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Bride Wanted

Page 14

by Eva Luxe

  Both of her dusky pink nipples stood at attention, hardening under my gaze.

  “You’re gorgeous,” I growled.

  Willow tried to cover her pretty tits, but I pulled her arms up above her head and sucked them. They tasted so sweet and delicious.

  Her voluptuous body arched into mine. No wonder she could be a dancer, with agility like that.

  I slid my hand down the curve of her back to her ass as I flicked my hot tongue over her crinkled nipples. Her moans were soft cries, escaping her mouth like wisps of air.

  My cock dug into her and I thrust it against her pussy so she could feel what she was dealing with. I knew she wouldn’t have any complaints about its size.

  “Oh, Darien. Oh my God,” she moaned as I moved over to the other nipple.

  A flash went through my mind and I forced myself off Willow’s beautiful body.

  She gave me an odd looked and whimpered.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, I could hear her pining for more.

  I wanted more, but was I just being selfish?

  “Willow, you’re a beautiful person…” Stop talking, my brain ordered. You are messing this up big time! “But I…uh…have a major project due tomorrow. If I miss that it could hurt my company badly. I’m sorry to cut this short.”

  “Okay.” She gazed at me, bemused but not, as far as I could tell, angry. “It’s fine. I hope you get some sleep before you head off to work tomorrow.”

  “I’ll try.”

  I smiled and left her bedroom. My cock was still tight and cursed me for leaving her wet pussy untouched.

  But I had to. I needed to gather myself together and figure out what I wanted to do. It wouldn’t be fair to fuck my daughter’s nanny without having a good plan in mind. I had always been an organized and overly prepared man who thought and then acted with quick decisiveness.

  I wobbled back to my office and went into the bathroom to fix this throbbing problem between my legs. Willow had knocked me off of my normal balance. This wasn’t like me at all.

  What the fuck was I thinking? If only money could make the world stop, I’d have it pause for months.

  I stood next to the toilet and took out my cock to stroke it. It was hard and red, twitching in my hand as I rubbed it and jerked off.

  I thought about how her body felt, how it obviously craved being with mine. I wanted to fuck her so bad. I bet it would be for her very first time.

  My heart raced at the thought of having her straddle me while she rode my cock. I’d pull her panties to the side so her pussy could be in plain view. I’d stick my fingers in her and feel how wet she was for me. Then I’d replace them with my cock, so it could rub the inside of her while I rubbed the outside, her clit, with my hand.

  Oh, my God.

  My cum shot out of me like it had been dying to escape. My cock twitched, satisfied partly but not completely, because it still wanted to be with her. My hand was no match for what had to be her completely fulfilling pussy.

  So much was at stake. And what was worse, was that I was the one who was risking making things worse.

  Morgan was the jealous type. Still— even though she definitely didn’t want me for herself. She didn’t want anyone near her meal ticket. So maybe it was best if I kept whatever it is I wanted with Willow in fantasy land until things calmed down with my ex.

  Chapter 12 – Willow

  I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  My body remembered how his lips and tongue felt on my breasts last night. Why had he really stopped? Was it really because of business?

  I turned over in my bed and saw the time on the clock. It was almost seven o’clock and my eyes felt swollen, puffy, and nasty.

  I had barely slept all night. Every time I closed my eyes I felt him. I wanted more, my panties were wet and everything was…it was right there. We could’ve had sex, but…ugh.

  I was over thinking it now and Ariel needed me. Ariel and Sam.

  So I got my big girl panties on, got out of the bed and put some warm water over my eyes followed by a splash of cold water to wake me up some more.

  At least I’d been able to get a few things from home, so I had clean clothes to wear. Nothing sexy. Just a lavender turtleneck and black skinny jeans.

  I did some final touches on my hair and face and rolled out of the room.

  Stopping over by Ariel’s room, I knocked to see if she was awake.

  “Ariel, it’s Willow,” I said.

  No answer.

  I opened her door and peeked in. She wasn’t there.

  So I ran down the stairs to the main floor. Dipping into the kitchen, I saw Ariel and Darien eating breakfast.

  “Hey, no one woke me up?” I chuckled, folding my arms.

  The breakfast smelled absolutely amazing. Thick bacon, eggs both scrambled and fried, and a few pitchers of all sorts of juices.

  “I didn’t want to disturb you since you didn’t go to bed very early,” Darien explained, looking up from his morning paper.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll be fine.”

  I moved over by Ariel and pinched the round cheeks on her cute little face. “Plus, I’m supposed to be up earlier than Ariel!” I teased.

  Darien smiled and took a sip of his coffee. I saw his eyes lingering on me. That slick glint in them told me he still wanted me, and I was damn sure I still wanted him.

  Darien glanced at his clock and sighed. “Since you’re up, I’ll let you take Ariel to school.”

  He shuffled his papers and scooted out of his chair.

  “It starts at eight, so you should be fine if you leave between seven thirty and seven forty. I moved the car seat into the Audi—and Willow, you can drive the Audi any time, whether Ariel is with you or not.”

  He gave me a stern look, and it made me want to giggle. He was so cute when he was trying to be bossy. “Ariel, be extra good for Willow today. She’s our live-in nanny now. I expect good behavior.”

