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Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3

Page 16

by S. M. Donaldson

  He nods and wishes us a happy holiday.

  After the door is closed, I look at her. “Princess, are you going to explain this to me?”

  She sighs and looks sad. “His daughter and niece were at a party last night in Column Heights. She had drugs put in her drink and well, it’s possible that Patrick Wilson had sex with her. The girls came into the ER. They ID’ed the guys to the officer.”

  “How did they ID them?”

  “I pulled up some social media pictures from Patrick’s pages. It was him and the guy who drugged me. I told my story to the officer.”

  I flop back on the couch. “Whoa, this is going to get ugly.”

  She sits down with me and puts her head on my shoulder. “I know. I just feel so bad for his daughter. She just thought she’d sneak off to a party and have fun. Those assholes ruined it for her, they took so much from her in just a few hours.”

  She’s crying now. This has been known to happen since she’s gotten pregnant, but I know today the tears aren’t for her. They are for that girl. I need to make her smile and my conversation with the Senator convinced me that I’m ready.

  I get up to go to our bedroom. Beau hops up on the couch and lays his head protectively on her stomach.

  When I return, she’s wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so emotional. It just bothers me.”

  “Baby, you have every right to be upset about this. Now. Have a seat. I’ve been thinking.”

  I sit on the edge of the coffee table in front of her. “When the Senator pulled up and asked for you, I called you my girl because I wasn’t really sure what to call you.” I reach in my shirt pocket and pull out the box I have been hiding. “I’d like to start calling you my fiancé. That is, if you’ll let me.”

  She starts sobbing and Beau barks at me. “Yes!”

  I pull her up from the couch as I stand up and swing her around. “I love you, Annabelle.”

  Chapter 42

  Thanksgiving Day was full of excitement. Scarlet and Naomi screamed when I showed them my engagement ring and went into planning mode. We decided that we’ll have a small Christmas wedding at the farm. I want to be married when the babies are born. Plus, I know if I don’t do it now, I’ll never get the chance after the twins get here.

  Normally, Scarlet and I would be getting ready to go Black Friday shopping, but I’m not in the mood this year. So I came home and went to sleep, still trying to catch up from the night shift I’d worked the day before.

  My phone rang at eight o’clock. I answered it without looking. “Hello.”

  “Annabelle, I’m on my way down to your place now. You have to see the paper this morning.” Scarlet screeches out.

  “Okay. I’m getting up.”

  We hang up and I pull on some comfy lounge pants and a t-shirt of Judd’s. He must already be out checking the cows. I’ve really got to go maternity clothes shopping. My scrubs do okay, but regular clothes are becoming less and less comfortable.

  I hear her knocking on the door. As soon as I open it, she thrusts the paper into my hands. She’s rambling and going on about something but I’m not sure what.

  I read today’s headline and cover my mouth.

  Local Investment Firm Heirs Arrested

  I look down and read about Patrick and his buddy Derek being arrested on rape and assault charges. The report filed by Becca Brooklyn has been made public. I laugh when I think of the police cars swooping into Column Heights to arrest them.

  Of course, there is no comment from Patrick or Derek. They are trying to deny there was even a party at the house that night.

  I’m proud, though, that Senator Brooklyn isn’t backing down. Most politicians wouldn’t like this kind of publicity, but he said his daughter’s well-being comes first.

  I look up and see Scarlet staring at me. “You knew this somehow, didn’t you?”

  “I was there when they brought Becca in. Once her cousin told me where the party was, I pulled up pictures of Patrick and his friends on my phone. They identified them to the police. The Senator stopped by to speak with me yesterday morning. I also told the officer about Derek drugging me. I volunteered my statement to help take them down.”

  She pulls me into a hug. “Oh my God. You just never cease to amaze me how strong you are.”


  It’s been a few weeks since the arrest. The officer has been by and gotten an official statement from me. He also said that four other girls came into the station to make statements. Apparently my creepy vibes were spot on about Patrick. From the sounds of things, they make this a regular event.

