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Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2)

Page 12

by M. R. Polish

“I don’t know.” Karis swam up to Poseidon who still tread the surface.

  Her head came up out of the water. She wiped her face and looked around, the pending storm was dying, but a few clouds loomed over head. The swelling waves now gently rolled along, dying out along the way.

  “What happened?” she asked, looking around in awe.

  Brady surfaced and looked around, whistling. “Well, I wasn’t expecting to see this.”

  “I’m sorry, sometimes I let my emotions get out of control. I promise that I’m okay.” Poseidon glanced at her, his eyes glazed over.

  She stared at him, with new respect. “That was you?”

  “It was. I have had my fair share of fits in the water.” He laughed, as if it were no big thing that he was calling in a typhoon. “I’m not the only one though. There are plenty of us around the earth who have made Zeus’s lightning storms look like child’s play.”

  “I’ve probably seen a few.” She mused over all the tropical storms she’d seen on her island. How many of them were created by supernaturals? How many times was she close to being around others like herself? She shook off the self-pitty of what could have been and focused on the present.

  He chuckled again. “I bet you did. Being in the south pacific, you’ve probably seen more than a dozen of Triton’s temper tantrums.”

  ‘Triton is your son, right?” She was intrigued.

  Brady shook his head. “That’s crazy. My whole life has been hidden from me, and because I grew up as a mortal, this blows my mind. Storms, natural disasters, causes of war. Nothing is what I thought.”

  Poseidon grinned. “I know. It makes you wonder what the real world truly is, doesn’t it?”

  They all dipped below the surface of the now calm ocean. Brady grasped Karis’s hand as they swam deeper, toward the city. “Yeah, it definitely makes a man wonder. It’s mind blowing.”

  Brady, Karis, and Poseidon led the massive pearl of Syrenae to the shore. With men, women, and children, there were over three hundred in all.

  Karis felt honored that they all stood behind her and their cause. It would be decided later who would go and who’d stay, as she couldn’t bear to have children left alone, nor could she have them fight. No one wanted to stay behind, but all agreed it would be for the best.

  The water grew warmer, and the current pulled harder, letting them know they were getting close. Brady quickened the flicks of his tail, wanting more than anyone to be out of the ocean. Finally, it was shallow enough that he could lose his tail and stand up. On legs. Legs! He was so excited that he didn’t care who saw him after the change. Naked, but with legs. He jumped and ran out of the surf.

  Karis laughed as she followed behind him, her shredded dress barely covering her anymore. Her hair hung over her face, in odd, tangled, dripping strands.

  Brady wanted to laugh over how movies always made the actors, or actresses come out of the water looking like models. He loved how real she was.

  Handfuls of Syrenae pulled themselves from the water, unable to make the switch from Syrenae to human without being out of the water.

  Brady glanced around, making sure there weren’t any witnesses. They’d have a heck of a time explaining this. Maybe he could get away with a migration story? It wasn’t really lying. But explaining how hundreds of mermaids and mermen washed up on shore would be hard. Even for him.

  With no one in sight he relaxed, but then he looked down, and covered himself. He was sure red couldn’t describe the color of his face at that moment. He was going to need to find clothes. He looked around at the mass of Syrenae shedding their tails for legs and realized he was going to need a lot of clothes. This was something they never planned for. He hoped Alexis and Karis were in the mood to go shopping.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “It sure feels strange to not only be walking on two legs again, but to wear clothes. I don’t remember them being so itchy.” Poseidon scratched his chest where the t-shirt rubbed.

  Atty looked around at all the Syrenae who were now fully clothed. “I don’t think you’re alone in that feeling. The kids are having the hardest time adjusting since they haven’t left the water before.”

  “Aye. They don’t seem to be too happy about the change.” Poseidon scanned the shoreline with all of his people getting used to having legs once again. He laughed as he saw a few toddlers wobble and tumble to the sand when their parents tried to teach them to walk. The older kids caught on quickly and chased each other down the beach, making sure to stay clear of the surf.

