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Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2)

Page 13

by M. R. Polish

  Brady let out a harrumph and shook his head. “I won’t be the one to say what you can and can’t do, but I can tell you how I feel about it, and I’m worried about you. I don’t think this is a good plan, for your sake.”

  “I agree with Brady, I think this plan is messed up,” Evan said. He stuck near the back of the group, but his voice carried where it needed.

  “Brady,” Alexis spoke up. “I agree with Poseidon. I don’t think there’s another way. Our people, our homes, our worlds, they are all depending on us. I don’t know how the Fates determined that we are the ones to do this, but who are we to question a higher authority?”

  Brady smiled. He was a lucky man to have her as family. She reminded him a lot of his own mother. He couldn’t be mad at her. “You are so wise. But it’s hard to agree to something so extreme.”

  Magnus nodded. “I agree with that, but there might not be another way.”

  Brady stood up and paced back and forth from the fire to the tent. “It’s not your wife that you’re so willingly ready to sacrifice.”

  Magnus sat up straighter and clasped his hand around Alexis’s. “Brady, Karis isn’t your wife. I know you love her, but…”

  “But what?” Brady roared. Anger boiled under his skin after Magnus’s remark. Red flashed before him. He didn’t care if they were family, he had no right to say how much he loved Karis or not. “So what? Just because we aren’t married means I can’t possibly love her as much? Or that my loss wouldn’t be as great?”

  Alexis gasped, and Magnus stood up, marching over to Brady. “You listen right here. You’re my nephew, and I wasn’t trying to hurt you. But, you didn’t let me finish.” He stared at Brady, not letting his eyes waver. “I was saying that I know you love her, but we all do. Married or not, love is love.”

  Karis had enough. Physically and emotionally she was spent and listening to them start to yell aggravated her. She felt bad that Brady was so worried, but the others were right, there might not be another way. And then, Shamike would be lost. “I’ve already decided, Brady. I’m going to do it.” She didn’t wait to hear what anyone’s response was. She got up and left to her tent.

  “Karis, wait,” Brady hollered as she unzipped the tent.

  She didn’t stop. She couldn’t. Tears blurred her vision and she hated being so weak. She never considered tears a weakness, but everything else falling down around her and not being able to do anything about it, was. Everyone in the group had an opinion about what she should do, but she wasn’t sure she could do any of it.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Brady crawled in the tent behind her. “I’m sorry,” he projected to her mind.

  She sniffed and tried to force a smile, even if it was fake. “You didn’t. I’m just tired.”

  He sat down beside her and plucked her tiny frame up, and sat her in his lap. “I know you are.” He pulled her head down to his chest and rested his chin on her. “I love you.”

  He had everything he’d ever wanted in his arms. To even think someone could put an amount on his love was insane.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  His mouth went dry. He knew what he wanted to say, but his heart jumped in his throat, scared of what she’d say. “What if you were my wife?”

  She sat up, looking him in the eyes. “What?”

  “I know it’s not a formal proposal, and there’s no ring, but I’m serious. I love you more than life. You are my other half, in so many ways you complete me. I may not have all of my memories, but with you I can make new ones.” It was true. All of it. He didn’t care if his memories were ever restored, or if life on earth seized to exist for him. All he wanted was her.

  Karis blinked, trying to clear her vision. This time her tears fell because her throat was too choked up for her to swallow them. Her hands shook as she reached up to stroke his cheek. “Yes.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Karis stared down at Poseidon. How was he so calm? Her insides jittered so badly that she felt like a walking maraca. “Are you sure about this?”

  He smiled up at her from his makeshift bed on the forest floor, away from the others, the last thing they needed was a group of Syrenae trying to stop what they had to do. Together, Karis and Poseidon assumed grounding him to the earth would help the flow of her powers. “As long as I have you, I’m not worried.” He winked.

  Easy for him to say. But it did nothing to ease her nerves. She hated that he had so much trust in her.

