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Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3

Page 15

by S. M. Donaldson

  I look into his eyes. “Me, too.”

  He stands back up and starts thrusting into me faster. Within minutes we are both crying out in ecstasy. He picks me up off the table and we slide onto the floor together, still wrapped up in each other.

  “I can’t lose you, Princess. Ever.”

  Chapter 39

  Standing here in what is now my backyard and manning a grill seems strange. The past couple of weeks have given me more ups and downs than all of my deployments rolled into one. Losing my shit at the bar, losing Nana, fighting with Princess, finding out I’m going to be a dad, not once, but twice.

  “Hey, man. This place is coming together great. Nana would be proud.”

  I take the beer Ryder hands to me. “Thanks, man. That means a lot coming from you.”

  “So, when are you going to tell your parents?”

  “Tonight at dinner. She wants to tell them and her brothers at the same time.”

  He nods and shrugs with his hands in his pockets. “Sounds good.”

  “Man, hearing the heartbeat was the coolest sound ever.”

  He puts his hand up. “Wait, when did you hear the heartbeat? Scarlet said that Annabelle’s first doctor’s appointment is this week.”

  “Well, she had a little dizzy spell the other day after she told me. I made her go to the ER and get checked out.”

  “Let me guess, you didn’t tell Scar.”

  I shake my head. “She didn’t want anyone to worry.”

  “Oh boy, when Scar figures this out you two are in for it.”

  A little while later, Ryder and I have finished grilling, and Scarlet and Princess are putting everything else on the table.

  Once everything is set, we sit down. I look up at everyone sitting around the table. “Thank y’all for coming tonight.” I reach and grab Princess’s hand. “We hope this is the start of many dinners together.”

  Princess smiles and looks around the table. “We had another reason for bringing everyone here tonight. We have a little announcement to make.”

  Vic and Chris look up. Vic asks. “Are you guys getting married or something? Because you didn’t have to feed us steak to tell us that.”

  Princess laughs. “No. I’m pregnant.”

  My mom screams and jumps up, running around the table and hugging us at the same time.

  “Oh my God! I’m so happy.”

  I put my hand on my mom’s shoulder. “Just hang on, we aren’t through.” I laugh when she looks at me strange. “We decided to double the fun. We’re having twins.”

  This time it’s Scarlet’s turn to jump up and knock a chair backwards trying to get to us. She and my mom have us wrapped up very tight. My dad and all of the rest of the men in the room slap me on the back, while Kari and Angie hug Princess.

  “Ladies, do you mind giving us a little breathing room?”

  They laugh and break free from us. Princess laughs. “Now, let’s eat.”

  Scarlet looks up, glaring at us from the plate she just sat back down to. “Wait a minute. How do you know you’re having twins?”

  Princess laughs. “Well, the other day when I told Judd, I got a little dizzy and kind of passed out. He made me go to the ER and they did an ultrasound. Trust me, we were both very shocked.”

  “You didn’t tell me you went to the hospital. Oh missy, you are in big damn trouble.” Scarlet points with her fork.

  My mom looks concerned. “What did the doctor say? Is everything okay with the babies?”

  I nod. “Yes, ma’am. It was just a little scare. She was a little dehydrated and stressed from everything that had been going on.”

  Chris looks up. “Well, Prissy Pants, I’m happy for you.”

  Vic raises his glass. “Me, too. I propose a toast. Here’s to the new parents.”

  “Here, here. To the new parents.” Everyone says.

  My mom looks at Princess. “So how far along are you, sweetie?”

  “I’m only six weeks today. We wanted to go ahead and tell y’all because we wanted our family to know what’s going on. We just want to wait a little longer before telling everyone else.”

  I agree, nodding. “Yes, the doctor said everything looked great, but we just want to be careful. We have our first appointment with her regular OBGYN next week.”

  Everyone nods. My dad winks at me. “Son, you did good.”