  Karis watched them as well. But, for different reasons. Reasons she didn’t want to disclose to anyone. Fear filled her from head to toe. There was so many of them, and they weren’t the only ones who’d be going with them—or so they hoped—and all she could think of, was how would she get them to Baratrum? Her strength was weakening almost by the hour and she worried that she wouldn’t be able to pull off a portal large enough for everyone to travel.

  And then, there was Evan. She worried over his welfare. Was he still alive? How did she tell Brady that because Hermes saved her, his friend could possibly be dead? She dug her bare toes into the sand and lifted her knees to her chest.

  She was glad to be rid of that dress and into jeans. She smirked. How funny it was that she’d grown accustom to something such as pants in such a short time. She gave Poseidon a side-glance, and he thought his clothes were itchy. That dress about killed her while in the water, but she knew she’d need it once she left the ocean and returned to her normal self.

  Alexis leaned against her husband, their hands intertwined. “What about a place to rest? We didn’t plan that far ahead. I guess we thought that getting people would be our problem, not clothing, feeding, or sheltering them.”

  True. Karis hadn’t even thought about that. She couldn’t leave them to sleep on the beach.

  “Got it covered,” Atty said, grinning from ear to ear.

  They all looked at her and then at Azul. He shrugged. “What? Don’t look at me. She’s the one who has it figured out.” He kicked at a small rock. “Just like always,” he muttered under his breath.

  Karis heard him and smiled. Atty was a good match for Azul and they both were jealous of each other, pushing each other, thriving to be better, or the best. She shook her head slightly. She’d never tell them that though. Maybe one day, they’d figure it out on their own.

  “Well, yeah. We couldn’t expect hundreds of Syrenaes to wash up on shore and help us, and not help them in return. Right? Come on, I’m not the only one who thought about it. It’s strategy.” She paused, looking at everyone, waiting for a response. “It’s common sense.”

  Karis blushed and glanced away. She should have been the one to think about it. How was she supposed to lead an entire world if she couldn’t remember to shelter three hundred people?

  “Well, woman, tell us. What did you plan?” Azul asked. His brow line rose as he looked at her expectantly.

  She smiled. “We’re going camping.”

  “I have to admit, camping was the best idea. No one would suspect anything. We look like a family reunion.” Poseidon looked around the camps and nodded in approval.

  Aside from a few burns from new land-goers trying to touch the fires, everyone seemed to adjust smoothly.

  Karis snuggled up under Brady’s arm that he draped over her shoulders. His warmth and energy poured into her. Their small group sat outside enjoying the fire. Crickets sang in the background and an occasional spark floated in the air from the flames before them. She took a steady inhale and let herself fall in love with the scent of the redwood trees and the salt of the ocean mixed.

  Azul and Poseidon shared a tent, and Alexis and Magnus, but Atty refused, saying she’d rather sleep in the bed of Brady’s truck and watch the stars. Karis knew Atty had a lot on her shoulders and if star gazing was a way to help her wind down, then she wasn’t going to be the one to argue with her about it.

  She and Brady had one of the smaller tents that Atty
purchased while they were in the water. Not that Karis cared. She’d sleep on a cactus bed as tired as she was. And, she was sure that Brady craved a good night’s sleep as well. Being in the water wasn’t the easiest place to rest for either of them, but least of all for Brady.

  Everything seemed to be falling into place. Well, most things. Karis lifted up and looked around. “Where’s Hermes? I haven’t seen him since he brought me to the beach.”

  Atty poked the fire with a long stick. “He’s around. But, you know him. He likes to stay to the shadows.”

  Karis relaxed and rested her head back on Brady’s shoulder. “You know, I saw King while I was with Hades.” Her heartbeat picked up and raced the butterflies in her stomach. But she had to tell him. It ate at her conscience that he didn’t know. “He’s doing good. But, I also met your friend, Evan.”

  Glancing down at her, he smiled. “Yeah? Shit, it’s a small world, ain’t it? How’s he doing?”