  I’m hoping they don’t get away with this. I just think it’s karma that they are battling someone with more money than them. They are accustomed to throwing money at a problem and making it go away. Well, this time that isn’t the case.

  They have come up with an entire list of charges for them, including contributing to the delinquency of minors, since Becca was only nineteen.

  I’ve been trying to get all the extra hours I can at the hospital. So here I am, finishing up another double shift. The director of nursing has asked me to think about applying here after I graduate and have the twins. She’d really like to have me on staff. She says she feels guilty for all of the non-paid hours I’ve put in here.

  Walking out into the cool Savannah air, a car pulls up to the curb. The back window rolls down and my parents appear.

  “Annabelle. We need to speak with you.” My father says.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. You can come join me in the coffee shop here or I can meet you at the Java Café just down the street.”

  To say I don’t trust my parents is putting it very lightly.

  My mother rolls her eyes and sits back, mumbling something. My father clears his throat. “We’ll meet you just down the street then.”

  As soon as they pull off, I text Chris and ask him to come meet me. He lets me know he’ll be there in five minutes, he’s close by. I also text Judd to let him know what’s going on. He plans to be at the café soon.

  Pulling up to the café, I see my parents have already entered the building. I wait a couple of minutes until Chris pulls up. I get out of my car and meet him.

  “Hey, Prissy Pants. Do you know what they want?”

  “No, but I can’t deal with them stressing me out. I just worked a double. I need to get off my feet, but I wanted to get whatever the hell this is over with.”

  He looks over at me as we walk. “When was the last time you talked to them?”

  “The day I left their house after causing significant damage to Mom’s yard.”

  He laughs remembering that day. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” He says as he grabs the door handle.

  I sit down and Chris takes the seat beside me. My mother rolls her eyes. “Really, Annabelle, you couldn’t come without your brother? Do you think we would cause a scene in public or something?”

  I shake my head. “No. But I really don’t need your stress right now.”

  My father looks down his nose at me. “Yes. I see you’ve gotten yourself in a situation.” He snarls.

  “My situation is that I’m having two babies with a wonderful man. One who I know will accept them for who they are, not try to mold them into some clone.”

  My father goes to raise his voice, but Chris gives him a death glare.

  My mother clears her throat. “The purpose for this visit is to understand why you would lob such allegations at close friends of ours?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “We heard that you were one of the girls that came forward to make a complaint about poor Patrick and Derek.”

  I grit my teeth. “First of all, I didn’t come forward soon enough. A young girl ended up in the ER because of them. They are despicable trash. Derek drugged me over a year ago. The only difference is he didn’t succeed when it came to me. I hope they both rot in hell. While they are in prison waiting to go to hell, I pray they get fucked in the a
ss everyday by some guy named Spike.”

  My mother puts her hand over her mouth. My father glares at me. “You watch your mouth, young lady.”

  I feel a strong hand on my shoulder and then a strong voice behind me. “Or what? Are you going to slap your pregnant daughter around right here in public?”

  “Excuse me, young man, this is a private conversation.” My mother says, acting as if she has no clue why he’s standing there.

  Judd sits down beside me. “Oh, when my Princess and those babies are involved, it’s all my business.”

  My father sits up straight. “Oh, so you are the cause of the mess she’s in?”

  Judd keeps his cool. “Oh, she’s not in any mess. She’s happy and healthy. The babies are doing great and she’s already been offered a job at the hospital when she graduates. She has a wonderful supportive family now. So I think overall, she’s doing great.”

  “She had a family before you came along.” My mother scoffs.

  Chris speaks up. “No, she was living with fucking vultures. She has an awesome supportive family now, along with Vic and me. You guys need to go back to your little gated community.” He chuckles. “If you can still afford to live there and stay out of our lives. Go keep controlling Shane and Gregory, they’ve never minded. Stay away from us.”

