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Sweet Surrender

Page 17

by Angel Steel

  “This isn’t over yet, Sky. I will accept your wish that you want me gone, but I will still be around. You are mine, not anyone else’s, and I will prove to you that nothing in the past will ever, in this life, happen again.”

  She turned away from him as he approached. She wanted to believe every word he said, but it was so hard to do just that. She felt his lips touch her forehead, but never looked at him. This was the hardest decision she had ever made, ending it with Nate. Now the next part was going to be just as hard, getting over him and moving forward with her life. Her body still wanted him, but her heart thought differently. She was over getting hurt, and now that it was said and done, she needed to go through with what she said and not run back into his arms, disregarding what she had just told him.

  She could not face him as she heard him leave out the front door. If she did, she would only end up begging him to stay and never leave her. But this was for the best. She didn’t know whom for, but it was. Laying on her bed and pulling her spare pillow against her chest, she wanted Nate to be lying beside her, to be in his arms, but she had to stop thinking like that. She rubbed her hand over her belly. “Your daddy is still going to be around, but he won’t be with mummy anymore, sweetheart.” She sobbed.

  It was going to be hard to watch him with someone else, but this was her choice, not his. Maybe it was best if they saw the same therapist, separately. She could still work with them like that, right? Being in the same room with him, talking about everything that has happened would kill her. She didn’t want to hear how he felt when he had done certain things, or what thoughts were going through his head. Seeing it was enough for her, she did not need to hear how or what had happened.

  Pushing all thought aside of him, she knew she needed to rest, to calm herself down and work out what was going to happen next.

  Chapter 22

  Walking through her door, Chantal went straight into her bathroom and got into the shower. She needed to scrub herself clean, not in a bad way, of sorts, but to remove all signs that she had spent the last hour with Dom. She was angry with herself that she dropped her barriers for one more romp with him. This was the last time, no more! She kept telling herself, but she had wanted him for so long, and he was so worth the wait.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t him that had come to her. Joey had arranged everything. She was pissed when Joey had told her why Dom was there that night. She was ecstatic when she found him in her room, and then in her bed. But finding out that he only because someone asked him to be there, not on his own accord, was hurtful in her opinion.

  She wanted him to be there with her for himself, not because someone had asked him to help fulfil her fantasy. She wanted everything he could possible give her, but he held back, she knew he did. She still could not figure out why he was doing that.


  Joey was going to know where she had been, and with whom. She couldn’t tell him, it would hurt to voice that. She wanted to be with Joey. He was caring, thoughtful, sweet, strong-willed—the list goes on. And then there was Dom—sweet one minute, an asshole the next. Hot as hell, his body language said one thing, but what he actually said was the complete opposite. She couldn’t keep up with the back and forth from him.

  The door to the shower opened, and Joey slid in. Trying her best, she smiled up at him. “Hey,” she whispered.

  “Baby, you’ve been crying.”

  And that is what sent her into the next round of tears over the one man that she wanted the most.

  Wrapping her arms around his waist, she cried into his chest. How could she do this to Joey? He was the best thing for her, but her heart wanted another.

  “Tell me what has you so upset,” he whispered against her ear.

  “Dom,” she hiccupped.

  “What has he done?” he asked as he stroked her back.

  “You’re going to hate me.”

  “I would never hate you, Chantal. You’re too sweet for that to happen.”

  She just shook her head, and then confessed, “I slept with Dom.”

  Moving back from her, he lifted her chin up with a finger, “Chantal, I know you have been in love with Dom for years now. Although, I would love nothing more than for you to be with me, I know Dom holds your heart. No one will ever fill that spot meant for him.”

  “What I did was wrong, Joey.”

  “No, it wasn’t. You did what your heart and body wanted. What we have is nothing compared to what you and Dom will have.” He smiled down at her.

  “He doesn’t want me, other than for sex.”

  He gripped her shoulders. “Let him work that out for himself. He does want you, for much more, but he needs to figure that out. If he doesn’t, I’m always here for you.”

  “I love you, Joey. I wish my feelings were different, but I can’t stop it from happening.”

  “I know, Chantal. And I love you, too. What the heart wants the heart gets. Just remember, I’m here for you, for anything, even if it’s just sex between us,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

  She could not help but laugh. “Thank you for understanding, I’m so glad I have someone like you.” She hugged him tighter.

  “I knew this was never going to be more between us, no matter how hard I dreamed that it would happen.”

  She placed her hand against his cheek, as he closed his eyes and leaned further into her touch. “You will find that special someone that will want you for who you are, and what is in your heart, Joey. You have a lot of love there to give to the right person.”

  “Likewise for you, too, Chantal. Just hope he realises it soon, or he will lose a precious thing.”

  Nodding, she couldn’t answer that one. No one had ever called her something precious.

  Turning her around and reaching for the soap, he started washing her. “Anyways, there’s a party on tonight. You interested in going with me?”

  “What kind of party is it?” she groaned. The way he worked her neck was a miracle. All the tension that had built up over the last week was slowly going.

