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Bride Wanted

Page 13

by Eva Luxe

  No, I wanted details. I moved to catch up with her.

  “Why? How can you need the money that badly?”

  “I already told you.” She moved through the room, picking up the few toys that were still out. “My brother is in the hospital and has a lot of medical bills. And you know hospitals, they’ll just let him die if we don’t pay them.”

  “Willow, stay…” Damn it, I was going too far now.

  “What?” she said, stepping back. “Stay? Here?”

  “Let me pay you just as well. I love my little girl and spare no expense when she’s concerned. Tell me what you need.”

  She gaped at me for a moment, then shook her head.

  “I can’t let you do that, it’s entirely too much. I can do it by my— woah! What’re you doing?”

  I scooped her up into my arms and marched upstairs fast enough so that Ariel wouldn’t see. Once I got to a spare room, the closest one to my bedroom, I sat her down in front of the door and opened it.

  “This will be yours. I’ll pay you four thousand dollars a week. Is that enough? You can stay here—”

  “No, I can’t!”

  I pulled her in by her waist and she gasped. Her slender back against my hands… she fit me so perfectly.

  “Willow. Stay.”

  I was on the verge of begging. I never begged. But Willow wasn’t leaving here. I had my mind made up.

  She belonged here. Staring me in the eyes, she sighed and relaxed her shoulders.

  “Why don’t you go put Ariel to bed, and we can discuss it?” She pushed me away, gently but firmly. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  I blinked. “The kitchen?”

  “Well, what were you thinking? The conference room?” She snorted out a laugh. I couldn’t help but appreciate her sense of humor, even at a crazy time such as this.

  “Well… that is why I have it. To have conferences.”

  “Um, no. Kitchen. Take your time. Have you eaten?”


  I shook my head at the memory of my new clients ordering drink after drink at our so-called business dinner. I’d gotten the contracts, but I’d also had to call a cab to get them back to their hotel.

  “Fine. Go to Ariel. I’ll be waiting in the kitchen.”

  She turned her back to me to pick up some crayons Ariel had left out, so I exited the room to get my daughter. A drink, a story, and several “bedtime snuggles” later, Ariel was asleep in her bed and I was on my way to the kitchen.

  “Four thousand dollars…” she began. She blew out a breath. “That’s a lot. I have some questions.”

  “Of course.”

  I didn’t know the details about this brother of hers, but I already knew she was loyal. She wouldn’t do anything that would mess up her chance at helping her brother.

  “What are the hours?” She held up her hand. “I’m actually pretty flexible, but will I have time to go check on my brother every day?”

  “Of course. Ariel will be in school most of the day, so your time is your own until then. For the most part, you’ll have weekends off, unless I have to go on a business trip. If I’m home, you’re free to have your privacy.”

  “And you’d want me to…what? Pick her up from school, supervise her after school, see that she eats dinner, and direct any evening activities until you get home?”

  “Pretty much.” I got up and went to the cabinet where a decanter of whisky was on display. Now that I was home, I could indulge in a drink. Maybe it would take the edge off the burn I felt every time I thought about having Willow in my home.

  “I don’t have a car.”

  Oh, yes. I’d forgotten. She’d been content to take the bus, even in the dark hours of the morning when anything could happen to her.

  “I have a few extras. You can pick one of those and I’ll have you added to the insurance. I’ll want you to buy a new booster seat for Ariel, so there’s one in each car she spends time in.”

  “Oh sure.” She nodded sarcastically. “I’ll just pick one of your extra cars.”

  I stared at her, my brow furrowed. “Is there a problem? Do you want me to buy you a new one?”

  I would, of course. I wanted to help her, to give her everything she wanted.

  She laughed. “Of course not! It’s just…most people don’t live like that!”

  “Like what?”

  “Like being able to say you have a few extra cars just lying around, and then handing them out to people like candy!”

  I smiled wryly. “No, I guess not. Any more questions?”

  “Just one. Okay, well, maybe two.”

  “Go for it. What are they?”

  “Do you really expect me to live here?”

  I hesitated. I wasn’t stupid, I couldn’t have a relationship with Willow without risking my daughter, so having her around would be torture. Sweet, exciting torture…

  “Yes,” I said anyway, trying to sound more like a successful alpha male and less like a teenager with a crush. “My schedule can be irregular, and if I’m called out late, or even early, I don’t want to leave Ariel alone, and I might not have time to wait for you to get here. I want her to know that one of us will always be here with her.”

  “That’s fair,” she said, her mouth twisting a little. I wondered what else was going on in her head. “One more question?”


  “How does Ariel’s mother fit into the picture?”

  I exhaled into my highball glass. “That’s…complicated.”

  She held up her hands. “I’m not trying to be nosy. I mean, your private business is your private business. That’s cool. But I probably need to know a little bit in order to take care of Ariel, and answer questions if she asks them.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” I contemplated pouring another whisky, but instead put the crystal glass carefully in the sink and returned to the stool next to Willow.


