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The Captain's Stand

Page 68

by Kat Mandu

  “Party popper,” Arken eyed the winged woman but Morsina sat down less than concerned about the comment.

  “That looks good, say who is in charge of the kitchen now?” Lagertha frowned,

  “Eh it’s a little bit of everyone, but I normally keep an eye on supplies. Add that to list off everything I do around here.“Laurella muttered to her drink as she quickly downed as she made a face. “Yuck.”

  “I saw what you put in that thing what did you expect?” Spark frowned at her,

  “It’s all part of the recovery process.“Larisacommentedd

  “I am starting to doubt you have a medical degree.” Madison eyed her suspiciously,

  “Who said I had a degree? You know of a university that takes women?” Laurella glanced back.

  “Just like that all my confidence has been discarded,” Arken sarcastically quipped,

  “Well good luck never needing medical attention in this line of work.” Laurella grinned, Everyone chuckled nervously at that statement.

  “Madison!” Shouted a voice as the idle chat was interrupted as Nashton rushed in with a newspaper as Boss casually walked in behind but he looked as grave as ever.

  “You may want to read this,” Boss slapped down the day’s paper.

  “I am starting to hate these papers,” Spark,

  “What do you mean starting?” Laurella quipped as Madison didn’t need to pick the paper up the headline was the wedding.

  “It never ends,” Madison groaned as she dropped her head on the table.

  “Yep, he’s a petty bastard,” Laurella admitted, Madison’s eyes shifted as her face turned to look at her.

  “You know this guy you fingered him, didn’t you,” Madison stated,

  “Yep, fucker dragged me off the boat he attacked back in the day. I need a drink,” she seemed deflated the stern taskmaster who was more a first mate than Boss himself seemed lost.

  “If you don’t mind me asking what do you know of the man?” Boss cut through the unease.

  “Well as you can see he’s always been very concerned about his image. Most pirates when they attack usually give people time to surrender.”

  “Well until the Pirate Lords started putting doubt in. Prior to the outbreak Pirates rarely if ever killed the goal was to supply, not take lives. It would make things difficult if people feared for their lives and caught back.” Madison interrupted but Laurella didn’t seem to mind as she clearly did not want to talk about it.

  She wasn’t alone both Arken and Morsina both seemed distant. “When I headed out I was going to meet a betrothed it was a government program sending young women to the colonies it wasn’t the first time. I got mixed in with some gypsies and so rather than being locked up I was sent over.” She rubbed her face. “I was about fifteen at the time and inspire of my protests they sent me along. Since this was a government project we were part of a group of ships a few wealthy second sons who were given estates were on separate ships. We were about halfway in when the attack hit. The May weather the ship I was in surrendered immediately sending out messages about women on board. The fight carried on and our ship got hit in the crossfire.”

  Madison rubbed her ankle as she got up she shifted, “You okay?” Spark asked as she scratched her blonde wig. She nodded as she moved to the bar as she crossed her arms and remained silent.

  “The ship was more or less totaled as blades just dropped from the sky. The ship I was on was taking water, but for some reason, they still roped in our ship. The group came in but I only remember him as he started to inspect the bodies and ship. A few blades were dropped into bodies.” Her body shivered and seemed to shake.

  “You don’t need this level of details, this doesn’t look pleasant for you.” Boss shifted as Madison noticed Nashton looking very uncomfortable, and a bit of green.

  “Can I leave?” Nashton, “I don’t feel comfortable listening to this.” He raised his hand and pointed at the door. “Ack,” he was brought into a rough hug. He gave everyone a pleading look as Laurella used his head as a rest for her chin.

  “Morgan closed in on me but he missed someone one of the mates had pulled one of the blades and stabbed him. The mate was quickly dispatched with extreme prejudice. Morgan had dropped as he pulled himself into a sitting position trying to keep himself from bleeding out. He looked at me “If you can make yourself useful you can live” I complied.” She curled around Nashton who looked very nervous.