  This was it. She took in a deep breath. “I don’t know. I’m worried. I didn’t mean for him to get hurt, I promise.”

  Brady cocked his head, pulling back slightly to look at her better. “Karis, what’s going on? What are you talking about?”

  “He tried to help me escape, but we were caught. That’s how I got this bruise,” she pointed to her face,” and when I became conscious again, we both were tied up in Hades’ basement. Hades said if I tried to escape again he’d kill Evan.” Karis searched Brady’s eyes for any sign of resentment. “I’m so sorry. I should have told you sooner.”

  Brady held his breath, and Karis could feel him tense under her touch. “I have to help him.” He didn’t speak out loud, but to her, in her mind. It had been so long since he projected his thoughts to her, other than when they were underwater. He wanted to share that moment with her as he made the decision, and not the group. He stared into her eyes, searching for her response.

  Karis nodded, fully understanding his need to save his friend. She wanted Evan to be okay as well. “I know,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to go after him,” Brady said for the whole group this time, his eyes still on Karis.

  “I’ll go with you,” Azul said.

  Brady nodded. “Alright. I’m leaving tonight. A few hours of sleep and then I’m taking off.”

  “Sounds like we should turn in then.” Azul stood up and stretched. “Besides, I’ve missed our guy time.”

  Brady smirked. “I’m sure.”

  They all agreed that after such a long day, each of them should try to sleep. Karis followed Brady to their tent, but kept her eyes down. He hadn’t spoken to her since he made plans to go after Evan and she worried he was upset with her.

  Slipping between the two sleeping bags that were zipped together, she rolled over. The pillow was cool next to her skin as she snuggled into the softness. Atty had thought of everything. But, Karis wasn’t jealous. She was grateful. With everything weighing her down, having even the smallest burden lifted from her shoulders was a huge blessing.

  Brady crawled in beside her and pulled her into his arms, tightly holding her against his body. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you’d died. If Hades’ killed you…” he trailed off.

  “I thought you were mad at me because of your friend,” she whispered.

  He kissed the back of her head. “No, oh no. You told me and all I could think about is everything you went through. I’m so mad. But, I’m also scared.”

  “You? Scared?” She had a hard time believing that. He hardly showed fear.

  “I’m scared of losing you,” he whispered against her hair. His hot breath warmed her neck. “I love you,” he said in her mind.

  She took his hands in hers and pressed closer to him. Her arm with their bonding mark tingled and she smiled sadly. She couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t lose her. Just like he couldn’t make that promise for her.

  She fell asleep, clutching his hands. She didn’t want to let go, because letting go was the same as saying goodbye. With her fears, she couldn’t handle the anxiety of those words.

  It wasn’t long after Karis relaxed and Brady could hear her breathing steadily, that he slipped his arm out from under her. He hated leaving her this way, but Evan needed him. If he wasn’t already too late. He watched her chest rise and fall. He forced himself to stand.

  He didn’t know what was going to happen. Or if he’d even find Evan.

  He unzipped the front of the tent and crawled out, zipping it back up. Azul was already waiting for him by the dead fire. “Don’t worry. We’ll be back,” he said, almost as if he sensed Brady’s conflicting emotions.

  Brady glanced over his shoulder at the tent. “Yeah. We will.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Karis paced the camp, scanning the trees for any sign of Brady. “He should be back. He left last night. The sun is already starting to set.” She wrung her hands as she stepped. She didn’t get to say goodbye. She couldn’t’ last night. Now she wished she would have.

  “Karis, he’ll be back.” Magnus pulled in a water basin behind him. “Want to help me clean these fish? Brady says you’re the best at it.”

  She nodded, needing something to keep her mind on while it ran away with her imagination. Pulling a knife out of her back pocket, she sat down next to Magnus. Two decent sized Chinook fish rested in the water. “Where’d you say you caught these?” They were massive compared to the fish she cleaned on her island.