  “Yes, Daddy!” she said angelically.

  “Oh, and Willow,” Darien began, patting his pockets down for his keys, “the phone people will be here today. The land lines are down, but should be up within two more hours or so.”

  “Okay, thank you for telling me.”

  Darien shot me another look, and I froze. If only I could hear what he was thinking.

  Darien pulled out of his driveway and sped off toward work. Ariel kept waving until his car was out of sight.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Sam about all of this. He’d probably even tease me about having a sugar daddy.

  Not that having one was bad. And I sure wasn’t trading what sugar-daddies usually demanded in return.

  It was how he’d be able to stay alive. That should make him understand.

  Since we had a few minutes before we had to leave for Ariel’s school, I took her back into the garden again, where she begged me to show her more stunts.

  She was young, but just as limber as I was.

  “Ariel!” screamed a woman from the top of the terrace. She came running toward us, and I stepped in front of Ariel.

  Who was this? Darien didn’t say anything about anyone coming for Ariel.

  Because he was such a good father, he’d be anal about any detail when it came to Ariel’s safety.

  “Who are you?” the woman asked. She snarled and looked at me as if I were the devil incarnate. “You’re one of Darien’s whores aren’t you? I knew it!”

  “Excuse me? I’m Ariel’s nanny. And who are you?”

  She raised her chin. “I’m her mother and Darien’s wife.”

  It was as clear as day that this beautiful crazy woman had never loved Darien. Money hungry, I could see it in her eyes. Her eyes were green with envy and greed.

  Ariel held onto my arm and shook.

  A weird smell came off of this woman…

  The name of it was on the tip of my tongue.

  “I’m here to get my daughter. I don’t want any strange people around her.”

>   “I’m her nanny. I assure you, Mr. Thrilling has checked my─”

  Ariel gripped my arm. “I’m not leaving!”

  “Yes you—”

  Her mom started in, but I interrupted her.

  “No she’s not. Now leave or else I’ll have to call the police. Ariel has to get to school”

  “Stop it, Mommy!” Ariel said, her voice quivering with fear.

  “Her father would’ve told me if her mother was coming, and I happen to know this is his custody day,” I told her. “You need to go, because he’s my employer and Ariel’s legal guardian, and I’m letting not her go anywhere until I hear it from him.”

  There was no way this wired up woman was laying a hand on— hey!

  “Get off of me!”

  Ariel screamed and tried to kick her mother. “Let Willow go!” she cried.

  Ariel’s mother knocked me on the ground and slapped me.

  Shit. I wasn’t a punk, so I got a few licks in before she hopped off of me and dragged Ariel off.

  I ran after her, the adrenaline in my veins pumping.

  Did people think they could come crash into other people’s lives and take people they loved away from them?

  Sam. Ariel. Darien…

  They didn’t deserve the bullshit that life was throwing them right now.

  “Hey! I said let her go!”

  Ariel’s mother, or whatever she was called, reached into her purse and pulled something out.

  I didn’t know what it was until I heard that electric crackle and felt that paralyzing shock to my torso.

  A taser.

  I fell down, unable to move. The only thing I could do was lie there and hear Ariel cry as she was dragged off by that crazy bitch.

  Minutes passed before I could get up and stagger back to the house. The phones were still down and my cell phone was nowhere around.

  I went to my bedroom to get my phone only to discover that it was out of charge.


  I couldn’t even call 911 if I wanted to.

  There was only one option left, and that was to go to Darien’s office.

  And I didn’t know where it was located.

  Still, I had to get out and find it.

  I was beginning to be able to walk better and went into the garage.

  He said he’d help me get a car, and I was sure he wouldn’t mind me borrowing his… hmm, damn it.

  Had I gone to the wrong garage? There was only one other car in here, and it was another Lamborghini.

  Sighing, I managed to find the car keys hanging up on the wall across from the car. There just wasn’t time to do anything else.

  I opened it up, slid inside and prayed that it wasn’t a stick shift.

  Yep, automatic. Though it did come with e-gear, which was pretty awesome.

  The car roared to life when I pushed the on button and I was ready to go.

  I had to be careful. This car was one of those close to the road ones, not meant for the big city with its inclines, declines and horrific soul sucking pot holes.

  That was when it hit me.

  A car like this? It had to have navigation.

  After I pulled out of the driveway with a surgeon’s precision, I messed around on the touch screen in front of me.

  I found the GPS and punched in the name of Darien’s company.

  Three seconds later I had real time directions.

  “Take a right, then travel five miles…” the voice said as I began to drive.

  Zooming around the twists and bends of the road should have been fun in a Lamborghini. Sam would've loved this. When things calmed down, I’d have to make sure to tell him I’d driven a six-figure car!

  And hopefully I’d get to add on that I gave that woman who took Ariel away an epic beat down.

  Bitch, tasing me like that…

  In twenty minutes, I was nearing the address and threw the Lambo in the garage.

  “Excuse me, miss, you need to sign in,” called a security guard.

  “Oh, sorry!” I ran over and scribbled my name and details down. “Do you know where Darien Thrilling’s office is? It’s an emergency.”

