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Burning Desire

Page 2

by Ami Snow

  “Oh Dad!” I laughed and punched his arm playfully.

  But again that logical mind had delivered accurate information, albeit it in a light and humorous way. I digested this too although the thought of leaving home even briefly was hard and heavy on my heart.

  Stopping just short of the orchard gate Dad turned to me.

  “Del I have something to admit to you. Your Mother and I have been talking about retiring to town ourselves in a couple of years and leaving the boys to run things here. Does that make a difference to your thinking dear?”

  “Oh Dad you couldn’t.” I wailed.

  “Honey of course we could, your Mother and I have worked seven days a week for 30 years and we want to travel some before we are too old. Surely you wouldn’t begrudge us that Del?”

  So much had been said today my mind was reeling. “Oh Dad of course I wouldn’t, it is just such a shock. Our lives have been so stable and we are so set in our ways it just never occurred to me any of us would change. I would love you both to enjoy your lives; I just need a little time head to get my head around things.”

  “I understand darling, I guess I should add a statement your Grandfather made to me when I was about your age. He said, ‘Son, nothing is forever, just try to remember that.’ “

  With that said he opened the gate and we walked up onto the veranda and into the house I had lived in all my 22 years.

  My phone call to Kevin was stilted and difficult and over in less than five minutes. I laid out all the facts and he listened and then thanked me and after our goodbyes he rang off.

  I watched the end of an old western movie from Dad’s exorbitant library of video cassettes and then went to bed early. Neither of them asked about the phone call and for that I grateful, I was not even sure myself how I felt about it.

  “Hello, who is this creating all that dust? Someone seems to be in a mad rush.” Mum was standing at the kitchen double doors looking out towards the road drinking her after breakfast coffee.

  “Del you might want to change that dress and freshen up, unless these eyes deceive me you are about to have a gentleman caller.”

  Jumping up from the breakfast table I rush to the window and see Kevin’s ute coming up the road.

  “Holy smoke he must have driven all night,” I exclaimed. “Oh Mum stall him please,” I begged. I look a wreck.

  She and Dad exchanged a knowing glance and Dad got up, “go on girlie do your thing, I’ll handle Kevin for a bit.” Then he walked out on to the veranda as the Ute braked to a stop by the steps.

  “G’day young fellah,” he greeted Kevin. “Did you miss inseminating one of my cows last month?” he grinned at the disheveled and travel weary young man. Then he walked over and clapped him on the back. “Oh of course you didn’t, you are here to discuss inseminating my daughter.”

  Totally disarmed and on the back foot instantly he spluttered and mumbled incoherently as Dad steered him to a chair on the veranda and settled beside him.

  Pulling himself together Kevin shot to his feet and began a sort of disjointed but obviously rehearsed speech.

  “Sir I came here as soon as I heard, to do the right thing. I respectfully ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”

  “No lad, sorry but I refuse.”

  “Huh? Wha.. But why?” He demanded sitting again.

  Because you are here to ‘do the right thing’, that’s why,” Dad explained.

  “But sir I don’t understand. I drove all night for this.”

  “Well Kevin I will tell you why. If you had begun your speech with, ‘I love your daughter and I want to spend my life with her,’ I would have answered differently. But I am damned if I will let her throw her life away on someone who merely wants to do the right thing. My answer is an unequivocal and resounding no.”

  After delivering this statement Dad turned on his heels and went back into the house, leaving a bewildered and shattered Kevin sitting with his head in his hands on the veranda.

  “Where is Kevin dear, I have made him a coffee and some scrambled eggs?”

  “Oh little Mother I wouldn’t disturb him for a while,” my Father used an old term of endearment. “He was so over inflated with a self-righteous sense of doing the right thing I had to prick him a little, I hope he takes it on board because if he speaks like that to Delminico we are going to experience world war three right there on our veranda, believe me!”

  “It was a tribute to their love and understanding that she never even questioned him about what he had said, just accepted that her wise husband had handled the situation with his usual aplomb and unique ability to head off trouble before it begins.

  “Kevin is on the veranda dear, would you like to take him this cup of coffee?”

  “Okay I will, thanks Mum.”

  “You’re welcome. Del’ I want you to remember that young man is over-wrought, stressed and very tired; he has driven all night to be with you. Cut him a little slack will you darling?”

  With her usual intuition Mum had guessed the conversation last night with Kevin had not gone so well.

  “Your Mother and I need to do a stock check this morning Del, we will be back around lunch time. Do you think you could prepare a little something for us for lunch?”

  Seeing a surprised look flash across my Mother’s face I realized Dad had done it again. He was leaving Kevin and I to sort ourselves out, and he was and making sure the house was empty all morning for us to do so.

  After I had reassured him that I would make them lunch, they walked out hand in hand and drove off. Trepidatiously I walked out on to the veranda

  “Hello Del, you look great.”

  “Thanks Kev’, you look like shit,” I grinned.

  W slipped into the old banter we had used when he was staying here.

