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Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3

Page 17

by S. M. Donaldson

  Judd holds up Vicky. “This little princess is Victoria Pearl, after Nana and my mom and Victor.” He looks at everyone else. “Victoria is my mom’s middle name. We are going to call her Vicky.”

  His dad comes over to us. “Annabelle, you did good, kid. These babies are beautiful and I know they didn’t get that from me and him.”

  I smile. “Awe, I think y’all are pretty handsome guys.”

  Naomi hugs me tight. “Nana would be so proud.” She whispers in my ear. “Your momma and daddy are fools for not seeing how wonderful you are.”

  I nod and look at my babies. “Well, I can’t say I disagree with you on the fools’ part. I’m just glad that when Dad’s firm went under, they moved to California. The only thing better would have been Alaska. The further the better as far as I’m concerned.” I shrug. “It’s their loss.”

  Naomi smiles nodding and looks around the room. “Alright, well let’s all get out of here and give them some time to be mommy and daddy. Them and the babies need some rest.”

  Ryder walks over to Judd. “So man, was the C-section cool?”

  Scarlet rolls her eyes and smacks him. “Let’s go. He can tell you about it later or you can ask Gable if you can be in the room when Ivie has their baby.”

  I laugh. “Oh yeah, how many weeks is she now?”

  Scarlet smiles. “Sixteen. They are finally going to make it public. Next week they are doing an interview with People. They are going to let everyone know how long they’ve been married and about the baby on the way.”

  I smile. “Good for them. They deserve happiness.”

  After everyone leaves the room, I look at Judd who is swaying back and forth with our daughter. “You are the most beautiful man on this planet, Judd Hughes.”

  He leans down and kisses me. “You, my Princess, are the most beautiful woman on this planet. And this little girl right here is the most beautiful girl on the planet. Yes, she is.”

  He puts her down in the bassinet, followed by Gray. Finally, he sits beside me on the bed. “Princess, I think today is the happiest day of my life.”

  I yawn and smile. “Really? Me, too.”

  He smiles. “For me it’s been an uphill battle, but you’ve been with me all the way.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. It’s like the old song, Love is a Battlefield.”

  He chuckles and brushes my hair from my face. “Yep, the drugs are working great, you are quoting eighties music. I love you, Princess, get some rest.” He kisses my forehead.

  I shut my eyes. “I love you, too.”


  This is always the hardest part. Well, besides the blurb. I hate the blurb. LOL

  Thank You to my readers. Without you I would not be having this awesome adventure. You have helped make my dreams come true and for that I’m truly blessed and grateful.

  I need to give a big Thank You to Chelly Peeler. She’s not only my editor but my friend. She has listened to my craziness for months now. She loves my characters and understands my craziness. Thank you again.

  Thanks to my husband for being my technical advisor on all things military in this book. Also, for not minding that I’m so open about the struggles of PTSD. To my son Bailey, thank you for trying to understand why mom is on her computer so much.

  To my Mom for listening to my random story ideas and telling me to go for it. To my sisters’ thank you for always supporting me. You guys always have my back. Daddy I miss you every day and I know you’re watching over me.

  Thanks to Robin Mount for always being my official sports go to person.

  Brittani Mount thank you for being an awesome cover model.

  To my BETA readers Ashley and Jessika thank you. You are awesome.

  Thanks to my Blog Tour Queens Casey D. Peeler and Chelly Peeler @ Hardcover Therapy.

  Thanks to all of the book bloggers out there who spend so much time helping us promote books and everyone who leaves a review you are all awesome.

  About the Author

  S.M. Donaldson is a born and raised Southern girl. She grew up in a small rural town on Florida’s Gulf Coast, the kind of place where everyone knows your business before you do, especially when your Daddy is a cop and your Mom works for the school system. She married one of her best friends at the age of 20 and has one son. She is a proud military wife, has always had a soft spot for a good story, and is known to have a potty mouth. At the age of 31, she decided there was no time like the present to attempt her first book. Sam’s Choice was born and she hasn’t stopped since. If you are looking for a good, steamy, Southern set romance with true Southern dialect, she’s your girl.

  My Links:

  Twitter: @SMDonaldson1

  Instagram: SMDonaldson1981

  Other titles by S.M. Donaldson

  The Sam Series

  Sam’s Choice

  Sam’s Fight for Freedom

  The Temptation Series

  Lying with Temptation

  Acting on Temptation

  Fighting Temptation

  The Secrets of Savannah Series

  Secrets Behind Those Eyes

  Secrets in The Lyrics

  Secrets in Battle


  Just the Other Sister Series

  (E-book only)

  Forgiveness of Summer

  (Seasons of Change Series)

  Coming Soon

  Falling for Autumn

  (Seasons of Change Series #2)

  Here are a few chapters from my first novel. I hope you enjoy them.

  Sam’s Choice


  S.M. Donaldson

  Sam’s Choice

  S.M. Donaldson

  Copyright2012 by S.M. Donaldson

  Published at

  ISBN-13: 978-1481810449

  ISBN-10: 1481810448

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.