  “Probably some kind of kink party,” he laughed out.

  She did not mind some kink, but the hard-core stuff was way out of her league.

  Facing him, she began washing him. “What should I wear to something like that?” Her hands slid over his chest, circling his nipples. She giggled when he moaned. Her hands moved further down his body, and traced his growing erection.

  “Something sexy would be fine,” he groaned.

  “Like how sexy?”

  Gripping his hardness in her hand, she moved it up and down, slowly.

  “You’re asking me now, while you’re stroking me? I can’t think when you’re doing that, baby.”

  Leaning forwarding, she licked around his nipple. “I’ll just pick something out, and you tell me what you think, then.”

  “Thank God. The only thing I want to hear now is you screaming my name.”

  Joey lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling him nudge her opening. “Let’s see who will come first,” she teased, as he slid inside of her.

  “Is that a challenge?”

  Nodding, she gripped him as hard as she could, loving the noises he was making. She knew she was going to be the first to come, and would many more times after that, before he finally did.


  Pushing the doors open at Inquisition, Dom stood there staring at his surroundings. This was the first club he had come to when he arrived in Glacier. At first glance, it didn’t look like his kind of place since it was set up like a normal club, but within an hour of being there everything about the room changed.

  Walking towards the locker rooms, he passed several of the other Doms on his way. He opened his locker and placed his bag inside. There were no rules here besides treating the subs the right way. Anyone that over stepped that rule was thrown out, including any of the Doms, not just the customers.

  Attaching his whip to his pants, as it was his part tonight, he made h
is way back out into the club. Tables were set around the five stages, with individual rooms to each side for people that wanted privacy. To the average person, it looked like a strip club. This was no strip club. The first stage was for the St Andrews Cross and the rotating whipping wheel, which he was going to be at all night. The second was firework, the next, and the cage. The fourth and fifth were blank. This was for anyone that wanted to do whatever they wanted, out in the open for people to see.

  Every month the stages changed, but the rooms where set out to everyone’s liking. They were all the same, just different colours. All equipment in each room was the same: a cross, a bed, a couch, a bathroom, and toys of all sorts. Everything you could possibly want.

  Starring at the cross, he imagined Chantal strapped to it—naked, wet and waiting for him. His cock strained against his pants, wanting to be inside of her again.


  He turned towards the voice. “Melinda. How is everything fairing for tonight.”

  “Great. All invitations have RSVP’d, so, full house. Only have ten or so new customers arriving, the rest are regulars.”

  “Are the lists draw up on who will be at what stage?” he asked as he walked over to the bar. “Jimmy, bourbon on the rocks.”

  “Sure thing, Dom.”

  “Yes, you will have the cross and you have three new customers. Unsure as to whom else is willing to go up there. Glen is on fire play. Braddon is on the cage. So far the other two stages are open to whatever,” she said as she read from a folder.

  Jimmy passed his drink to him, and he gulped it all down. “Where is Jake?”

  “He’ll be arriving soon.”

  Dom shook his head. He had only had willing subs, either at the clubs or at his house, but none of them was ever his sub full time. The only one who could fit that description was Chantal. He groaned. He had to stop thinking of her as that.

  “Who is she?” Melinda asked as she rested against the bar.


  “The girl you’re thinking about. I know that look, and have only seen it once on you.”

  “No one important,” he mumbled.

  Laughing, she teased, “You want her, don’t you.”

  “Drop it, Melinda. I’ll be at the stage, if you need me,” he growled as he walked off. He didn’t need to hear it from her; he already knew that he wanted Chantal in a way that was not possible. He had to work the tension out of him on someone that wanted what he had to give them, in only the way he could.


  Chantal and Joey walked towards where this apparent party was being held. She had never heard of the place they were going, but was very interested in knowing what was happening tonight. She had picked out the sexiest outfit she could put together; a short black leather skirt, with a red thong underneath, and a blood red corset that zipped at the front but still had the effect ties down the middle. The six-inch strappy heels, covered in black glitter, completed her ensemble. Her blonde hair was tied back roughly, but out of her face.

  She looked over at Joey. She had to hold herself back when he sauntered out of the bathroom dressed the way he was. He wore a tight button-up shirt, un-done half way down his chest, showing a light amount of hair through it. His pants were dark denim with rips at his knees, and just seeing that small amount of his skin, turned her on.

  Glancing down at her, he squeezed her hand as they walked around a corner, coming up to their destination. As they got closer, they noticed the line leading up to the building was huge.

  Joey pulled her forward, closer to the front of the line. Must be some kind of place, if they are all waiting to get into it! As they walked past the line, she noticed half the people were wearing hardly any clothing...well, the ladies, anyhow. Some were wearing less than what she was, some were in their underwear. As she studied the line more, she frowned at seeing half of the women had their heads down, not looking around. What were their problems? Why were they not talking to the people around them, or even their dates?