  He winked at her. “I didn’t say.” They both laughed, and Magnus picked up the head end of one fish, making the jaw move as he talked. “But, I did ask for help.”

  The new moon gave little light. Karis lay awake in her tent, staring at the ceiling, watching the tiny winged bugs crawling around. The branches on the trees and leaves scraped against the vinyl material. Off in the distance, she could hear the soft waves rolling up on the shore.

  “Honey, I’m home.” She heard his projected voice before the headlights filled the tent with light as the vehicle pulled in to the camp. She was up and outside before the truck had a chance to park and shut off.

  She ran to Brady’s door. He jumped out and gave her a hug. “Missed me that much?”

  Rising up on her tiptoes, she clung to his neck. “I was worried,” she said against his neck. “How’s Evan?”

  Brady pulled back and chuckled. “Why don’t you ask him?”

  Evan came around the front of the truck and gave her a grin. He walked slower, and with a slight limp, but at least he was alive. She barreled into him, hugging him tightly.

  “Ouch, whoa, and I thought Brady was the only one excited to see me. I must have made quite the first impression on you.” He slung one arm around her, babying his other, holding it close to his body.

  Karis backed up. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m just so happy you’re okay. You tried to help me, and I’m so thankful.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t help enough. I was too careless. I didn’t think my plan through. But, as Brady can attest, I’ve never been good with plans. I usually wing it and just flow with whatever happens. I should’ve thought harder about what I was doing with you. I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, it’s in the past. You did what you thought was best to help Karis.” Brady grabbed Karis’s hand, giving it a squeeze.

  “He’s right. Now, how about some sleep? I bet you all are tired.” Karis looked over at Azul who stayed on the other side of the truck. “I’m glad you’re okay, too. Thank you for going with Brady.”

  Azul smiled. “In every group there needs to be a supervisor.” He laughed at his own joke. “Come on, Evan, you can bunk with me and Poseidon. Let the two love birds have some space.”

  Karis blushed. She was glad she wouldn’t have to share the tent with someone else. But, she was even happier that Azul was finally coming around and accepting the fact that she and Brady were together. She mouthed a thank you to Azul, who nodded.

  Maybe now she could sleep. As she followed Brady into their tent,
she retracted that thought. Sleep could wait.

  Sitting around the fire, Poseidon, Karis, Brady, and the others plotted their next steps to finding Zeus.

  Poseidon wouldn’t take no for an answer. His plea didn’t make Karis feel any better.

  She shook her head. “I don’t think that I can do that.” Truth be told, she wasn’t sure how she was still standing. Her body felt heavy, and each minute that passed, she felt like falling over.

  Poseidon dropped his shoulders. “I don’t know how else to make him come. He hasn’t responded to any other messages I’ve sent over the last hundred years.”

  “I understand that, but I’m not sure I can bring you back to life. I have a healing power, not a power to bring back the dead. Besides…” She bit her tongue. Should she tell them about how her energy was all but gone? Even trying something that drastic could kill her while she had her full strength.

  Poseidon looked at her. “I know that. That’s why you’re not going to kill me. At least not all the way. I need to be as close to death as we can get without actually passing to the other side. Then you can heal me, so I will live.”

  “You think it’s that easy?” Karis asked, a little amused. Did he really expect results like that? He hadn’t ever seen her heal someone, let alone keeping someone from dying. She gazed at Brady. Although, she did save him from death. Looking down at her hands, she sighed. But at what cost?

  Was that the reason her powers and energy were depleting? Maybe there was more to it than just awakening Brady’s suppressed immortal power.

  “I don’t know,” Brady said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Karis hasn’t seemed up to par lately. She’s still recovering from sending Diana to Shamike.”

  Karis’s heart melted. It was nice to be so loved, but she hated showing him such a weak trait. “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  Brady raised a brow. “Oh really? You look like you could fall over where you sit.”

  “So I’m tired. We all are.” She folded her arms in protest. She was so tired of everyone thinking she was a weak creature. She wanted to prove that she could be strong too.


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