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Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin

Page 7

by Tiece

  “Every time I think about it I get butterflies. That kiss was like a dream come true for me and that only confirmed my feelings for you. Deep down in my heart I always knew then that we were destined to be together.” She smiled. She rubbed her hand softly over Monty’s deep wavy hair. “I mean look at you… You’re tall, dark, and handsome. You are a wonderful Father to our son, you’re business savvy, and you take care of your family. Most importantly, you’re my man and I couldn’t ask for more.”

  “And you’re my Queen and I couldn’t ask for more. I’m happy that we hooked up the way we did and MJ couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m a lot like you because I believe in fate also. Look how we had sex that very first time and you got pregnant with my son. That was a sure sign that we’d be together and I’m glad to be here with my family. I wouldn’t have it any other way, Sweetie.” Monty leaned in and kissed Candy on her soft lips. “By the way, I have a surprise for you. It should be ready next week.” Candy blushed.

  “What kind of surprise?” She asked.

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?” He grinned knowing she was anxious to find out.

  “Baby, you already give me so much more than I could ever imagine. It still touches my heart every Wednesday to have an assortment of flowers delivered here.” Candy smiled.

  “That’s because I want you to always know that, no matter what, our relationship is going to continue to grow as beautiful as those flowers and it’s a reminder for you every time you walk by and see them sitting on your family table.” Monty said.

  “I truly appreciate the warm expressions of your love. I still love how every Sunday we continue to make time for each other, no matter what we have to do. I can always count on my Sunday being spent with you.” She said.

  “And, it’s gonna always be like that. I know I may be busy a lot while getting settled into my new business and you already know that there will be long days and late nights. But, I will always make time to spend with my baby, even if it might just be on Sundays for now. Just know that once things are running smoothly then they’ll definitely be lots of more time spent together.” He said watching the frown on Candy’s face turn into a smile.

  “I know, it makes me glad that we’ve had this talk and that we continue to have it every now and then. I’m sure you’ll be out of the house a lot handling your business and I totally understand. I support you and I’m very happy to see that you are working a legitimate business. I couldn’t ask for more.”

  Monty touched the side of her face. “I know the Lord works in our favor, because your birthday is next Sunday. He knew that Sundays were our days. That’s when I’m going to give you your surprise.” Candy grinned. She was tickled pink thinking of what he had for her.

  “I can’t get no hint?” Candy probed.

  “No hint, baby. Now forget I even mentioned it.” Monty laughed knowing how he was toying with her mind.

  “You’re a real sucka, you know that?” Candy hit him gently on his arm.

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Oh yeah, Mona called Rico tonight while I was over to his crib earlier.” Monty said, because he knew that Candy would be delighted to hear that news.

  “I’m glad she did. They have some things to work out and I hope that they get past all the things that are keeping them apart. They should be together.” She said, because she knew how much Mona loved Rico.

  “Yeah, it was so good to see her today in such a good mood and all. It reminded me of ole times before she got so stressed out over school and shit. I never thought school would be so much on her, but I’m glad that she’s taking advantage of this opportunity to further herself in life.” Monty responded.

  “Yeah, me too… She was looking good today wasn’t she?” Candy asked.

  “I wouldn’t say all that.” Monty cleared his throat. “The only thing that was looking good on Mona was her hair and that was because my baby hooked that up.” He laughed then slapped Candy hard on her butt.

  “Stop it, you nut! If Mona is so unattractive then you would be too because y’all look so much alike.” Candy retorted.

  “Yeah, whatever… I see y’all still take up for each other.” Candy laughed out loud as she closed in to give him a long seductive kiss. She gently grabbed his dick and it hardened in her hand. He immediately got on top of her and as he slowly slid his head inside her. MJ began to cry.

  “Damn!” Monty continued to stroke trying to think of something else other than MJ crying. “He’ll stop, just give him a minute.” He said.

  “Baby, I don’t think he’s gonna stop. You know how he is. Let’s just continue later on when he’s really in a deep sleep.” Candy said, tapping on Monty’s back as a gesture for him to move.

  “Damn, sweetie. This shit is so good.” Monty said. He was trying to get all he could before he had to move.

  “I know baby, but think about him in that room crying all loud and shit waiting for one of us to come in and rescue him out of that crib. He only wants to sleep with us, ya know.” Monty rolled over on his side of the bed and palmed his face with his hands.

  “I’ll go get him.” Candy said as she got up to open her dresser drawer. She pulled out a long, silk, yellow night gown and put it on.

  “No, you relax, Sweetie. I’ll go get my lil man.” Monty got up quickly, putting his boxer shorts on then headed in the next room to get MJ.

  Monty walked back in the room with MJ as his sleepy little eyes could barely stay open. He was sniffing like he’d been crying forever.

