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Burning Desire

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by Ami Snow

  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

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   Copyright 2017 by Ami Snow- All rights reserved.

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  By: Ami Snow

  Table Of Contents

  A Word from the Author

  Burning Desire

  Bonus Catalogue of Sample Books (Limited Time Only)

  Paranormal Romance Collection

  Contemporary Romance Collection

  Bonus Eye candy

  A Word From the Author

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for downloading my book! Your support means the world to me as an indie author, and I truly hope that you’ll enjoy this romance as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.

  Apart from the main story, you’ll also find a wide variety of bonus stories from my fellow writers at Fascination Publishing. I hope you take advantage of this great, limited-time opportunity to explore different genres!

  With this download, you also get some bonus Eye Candy- each one of my books features different “candy” … so enjoy!

  Finally, I hope you will take a few minutes to leave a review when you are done with the book. Reviews help indie writers like me reach more readers so I can continue to do what I love… write steamy romances for you!


  Ami Snow

  Burning Desire

  “Yes this is Delminico Del Sandros speaking. Do you have the results of my pregnancy test available now please?”

  I am trying to keep my voice low so that no one in the house will know my business and I am getting very frustrated with the poor quality of the telephone connection. Because our cattle station is on the Nullabor Desert in South Australia the only mobile phone connection available is by satellite, at times it is really very poor and it is extremely expensive.

  “”Madam, if you look at the address on those results you will see I am in the middle of the desert here, more than four hundred and fifty miles from your medical facility. I had those tests done when I was in town on business last week and I do not plan to back for another two months. I accept your policy of not giving results over the telephone in normal circumstances but surely there is someone in authority there than can overrule them is special cases like mine?”

  So help me I want to throttle this desk jockey at the pregnancy clinic, she is as thick as two short planks! It is not as though I live down the street; it is a nine hour trip into Ceduna Township from our remote location. Maybe I am finally getting through to her; she agrees to ask a supervisor to come to the phone.

  Good grief here we go again!

  “Yes Sir this is Del’ Sandros speaking, as I have already established with your reception personel, as you can hear from the hideous echo this is a satellite connection and we are really racking up the big bucks here.”

  Not in the remotest interested in my phone bills the wanker blah blah blahs, running through their protocols and procedures. Fair suck of the sauce bottle, I swear these bloody clowns must take an advance course in university on how to really piss people off.

  “Sir let me just stop you there, as I mentioned a moment ago I have been through this already with your desk jockey, can you just give me a yes or no, am I pregnant?”

  Without even acknowledging the question he rattles on about being unable to treat people any differently just because we are too impatient or lethargic to visit the clinic again for the results.

  “Listen here you two bit son of a cow turd, why don’t you clean the shit out of your ears and pay attention. I am in the middle of the bloody Nullabor! Can you get that through your fucking pea brain? Now shut the fuck up about your bullshit fucking rules and give me the damned results!”


  Oh! The bastard disconnected me. Thumping my closed fist on the wall beside the phone in utter frustration I almost weep. I am 22 years old and my parents believe I am a “nice” girl. If they knew I had jumped the bones of the artificial inseminator who was here working on our cattle stud last month they would be horrified. I really need those damned results, if I could just invent another reason to go back to town, but I am not accustomed to lying to my parents and I just cannot tell them the truth. What a bloody dilemma.

  “Del you bloody idiot,” I castigate myself. “You know better than to insult a man you need a favor from, no wonder he disconnected the call.”

  Damn! Damn! Damn! I thump the wall again.

  “Delmonico De Sandros what on earth do you think you’re doing to that wall?”

  My Mother is standing in the kitchen doorway down the hall and her look of utter concern calmed me down immediately.

  “I am so sorry Mum, I got cut off and it got to me a bit.”

  “Yes I know Del, I heard the last paragraph, I would have cut you off myself.”

  As my Mother walked towards me I was desperately trying to remember exactly what I had actually said just prior to being cut off.”

  “Del,” my Mother asked quietly putting her arms around me. “Are you in trouble girl?”

  Bursting into tears in my Mother’s loving arms I sobbed out the entire sordid story. She never interrupted me once, just walked me slowly through the house into my room and sat beside me on the bed until I had finished.

  “Oh Mum I feel so dirty and ashamed I have let you down so badly,” I wept.

  Hugging me close she spoke quietly and at length.

  “Del it was no secret to me you liked that young fellah from the vets office. I could see it was reciprocal too, he really liked you also. I don’t think your Father picked up on it but it was as obvious as ticks on one of the cattle dogs to me. Now, I judge from your phone call that you have had a pregnancy test and they are giving you the run around over the results. Let’s solve that small issue first shall we? Les Jackson is running the mustering helicopter into Ceduna tomorrow for a service, so you and I will hitch a ride and do a little shopping. At least that is what I shall be telling your Dad.”