  Ryder shoots up from his chair. “Wait, that means you got pregnant sometime around our wedding.” He sits back down and shakes his head.

  There’s no way I’m telling him that we are pretty sure it happened in the barn during his reception.

  All of the women are talking to Princess about her doctor’s appointment next week.

  Ryder Laughs. “I don’t know why you guys want to go all fancy and get a doctor. Me, Judd and Nelson delivered a lot of babies just a few weeks ago. Even a set of twins. We could do it.”

  My mom motions to him. “Not my grandbabies, Ryder Grayton Abbott.”

  Scarlet pops him on the arm as my mom smacks my dad for laughing. Scarlet glares. “That’s not funny, those were cows.”

  Ryder laughs. “Yeah, cows worth a lot of money. I say we can do it.”

  After Ryder gets scolded a few minutes later, he finally shuts up.

  A little bit later, after my parents, Scar and Ryder have left, I’m out back talking with Vic and Chris. Chris looks up from his beer. “So, does she plan on telling our parents?”

  “Maybe later. I don’t want her to get stressed out this early. Plus, when she tells them, I’ll be with her. Because if your father even goes near her, I’ll hurt him.”

  Vic nods. “We completely understand. That’s actually what we were going to suggest. If Winston hurt her or those babies, I’d kill him.”

  I motion back to him with my beer bottle. “So you are really okay finding out that your dad isn’t really your dad?”

  “When your father is Winston Garrett, you are praying you aren’t his kid. Trust me.”

  “Have you tried to find said business partner?”

  He shakes his head. “No. I know who it is and that’s really no better. I’ll talk to him when I get ready. I’m just trying to finish up my residency and go to work.”

  Chris sits forward. “You make her happier than we’ve ever seen her.”

  “Coming from you guys, that means a lot. I don’t want you to think I’m never going to marry your sister or anything like that. We’ve just kinda had a lot thrown at us at one time. I actually planned to do it soon, she just kinda threw me for a planning loop when this happened.”

  Vic nods. “Hey, we understand, and putting a ring on someone’s finger isn’t the overall commitment. Look how we grew up. I’m fucking twenty-eight years old. I just found out that the man who belittled me, who called me a failure for going to medical school instead of being like him, a blood sucking vulture, isn’t my father. Actually, I couldn’t be happier to know I’m not blood related to that man.”

  Chris smiles at me. “My brother is still working through some things. You just take care of Prissy Pants, be true to her and make her happy. That’s all the commitment we need.”

  “Thanks, guys. I plan to.”

  Chapter 40

  It’s hard to believe that I’ve just passed my first trimester. Twelve weeks, even if I do look more like twenty thanks to these two growing so quickly. Judd and Ryder completely painted the inside of the house and we have everything set up the way we want it. The only room not finished is the nursery, I just had them paint it a neutral color, that way we don’t have to repaint. We can’t wait to find out if we are having boys, girls, or one of each. I’m kinda glad that we aren’t having identical twins. Something about two people looking so much alike freaks me out. I know that even though the babies are fraternal, they could still look a lot alike, but not identical.

  It’s Thanksgiving break and I volunteered to do some extra time in the ER. They are always shorthanded during the holidays. The good thing about the nursi
ng program I’m in is I have the same advisor all the way through. After telling her about the twins, she suggested that while I’m feeling up to it, I could do some extra hours. She would save them for next semester in case I have to go out early or go on bed rest.

  The week of Thanksgiving break is crazy at a hospital. College students are celebrating being home or just being on a break. Alcohol poisoning, drug overdose and DUI wrecks top the lists.

  I was just sitting down to eat my granola bar when a young blonde girl was being brought in the wrong ER doors by a brunette girl. One of the guards was about to send them back out when I made my way over to them. Something drew me to this girl.

  I look at the security guard. “It’s okay, I’ve got it.”

  I turn to the girls. “Girls, what’s going on? What’s your names?”