  “Watch the tail,” he winced only for a teardrop to hit him, it may as well be a slap for the stunned confusion on his face.

  “I stitched him up. He kept his word, but I was kept below deck, called a witch they always brought people in and that’s how I got so much experience stitching people up. I don’t know if it was a sick joke they started to toss in dead bodies, refusing to feed me unless I, brought them back,” she swallowed as Nashton tried to pry the woman’s arms away from his neck.

  “Help,” he gasped out as Laurella released her grip a bit.

  “Well you can’t bring people back, so Morgan called me a failure. I pleaded with him about the bodies that had been pulled in my room. But he said he was an honest man that I would love. He had me thrown from the ship within swimming distance of that cursed island.”

  “Right, I think Nashton needs some breathing room,” Boss motioned down as Laurella released him but he stayed put despite the punishment.

  “Well, Morgan is very much, a burn it all he prizes his reputation above all things anyone who saw him as a Pirate was killed. His first Mate was a Man named Bernard a rather dim fellow even by pirate standards but he is loyal. I spotted him during the attempted execution of Stephano, outside his preference for the finer things in life usually keeps his mouth shut.”

  “Let’s not forget the twins or the wraith,” Spark added in,

  “I was not aware of either of those three, to be honest, last time I dealt with him it was only him that had any abnormal abilities.” She admitted,

  “The twins have been overall less than effective, just give the word and we can deal with all of this tonight,” Cheif frowned “One is bedridden, which is why they have not been very active. The Wraith, while not eliminated, has been at least cowed enough for us to remove the lady from the city.” Cheif frowned as Madison and him locked eyes.

  “Why do I get the feeling we are getting involved in another hair-brained scheme, I could have sworn the Captain said to keep our heads down.” Cheif reminded as Madison shifted nervously.”

  “To be fair I really do want Morgan dead, so anything that speeds up that prosses is good in my book,” Laurella spoke up.

  “Does he have a hat?” Nashton asked,

  “I think so,” Spark answered as she shrugged not really sure. “I’ll bring this up with the crew, but regardless I have a duty to deal with the Wraith at least so if you act it won’t be alone,” Spark smiled as she stood up with a firm nod of the head.

  “I am in, I think that would be a good idea to let crew members opt out of jobs if they don’t want to risk it.” Laurella mused to herself.

  “Only on the condition they don’t get rewards on a successful mission,” Cheif inserted,

  “I am going to talk to Redwine, I feel he would probably want in on this all things considered.” Pheobe got up and with a pat on Laurella’s back headed off to find the former captain of the guard. He had taken up a room more towards the center as most liked the view of the higher rooms or the convenience of the lower rooms.

  She found him in the directory and headed up. The building had thin but closed curtains on the lower levels, as the long rugs looked very well worn.

  “Anyone in, its Madison,” she knocked on the door.

  “By all means,” Redwine answered as she opened the door to see the man in the middle of his morning exercises. “So, What can I do, for you?” He breathed out between push-ups as he glanced up at her.

  “Did you see the newspaper?” She asked as He stopped.

  “Yes, I notice
d it during my morning jog,” He admitted as he jumped to his feet. He grabbed a towel to remove the perspiration from his face.

  “I plan on speaking against this marriage,” she looked him dead in the eye.

  “Sounds good what do you need me to do?” He tossed the towel aside.

  “No idea, storm the castle?” She shrugged weakly.

  “Well it’s definitely unexpected if nothing else,” he seemed unsure how to take the idea. “But we broke in before it should be easier since there will be guests.” He admitted,

  “Are you kidding me?” Came to a shout as the pair heard James from the hall. “More of this we aren’t even getting paid for this shit.” James frowned,

  “Come on bro we are helping Madison she’s a good person,” Tray tried to reason.

  “Look, the Captain said to keep our head down we are not getting compensated as it is, no loot either we have been insanely lucky and now to test it more they want us walking back into that castle. Just cause Boss and the other meatheads have a death wish does not mean I do.” He puffed himself up clearly as headed off to his room.