  Leaning against my wonderful Mother I gave her a huge hug and just sat still, breathing in her familiar fragrance and feeling her unconditional love engulf me. Why on earth hadn’t I had enough faith in her love to go to her in the first place instead of bearing this all on my own? As if reading my mind she continued.

  “Darling I have heard you throwing up the last couple of weeks and I so wanted to comfort you but I did not know how to approach you. I had to just wait for the right moment. But never be afraid to come to me with any problem no matter how earth shattering it seems to you at the time. I am your Mother and I love you and will always be here for you.”

  This began another raft of tears and many more close hugs from her.

  “Hello Audrey, what brings you in here? Good grief don’t tell me you…!”

  Laughing out loud at the ridiculous assumption she was pregnant again at 58 Mum interrupts him.

  “Ha ha ha ha. No George, Del’ had a test done last week and I just wondered if you had the time to take a quick recce at her results?”

  Sitting back down at his desk again my Mother’s friend tapped the keyboard a few times.

  “Congratulations dear, you are pregnant.”

  “You can keep your
damned congratulations; book me in to get rid of the damned thing!” I burst out!


  With eyes blazing, she was standing over me absolutely shocked.

  In actual fact I was sorry I had spoken to the helpful man so rudely.

  “Doctor I really am so sorry, I am thankful you helped me with the results. I was just really hoping that I was not pregnant and the results made me freak out. Please forgive me?”

  I gave him the little girl smile that always worked on Dad and he melted.

  “That’s quite alright dear. Incidentally, would you be the same client that told my clinic manager to clean the shit out of his ears yesterday?” He asked smilingly.

  Hanging my bright red face in abject shame I admitted that I was.

  “Bloody good job, the self-righteous little Cretan needed a wakeup call, wish I had done it myself.”

  Looking into the kindly Doctor’s sparkling eyes I caught myself giggling.

  “Yes he was a little up himself quoting rules and regulations, I just lost it when he said I had to come all the way back here just to get the results.”

  “I shall have to get the staff together and remind them we are a people service and need to bend a little sometimes,” he said. “We all need protocols of course, but we also need compassion and understanding in this business as well.”

  The man stood up and walked around to perch on his desk in front of my chair; taking my hand in his he patted it soothingly and asked me about my outburst earlier. Calmly I told him everything about my little fling and that I did not want a baby now or at any time in the near future. He listened attentively continuing to hold and pat my hand.

  “Miss Del Sandros this facility is equipped to end pregnancies and as yours is in its infancy, no pun intended; it is a very simple procedure. However,” He continued. “Before I book you a reservation I am going to ask you to do me a favor. I want you to return home and think long and hard about this decision for one week. Regardless of how sure you are right now this is still a young human life growing inside you and I want you to think about that. I am not giving you a lecture on morality or pro versus con here, just placing the facts before you to consider seriously. In one week if you are still quite sure you want to terminate the pregnancy and end this young life I will do your procedure myself. Is that a fair offer?”

  I nodded my head, I am a young healthy woman and I thought getting rid of the child growing inside me would be more difficult than this.

  “Yes Doctor it is fair and I shall comply with your request, but I will not change my mind.”

  “Fair enough, I shall hear from you in a week,” the Doctor stood and shaking hands with Mum and I he escorted us from his office.

  After spending a couple of hours in the local shops and justifying the excuse we had given to Dad for wanting to come to town my Mother and I had our lunch in a little boutique café on the main street. We each ordered a sumptuous lobster Mornay and an ice-cream and strawberry dessert.

  “Darling are you going to tell your young man about the baby?” My Mum asked.

  “He is not my man Mum, and no I am not. Why should I?” I rejoined.

  “Please don’t get upset again dear, I was only asking because you have been so stressed about your situation it seems you have entirely forgotten it is his child too,” she countered.

  I was about to rant and rail at her to mind her own business when her simple statement hit home with a wallop.

  His child too.

  My Mother was right, I was about to murder his kid and without even telling him he has one. Damn! Just when it seems things are sorting themselves out Mum throws another spanner in the works.

  “Mum this thing is getting way out of proportion here, what do you suggest I do? We only had a passing fling, a small romance to ease the boredom. Should I tell him? He is just beginning a career after almost 10 years of university, I am sure he doesn’t want to be burdened with a kid right now?”