  The brunette looks at me. “I’m Jenna and this is my cousin Becca. We think someone put something in her drink. We were at a party in Column Heights. We were talking to these really nice guys and they were giving her drinks.”

  “What about you?”

  “I don’t drink. I was drinking bottled water.”

  I pull the girls into a small exam room. “Did anything else happen?”

  Becca still isn’t speaking. “Jenna, did something else happen to her?”

  She nods her head. “I’m not sure how far it went, but the blonde guy kicked her out of the room when she threw up on him.”

  I touch Becca’s shoulder. “Okay, Becca. I need you to put on this gown and put your clothes in this bag. I will be back with a doctor soon to check on you.” Becca nods and I look at Jenna. “Jenna, could you step outside with me for a minute?”

  I had a sinking feeling about just who had thrown this party. I know Column Heights. I know the Wilson’s live out there and a bunch of others who think their money buys them everything. “Jenna, it’s policy that I have to file a police report on this. Do you know the address where the party was at?”

  She nods. “Yes.”

  “I know Becca isn’t talking much right now, but will you be able to talk to the police?”

  “Yes. Who in the hell do these guys think they are? How could somebody do that to someone? I thought she quit breathing on the way here. When her father gets word on this, he’ll kill someone. We weren’t even supposed to go out tonight.”

  I pull my phone from my pocket. Call it my new found mothering instincts, but I did some social media investigating on Patrick and his friends. I pull up some pictures of them.

  “Jenna. Were any of the guys in this picture at the party?”

  She nods and starts pointing. “That’s the asshole who kept giving her drinks and the blonde asshole is the one who took her to the room. They kept trying to get me to drink something other than my water. When I wouldn’t, they just ignored me and tried to separate us.”

  She had just pointed to Patrick as the blonde and the other was the guy who’d drugged me.

  “Jenna, I think you should call her dad. This is about to get ugly.”

  She sighs. “He’s out of town.” She lowers her voice. “Her father is Senator Brooklyn.”

  “When is he due back?”

  “Tomorrow, he’s coming in for Thanksgiving. We just got in a couple of days early.”

  “You need to go ahead and call him. He’ll probably come on. The guys you just pointed to? Well, they do think they can get away with anything. She’s going to need her father’s support.”

  She nods and goes to make the phone call while I get Dr. Anders. We go in and do her exam. Dr. Anders said that even though I went against the admin policies for getting the girls in, one of the most important jobs as a nurse was to get as many details as I could.

  A little while later, a deputy comes in from the sheriff’s department. He’s the same deputy that took my statement at Nana’s.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you again, Ms. Garrett.”

  “Please, call me Annabelle.”

  “Annabelle, please call me Steve. Can you give me a heads up of what’s going on before I go in there?”

  I run down the story with him, letting him know that Jenna has contacted Senator Brooklyn and he’s on his way as we speak. I show him the pictures on my phone of the guys Jenna pointed out. He’s going to speak with the girls. I stop him before he goes in.

  “Steve, I need to tell you something. The second guy in that picture slipped drugs in my drink a little over a year ago. The only difference is I didn’t finish my drink and I left and called a friend before anything could happen. I wouldn’t let my friend take me to the hospital to get a report. I should have, it might have stopped them. If she decides to go further with this, it will get ugly. I just hope more girls will come out and seal the fate of these assholes.”

  He puts his hand on my shoulder. “Annabelle, I’ve watched way too many girls go through something like this. I’ve been an officer for fifteen years, but my job doesn’t get any easier. I know the two jerks in those pictures and you’re right, they think they can get away with anything, but this time I doubt it. The Senator will be out for blood. He lost his wife when she gave birth to Becca. That little girl has been his life since she was born.”

  I nod. “If you need anything with the case or my statement, just let me know. If you could, keep this quiet until he’s had a chance to get here and check on her. She’s very shaken.”

  “She has every right to be and she also has every right to her privacy.”

  “Thank you, Steve.”

  He nods and walks into the exam room with Jenna and Becca.