  “Well I am in,” Tray admitted, Spark nodded with a smile on her face.

  “Well one can’t expect everyone to stick there neck out, but if all goes well I am sure price won’t be much of an issue.” Audwine shrugged,

  “There you are,” York all but announced, “You up for some more blade work?” The bald man grinned as he hung the two oversized blades over his back.

  “Sounds good,” Tray caught the blade as Arvil lingered behind,

  “Can I go?” Audwine pokes his head out with big puppy dog eyes.

  “Sure,” York grimaced not sure about the big guy as the four headed up.

  Madison lingered in the hall. She headed down to her room as she opened the room. She opened up the room, low cheep bed was pushed up a corner as a majority of the room was taken up by the wall was a giant map. She sighed as she started to organize the loose stuff. A knock at the door snapped her out of it, “Come in,” Madison allowed as the door opened up,

  “Well we got a good amount of volunteers,” Spark walked in I also sent Richard a letter for some consulting he’s always up for a good plan.” Her smile faded as the Madison sat down on her bed her armor set on a small table polished to at the door, as Spark pocked it with her foot as she guided it closed. She took off her wig and set it down next to the armor.

  “You want to talk? I know you and Laurella probably had similar experiences.” Spark glanced around and sat down on a stool bending her legs to the side as she looked at the knight.

  “I am not big on this stuff, it feels uncomfortable to discuss these past, failings” she got up, “I would much rather deal with the heat and snow.” She grabbed the newspaper.

  “Take your time the beauty of hearing someone else’s voice is not lost just yet.”

  “Right, well now I feel self-conches how can one complain of confinement when you endured so much.”

  “Perspective measuring emotions is like measuring the unmeasurable. I would say stars but things may have changed. Since nothing changed time bleed together, I ended up just sleeping or purging memories that were just long runs of time.”

  “That sounds worse the human mind couldn’t contemplate such torture a man would go mad.“Madison looked horrified but Spark shrugged.

  “I am not human, Madison it is simple my mind is housing a power which can alter reality for an extended period of time. I individually cannot access it, however, it does come with some perks the ability to cope with the potential extremes such a wish could create. We have a legend that a man wished to be the sole occupant of the world. That fairy needed to endure a thousand years of lonely ness until the wish ended and reality set back in.” Spark explained.

  “Is it really that easy just shout I wish and bam realty is altered,” Madison blinked.

  “Well, it used to be until a fairy wished on another fairy so long as that wish is perpetuated I have to assent any wish before it can be used. A detail the gargoyle had forgotten over its thousand years of doing nothing more than continuing to exist. It’s a safety lock so to speak.”

  “Huh, well that’s useful,” Madison snarked, Spark shrugged, as the two settled into to silence. “So I guess me going in and dropping him won’t be allowed,”

  “This sounds selfish but I really want to kill him,” Madison admitted.

  “To be fair it would be hard to sneak up on him even at your smaller size.” Stefano interrupted,

  “My the shaper, knock or something,” Madison patted her chest.

  “Sorry but I think we can tone Dow that water thing, I have just finished a thirty-six-hour watch that Wraith has been lingering around the inside of that tower nonstop,” he yawned, “he is also going

  Luny he has been getting almost there the bare minimum of, of sleep,” he swayed as the two looked at each other. “That Bernard guy has been running the show, the daily stuff thought you ought to know,” he slumped into a chair as a mass of papers dropped out of his sleeveless coat.

  “Stefano?” Spark pokes him as his bloodshot eyes snapped open before they closed and he started to lightly snore. The two women shrugged as they accumulated the notes.

  “I love Intel,” Madison grinned, she helped herself to a large letter with a wax stamp on it. “I just found an invitation. And a plan. But I am going to need to borrow that coin from Richard think you could pick it up for me?”

  Chapter 72

  “What an event wouldn’t you say?” A booming voice sounded. The suit fit the shoulders and chest of the figure perfectly. The clothing was pressed and cleaned to the highest extent as the figure fingered the ruffles that peaked out from the sleeves.