  “Del I have no idea what he will say or think but I believe you will never forgive yourself if you do not find out. You asked for my advice so I shall give you some. He has the right to know he has begun a human life inside you; he also has some rights over a termination, morally if not legally. I did read of a young man taking his girlfriend to court and preventing a termination, but if I recall that was in America and I am not up with our laws here, but you should call our solicitor and find out. Lastly and equally as importantly, I believe you should tell your Father, or allow me to, he also has a right to know.”

  I never commented when my Mother finished speaking. I sat looking out at the street and weighed up everything she had said. I agreed, every point she made was relevant, important and most of all, correct.

  “Thanks Mum, I shall give Kevin a call tonight after I have told Dad everything.”

  She just looked at me proudly and smiled. It was enough.

  “Dad could we go for a walk after dinner, just you and I? I have something I want to discuss with you.”

  He looked up from dissecting his large beef spare rib with an enquiring look.

  “No biggie Pa,” I smiled disarmingly. “I just want some private time with my favorite man.”

  He laughed almost choking on a mouthful of beef.

  “What a big fat whopping lie,” he joked. “But how can a red blooded Aussie ocker like me knock back a request to walk in the moonlight with his beautiful daughter?” We both laughed.

  “Oh my my it’s running thick in here tonight,” chortled Mum, getting into the act.

  We finished our meal in a light mood and after Mum and I cleared the table and stacked the dishes into the dish-washer Dad took my arm and we ambled outside and walked along the path through the extensive gardens and orchards next to the house.

  “Okay girlie spill, what’s troubling my girl?”

  I took a deep breath and bolstered my courage and hugging his arm more tightly as if afraid of losing him I told him everything. He never interrupted or asked any questions, just held my arm back and listened as we walked. We kept walking long after I had finished, not speaking just a man and his daughter enjoying the moonlit splendor of their home.

  I had been so afraid to tell my Dad about this because I knew it would be a real wake-up call that I was not his innocent little baby girl any more. But walking arm in arm through our orchard I knew he was not angry, his breathing was regular and even and his strong arm around me was relaxed. I was sure he was digesting everything I had said and if he made any comments they were going to be poignant and helpful. My Father ran our massive cattle station alone with just my two brothers as permanent hands. It was only at roundup and branding he hired additional help. He was slow to anger and always weighed his words heavily before delivering them, and you could bet any advice offered would be intelligent and current.

  “So you have decided to call Kevin and tell him about the baby and that you want to terminate the pregnancy Del?” My Father broke his silence.

  “Yes Dad, do you think that is wise?”

  “I cannot know that my girl but I certainly agree that if it was me I would want to know. Tell me this,” he asked. “What will you do if he decides he wants this child?”

  “I have been thinking about that since Mum asked me if I had told him,” I answered truthfully. “Dad I am not ready to be a Mother, and I don’t know if I would ever decide I want to be. I cannot bring a child into the world under those circumstances can I.”

  “Oh I don’t know about that girlie, your Mother and I did.”

  I was not certain I had heard him correctly. “You and Mum did what Dad?” I asked.

  “Why we brought a child into the world before we wanted or even considered having kids of course. Your brother Charles was unexpected and a heck of a shock. We fast tracked the wedding plans and only just got in ahead of time, we even told a bit of a fib. We said he was almost a month premature.” He giggled the
n. “We were even too young to know our parents and older friends and relations knew that an eight and a half pound bouncing baby boy was certainly not premature. But they never let on until years later when we all laughed about how naïve and innocent we had been. But that was us, we are talking about you. Could there ever be a future for yourself and Kevin honey?”

  “Oh Dad,” I wailed and turning buried my head in his chest. “We had such a big fight the night he left. He wanted me to leave home and live in Ceduna with him and when I said there was no way on earth I was leaving here he got mad and so did I. I said some really terrible things.”

  “Yes girlie I just bet you did. I have heard stories from the casual hands over the years about how you speak your mind when your bloods up. But relationships are not all roses and chocolates darling, if an argument destroyed them your Mother and I would have separated 100 times in our first year.” He chuckled again. “You and Kevin are young and wisdom is not conducive to youth unfortunately. But love grows when two people really care about each other and wisdom comes with time. Then arguments become discussions and are peaceably settled. Let’s head back to the house now and you call your young man and get the lay of the land, so to speak.”

  Again we walked silently, the last of the spring blossoms were so fragrant and the flowering trees such a beautiful canopy arching over the path. How could I ever think of leaving this idyllic place where I had been all my life?

  My parents never cease to amaze me; just as Mum had done in the café at lunch time he seemed to read my mind.

  “Darling you must realize that you cannot have a full life if you stay on the station forever. You will become a dried up old spinster with a face like a prune and harp on about the Australian summers being so hot and the desert winters so cold that all the marriageable men will run in the other direction.”


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