  Chapter 41

  Even though it’s Thanksgiving, the cows don’t know that. I was up and getting ready for the day when my exhausted Princess came in. She took a shower and went straight to bed. She told me we needed to talk when she woke up for lunch.

  As I make my way back home for lunch, I’m a little worried. I don’t know what she wants to talk about but I’m kinda nervous. She’s been working quite a bit trying to do some extra so next semester won’t be so hard on her.

  Pulling up to the house, I see a dark sedan pulling in at the same time. An older gentleman gets out and opens the rear door for another man. I do a double take when I realize it’s Senator Brooklyn.

  I walk over. “Sir, can I help you?”

  He nods. “Are you Ms. Pearl’s grandson?”

  I shake my head. “Not by blood, but by love, yes. If you are looking for her, she passed away a few months ago.”

  “No, young man, I’m not. I just recognized the address when we arrived. I was friends with her son, Greer, back in our college years. I’m actually here to see Ms. Annabelle Garrett. The lady from the hospital told me I could find her here.”

  I nod. “Yes, she’s my-.” What do I call her, my baby momma? “She’s my girl. She’s sleeping from work last night. I’m about to go in and wake her up, though, for lunch.” I motion for him to come in the house behind me. “If you’ll have a seat, I’ll get her.”

  He nods and takes a seat. “You’re Nelson’s boy, aren’t you?”

  I nod. “Yes, sir.”

  “You’re right, you were her grandson by love.”

  I walk into our bedroom and see her sleeping so peacefully. I hate to wake her but she has to eat. Plus, I’m curious as hell to find out what’s going on.

  Sitting on the side of the bed, I rub her arm. “Princess.”

  She rolls a little. “Hmm?”

  “Can you tell me why there is a Senator in our living room that wants to speak with you?’

  She bolts up in the bed. “What?”

  “Senator Brooklyn is in the living room. He asked to speak with you.”

  She shoves the covers off the bed and runs to the closet. “Tell him I’ll be out in a minute. Offer him some coffee, tea or lemonade.”

  I chuckle. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Walking back into the living room, I motion down the hall. “She’ll be out in a minute. Would you like some coffee, some sweet tea or lem

  “No, thank you. I really need to get back to my daughter.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  He looks at my small limp as I walk to the couch. “I heard about your injury. Is everything coming along alright?”

  I shrug. “I have good days and bad days. Physically and mentally.”

  I knew the Senator had served in the Gulf War so he would understand.

  He looked at me. “All I can tell you, son, is that it’ll get better as time goes on. You learn how to deal with it.”

  “I hope so. I’m working on it.” Beau gets up and flops his head in my lap. “Beau here is helping me, too.”

  He nods and smiles. “I’ve read the studies. You know, I remember how in tune my animals were to me when I got back from overseas. I always thought they could sense that I needed a sounding board or a friend.”

  “He’s been great. Helps a lot at night.”

  We both look up when Princess enters the room. She smiles. “Senator Brooklyn, what can I do for you?”

  “I just wanted to stop by personally and thank you for taking care of my daughter last night.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m just sorry she had to go through that. Is she doing okay this morning?”

  “She’s at home with my sister, Dawn, and my niece, Jenna. She’s resting. I know we have a long road ahead of us, but I’m going to make sure those boys pay.”

  She smiles. “I’m glad. I told the officer, Steve, that I would be willing to give my statement. If it would even help. It’s been over a year, but in any case, I’d be willing to give it.”

  I look at both of them. “Wait. What’s going on? What statement?”

  The Senator stands up. “I’m going to be going so you two can talk. I just really wanted to say how much I appreciate how nice and sensitive you were to the girls last night. They needed that nurturing.” He points to her rounded stomach. “You are going to be a wonderful mother.”

  She stands and smiles, walking him to the door. She give him a hug. “Tell Becca if she wants to talk or anything to call me. I gave Jenna my personal number last night.”


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