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Sweet Surrender

Page 16

by Angel Steel

  As she pulled up and parked her car in Dom’s driveway, she glanced up and watched him. He really hadn’t spoken to her since that night that he and Joey spent with her, together. Although, it didn’t help that she had ignored him as much as she could, but she knew the silence would never last that long, not with him.

  She still could not believe that they had both agreed to it; she was still in shock, and more—she wanted it to happen again. By the way Dom was acting towards her, almost as if she did not exist, that told her there wasn’t going to be a next time. Well, she was going to take matters into her own hands. If he wasn’t going to initiate what was happening between them, she was. She needed more of him; what she had had of him was not enough. Taking several deep breaths before opening her door, she got out and walked up the driveway.

  She was not going to let him do this anymore. If he could come to her and get what he wanted, she was going to do the same with him.

  Once she was standing in his garage, she couldn’t stop her eyes from roaming over his body. He leaned over his bike while he worked on it, only wearing a pair of really old, dirty jeans. He had on those biker boots that turned her on just at the thought of them, and he was shirtless, which she loved also. There were oil smudge marks all over his body from where he either wiped it or from leaning over his bike.

  When she decided this was a good idea, she had no plan on what she was actually going to do, other than just go with it. But now, standing there so close to him as the engine from his bike revved, the plan quickly morphed into take what you need from him. Straightening her dress, she moved towards him. Before she could surprise him, he spun around, facing her.

  “Chantal. What you doing here?” he asked with a frown.

  Not saying a word to him, she pushed her body against his and pulled his mouth to hers, moaning at the contact. His tongue slid into her mouth and as she sucked on it, she slammed him against his bike. Her hands were all over his body, as were his on hers. Dom pushed her away, gasping for air. “What are you doing,” he whispered huskily.

  Still saying nothing to him, she lifted her dress slowly up her body and over her head. As she threw it somewhere to the side, his approving groan from seeing her completely naked was sexy as hell. Smiling, she dropped to her knees right in front of him, gliding her hands up his legs as his head fell back on a moan. Unzipping his jeans, she pulled out his cock and slowly began sliding her hand up and down, tightening her grip as she went.


  “I want your hard cock in my mouth, deep in my throat,” she purred.

  Not giving him a chance to say or do anything, she leaned forward and took him all the way to her throat, holding him there.

  “Shit,” Dom growled.

  Chantal started to ravish his long, thick, hard cock. Pushing his pants further down his legs, she moved her hand up and rolled his balls gently in her hand. She watched as Dom’s body quivered at her touch and she loved every second of it.

  Dom gripped the sides of her head. “Sweetheart, you’re playing with fire right now,” he groaned.

  She tightened her mouth over his hardness, twisting one way then the other, while pumping her right hand up and down and massaging his ball with her left. Dom groaned louder. “Don’t stop, baby.”

  She was dripping wet, and needed him inside of her soon. Quickening her pace, he thickened further and then she tasted the sweetest pre-cum in her mouth. She slid faster and faster up and down his length. He gripped her head harder than before and held it. She gagged, and he let go and did it again. She swallowed as he pushed further down her throat, gripping the head of his cock, “Fuck. Who taught you that?” he moaned, again.

  Reaching up and grabbing his ass, she pulled him forward. She could do this all day but wanted to taste him in her mouth. Moving her head from side to side, twisting her mouth around him, sent him over the edge, yelling out her name.

  She didn’t have time to say anything, even if she was going to. Dom lifted her off the floor and onto his bike. Spreading her legs wide, he dove between them, latching onto her clit. Arching her back off the bike, she had to hold onto the handlebars for support. Her body began to shake with ecstasy as two of his fingers slammed into her, rubbing that sweet spot deep inside of her. “Please, fuck me, Dom,” she pleaded. She couldn’t take it; she needed to be filled by him, immediately.

  She watched as one of his hands moved up her body towards her breasts, and twisted her already hard nipples. “Please, make me come, I need to,” she whispered.

  Pulling out his fingers, he stood and positioned the head of his cock at her entrance. “Ready?”

  Chantal nodded and he lunged forward, sending him completely inside of her in one single thrust, and sending her further up the bike. His piercings rubbed every spot inside of her; she never knew that it would feel that good. Dom stopped and sat upright on the bike in front of her as if he was riding it, and pulled her down onto him.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she lifted her hips up and down as he moved back and forth inside of her. One hand tightened on her hip, holding her there, as the other started pinching her nipple, making her scream out. She was close, so close that her eyes rolled into the back of her head. As her hand moved over the handlebars she felt the keys and turned it on. Jesus Christ! The vibration from the motor sent her into overdrive, her clit was an inferno. She just needed that extra bit more. As she reached up and ripped the accelerator, Dom gripped her hips and really started moving inside of her. She had never seen him like this, but she loved it.

