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The Captain's Stand

Page 69

by Kat Mandu

  “I think this is yours,” Boss rested the blade on the man, as his hands slowly but firmly gripped the blade.

  “Okay let’s see, this should counteract whatever is ailing you.” Laurella moved forward. As they tried to get the man off death’s door.

  Madison glanced back as she spotted the thumbs up from Boss. She flipped the coin as she stood up ditching the facade.

  “I know that this is way early, but I object on the grounds that you are A pirate lord and a spy,” Madison slipped the coin in her pocket.

  “Sister, He is not a pirate lord!” Nora shouted she looked so amazing in her dress but the tears running down her face ruined her makeup.

  “Well then explain your attempted murder of Captain Richard Zane. He places you at the scene of the crime. Even as we speak he escorted our mother to speak with the queen and are fathers most trust Dr. David Smith!” She accused.

  The room went silent for a long moment as Madison waited, “if you are expecting your guard to run in to drag me off we already dealt with them.”

  “So cruel to come into your sisters big day, throwing lies. Richard is dead, I made sure of it, we his bloodied body washed up. Your mother was found killed by bandit in the forest you left her in.”

  Madison blinked that last detail was worrying, her eyes shifted as she looked at the man. “I saw it he had his coat and sword,” Nora confirmed,

  “I figured this might happen I see know you didn’t lose your soul, just someone filling your ears with honey sweet lies.” Morgan stepped to the side as he pulled out Talon.

  “No,” Boss’s voice echoed,

  “You liar!” Laurella shouted even over Boss as Morgan noticed them.

  “I ask you to stand down in the face of truth, all I ask that we put this all behind us. I beg, no implore you to see reason. All the innocent men you ended in your quest for justice will be put aside, simply let your sister do what she desires,” the man had taken the sword and rested the blade on the Lord’s throne.

  Madison frowned as she crossed her arms that sword heightens on her. Richard wouldn’t have parted with easily and if he was tagged that meant all the help she had was at best a long horse ride away.

  Suddenly the squeaky wheel of her father’s chair broke the silence as none of the noblemen or women knew what to do or who to believe.

  “It seems we have an issue, that needs to be resolved,” Basil spoke his voice found if a bit week but carried.

  “I would ask my Daughter to kindly step back and as Lord Morgan to open the gates and allow a third party to intervene.”

  “Intervene, your daughter and her hired goons have killed to spite me and you want to allow these killers free reign?” Morgan held back his voice but it only just contained his outrage.

  Madison blinked as the sounds of footfall rumbled in. “Madison we got a problem,” Boss informed as the crew slowly backed into the hall as the presumably locked up guards moved in.

  “Were is Goliam?” Arken panicked, as Madison watched as the two side doors.

  “Apologizes my concerns are a bit more personal.” said one of the newer recruits.

  “Please don’t hurt them,” Nora insisted, she made sure to stay close as she looked at her sister to Morgan.

  Madison frowned as she shifted her shield but her sword kept in its sheathe. Morgan stepped forward as Everyone sized everyone up Morgan seemed to be looking for something.

  “So how did they get unlocked,” Madison asked when something caught her eye as a large shadow moved forward behind the would be married couple.

  Nobody in the crowd seemed to notice the fact that Goliam moved forward. Towards the throne before taking a step to the side to see Richard pick up his sword as he shifted in the throne. The guard all stopped, Morgan seemed to know something was up.

  “So dead huh?” Richard spoke up as he made himself comfortable. “Bad news but good help is so hard to find. The trouble with would be killers for hire, as well if you can give them more money without any risks well. It’s just good business. Thanks for holding onto my sword by the way.” He nodded at him as the lights suddenly cut out as blade dropped from the ceiling.

  “Well, I guess that confirms everything, and here I was going to congratulate you on behalf of the queen for your wedding.” Richard chucked as nearly ever noble men I. The room stood up and started to pull out weapons which could only be figured by the sound of steel ringing in the dark.