  “Her mother and I are in the final stages of our divorce. We’re both suing for full custody, but she—” God, how did I tell her any of this without dragging her into all of it? I shoved my hands through my hair. “Anyway, Ariel goes to her house every Friday night and comes home on Sunday morning. I’ll try to be the one who takes her or picks her up so you don’t have to deal with that.”

  She looked at me for a long minute. When she started fiddling with her hands, I knew it. She was going to agree.

  “Sure, okay. Let’s see how this goes.”

  “Good.” I blew out a big breath. At least this part of my life was coming together. “Great, Ariel will be pleasantly surprised to know you’re going to be staying for a while. Why don’t we go to my extended garage and pick out a car so you can get around tomorrow?”

  Chapter 10 – Darien

  I was quietly impressed that Willow picked out the Audi— one of the safest cars on the market— and not the coupe or the Jeep even though most girls would probably think they were cuter. After getting Willow situated, I locked myself in my office and forced myself to do some work. Knowing that Willow was down the hall, practically within arm’s reach, was too much. The night had settled in and that was when times like these became trying.

  I wanted to loom over her and watch her. I wanted to press my ear to her door and listen for all those sounds that signify that a woman was in the room— her low, sweet voice, her breathing…

  I rubbed my crotch and sighed. After Morgan, I thought I had lost all taste for ever loving a woman again. Much less for sex, which made it easy for me to agree to Morgan’s insane stipulation that I not date anyone while Ariel lived with me. At the time I’d thought it’d be a small sacrifice for having my little girl.

  But Willow? She made me burn.

  My cock had never experienced such visceral reactions before. Lust was one thing— I’d always appreciated beautiful women in a sexual way, just as any other straight man did— but this went beyond that. I was getting obsessed with her. My cock was getting obsessed with her.
Just thinking about her made it hard.

  Which was why I buried myself in emails and paperwork.

  I grunted and shifted in my seat, opening more emails.

  These people were going to think I had a bot go through and answer these emails. Rarely anyone got an email back from me. It was usually my assistants or if it was urgent enough, a phone call.

  A knock came from the other side of the door.

  The soft little knocks on the double oak doors only could come from one precious person. I took a breath to settle my cock down before my daughter came into the room.

  “Come in, Ariel.”

  I smiled as she opened the door and slipped in with her favorite teddy bear hugged close to her in her arms. Her breath was hitching and tears streamed down her little face.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” I scooped her up and took her to the small couch.

  “I had a bad dream,” she sobbed.

  “What was it?”

  She hugged her bear and curled into my shoulder. “I had a dream that Mommy tried to take me away from you! I tried to run, but she was dragging me by the arm,” she cried softly. Her wet eyelids fluttered as she looked up at me. “You’re not gonna let her do that, right? I don’t wanna live there, I wanna be with you, Daddy!”

  She leaned over and I hugged her.

  This was why I couldn’t let my heat escape me. My daughter needed me. I had to save her from these nightmares that could become reality if I weren’t careful.

  “No, Daddy will never let that happen.”

  I rocked her in my arms until her tears abated and her breathing was more relaxed.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” She looked back up at me. “I wish Willow was my mommy. She’s nice. She taught me how to do a back roll today.”

  “Willow would be glad to hear that,” I said, standing up. “What would you think of Willow staying with us? I want to hire her to be your nanny, and look after you when I’m at work.”

  Her face was still tear-stained, but her smile lit up the room. “Yay! Willow is staying! She’s my favorite, Daddy!”

  Ariel stood and relaxed her grip on her teddy bear.

  “I love you, Daddy. Bedtime snuggles?”

  I chuckled and gave her a piggy back ride to her room where I let her down. Willow had already changed the way we talked, with her phrase “bedtime snuggles.” It was playful and affectionate, and perfect for cuddling a sleepy child. Willow was a natural at this.

  “Let’s tuck you tight like a burrito!”

  She giggled as I tucked her tight into her bed.

  “Goodnight, Daddy!”

  “Goodnight, princess.”

  I left her door cracked open the way she liked and returned to my office.


  It wouldn’t hurt to check on her, make sure she was settling in all right.

  So I went down to her room, which was between mine and Ariel’s.

  I knocked─ most young women her age stayed up late, didn’t they? Though she was an exception to every rule, so she probably was asleep.

  I drew my hand back in, willing it to not touch the door knob.

  No, I couldn’t—I—fuck.

  Quietly, I turned the knob to check and see if she was in her room. I wasn’t looking to get my cock off, and while it might have had some say in the matter, I only wanted to see if there was a lump in the bed, an indication that she was safe and sound.

  Her bed looked smooth, flat, from what I saw. So, I cracked it open some more and peeked all the way in.

  She was gone.

  “Willow?” I called out softly. “Willow, are you here?”

  No response.

  It wasn’t like she had to have my permission to leave, but a part of me felt insulted, hurt that she left and it was already so late at night.

  Calm down. She can take care of herself. But why didn’t she say something?

  I went back to my office and picked up my cell phone, where I’d already entered Willow into my contacts.

  The phone rang a few times, then it dropped me into voice mail.

  I called her another time, voice mail wasn’t going to cut it.