  She glanced up at Brady who knelt beside her. Even the excitement about knowing she was going to marry him, did nothing to lower her anxiety. In fact, it almost made it worse. What if she couldn’t do it? What if she drained herself so completely that she died? So much was at stake, and it all rode on her.

  Her stomach flipped and fluttered at a pace matching her heart rate. Her breaths came in gasps nearly comparable to the rhythm. This was it. No turning back.

  Azul and Atty were the only ones besides Karis who had enough power to kill an immortal. So after a coin toss, because they both argued over who would be best suited for the job, Azul was up for duty. Karis caught a slight shake in his hand as she stared at the knife.

  “Remember, don’t kill him. If you hit anything vital, I’m not sure I can help him.” She pleaded with her eyes so that he could understand the severity of her words. Even though they all talked about it for hours, she wanted to remind him one last time.

  He nodded at her, but said nothing.

  Poseidon closed his eyes and waited. Azul plunged the knife in his chest, but missed his heart and lungs, and hopefully any arteries. Poseidon jolted as the blade sunk deep, crying out as pain shot through him. He chanted over the knife he still held at the hilt. Azul focused on sucking all of Poseidon’s life through the wound, leaving him weak and unable to mend himself. Without that ability, he could die.

  Atty cried out and clutched her chest, doubling over, and then falling to the ground. Karis’s hands shook as she readied herself to help Poseidon. Alexis rushed to Atty. “She’s okay, it’s just the link.”

  Wind picked up speed and cries from multiple Syrenae could be heard, carrying in the air. Atty’s whimpers matched Poseidon’s and Karis could feel their pain in her mind.

  Dark menacing clouds rolled in as lightning struck the earth. “He’s here,” Poseidon whispered. “It’s time.”

  Karis searched deep to feel the power she needed to save him. A soft glow emanated from her hands as she hovered over the knife. “Alright, Azul, take it.”

  On the count of three, he pulled the knife and Karis quickly pushed everything she had into the tingle in her fingertips. She could feel his body begin stitching itself together, but it was slow. She knew it needed to be much faster so he wouldn’t bleed out.

  “Brady, I need you,” she said through clenched teeth.

  He placed his hands on hers, and she felt his energy rush through her, but it wasn’t working. She needed to use her magic. “Not working. Grab my shoulders.”

  Brady did without hesitating. Instantly she felt the warmth of his power flood her, mixing with hers to create a stronger energy.

  Her head became light, and the world threatened to go black, but she continued to push. She wasn’t going to let Poseidon die. Not after all of this. Her breath became even and her hands were heavy. She dropped them onto Poseidon’s chest, where only a small pink scar remained. She’d done it. He would be fine.

  The forest spun around her, and air was too hard to suck in. Tipping over, she landed hard on Poseidon.

  “Karis!” Brady yelled as he picked her up. Feeling for a pulse, he had to wait for what felt like a century before a small, light thump could be felt under his fingertip.

  Poseidon winced as he sat up, but he was alive. He clutched his chest and moaned, but took Karis’s hand as she lay limp in Brady’s arms. “Wee one, you must not give up the fight.”

  Out of breath, he cringed as a sharp pain ripped through his side. His body was still
healing itself, but Karis thankfully saved his life.

  “Poseidon!” A booming voice echoed through the trees.

  “Zeus is here,” Poseidon said. His pain etched face held a smile.

  Brady looked up from Karis, not caring who was there. “She’s barely breathing.”

  Poseidon’s twin, but with blonde hair strode through the tree line, invading their camp. His eyes held Poseidon’s. “What the hell, brother? I thought you were dead. Heads were going to roll.”

  Poseidon stood up, still gripping his chest. “I was close. But it was only to get you here.”

  “Are you daft? Did mother drop you on your head as a child?” Zeus stormed over to Poseidon and embraced him. “I was worried.”

  Poseidon gritted his teeth and pulled back slightly. “I know, but now we have a problem.”

  Zeus raised a brow and squared his shoulders. “A bigger problem than you trying to kill yourself?”

  Poseidon nodded at Karis. “She’s the one who saved me, but now I think it’s killing her.”