  “Ahh!” Nora screamed as the ruse was stopped, a single stretch of light hit the couple as Morgan was illuminated with his blade at the ladies neck. Madison glanced up to see the light was manned by Stephano who Madison guessed was waiting for a cue or something.

  “Now then nobody moves, you Richard soon as I can I will kill you, you cunning bastard.” Morgan pointed in where Richard last was seen.

  “I am not smart your just an idiot if you just played dumb and made yourself scarce you probably would have succeeded,” Richard echoed around the building.

  “Eh, Hindsight,” he shrugged as the man slowly moved down the hall. He was within striking distance as he used Nora as a human shield as his back up slowly retreated even if only the outlines of them could be glimpsed.

  “Where is Lagertha?” Madison frowned as the crew resentfully parted to let the man pass as a blade was pressed to the woman’s neck.

  The glass shattered as a blast of light drew everyone’s attention as one the beautiful stain glass window was shattered. The light was distracting but Madison caught the space in the ceiling was filled with blades, and they started to drop.

  “Oh shit,” Boss noticed as the enchanted shield was raised up and grew just in time. The sound of steal thunking down tang in the hall as almost everyone had to clamp down on their ears.

  “How are you supporting all that weight?“James asked as he looked up in the darkened space as the lights went back on.

  “How in the world?” James touched the shield, “you should not be capable of holding up that much weight.

  “It doesn’t move unless I want it.” Madison glanced in his direction as the voices around echoed around.

  “Well after them!” Richard shouted as everyone would be on their feet was ready to go.”

  Madison felt the weight alleviate and with the shield shrunk and the lights on everyone could move. She glanced to see her fathers throne had been partially cut and Richard was missing.

  The group of wedding goers were limited by the doors but Boss had already procured a carriage as she rushed after. A final jump and she climbed onto the back.

  “Do we know where they are going?” Madison shouted,

  “Morsina has a lock on them we follow her, but it looks like the docks.” Nathan pointed up as Boss took a hard corner. The streets were Ali e as the sounds of violence erupted.

  “I can’t stand this!” Tin suddenly busted up the roof of the carriage as everyone they had with them was able to get a good look where they were going.”

  “How did you all fit?” Madison asked as the dimming sky was life up by another long line of magical energy.

  “I wonder what is giving Lagertha such a hard time?” Tin asked aloud,

  “Three guesses and the first two don’t count,” Tobi commented grimly, the light show traveled fast if not sporadically.

  The cart made it to the dock as Morgan’s ship was out and ready as his crew quickly getting into position as the Wraith seemed to grow as Lagertha stood alone firing at the creature.

  “Should we help her?” Arvil asked but Madison and Boss had already stated to sprinted towards the ship. Madison grabbed on as she spotted Morgan at the wheel he drew blade.

  Blades started to drop down, as Madison made use of her shield the blades went flying as she swatted them away.

  He danced around the wheel as Boss and the rest of the crew started to push back the Morgan’s support.

  “Where is my sister!” Madison shouted over the fighting.

  “Close at hand!” He grinned mali
ciously, she tried to stab him as he caught her blade with the wheel. “But without all your armor your nothing but an oversized bitch!” He took a stab at her. The lion’s shield caught the blade at a bend as it snapped a new blade replaced it in his of hand. The blade missed its mark as it grazed her chest. Blood dripped from the wound, as her blade racked for his neck. A larger blade impeded in the deck stopping the blow long enough for Morgan to break away.

  “Give it up girly you’re outmatched and outnumbered,” he grinned,

  “Never again,” she hissed only for the ship to suddenly be rammed into. Canons blasted away as the Golden sails shone even in the dark.

  “Sorry I seem to be running a bit late to the reception!” He waved over as Morgan looked like he was ready to blow a vein.

  “Someone Jill that bastard!” Morgan ordered as reinforcements arrived as Madison spotted her dad locked his sword still in his hand. He swung it once.

  “Everyone down!” She shouted as an arc of magical energy passed over them slicing the masts as they were sent crashing into the deck and into the ocean.