  Stopping for a split second, he flipped her around so she was facing out as if she was riding the bike, and pushed himself back inside of her. She had no clue as to how the bike was still standing in the same position as it was when she arrived, but didn’t care. She felt his finger linger near her ass and then push inch-by-inch inside, before he pulled out and added a second one. As she moved back against him, Dom moved forward, sending her breasts over the handlebars. The second time it happened, her breasts hit a button, turning the lights on. Then off. On. Off. Then the lights flickered left, and then right. She giggled when she noticed what was happening.

  “I’m going to come, baby. You with me?”

  Dom leaned forward, revving the engine louder, sending vibrations through her system. Grinding harder and faster on his cock, she felt the first telltale sign that he was coming. Gripping her hips much harder than before, his cock swelled, feeling thicker than she thought possible, and then he held himself still as he emptied everything he had inside of her.

  She screamed his name as the revving from the motor sent her over. The bike was doing something for both of them, and the orgasm felt like it went on forever.

  Dom fell on top of her, breathing heavy. She didn’t care if she couldn’t breathe, as long as she had some part of Dom touching her, she was happy. After what felt like ages, Dom sat back and pulled her up with him. Moving her leg to the side to get off, she placed her foot down on what she thought was the foot peg, but they were propelled forward.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, Dom bent forward and squeezed the brake lever. When the bike stopped completely, she fell forward hitting the horn. Looking back at Dom, they both started to laugh at what just happened.

  Both panting, she realised as to why she was there. She slid off the bike as Dom let her go, found her dress, picked it up, and turned her back to him as she pulled it on. After she stood there for several minutes, she knew she needed to move, even though she did not really want to leave. But she had to. He had done it to her, and she wanted to see how he would react when she did the same to him.

  She turned slightly towards him. “Thank you,” Chantal whispered, before she ran towards her car. If she looked into his eyes, there would be no way that she could leave. As she reached for the handle to open her door, Dom’s hands landed on top of hers, and he moved behind her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m leaving. Please remove your hand

  Lifting his hand from hers, he took a step back.

  “Why?” he urged as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  Opening her door, but without facing him, she replied, “I only came here for one thing, Dom. That was it. I’m only doing what you did to me,” she whispered, as she slid into her car.

  Dom held the door open. “What are you talking about?”

  Shaking her head, and on the verge of tears, she said, “Dom, please let me leave.” She was not going to cry in front of him. She just wanted to know if he felt anything towards her, besides sexually.

  “Tell me, Chantal.”

  “I only came here for the sex, Dom. Now, I’m going home.” Ripping the door from his grip, she slammed it. She couldn’t believe that she had voiced that it was only for the sex. God, what is wrong with me! It was never about the sex, although it was mind-blowing. It had to be more than that.

  Banging on her window, he called out, “Chantal.”

  Shaking her head again, the tears began to flow. She could not stay there anymore. She needed to get away—far away—from the temptation of him. She wanted everything from him, but knew that was only a fantasy. Reversing out of the driveway, she drove down the street. She glanced in her mirror, and saw that Dom still stood there in the same spot, looking to her car, then to his garage.

  Her heart broke more at the sight of him, standing there. The one thing she wanted most in this life, she could never have. Dom was never going to want her, not the same way she wanted him. Besides the sex, which they both wanted, she needed his heart, which she would never get from him.

  Now the only thing that worried her was Joey. She had just had sex with Dom, and now she was heading back to the comfort of another man. Who the hell did that? Jesus, she was screwed up. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she jumped when her phone rang. Reaching for it, she glanced down to see Dom’s name flash across her phone.

  She wasn’t going to answer. The sex between them was never going to happen again. Her heart could only take so much.


  Dom stood there as he watched Chantal’s car drive further away from him. What was all that about? He had been thinking of her none stop since he had been at the bar. Every thought he had was of her: her smile, the sexy laugh she would do as she scrunched up her noise, the way her body moved, and the looks she gave. But what he missed most was her company.

  Over the years, they had spent a fair bit of time together, but since that night, he had stopped it all. He could not be around her and not think about being deep inside of her.

  Walking inside, he was shocked at finding Chantal in his garage. Even more so when she dropped to her knees, right there in front of anyone that walked or drove past his house. He never thought she would be into anything like that, let alone obeying his commands. Smiling to himself, he had a very strong feeling that she was submissive. He could pick it up from a lot of women, but she sent mixed signals to him.

  He thought she would top him from the bottom, but so far, she hadn’t. Her mouth and the actions she did, drove him mad. He wanted nothing more than for her to submit to him, fully. If he wanted that from her, he would have to tell her. That was the hard part. Every time he talked to her all words went out the window. When she spoke, he would stare at her mouth. He would hear nothing as to what she was saying. The only thing that he thought of was her mouth on him, again, in any way possible.

  After his shower, he reached for his clothing for tonight’s party. Zipping up his leather pants, he pulled out his leather bag. Grabbing his toys from the bottom drawer, Dom threw them in. He always used his own toys at the club. That was one of the rules—you want to play, you bring your own toys. Never share with others. Unless you knew them personally.