  “I swear if you call me some weird stereotypical man servant name I will guy you,” James grumbled. “Yes quite the event, our invitation,” James handed the man the envelope.

  “You look familiar,” the guard glanced at James,

  “My younger brother use to work here,” James answered.

  “Sir Butchington Alfred Winchester Bethania the third,” the guard read off,

  “Quite right,” ‘Butch’ nodded with a polite grin.

  “Right any weapons or gear need to be turned in at the station. We have had some security issues I do apologize for the inconvenience.”

  “Ahem,” James held up his hand, the guard frowned,

  “That as well,” the guard game both men a frown but motioned them they had a long walk to the red carpet.

  “As if I wasn’t crippled enough,” James adjusted the eyepatch over his right eye.

  “Don’t worry our inside man has us covered,” ‘Butch’ replied as the stopped at a new addition they dropped of the hook as well as two fancy looking swords then headed into the gate.

  The pair had arrived very early, they were so many dignitaries arriving from knights to lower lords. They had free movement to a small extent as the staff waited on them.

  “So Butch now what?” James frowned as ‘Butch’ paused to look at a painting.

  “Be on the look out for a familiar face,” was the response.

  “Good evening, gentlemen have you been shown your seats?” inquired a polite voice as the two glanced over to see Arken in her maid uniform.

  “Not yet, we would like to see more of the castle if at all possible.” ‘Butch’ thanked as Arken got really close to James as she slipped him a replacement hook into the inside pocket.

  “Ma’am,” James almost swallowed his words.

  “Double check your pew seat it will have your shield, and sword pressed up under it. Stephano is keeping an eye on it but it shouldn’t be moveable.

  “Thank You is everyone in that we could get in?” Madison asked,

  “Yep, Lagertha took care of anyone who might try to get too far away. Have a good evening,” she headed out.

  “So now what?” James frowned,

  “We mingle,” ‘Butch’ smiles,

  Down in the kitche
ns, things were a bit more hectic. “Get moving we need more finger food!” Shouted one of the Kitchen heads as everyone bustled around.

  “Well, at least it didn’t have anything on it.” Nashton placated, as Boss waited with a large group of burly men waiting for things to unload.

  “I don’t care you are slowing things go clean dishes with the scullery maid! And try not to break anything those dishes are worth more than your life!”

  Boss frowned as he memorized the man’s face. A large part of the muscle was with him and hidden under a cart just out of sight was everyone’s gear. Boss watch as Tobi and York made rounds with extravagant dishes jerking the nobles well fed and watered.

  “I still can’t believe I have to sit here under this covering.” Laurella frowned,

  “Well You didn’t want to go back to that uniform, and we need you to help the Lord.” Boss reminded,

  “Oh shove it,” Laurella grumbled as a package dropped down Boss was cover by Tin’s size as he slipped it under his thin coat. He glanced up to see Spark in her wig she gave a wink as she vanished from sight.

  The uniform was a Commander’s uniform with a red scarf. He checked the coast and geared up as a smaller uniform. He vanished from sight as he geared up and wrapped the additional red scarf to cover up his hair.

  He found Nashton as he tossed the gear as the apprentice now looked the part as he pulled the flat cap over his eyes to cover his birthmark. The night moved on as the group moved into the castle guards where swapped out for crew members.

  The door in the old dungeon clanged shut. Goliam whistled as the growing number of guards started to pile up.

  Boss smiled as they headed back up to the main hall LordStronglance lingered in a wheelchair next to his daughter as Boss waited in the hall. Barthalum waited as the opening song started up.

  “It’s the death march,” Stehano shivered as Boss chuckled, Tobi lingered in the other side as Stronglance gave his daughter away as soon as he was rolled away the group jumped the man.

  “Grab his sword quick,” Boss ordered in a desperate but hushed tone as the Lord watched impassively as the new guard captain was robbed of his sword and wrestled into a hogtie.


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