  People screamed as the boat was left still the Eagle turning aside as-as Richard watched the Wraith seemed to shrink as Lagertha kept an orb ready.

  “Brother!” The Wraith called as Madison tried to find him as well.

  “Nobody move, if anyone so much as moves I spite her throat!” He threatened Morgan looked wild and gone was any charm he had.

  “The only thing keeping you alive is her heartbeat,” Richard called back. Madison swallowed she wasn’t sure who would act first but Richard never struck her as a man to back down.

  Everyone remained still, nobody made a move as the Wraith darted into Morgan’s shadow.

  “Little brother, can you still fight?” He whispered to his shadow.

  “The light bringer has tired me, brother I can’t I can’t keep together.” Madison calculated could she close the distance. She wasn’t sure and the hesitation cost her the moment.

  “Kill them if anyone moves-” he stopped as a sharp point exited out of his mouth. Morgan dropped as Boss plucked Nora up and jumped off the ship and onto the Eagle.

  “Brother!” The Wraith screamed breaking everyone out of the sudden shock of seeing the Pirate Lord’s lifeless body sprawled on the deck. “Brother!” Screamed the Wraith as it seemed to have found its own life.

  “This more like what I expected,” Lagertha admitted as Madison followed the crowd,

  “Richard we are clear!” Boss shouted as the Eagle shot away as the Wraith grew to the size of a three-story building.

  The Eagle moved fast enough to keep out of reach of the Wraith as it grew claws and teeth longer than spears.

  Nora clung to her father’s wheelchair. She wasn’t alone Nobody seemed brave enough to truly move without something to hold onto.

  “What are you doing?” Boss shouted,

  “Putting some distance between us and the city, you want cannons going off with so many bystanders?” Richard glanced back with ocean the Eagle took a sharp turn as canons opened fire. The canonballs sadly seemed to pass through them. “Shit!” Richard cursed as the main mast was shattered. “I just got it back!” Richard roared in fury as the ropes of the ship rangled the falling object preventing anyone from being crushed.

  “Sister!” Nora shouted as she waved at her to come over. The Eagle didn’t stop moving as she had to cling to the rig and move around crew from both ships as everyone was equally freaked out.

  “What!” Madison shouted whatever was going on had better be worth it.

  “Dad needs to talk to you!” She shouted as Madison winced at the ship was knocked into as a few men went flying as the ropes caught them mid-flight as the Eagle changed directions.

  “This is awesome!” Richard laughed, as Sam and Nashton cling to the railing as everyone was looking at the captain as he had a look of pure glee on his face even as the Eagle was knocked into again.

  “Here,” he pushed pulse into her hand. Madison wanted to decline.

  “Fuck the formalities damn it and kill this thing!” Boss shout as the three relatives jumped at the hostile shouting as the main mast cracked back into place.

  “Ahh!” Madison swung the blade as the ark connected she suddenly felt a little tired as her sister grabbed on to help steady her.

  The Wraith lost an arm as the whispy limb dissipated. The ship erupted as Richard turned the Eagle to ram into the Wraith. The vengeful spirit roared a most inhuman cry as it charged as well.

  The ship skimmed the side bring the Wraith in close as Madison swung the boat circled taking a sharp turn for a second pass.

  But it wasn’t needed the Wrath cry diminished as the full body slowly evaporated as the sun slowly started to set in the distance. The Eagle slowed down as Everyone cheered,

  “So are we supposed to go back to killing each other?” Tray pointed out as everyone kinda looked at each other.

  “Anyone who surrenders peacefully will get a full pardon,” Lord Stronglance cut in. The remains of Morgan’s fighting force surrendered.

  “Don’t look so disappointed Boss,” Richard consoled as a good chuckle erupted from the crew some more awkward than others.

  Chapter 73

  The warp up was quick, Nora and Madison escorted her father back home as Richard explained what happened. He needed a cane to help him along but it seemed that he almost back to normal. Jill sniffed around the road back.