  “Where are you, Willow?” I mumbled.

  The clock on my desk said it was nearing eleven o’clock. Maybe she went to her home to go get some extra things to take back? No, she didn’t have a car.

  Damn it. Despite Ariel being asleep, I was worried that if I went to look for Willow, she’d wake up from another nightmare.

  If I were gone, she’d panic. And since, unlike her mother, I was actually a good parent, I knew full well that seven was way too young to leave a child alone at night.

  I got out of my seat and went to check on her.

  She was sleeping more peacefully. From what I saw, I had about an hour at least. Ariel usually slept through the night. But her nightmares were ramping up recently, and I didn’t know why.

  Now I had Willow to worry about. She hadn’t driven here, and I knew she didn’t use my car because it was still in its parking space when I looked out the window.

  That was when I saw her, walking up the driveway, shivering.

  She wasn’t even wearing a jacket. What the hell had she been up to?

  Chapter 11 – Darien

  I ran over to my closet, took out one of my jackets and ran outside.

  “Willow, why are you out here this time of night?” I asked, running over to her.

  “Oh, Mr. Thrilling—”

  “I said call me Darien,” I snapped, which I knew full well was because I was worried, but the look on her face reminded me that she didn’t know that. “Come inside,” I said more gently. “You’ll catch a cold being out here like this.”

  “No I won’t,” she said, sniffling.

  I ushered her inside and rubbed her arms for her to get warm. The heat was on, but her skin was still chilly.

  “Oh really? Good thing you don’t already have a runny nose, then.”

  “Stop,” she muttered. “Colds are viruses. You can only catch them from another person, not from the cold air.”

  “I stand corrected,” I said, leading her back to the kitchen. “Willow, please, if you’re going to be out late at night, please let me know where you’re going.”

  She avoided looking at me. Something was up. “I’m sorry, I just had to visit my brother, to make sure he was okay.”

  Her head was hung low. Even in the dim light, I could see the curve of her neck and cheek. It teased me, taunted me.

  She was untouchable, I was untouchable.

  This whole situation could go to hell.

  “Let me walk you to your room,” I said, bending out my elbow so she could hold onto it.

  Fuck, what was I doing? Nevertheless, I kept it out, and she held onto it.

  “Thank you.” She glanced up at me through her lashes. “I actually forgot where it was.”

  “Don’t worry, it can happen in a big house like this.”

  Visiting her brother, hmm.

  That didn’t seem likely. I knew hospital rules very well, especially the Adventist hospital.

  They didn’t let people visit and stay after nine o’clock.

  It was nearing twelve now. And it didn’t take an hour to get there either.

  We got to her door, and she still hung onto my arm.

  “You didn’t walk there, did you?”

  “Oh? Um, no, I had a ride…”

  I sighed and crossed my arms. “Willow, the truth.”

  “Fine, I took a taxi there, but walked back. It was only a thirty minute—”

  “That’s dangerous, Willow.” My voice came off strong. “This road wasn’t built for pedestrians. I gave you a car—”

  “No, I couldn’t do that!” She shook her head vehemently. “That’s not for my personal use. You’re already doing too much. Way too much.”

  “I like doing a lot for you. It’s nothing really.”

  I held her shoulders, and she flickered her gaze up at me, sending a warm, t
ingling feeling down to my cock.


  Her presence, the cool soft touch of her skin was bulleting through my system like an illicit drug.

  She opened her door and slipped inside.

  “Why?” she asked, peering through the crack she’d left open. “People just don’t do this kind of thing unless─”

  “Unless what?”

  She turned her head away. “Never mind.”

  A faint smell of alcohol wafted off of her. Had she been out drinking?

  “Goodnight,” she said, and sighed heavily.

  Her eyes, the need that soaked her soft big eyes, was overpowering. So was the thought that I didn’t know everything about her. It was driving me crazy. I wanted to possess her, to own her.

  And I could tell she wanted the same. I’d already gone too far, might as well take it all the way.

  I pushed her door open, grabbed her by that slender waist and pulled her against me. She grabbed my shirt, pulling at it with uncertainty, and I lowered my mouth onto hers.

  But a few seconds into the kiss, she relaxed, and pushed against me.

  I broke the kiss. “Willow, I can’t deny this attraction to you. And even though it’s putting me in danger, I still want you.”

  She pulled away from my grip.


  I pulled her to me again, pressing her against my crotch. I was beginning to feel the pressure of my cock against my slacks.

  “The divorce.”

  “You’re still married?” she asked, worry in her voice.

  “No, separated. Been separated for nearly two years— the statutory amount of time the court makes a married couple with a child wait before they grant a divorce. But my ex and I were over before we ever even started the divorce process and we haven’t had anything between us this entire time. We’d agreed that between us, it was over, even though under the law we had to wait for the court to make it official. It’s almost final, and believe me, I’m counting the days.”

  “Then why would being with me be—”

  I cut her off with another kiss. Glancing over my shoulder to check if the door was closed, I lifted her shirt and pulled up her bra.

  She gasped as her breathing steadily began to grow ragged and desperate.


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