  Zeus sucked in a breath and knelt next to Brady and Karis. “She’s the Queen,” he whispered, more to himself than anyone else. He looked up at Brady. “Karis?”

  Brady nodded. Why weren’t they doing anything to help her? His super speed and ability to be her channel would do nothing to save her life. He gazed back down at her, checking to see if her chest rose. Ever so slightly, a ragged breath raised it, but Brady knew she was fighting to hang on.

  He wiped her hair away from her face and kissed her cheek. “A hospital. We should take her to a hospital.”

  “So what? So she can end up as a science experiment once they find out she’s not human?” Magnus interceded. “Brady, we all love her, but that’s not an option for her.”

  “Why not?” Brady was desperate.

  Alexis came over to him and stroked Karis’s hair. Tears rolled down her face. “Because if she goes to the hospital they’ll see the baby. That’s when our powers are formed and they are noticeable. She’s growing an immortal child in her womb. That’s something a mortal doctor would notice.”

  A baby? His heart thudded so wildly in his chest, he thought it was ready to explode. “I don’t’ understand. What baby? What are you talking about? How would they notice?”

  He placed a shaky hand on Karis’s stomach and closed his eyes. How could he be losing everything he loved in one moment? Was Alexis right? Was his child snug away in his mother, the woman he loved and wanted an eternity with?

  “Well, for starters, they grow faster. I’m not even sure Karis knew about the baby, but I’ve been watching her.” Alexis gave him a brave smile.

  “What do we do?” Brady held Karis tighter and stood up with her.

  Zeus placed a hand on Karis’s head. His eyes softened as he gazed down at her. “Where is her necklace?”

  “It’s been taken,” Atty said, walking closer. “I asked about it too when she got here.”

  Zeus spun around. “And you let her go without finding it first? You know what that necklace can do. You know it’s her lifeline, if the wrong person got a hold of it.”

  “I didn’t think she was doing that bad.” Atty glanced at Karis and sniffed back a tear. “I didn’t mean for her to get this bad. I just wanted to find you, Father.”

  “Without her necklace, she and the baby are already dead.” Zeus fumed. His nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw.

  Brady shook his head. “I refuse to believe that. She’s not going to die.” He cradled her in his arms, holding her as tight to his chest as he dared without breaking her ribs.

  Magnus reached out and touched Brady’s shoulder. “She’s not. We’ll find the necklace and bring it back to her. Together we can save her.”

  “You’re not going alone,” Azul said, his voice cracked.

  “He‘s right. You’re going to need a few men.” Poseidon dropped his hand from his chest, wincing. “I’m going too.”

  “As will I,” Zeus insisted.

  Evan cleared his throat. “Me too.”

  “I don’t think an all male group is a good idea.” Atty stared at Zeus. “Father, you know how good I am. I can be a huge asset to this party.”

  Zeus nodded. “Yes I do. And you’re right, we can use you.” He looked at Brady. “It looks like you have a search party assembled.” He swung an arm around Poseidon’s shoulders. “I’m glad you tried to kill yourself. It’s been too long. Now we get to relive the good old days. Although searching for a Queen’s necklace is a first for even me.”

  Brady’s heart was heavy and he couldn’t bear to hear to happy reunion take place. He was grateful for all the help, but he hated leaving Karis. What if she died while he was away? He carried her to their tent and lay her down gently. A tear fell from his eye and landed on her cheek. He brushed it off, letting his finger travel to her neck and traced her Syrenae marking.

  Clutching her hand, he rubbed small circles on her palm, up her arm and over the faint bonding mark. Whoever took her necklace and sucking her power, was going to pay. His anger was higher than he could ever remember it being.

  “My love, you are everything to me.” He glanced at her stomach. “You have given me everything.”

  Letting his eyes travel up to her face, he let the tears fall freely. “I’m gonna to find out who’s doing this to you. I’m gonna fix it. Please don’t leave me. Hang on. I promise, I’m coming back.”