  “Well even with your mom’s statement the Queen still couldn’t comprehend one of her favorites was a spy. So I, your mom convinced her to let them test the theory. We intercepted the normal guests and filled in the seats where I would goad him into the truth.” Richard explained as if discussing the weather.

  “So how did he get your sword?” Madison pointed at Talon.

  “Well, it was a trap he knew we would break out so he bought a large force from the thieves guild.” Richard explained, “Well the thing is criminals are always up for more money. I promised to double his pay, it took some convincing from your mom but he wanted something personal. So my sword he may have bloodied it and sold it for more cash.”

  “You didn’t actually pay him, did you,” Nora frowned at him.

  “I am a man of my word, I paid him off cost a pretty penny.” Richard looked almost affronted at the idea of not fulfilling his promise. “I wouldn’t worry about it, they were finned badly they were breaking a lot of laws they lost every coin on them and were forced to disperse with the leader being arrested.” He shrugged, “but that was the Queen’s men I made no promises that he would keep it.”

  Nora gave a slight giggle at the idea, “Madison, I am going to need to talk to you soon,” he pulled out an envelope with the royal seal on before placing back into his coat.

  “Oh, that’s not good,” Madison thought, the queen didn’t normally make requests of individuals.

  The group lingered in the drawing Room as Nora moved to leave but she paused. Despite the blood on her wedding dress, she has Richard a quick peck on the check. “Thank you,” he blushed as he gave a cough as he was given a Look by the two relations in the room.

  Richard handed the letter to Madison as he leaned against the wall his expression as unreadable as ever.

  Her mind went back, Richard one of many people that were dragged in. Richard had no facial hair then, he had shorter hair and unlike most of Richard’s eyes where the only thing that showed fear his body was seemingly relaxed if a bit on the chubby side.

  He stuck by another man who was much for fit, tattooed and dark haired. Madison recalled that the man she later found out was the father of two half-siblings.

  “Madison the letter,” Richard interrupted her from her memories.

  “Oh, that explains it,” she read over the letter was short.

  Dear, Stronglance

  I fear the loyalty of an Earl they have acquired a large amount of property and has been interacting with more aggressive and younger nations from the North. I need s
ome token to make sure the Earl of North point Lord Archie. I would appreciate no violence and hope to see his Daughter Petunia Archie soon and in good form.

  Her Majesty Queen Ann

  “A kidnapping,” Madison summed up as she passed the letter to her dad.

  He placed the sword to the side, as he inspected the paper. Richard remained neutral as her father sighed and handed it back.

  “I don’t like it but this is for the betterment of the nation.” He reasoned, Madison nodded slowly but more firmly as she looked at Richard but he simply shrugged.

  “She requested some extra supervision as well, I don’t know who else you would trust to go along,” Richard recalled.

  “Take Audwine with you, he can help sadly since he lost his job he has some free time.” Stronglance insisted,

  “I am not sure where he is, after we got everything settled things are odd, I think I need to be back on deck we can leave when you are ready,”

  Richard walked off as Jill patted along after him. “What an odd man,” her father commented,

  “In What way?” Madison asked she looked at him.

  “I have found what he is like depending on who you ask. Audwine considered a man of honor and discipline. Your mother said he was laid back and charming if not a little crude. From what I have seen he seems to be an adrenaline junky, not a bad think for the line of work he is taking on.” He frowned,

  “Something about Richard bothering you?” Madison could tell her father had something on his mind.

  “No, Richard himself is not an issue. I just wish you could stay here a bit longer, but I doubt the man gained such a ship with out the impulse to use it.” He smiled sadly.

  Madison headed out she moved to the Eagle for some reason the castle didn’t feel safe. She headed down only to here Richard talking. He was at a bar, he had a hip flask that he had taken a swig from it.

  “So how did you get so far with out a chair, Mr. Reeves.

  “Some children playing a nasty prank,” Mr. Reeves waved off, as Richard shrugged as Madison walked in. The man Richard was talking to was a dark-skinned individual with short curled hair and had a blanket over his legs that looked like it was amazing quality.


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