  “It’s on the twentieth floor.”

  Chapter 13 – Willow

  The elevator doors opened, and I popped out of them, running over to the secretary. Just as I approached her to tell her I needed to speak to him, Darien came out of a side door.

  “Dar— Mr. Thrilling!” I didn’t want to address him by his first name around others. The last thing he needed was gossip or a scandal.

  “Willow? Where’s Ariel?”

  I ran over to him. “Her mother came and took her away!”


  “I tried to stop her, but she slapped me and tased me!” I cried, worried that Ariel was going to be hurt.

  Darien ran down the hallway and I followed him.

  “I’m so sorry!”

  “Don’t apologize, I’ll have her in trouble for this! You can press charges!”

  We got to his office, and he ripped the phone from its base, damn near pounding each key as he called someone.

  “Morgan,” he growled.

  I was standing awkwardly in the middle of his office. I felt useless.

  It was like I couldn’t protect anyone, not Sam, not Ariel, and next up was probably Darien.

  “I don’t care! She’s the nanny and I have an agreement! If the court finds out what you did─”

  He paused. I could hear Morgan’s voice squawking though the phone.

  “You had better. You have one hour, or else I’m going to the court. And a taser? Serves you right if she presses charges.”

  He slammed the phone down and sat down in his seat.


  Darien was a good father. What the hell was Morgan doing? Using his daughter as a way of hurting and getting back at him because he didn’t want a gold digger by his side?

  “Darien?” I held my hands together, choosing my words carefully. “Is Ariel okay?”

  He had his chin nestled on his hands and elbows on the table. “Yes, she’s bringing her here. I’m sorry she hurt you.”

  He closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.

  He slammed his desk with his fist and I jumped back.

  I needed to calm him down. Quick.

  “You know. I hope you don’t get angry, but I had to take your Lamborghini to get here…” Wow, when I thought about it, that only seemed like it’d make him angrier. I mean, it was a six-figure car, and the newest model too.


  He lifted his gaze back to me, calming down.

  “Yeah, well, my cell phone wasn’t charged. The phones weren’t working, and I wasn’t going to sit by and watch some crazy bitch—I mean, woman─take Ariel away. Ariel said she didn’t want to go with her. She even said she wasn’t her mommy.”

  I hung my head down. Ariel needed a mommy, a good one.

  “Thank you for putting up a fight. You didn’t have to—”

  I gawped at him incredulously. “Yes I did!”

  The phone rang and Darien picked it up.

  “Hello? Yes, I’ll be right out.” He hung up and flashed me one of his sexy grins again.

  “How’s the car? Still there?” he teased.

  “Yes, I know how to drive low cars. My brother Sam had one.”

  A pain struck my chest, and it was hard to breathe for a moment.

  That car of Sam’s… the car that was now sitting in a junkyard, scrambled to pieces from the accident.

  “Willow, are you okay?” Darien asked, placing his warm large hands on my shoulders.

  He stroked the side of my face and I sighed.

  I wanted to cry. But now wasn’t the time to show weakness.

  “I’m fine.”

  When he left the office, I sniffled and reached over to Darien’s desk phone. Another payment was due soon, and since my family didn’t update me on his condition, I had to do it myself.

  I dialed the hospital
and waited.

  The nurse got on and told me he was okay, but that he had a small complication that was fixed.

  I had a heart attack, but they told me that he was stable now. It was just a reaction to some medicine they gave him.


  The door opened from behind me and Ariel ran over to me.

  “Willow!” she exclaimed.

  I turned around and hugged her. “I’m sorry,” she cried. “That bad lady hurt you.”

  “I’m fine,” I assured her. “It would take more than a crazy lady with a taser to take me down if my Ariel needed me!”

  Chapter 14 – Darien

  “Willow,” I said, interrupting them. “You two need to get home and rest. I’m sorry that happened to you.”

  “Daddy, Mommy hurt Willow!” Ariel, cried.

  I glanced over at Willow, who shrugged.

  “Well, like I said, she had a taser with a good shock on it. Maybe a slap or two, nothing serious—”

  “Nothing serious?” I echoed. “What do you mean nothing serious? You should press charges.”

  “Well, I didn’t know who she was, and she was trying to take Ariel away from me. I knew you would’ve told me if her mother was coming. Everything was just so suspicious. Was that your ex?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. I don’t know how I ever was tricked. Here, let me take you guys home.”

  I patted Willow’s back and wanted to rest my hand on her shoulder. But since I was at work, I had to drop my arm back to my side.

  Ariel clung to both of us as we made our way to the elevator.

  Ariel knew to push the down button and mashed it a few times, hoping it’d make the elevator arrive faster.

  “So, how was it?” I asked Willow.

  “How was what?”

  “Driving in a Lamborghini?”

  She began to blush, a rosy hue blossoming on her face. “Oh, that! Sorry about that.”

  I grinned. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”

  “It’s a six-figure car and I could’ve hurt it.”

  “I have insurance. Plus, I bet you enjoyed yourself.”

  “Too busy panicking to enjoy myself too much.”

  “But of course.”


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