  Senior Year

  Thinking back life is all about choices. It was the spring of 1999 and I was about to make one of the biggest choices in my life. At least that is what I was thinking at the time. …..

  I remember it like it was yesterday, I was sitting at the Jackson Street stop light in downtown Austin. I was listening to my new Offspring cd, I had been trying to make the decision between University of Texas, Ole’ Miss and University of Oklahoma, I needed so bad to have a fresh start; I wanted to just be a face in the crowd for once in my life. I knew if I went to UT, I would still be the same girl I have been my entire life, with most likely the same group of faces from high school. I was Samantha Cates, daughter to the high profile investigator Samuel James Cates; he locked away several long time drug dealers, and tried to make organized crime not so organized. He was the job; there was no grey, just black and white in his eyes. I was the girl who was talked about my entire senior year for crap that wasn’t even my fault, the same girl who dreaded getting up and going to school every day. My mouth flew open like a jolt of lightening and I yelled out loud in my car, “I’m going to Ole’ Miss!”

  My dad didn’t take the news of my decision all that well, he’s a man who is used to getting his way and this was probably the first time in my life I ever remember going against his wishes. He wanted me to stay in Austin with him and go to UT, I tried to explain to him, my life had been a wreck for the past year with the return of my Mother and other stuff, all I wanted was a fresh start. I knew I was 18 and that since my college was paid for with all the scholarships I was offered he really couldn’t make me stay, but he really knew how to make you feel like you had disappointed him. After weeks of arguing with me and at the urging of his girlfriend Sheila who at
the time I was sure was ready for me to leave so she could move in, he gave me his blessing. He didn’t speak to me much that summer; I guess he figured if he distanced his self he wouldn’t miss me as much. We had been on our own since I was 6, he’d taught me how to be independent, how to protect myself, to be suspicious of everyone, even those you think you trust, wish I’d learned the trust lesson a little better…


  FALL 1999

  I have been at Ole’ Miss a few weeks, getting into the routine of college life. I live in the dorms which I was reluctant to do, for the simple reason I didn’t want a roommate, but since I’m here on scholarship and I don’t want a fulltime job just to pay rent I settled myself into the dorms. My roommate is the small, petite, blonde, bubbly Katie Foster. She is following the long family tradition of attending Ole’ Miss. She is a true southern belle, cardigans, pearls the whole nine yards; if I didn’t know better I would have sworn my dad had set this up from the beginning. If I have to have a roommate though… I’m glad it’s Katie; she helps me more than she will ever know.

  I grew up with an overbearing cop dad, no mother, no female influences, what little bit I picked up was from my dad’s girlfriend Sheila and Mrs. Sarah. It’s nice to finally have a girl to talk with. I haven’t had a real friend in a long time. It’s the first time in a few years that I don’t feel like people were whispering about me. Katie being a true southern lady took me right under her wing when I got here. You might as well say she knows the college like the back of her hand; her last name is on a couple of buildings and I think she knows almost everyone here it feels like. She made sure I got the classes I wanted when I wanted them, she helped me get a part time job at a local bookstore, if I ever had a sister I could only dream that she would be as good to me as Katie is.

  I’ve taken quite a load for a freshman, I’m a journalism major with aspirations of becoming one of the greatest writers of our time…yeah whatever, writing comes easy to me, I guess since I’ve never really trusted anyone enough to let them in, most of my thoughts have ended up on paper. Well, I had let one person in, so much for trusting…

  So, Katie comes barreling in our door screaming “It is rush week and WE are pledging for Delta Gamma.”

  I’m laughing, “Who is we”, she looks at me with those big blue eyes and says “why you and me silly”.

  I laugh “thanks but no thanks”.

  “Come on Sam you said you want the real college experience, well sororities and fraternities are it. What are you going to do sit in the room all the time…? NO, I’m not letting you.”

  I sit there in shock for a minute and say “okay, but you have to help me Katie I’ve never joined anything in my life.”

  Katie looks at me dumbfounded “never a club or anything when you were in high school?”

  “No, I was… in high school I was…. Just different and that’s the reason I came here for a fresh start.”

  Katie squeals “YAY won’t it be great if we get to be sisters, I’m sure you’ll get in, I’m a legacy, so I’m in and my opinion matters.” She says that so matter of fact, I almost laugh out loud at myself, even though she is Katie she has a way of making things happen.

  Katie’s getting ready for her date with her longtime boyfriend Rich; they have been in love since her sophomore year and his junior year in high school. Call me cynical but, I just don’t believe you find love in high school. But, who am I to judge right, I come from the broken home of high school sweethearts and have my own demons when it comes to love.

  Katie looks over at me and says “So Sam what are you doing tonight? If you say laundry or homework I’m going to drag you out of here by the hair of your head girl.”

  “I’m actually going to work at the bookstore until closing.”

  She looks at me and gives me a half smile “okay at least you’ll be out in public. I swear I think I’m gonna have to call in a bomb threat to get you out of this room sometimes, well call my cell we may be at the Roman’s when you get off, you can join us.”

  Laughing I say, “Katie you kill me, and I’m just learning my way around here. If we both end up in this sorority you want us in we’ll get to spend more time together than you want to I’m sure.”