  And the guys with them, some of them scared the shit out of her with the looks they gave her as they moved past them. She moved her body closer to Joey as they stopped at the front of the line near the bouncer. Joey handed over the invitations. Glancing at the couple at the front, she saw the woman slightly glance up at her and smile. Smiling back at her, Chantal stepped forward, about to start a conversation, when the guy next to her pulled on a leash attached to the collar around the woman. How had she missed that? And why the hell was she wearing one? She wasn’t a dog.

  The woman quickly looked to the ground, but the guy moved to stand in front of her, and lifted her chin up. “Did you just look at someone without permission, Emily?” the guy growled.

  “I apologize, Sir. It won’t happen again,” she whispered.

  Sir? What the...! Why the hell does she need permission from this asswat? Everyone has freewill to do whatever they wanted!

  Removing her arm from Joey’s hold, she moved and stood in front of the guy. “What is your problem? She didn’t do anything wrong. She was being friendly,” she told him.

  The guy pushed the girl behind him, and stood straighter as he stared at Chantal. “Yes she did. Now, she will be punished for doing exactly that,” he growled at her.

  This was the one thing she hated about guys. The way they thought that they could control anyone, especially women, because of their masculinity.

  She inched in closer to him and pushed her finger into his chest. “Who the hell do you think you are? She can do whatever the hell she wants. SHE doesn’t have to stand here and listen to the crap coming out of your mouth!”

  His body moved closer to hers. “Emily, will do as she is told. If she does not, she will be punished. You, on the other hand, would be a challenge to break, little one.” He smiled down at her.

  Her hand rose so quick and slapped him across the face that it stung from the impact. As she winced at the pain in her hand, she glanced up and saw the handprint on his face, bright red.

  Glaring down at her, he took a step forward and grabbed her arm. “You will regret that, sweetheart,” he growled. She paled at his words and pulled on her arm, but he would not let her go.

  The guy gave her the creeps, big time. “Chantal,” Joey called.

  The man leaned forward, and spoke so that only she could hear. “A night with me will break that sweet spirit of yours, darling,” he said as he let go of her.

  Pulling her arm to her chest, she hissed, “In your dreams.” She turned and walked away, lacing her hand with Joey’s outstretched one.

  “See you in there, sweetheart,” the guy called out behind them, but she didn’t turn around. The chill that ran down her spine at his words frightened her. She needed to stay close to Joey tonight. Walking through the front entrance, they arrived at another door. A young man, standing off to the side, handed a folder to Joey.

  “You will need to both sign a release form,” he instructed them.

  Chantal frowned, as Joey signed the form without even looking it over. Why would they ask them to sign something?

  The young man handed her the same folder, but before she had a chance to read what it was about Joey reached for her hand, making her look towards him.

  “Do you trust me, Chan?” he asked, as his fingers traced over her hand.

  “You know I do, Joey. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

  She never took her eyes from his as she signed the form, not caring where she had even signed her name on the piece of paper.

  The young man took it from her out-stretched hand, grinning. “Ready for your wildest dreams to come true?” he asked them, as he pushed the door open. She looked sideways at Joey. He grinned down at her and pulled her closer to him as they moved through the door.

  Once they were in, Joey abruptly stopped and she ran straight into his back. “Damn,” he mumbled.

  Peering around his body, she froze in her spot as she looked around the room.

  What kind of p
arty was this? There were people everywhere. Some standing around the room with others sitting at their feet, some over by the bar, and around the stage. Make that stages. Every second or third person she looked at had a collar around their neck. It wasn’t only women that had them; the men had them as well. Weird! Glancing towards the stages, she noticed a cage on one. There was a woman inside; naked, hands tied to the top of it, legs spread apart. People that walked past it stuck their hands in and touched her. Not only did they touch her hair, arms, or legs, they felt her breasts, or pushed their hands between her legs. She could not hear what the woman was saying as the music was loud.

  Moving further into the large room, her eyes landed on the other stage where there was a guy with a small whip, the tip lit with fire. As she watched, the guy raised it over his head, and connected to a woman’s body, and her body arched up. Chantal shook her head. Fire was not meant to be dealt like that.

  The next stage she looked at had a very large cross, with another woman attached to it. Staring closely at the guy standing behind the woman, she watched as he tightened the cuffs on her wrists. Intrigued as to what was going on, she strolled over. Joey followed closely behind her, and they stopped at the front of the stage, where several people were standing. When the guy was done, he backed slightly away from the woman, and removed something from the side of him.

  From the back, the guy was hot. Black leather pants encased strong thick legs, hugging his very sexy ass. Grinning to herself, her eyes travelled up his body. His back was perfect, the muscles in his shoulders moved as he did. His dark hair curled lightly at the ends, and from what she could see, his were rather large. The muscle that ran down the side of his arm was her favorite. Light perspiration covered the top half of his body. She wanted him to turn around so she could view the front, hoping it was as good as the back half.

  His right hand lifted, and she watched as it came down. The whip cracked against the woman’s body, making her moan out. Chantal had never had a thing for pain, or any kind of item hitting her, but for some reason this was starting to turn her on; her thong was wet. As Joey slid up behind her, pushing his body into hers, his lips moved to her ear. “Does this turn you on, baby?”


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