whatever was happening between her and Trent was for real and not just a result of the circumstances she currently found herself in. She didn’t want to see either her or Trent get hurt.

  Chapter 13

  Sara slept well and only had to get up once during the night to take some more of the cough syrup. The antibiotics, combined with some much needed sleep, had done wonders for her infection and she awoke fever-free and feeling much better.

  Entering the kitchen, she saw Jane sitting at the bar nursing a cup of coffee and Trent sitting at the dining room table in conversation with someone on his cell phone.

  Seeing her enter the kitchen, Jane got up to get Sara a cup of coffee only to be waved back down. Sara whispered to her as she got close enough, “I can’t stand coffee. If you have some teabags, I would really appreciate a nice cup of hot tea though.”

  Jane smiled and directed her to the right cupboard. While Sara placed water in the cup and then put it in the microwave to heat up, she caught snippets of Trent’s conversation.

  “Bill, I can’t promise anything.”

  “Yes, well Dr. Baker seemed to think it might be worth a try. Nothing else seems to be working all that well.”

  “What time is doc coming over this morning?”

  Trent looked up and smiled at Sara while he listened in to the other half of the conversation. “10 o’clock sounds fine. I’ll bring her over then.”

  “Okay. Bill, you and I need to have a talk before the council meeting this evening while I’m there.”

  “Yes, I’m willing to hear you out, but I want the same promise from you as well.”

  “Alright, we’ll see you later on this morning then.”

  “Bye.” Trent hung up the phone and turned to find both women watching him. “That was Bill Mercer. He spoke with Dr. Baker last night and wanted to know why I was keeping you all to myself.” Trent gave a sideways grin and rolled his eyes.

  Jane chuckled and said, “Did doc happen to mention why Sara was here?”

  Trent shook his head. “I didn’t think so.” Turning to Sara, Jane asked, “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did. I feel so much better than yesterday.”

  “Good. How about some breakfast then? I was waiting for Trent to get off the phone and then I was going to cook up some pancakes. Does that sound good?”

  “It does. What can I do to help?”

  Trent stood up, helped himself to another cup of coffee, and then spoke to Sara, “Why don’t you let Jane handle the pancakes and you can sit here with me and help answer some of the questions Samuel emailed me last night. The more information we can get to them out in California, the more prepared they are going to be when the time comes.”

  Sara nodded and took her tea over to the table and sat down. “I don’t know if I have any more information, but I’ll tell them whatever they want to know.”

  “Good. I printed the questions off so you can look through them and just write down the answers to those you know. Don’t worry about not being able to answer all of them. Samuel has some people going through the financials of David’s company right now as well.”

  At the mention of David, Sara asked, “Did Samuel happen to say where David is right now? I know I shouldn’t care, but I can’t help but be concerned that maybe he didn’t know what he was getting involved in.”

  Trent had received new information on David Patterson and had been hoping that he wouldn’t have to share that information with Sara. At least not yet. Taking a deep breath, he reached over and took Sara’s hands in his, “Sara, the FBI team went back after they removed your sister and niece from the house and made contact with the men who were watching her house. Neither one of them was Trevor Ward, but they were identified as working for him. They were taken
in to custody and their car impounded. When the forensics people started going over the trunk, they found David Patterson’s dead body in the trunk. He’d been shot.”

  Sara had started to shiver as she realized where Trent’s statement was going. Somehow, she had already known that David Patterson was no longer a threat to her or her family. Trying to find some sense of regret, but being unsuccessful, she asked, “Did the men they arrested know who shot him?”

  Trent nodded, “They were only too willing to start talking when threatened with a murder charge. It seems that David and Trevor had words regarding you. David lost.”

  Sara looked down at where Trent still held her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze before pulling them away. Taking a slow breath, she looked up and said, “I know I should feel badly that David was killed, but all I feel is a sense of relief that there is one less person out there who wants to hurt me or my family. Does that make me a bad person?”


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