  “Sam, I’m gonna break you out of that shell girl if it’s the last thing I do” she’s smiling as she goes out our door to meet up with Rich downstairs. I haven’t yet actually met Rich, I’ve looked at pictures of him; Katie has them everywhere. But, I’m sure it won’t be long because Rich is in Phi Delta Theta, Delta Gamma’s brother fraternity; this probably being the biggest reason Katie wants us to be in Delta Gamma.

  I get dressed and head into work at Logan’s Books and Tea, it’s a small bookstore with that coffee shop appeal and it has internet access. So, needless to say for a college town it is the hang out, especially those who are fortunate enough to have a laptop. It also helps their business that Roman’s the pool hall is next door, where they really don’t care to card people. It’s a nice place to work and I get to meet some of the people that are going to Ole’ Miss, chat about some of the professors and doctors that teach classes there, I’m learning who you want for which class, that sort of thing. Some of the people come in here just to sit and read there’s a nice looking young guy with dark hair and dark eyes that always comes in orders an Irish Coffee and sits in the corner reading, I’ve noticed he only comes in on week nights, sometimes he looks as if he’s studying, sometimes I think he’s reading for pleasure. I can’t help but look at him for some reason he’s appealing to senses I’ve forgotten I had.

  It’s about time to close I better call Katie’s cell like I promised, “Hey Katie, its Sam are you guys at Roman’s?”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “Okay I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  Katie squeals into the phone, “YOU’RE COMING!”

  “Yes Katie.” I run into the restroom at work and change, good thing we can wear jeans to work so all I need to do is change my top, Katie made me bring this low cut baby tee, she says that it emphasizes my boobs like they need any help, they are one of the few things my mother gave me. I brush my dark brown hair, touch up my make up and walk over to Roman’s.

  As soon as I walk in the door I could hear Katie, “SAM! Over here.”

  The latest Ermine song is blaring out of the speakers as I walk over to them, I’m pulling my cigarettes out of my pocket and light one up to help my nerves I don’t do well with crowds.

  “Sam this is Rich”

  Rich sticks his hand out and says “It’s nice to finally meet you after Katie talking about you all the time”

  “Same here” I said as I exhale.

  We both kind of laugh, Katie rolls her eyes at us, “Whatever you two, come on Sam let’s get a drink.”

  This is my first time in Roman’s, but Katie swears I’ll get a drink if I order one. I step up to the bar, “I’ll have a Crown and Coke.”

  Katie looks at me smiling “look at you ordering like a pro.” I just roll my eyes at her even though I haven’t had a drink since my junior year in high school. But, this is all part of my fresh start, none of that is going to happen here…. Deep breathe Sam, deep breathe.

  As the night rocks on, I can’t remember half of the people I’ve been introduced to. I think she is introducing me to everyone that walks by.

  “Hey Sam, you want to play pool?”

  I look over at Rich “No thanks I haven’t played in a few years, besides I’m sure Katie wants to play with you?”

  He looks at me and laughs, “First you don’t want Katie to play she’s dangerous, and second I thought you Texas girls were tough, don’t tell me you’re scared”

  I look back at him, I have had three Crown and Cokes so I’m most definitely braver than when I walked in, I laugh “So you think calling me chicken is gonna work?”

  He nods, “Yep!”

  I look at him, “Well I guess you are right, Katie are you sure you don’t want to play?”

/>   “No way Hun the last time I played in here, the boys almost got in a fight to get me out because I broke some guy’s pitcher of beer.”

  “Well Rich… do you want to rack or break?” I’d forgotten how good I am at pool, before I know it I’m running the table.

  I look over at Rich “Good thing we didn’t play for money huh?”

  He gave me a shit ass grin and said “I guess so, Katie left out the part of your description that included Pool Shark!”

  “Rich how was I gonna know Sam was a good player, I just managed to get her to leave the dorm room, she’s been holding out on me” she looks over at me laughing “the cat’s out of the bag girl, no more excuses, you are coming out more often, you smoke, drink and play pool like a pro.” The three of us laugh.

  Behind me I hear a voice “So what Rich are you running two girls at one time now?”

  Rich looks up “Chase you piece of shit glad to see you out in public, I thought maybe you found Jesus or Buddha on your trip and you weren’t hanging out with the likes of sinners like me.” Katie gives him a big hug and I realize that he is corner of the coffee shop guy…

  “Sam this is Chase, Chase this is Katie’s roommate Sam, Chase is in my frat.” I reach over and shake his hand, its firm but soft, he has smooth skin and rich lips, I shake my head I’m daydreaming or drunk dreaming whatever you want to call this.

  He looks at me and smiles “Nice to meet you and put a name with that face.”

  I give him a flirty smile “I could say the same thing” wow alcohol is definitely making me loose tongued. Rich and Katie look at us like we are nuts.

  Chase catches that look and says “Sam works at Logan’s; I’ve seen her there a lot lately while I’m studying.”

  Katie rolls her eyes, “I should’ve known the journalism/literature junkies would find each other.”


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