  Timeless Tides Preview

  Chapter One

  Rain fell in torrents, beating the asphalt, making the earth cry for mercy. The swell of the sea just beyond the campsite rolled onto the beach, visible through the break in the tall pine and fir trees. Exposed sandstone tinted with hues of orange revealed itself through the foliage overflowing in the ocean-side forest.

  Brady cast one more glance in the rearview mirror as he left the camp. Alexis reassured him that Karis would be fine, and that she’d take care of her, but his heart dropped watching their tent get smaller as he drove away.

  The cab of the truck was silent, even with four fully grown men and one woman inside. Not to mention two of them were Greek Gods, Poseidon and Zeus. They nearly filled the front seat, pushing Brady over as he fought to actually stay behind the wheel. Atty and Azul sat in the back, as far from each other as they could get before falling out of the doors.

  The situation and the rushed severity pressed heavily on all of them.

  The sound of the wipers swishing against the windshield became as rhythmic as Brady’s breathing. The humid day should have been one of rejoicing since Poseidon was alive and Zeus came to the rescue, but instead it weighed heavily on him. Karis lie in their tent, unconscious and near death. He pictured her black hair pooling around her face onto the pillow, her full lips slightly agape as she slumbered in a dark void. He wanted to hit the brakes and turn around for one more kiss… One more touch.

  He slammed the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. Damn it. He was leaving her—again. Would their life together ever be easy? Probably not until the war was over. He had so much to fight for, so much built up inside, that he almost felt sorry for the person who was killing Karis. Almost.

  Whoever had her necklace was using it against her, draining her of powers, and with it, her life. His heart caught in his throat as he continued to ponder over it. His eyes burned with a need to release his pent up emotions, but he refused to give in.

  He shifted again, determined to get wherever he was needed, so he could return. He didn’t care where he had to go to find that person. He’d travel the universe, searching every world until he found them. He had no mercy to give.

  The closest international airport was Portland, so Brady needed to hit the highway north. The new tires on the rental truck pushed through the inches of rainwater standing on the road with nothing more than a hum, leaving a wake of water behind them.

  “So, you do have a way to fly. Right? I mean, I’d hate to get there and you both be out of luck.” Brady shifted up to fifth ge
ar and pressed on the gas pedal to the floor. He didn’t care about the speed limit.

  “We’ve been on Earth a long time. We know what we need.” Zeus stared out the window, barely giving any notice to his brother beside him. Whatever strife was between them causing the family feud, Brady hoped they’d fix it before it got in the way of helping.

  “Alright. I have enough passports and what not for you and me,” Brady told Azul. “But, I don’t know what to do with you.” He looked at Atty briefly over his shoulder.

  She shrugged. “I’m covered. I have my wallet.”

  “A lot of good that’ll do ya. We’re leaving the country, you’ll need a passport.” Brady wasn’t in the mood to play babysitter. Gritting his teeth, he wrapped his fingers so tight around the wheel his knuckles turned white.

  Atty rolled her eyes, clearly not in the mood either. “Calm down cowboy. I know what I need. I carry it with me. Jeesh. You’d think this was my first go around on Earth.”

  His irritation with Atty wasn’t justified by his emotions. He was going to have to work through them. They had only been gone less than thirty minutes and it already felt like hours. If he couldn’t handle such a short time with her, then an entire trip was going to be hell.

  He winced as the tattoo on his arm, marking him as an Aridam warrior burned. Good. Let it burn, let his whole arm catch fire and consume him in flames. It meant that Karis was still alive. He could feel her pain, her agony, her weakness, yet his heart danced because he was still connected with her.

  It was easier getting through security and the lines at the airport than Brady anticipated. Although he was sure the guards were more intimidated of Poseidon and Zeus, who used fake names on their passports, than the small group was of them.

  Brady couldn’t contain the chuckle of the other passengers on the plane as they gawked at the men. He nearly choked when the flight attendant did everything but rape them with her eyes. This was a flight she’d never forget. Too bad she couldn’t take home a souvenir. Zeus smiled and winked at her as she tried to calmly give the departure speech.


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