  “Yeah well, prospective Father’s tend to unravel on long drives,” he quipped.

  “Oh Kev’ I am so sorry I didn’t tell you before but I was so sure you wouldn’t be interested in have a child so early in your career I just didn’t know how to approach you. I never even said anything to Mum and Dad until yesterday.”

  “Del you bloody silly sausage, have you been dealing with all this alone way out here in the middle of no-where? Oh you poor baby!”

  With that said, Kevin walked up to me and wrapping his arms around me just stood there silently. It was exactly what I needed, Kevin showing me his strength and dependability in my hour of need. There would be time enough to talk later.

  Holding me tight to his chest he gently rubbed my tense should blades and I felt myself beginning to de-stress for the first time in weeks. I also felt the old familiar tingling deep down inside my lower body, that animal attraction that had started all this off in the first place. As I snuggled closer I could feel that Kevin was also responding to our embrace, although trying to turn a little so I wouldn’t notice.

  “Do you want to come inside?” I began.

  “Del I need to ask you something,” Kevin said simultaneously.

  We grinned self-consciously and I nodded for him to speak first.

  “Del I have had a damned long night, I have prepared and discarded a dozen speeches along the road and I am still not sure if I will say it right.”

  “You are doing wonderfully so far Kevin darling,” I murmur snuggling closer.

  “To be perfectly honest I tried the final draft of my speech on your Father earlier and he totally shot it out of the water. So I am just going to try and get things back into perspective, I will I just verbalize what I am thinking and you can interrupt any time you think I am wrong or on the going off on a wrong tack.

  I have tried for more than a month to believe that we had a brief but all consuming fling when I was out here and that it was now over and time to move on. I am almost thirty years old which is an ideal time for a man to settle and begin raising a family. You made it clear that was not something that did not interest you last time we spoke and I must respect that.”

  “Forget t
hat night please darling, I was so out of line. Now please go on.”

  Kevin looked down at me contemplatively for a moment and then resumed.

  “I have studied hard all my life to achieve my goals and there was little or no time for dating. My knowledge of love is almost non-existent,” he continued.

  “I do not know how long dating pre-ceeds a proposal or how to tell if feelings are of love or of lust. I have tried to find out but although I am a master researcher on the internet the more I looked the more confusing it all became. The only clear and stable thought throughout the entire time was that I missed holding you and chatting with you and..! Well you know what I mean.”

  I held him so tightly and begged him to go on, his words were echoing around in my head and fitting perfectly.

  “I even asked you Father this morning if I can marry you and he just flat out refused, and upon reflection he was perfectly correct to do so.”

  “What? He did what??” With my rising blood pounding in my ears I prepared to launch a tirade about the stupidity of the entire male population.

  “Del, shut-up and pay attention. You can have your chance to speak when I have finished”

  The shock of being scolded by someone other than Mum or Dad silenced my irate protests and I remained quiet and a little stunned as Kevin finished.

  “As I was saying, he was justified in his refusal. I was so wrapped up in how this was affecting me I had given no thoughts to the impact on all of your lives this has had. I know I was doing the wrong thing now, but it was for all the right reasons. Now if you will kindly sit there on the chair I would like to begin over and get it right this time.”

  Guiding me to the chair he gently pushed me down on to it and kneeling at my feet held my hands and gazing lovingly into my eyes he spoke quietly and sincerely.

  “Del, in the five weeks and 3 days we have been apart I have discovered that I cannot live without you. You permeate my every thought in my days and every dream in my nights. If I close my eyes I can see your beautiful face and feel your wonderful embrace. I can instantly recall every moment of the time we spent together and I relive it over and over every day. That having been said I can only hope and pray that my prayers will be answered and you will consent right here and now to become my wife.”

  With great big tears rolling steadily down my cheeks I looked adoringly into his eyes.

  “Oh yes my darling man, I whole heartedly accept. I love you deeply and completely and will try for the rest of my life to make you happy.”

  Jumping to his feet Kevin pranced around the veranda punching his fist up into the air.

  “Yes!!! YES!! YES!!” He roared excitedly.

  He jigged back towards me looking like a Kangaroo on ecstasy and grabbing me kissed me hard.

  “Now about that making me happy thing girl, we have the house to ourselves and I know a very good way you can begin to make good that promise.”

  With twinkly clear blue eyes he grabbed my hand and headed for my room.

  Discarding clothing all across the lounge and along the hallway we arrived at my bed stark naked and trembling with desire. Lunging at me Kevin shoved me back against the bed and fell I back with my lover on top of me kissing me ardently.

  “Darling! Darling! Darling!” I moaned out loud as I parted my legs and felt his full maleness rubbing my soaking wet cleft.

  Kevin’s roaming hands were everywhere at once, behind my neck pulling my head closer to kiss me deeply and intensely. Then caressing my face as the kiss became more gentle and soft. Then down over my shoulders and kneading my nipples.

  “Yes my sweet man,” I moaned louder. “Like that. Just like that. Don’t stop, oh please never stop.”