  This was one of those parties that he wanted to bring Chantal to, so he could see how she would act in his environment. His main dream was for her to submit to him, completely. Need him, in ways that only he could fulfill. Want him, with everything she had, and more. He would make it his mission, no matter how long it took, for her to surrender to him and only him.

  Chapter 21

  Skylar walked into her house, and towards the kitchen. She had no idea how she was going to tell Nate about ending the engagement. She needed to focus on getting past what had happened, feeling better for her and move on. He wasn’t going to like it, but it had to be done.

  Placing the ring on her dresser, she made her way into the bathroom. She needed more time to herself, without him around. She loved him with everything she had, but that wasn’t enough in her book. She still had not forgiven him for what he had done to her; the cheating was the hardest to get over. His anger was another. The way he reacted towards things scared her sometimes. She placed her hand over her belly, and her child kicked at her hand at that moment.

  She wanted to raise her child in a safe and stress-free environment. If Nate couldn’t control his temper or outbursts, she didn’t want to stop him from seeing his own child, but she would for its safety. She knew he would never hurt their child physically, but emotionally he could. He had done the same thing to her.

  Sliding into the shower, she knew it would be best if he saw the therapist with her. They needed to sort things out between them. She also felt like he was possibly using her. She didn’t know why, but she did. Nate did a lot for her, but she wanted him to do it because he wanted to, not because someone had asked him to.

  Damn, this was going to be hard. She loved him, with all her heart, but she needed the trust back and that was a hard thing for her after what he had done.

  “Skylar?” Nate called out.

  “In the shower,” she yelled.

  Hearing the door open, she saw the outline of his body opposite the shower door. “Where did you go?”

  Well, here goes nothing. “I had an appointment.” Turning the water off and opening the door, she reached for a towel and dried herself. She felt Nate’s eye roam over her body, heat seeped between her legs. She was not going to think of sex right now, but her body wasn’t listening to her. When her eyes landed on him, she held back a moan. Dressed in jeans only, motor oil covered his chest. Goddamn it. He looked sexy as sin like that in front of her.

  Grinning down at her, he moved closer, and she stepped back away from him. “Skylar?”

  “We need to talk, Nate.” As she said that, she moved past him into her room. Pulling on a long t-shirt and panties, she sat at the end bed, facing him.

  “What do you want to talk about?” he asked from the doorway.

  She twiddled her fingers in her lap as she spoke. “Well, I had an appointment today with my therapist. We went over several things, and I arranged to see her every week.”

  “That’s great, baby,” he said as he took a step in her direction.

  Putting her hand up to stop him, she continued, “She thought it was best that you come along to some of them.”

  “Ok, I can do that, Skylar. I don’t have a problem with that.” He frowned, looking at her hands in her lap, and then around the room until his eyes landed on her engagement ring sitting there.

  “What else is going on, Skylar. Why aren’t you wearing the ring I gave you?”

  Standing up, she picked up the ring, moved, and stood in front of him, lifting his hand up and placing the ring on his palm. “I think it is best we don’t get married, Nate.”

  “Why?” He whispered.

  She wrapped her hand around his, the one holding the ring. “I need time to figure myself out, Nate. I need to get over the past and what happened, and move on.”

  He stepped even closer to her. “We can do that together, Skylar.”

  “No, we can’t. I need to do it myself, and I can’t have you around me right now.”

  “Skylar,” he groaned.

  “Please, Nate. I can’t do this with you anymore with everything that has happened, and also with what you did to me. I couldn’t handle it if you did it again, and I know you will. I love you, but I can’t
keep doing this,” she sobbed out.

  Nate tried to wrap his arms around her, but she moved out of his reach. “Please don’t Nate.”

  “Skylar, I swear to you, nothing like that will ever happen again.”

  “You can’t make a promise you can’t keep, Nate. I will let you know about everything regarding our child, but I think it is best we don’t see each other anymore.”

  Stepping around him, she started towards her door, but Nate wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Skylar, I’m not going anywhere. You can argue all you want, even hit me if you want to, but I’m staying here with you,” he whispered into her ear.

  Skylar pulled herself away from him. “No, you’re not. I said that it was over, so you’re leaving.”

  “Baby, you don’t mean what you said?”

  “Yes, I do. We are ended, Nate. I can’t do what we have between us anymore. You have hurt me too many times, and I can’t deal with that. I can’t figure out why you have done the things you have, but I don’t want to know. It has been done, and for the last time. We are good together when we are in bed, but that is it. We both need to move on from each other.”

  He raked his hand over his face. “Skylar, I’m so sorry for what I have done and said to you, but I don’t want to move on. I want you and only you. I can’t think of anyone else, you are the only one on my mind, 24/7.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, Nate. If we stay together, and you’re not around, the first thing I’m going to think is who are you with and what you are doing with them. The trust I had for you is gone. I can’t just trust you that easy again. What’s done is done.”

  “It does matter, Sky. I love you. Isn’t that enough reason to stay together and prove to you that it will never happen again?”

  “Love is love, Nate. Not trust. A relationship needs trust in it, and ours doesn’t have that.” She shook her head. “You need to leave,” she whispered the last part.


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