  My father ignores him. “Annabelle, you need to drop your complaint against Derek.”

  I sit up in my chair. “No. I’m the one who helped the girls identify them and I volunteered my statement. So no. I’m just glad I was never left alone in a room with Patrick.”

  My mother exaggerates a sigh. “Really, Annabelle.”

  Judd sits forward. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves. I picked your daughter up that night, I took care of her while she was puking her guts up. Most parents would be like Senator Brooklyn, they would be irate at these people. You people, though? You want your daughter to be weak and retreat. Give these guys a free pass to hurt women. Well, she’s not doing it.” He stands up beside me. “Come on, Princess. You’ve had a long day. Let’s get you home.”

  Chapter 43

  Chris is walking Princess out to her car. Her parents stand up from the table and her father looks at me. “Young man, you would be wise to watch yourself. I have friends.”

  I lean across the table close to his face and speak through gritted teeth. “Do you seriously think you are intimidating me? Let’s clear something up. You don’t have friends, you have people that would drop you in a second if it suits them. Don’t fuck with me, old man. I’ve stared the enemy down face to face. I’ve lived through things that you couldn’t imagine. If you ever come near her or lay your hands on her again, I’ll kill you and no one will find the body. You might have friends but I do too, and unlike yours, mine like me for me. Not because I drop to my knees and suck their dick every chance I get.”

  I hear her mother gasp at my crass tone.

  I turn and walk out of the café. Princess looks at me. “Judd, what did you do?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing, I just told them how it was going to be.”

  Chris laughs. “Ha. I’m sure they liked that.”

  I shrug. “I don’t give a shit what they do or don’t like.”

  I take Princess’s hand. “Let’s go grab a bite to eat and relax for a few minutes. Then we’ll come back to get the car. Chris, why don’t you call Angie and ask her to join us?”

  Chris looks at me. “Wish I could, man, but I have class in the morning and I have to study tonight. Being back in school sucks ass sometimes.”

  I slap him on the shoulder. “Hey, man, it will be worth it in the end. Maybe you, Vic and Princess will all work at the same hospital.”

  They both laugh and Princess nods. “We’ve talked about that. I told them I’m not taking orders from them.”

  I laugh. “You would say that. Come on, let’s go so he can study.”

  After we get in my truck, she looks over at me. “Judd, I’m sorry I ever doubted your ability to control your rage. I know you just did a really good job of it in there.”

  “Honest truth, Princess. I was scared I’d never be able to control it, too. I’m proud of myself.” I put the truck in gear and drive to our favorite little diner.


  It’s our wedding day, yesterday was Christmas. Time has flown since Thanksgiving. Princess finished up Nana’s memoirs and gave everyone a copy from Nana just like she wanted. We all sat around laughing and crying at the stories.

  For the wedding, we set up out back just like we did for Ryder and Scarlet, but the crowd is much smaller. Plus, there is definitely a presence missing, but I’m sure Nana is watching over us.

  Ryder slaps me on the back. “You ready to go, man?”


  Ryder and I make our way to the front with the preacher. We both give my mom a kiss as we pass by her.

  Standing up front waiting for Princess to make her way down the aisle is killing me. Finally, Scarlet starts down in her true to name scarlet red dress. Next, Chris and Vic appear with a very beautifully pregnant Princess tucked between them.

  She takes my breath away every time I see her. She worries that she’s too fat because of the babies. I tell her it’s beautiful because she’s making room for our little boy and girl.

  Yep, we found out on our last ultrasound that we are getting one of each. She and Scarlet have went crazy in the nursery. The ladies from Nana’s quilting group are planning a baby shower for her. They’ve already started on baby quilts. We are both definitely missing Nana right now.

  Once she’s up front, she smiles and her brothers both give her a kiss on each cheek.

  I stare into her eyes as we repeat the standard vows. Neither one of us really wanted to write something to share with the world, so we decided to wait until after and tell each other in private.