  Arching my back under him I ground my pelvis against his probing cock causing another flood of desire to flash through my body.

  He slid his hands under my ass cheeks and pulling me up towards him he sank fully and completely inside my soaking wet pussy and just held it there.

  “Oh my wonderful man,” I wept with huge tears of happiness welling in my eyes. “This just feels so right, I am a part of you forever. Make love to me now heart of my heart, uck me until I can’t think or breathe. Now darling. Give it to me now. Deep and hard, make me really feel you.”

  Rearing back he plunged his thick cock deep inside me in a powerful thrust of his hips. I arched my back and forced my groin hard against his bucking pelvis taking him even deeper.

  Grunting and roaring with passion Kevin increased his speed and lifted me even higher into the clouds. Every thrust into me brought him closer to me and proved he belonged to me alone. This wonderful man fucking me is going to be my husband and the Father of my children.

  “YES BABE!! Like that, don’t stop, make me cry and scream darling, make me yours.”

  My words drove Kevin into a fucking frenzy and I met every savage attack with an insatiable need of my own to be hurt and owned and subjugated by this man. Our bodies were dripping wet as we rocked and rolled all over the bed. One moment his large hands were parting my cleft so he could drive deeper, the next I was riding his wonderful cock in uncontrolled passion of my own. On and on into the morning we fucked and kissed and explored each other.

  “Del I give my life to you, from this moment on my only ambition and goal is to keep you as happy as we are at this moment. I will tell you every day that I love you and spend every day proving it to you.”

  “Oh sweet sweet Kevin your words bring so many tears to my eyes, this is more than a dream come true it is a blessed union by GOD himself. Nothing in my entire life has felt as right as this does. I wish you can leave that great cock inside me always because I know when you take it out there will be an empty place that will just be waiting impatiently for you to fill it again.”

  “Well we won’t let that happen hey girl.” And laughing this wonderful love machine fucked me again, and then again. Stroke for stroke and kiss for kiss and moan for moan we were both young and fit and strong and so well matched.

  “Well little mother it would appear the lad got it right.” My Father had a self-satisfied expression on his face as if he had achieved World Peace single handedly. Perhaps to a certain extent he had. My mother couldn’t resist deflating him a little. With a mischievous grin she quipped, “You could be right dear or then again perhaps they have just killed each other.”

  “MOTHER!!!” He squawked. “Good grief go and look woman.”

  “Settle petal,” she laughed. “They would not be in her room if that had happened they would be scattered all about the lounge.”

  “Oh woman you have such a gory imagination, will you please cease and desist with the mind pictures?” My Father looked positively ill as he contemplated my Mother’s horrific depictions.

  “What on earth can they be doing, surely after an entire morning they could have worked things out. How long does it take for crying out loud.”

  With a lascivious leer he replied, “Dear you can so very obtuse. They are doing exactly the same thing as two people we know did on the floor of the shearing shed not an hour ago.”

  Blushing bright red my Mother squeaked, “Keep your voice down, you want Del to know we still do THAT?”

  “Do what Mother? I asked walking into the room.

  “OHHHH,” she shrieked, rushing from the room scarlet from the neck up.

  “Girlie where the bloody hell is the lunch you promised me, it is after 1PM and I am starving?”

  Now it was my turn to blush and run to the kitchen calling over my shoulder I would do it now.

  “Hello Sir did you enjoy the morning,” asked Kevin as he joined my Father. Clapping him on the shoulder my happy Father said, “Just as much as you enjoyed yours young man.” He then gave the lad a knowing wink and happily followed his two favorite women into the big station kitchen leaving an embarrassed Kevin to contemplate what he had said.

  Leaning back in his chair Dad patted his stomach, “That was just what the Doctor ordered Del, thanks. Now tell m
e, how soon will we arrange this wedding?”

  Shocked again the startled Kevin looks at him. “How on earth did you know Sir?”

  Putting his arm around Kevin’s shoulders Dad replied. “Anyone with eyes could see you two are in love lad, and given your situation it is obvious that sooner would be better than later. However, due to the remoteness here some time will be needed for guests and relations to make travel arrangements. Shall we say one month from Sunday?”

  Kevin looked at me and I nodded my head, trust my practical Father to put things into perspective.

  “That would be great Sir,” Kevin answered. “If it is okay with you I would like to stay another night then I shall return to town and inform my own family.”

  “Certainly Kevin, as of now this is your second home and you may come and go as you please. However I do believe you should take my wife and daughter back with you. There is a ton of shopping to do I wager and a very large wedding to arrange and damned little time to do it all. Is that alright with you dear? I imagine it will be much easier to do all that from town and I am not much practical use as you will well remember.”

  Hugging her loving husband she laughed. “Yes dear you were under my feet trying to help arrange our wedding. It is a great idea; I will stay at the Plaza Hotel for a couple of weeks and arrange everything from there. Liz will want to help and she is really experienced because she is always hosting weddings in her hotel.”


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