  The next thing I know, the preacher is telling me to kiss her and introducing us. “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Hughes.”

  I smile. “Come on, Princess.”

  She smiles at me. “Sure.”

  After we get to the end of the aisle, I lean down to her ear. “So, do you think we can have sex in the barn again tonight? You know, relive the moment?”

  She bursts out laughing. “Yeah, I don’t think so. How about we just have some plain Jane sex in our house, in the bed? I’m not sure if I got down on the hay, I could get back up.”

  I smile. “Whatever you say.”

  “I’m sure you’re thinking you should have run.”

  I shake my head and nuzzle her neck. “Nope, I’m thinking I’m one lucky SOB to have landed myself a Princess.”


  Six Months Later…

  Sitting by the pool with Scarlet, it’s a hot freaking day at the end of May. I’m a miserable thirty-six weeks pregnant and I feel like I may burst into flames at any time.

  On the plus side, I did graduate with my degree in nursing. I also was hired at the hospital I’ve been doing clinicals in. As soon as these babies get here and I’m ready, I’ll be going to work.

  I’m lucky that Naomi is going to keep them for me to work. Finding sitters that can juggle my shifts flip flopping and Judd’s early hours is hard. Plus, this way they can be at home and Judd can peak in on them. Nelson will get plenty of time with them, too, I’m sure.

  Naomi walks out of the house. “Here you go, sweetie, a tall glass of lemonade.”

  I shake my head. “Thank you so much.”

  Everyone has been watching me like a hawk because the doctor has been saying ever since I was at thirty-two weeks that I could go at any time. This little girl and boy are ready. But they must not be too damn ready because here I am fat, hot, sweaty, swollen and miserable.

  Scarlet looks at me with sympathy. “Sweetie, have you tried the things the doctor told you to do?”

  “Not to get too graphic in front of Naomi, but Judd has definitely done his part in trying to get me to have these babies. Plus, I’ve pro
bably walked the entire state of Georgia by now.”

  About that time, Judd and Ryder come chasing each other like kids through the fence.

  Naomi stands up. “You two stop before you get hurt. You aren’t teenagers anymore.”

  “Fuck this, I’m hot. I gotta go inside. Scar, help me up.”

  Scarlet reaches for my hands and I stand up. As soon as I stand up, I feel a whoosh of water running down my legs. “Shit.”

  Scarlet’s face lights up and she turns to our husbands who are still chasing each other. “Dip shits, stop running! Annabelle’s water just broke.”

  Naomi drops the tray of glasses she was carrying back inside. “Shit.” Then she covers her mouth, embarrassed.

  Judd runs over to me, trying to pick my big ass up. “Stop, Judd. I can walk. Someone get me a towel, I don’t want to mess up the seats in my new Tahoe.”

  “Jesus, baby, don’t worry about the damn seats. I’ll have them cleaned, or I’ll clean them myself.”

  I look at Ryder who is staring at me like I may turn into an alien or something. “Ryder, get me a damn towel now.”

  He runs in the house and grabs a couple of towels as I make my way to the vehicle. I look at him and smile. “Thank you.”

  Scarlet helps me latch my seat belt. “Okay. We will wait here for a little bit and I’ll call your brothers. Once you guys get checked in and settled, let me know. We will be there with bells on.”

  Twelve hours and one C-section later, Victoria and Grayton are here.

  We never really told anyone about the names we chose, but we did make sure it wouldn’t offend Ryder and Scarlet if we used the names.

  Once the entire crew is at the hospital, I tell Judd to let them in. My brothers and their girlfriends are among the first. Naomi, Nelson, Ryder and Scarlet are next.

  Ryder looks at Judd holding Vicky. “So my dad and Sarah will be here tomorrow.”

  Judd nods and smiles. “That’s great.”

  Naomi smiles with tears in her eyes. “What are the names?”

  I hold up Grayton. “This is Grayton Christopher, after my brother, Ryder and the original Grayton. We are going to call him Gray.”


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