  “Look at him. He’s still half sleep. You know you could’ve let Daddy finish his business.” Monty said, looking at MJ. He kissed him on the neck.

  “Oh shut up, clown.” Candy laughed as Monty laid MJ in the middle of them. To no surprise, feeling the warmth from both of their bodies put him right back to sleep. Monty shook his head in amazement of how quickly he’d stop crying and fallen back asleep.

  “I don’t even think he knew he was crying.” Candy said.

  “Yeah, he didn’t. He was just sleep-crying is all that was.” Monty said as he grinned.

  “I thought it was sleep-walking. You’re silly, babe, and can say some of the craziest shit. That’s another reason why I’m so drawn to you. I bet those women in the streets don’t even know half of the humor you have.” Candy said.

  “You know I only want to share my laughter with you.” He stated quickly with a smooth line.

  Candy looked over at him with a big smile on her face. “Are you ready for your first meet and greet next week?”

  “I’ve never been so ready for something this big and important in my life. I’m excited about this opportunity I’ve chosen to take on. It feels great to be opening my own business and to have my best friend as my partner.” He responded.

  “I’m sure it does. I can’t wait to watch you in the mornings getting ready for work in your nice suits. It’s just exciting to me to know that you’re out of the streets and making an honest living now. I don’t have to worry as much about you or what you’re doing. It’s a great feeling, ya know.” She commented.

  “Yeah, I know. I feel the same way. It feels good to not have to look over my shoulder. I can’t lie; I did enjoy sleeping with all those women and knowing just how bad they wanted me.” Candy tooted up her nose. “I mean really, sweetie. I loved the attention and the money that I got from all of them. My ego was through the roof. I made so much money off of my pawns. You don’t know the half.” He said grinning.

  “I don’t think I wanna know, either. But I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to talk with me about this.” Candy frowned a little. “Not that I love hearing about other women sleeping with my man and paying him for his good dick. I can’t lie; I hated your extracurricular activities but I knew that it was only temporary and I was planning on sticking around until you realized it.” She stated.

  “It also worked in your favor that you were pregnant with my son.” Monty grinned. His slanted eyes seemed to clos
e up.

  “Whatever, honey! You would have still wanted to be with me, regardless.” She said.

  “You’re probably right.” He agreed with a smile.

  “Probably,” Candy said in a sarcastic tone.

  “I’m just kidding, babe.” Monty laughed out loud. “You’re so cute when you pout.” Candy put her finger to her mouth telling Monty to keep it down.

  “Seriously, Sweetie I just wanna make a good living for me and my family and you’re definitely a part of my family now. I want to move us into our own place and continue to share our dreams of being together.” Candy turned her head a little from Monty. She was in deep thought just that fast.

  “I know baby, but I don’t wanna really talk about moving right now. Let’s just talk about going into the guest room and finish what we started.” she said.

  “That sounds good to me.” He responded as he quietly got up out of the bed. He hated it when Candy disregarded his wants of moving out of her parent’s place, but to keep down confusion he decided to just go with the flow and not stir up an argument. Plus, she had him horny as hell. He followed her to the guest room watching the sheer yellow night gown as her ass showed through it jiggling. He knew that the subject of them moving would come back up again. So, he’d wait until the time was right to discuss it, but right now was not the time.

  Chapter Eight

  Monty was standing in the lobby area waiting on Rico to come out of the conference room. Maurice had just walked off with Mama Mack. They were headed inside his office so he could tell her what décor he had in mind for his layout. Monty could tell that Maurice was excited to help Bank’s Realty grow. He even expressed how much it meant to him in the meet and greet.

  The meeting wasn’t anything major but the guys got a chance to get to know a little more about each other. Maurice was thrilled. This was a huge opportunity for him. If things went as planned he could finally become a partner of a business that he loved very much. Monty wasn’t opposed to the idea, because he knew that Maurice was a man of many talents in the realty industry and most importantly he trusted his sincerity of working with them.

  They discussed putting an ad in the paper right away so that they could hire an Executive Secretary to help them out. Funny thing is that Maurice already had his own personal Executive Secretary. He said she’d been working with him for as long as he was in the business. She’d help him show property if he wasn’t available. She’d step in a business meeting and take over the entire proposal if he needed her to. She was very handy and was there for him whenever he needed her. He gloated that she was indeed the best there was at what she did and Monty and Rico teased him that they were lovers. He assured them that they were just good friends and that they would meet her as soon as the office was open for business.

  Monty and Rico agreed that they needed someone just like that. Monty especially wanted to hire someone who was knowledgeable about the business. He was picky too so he already figured that he’d interview more than a few people before making his decision.

  Rico looked over at Monty with a grateful smile. “Man, the meeting was on point. This is going to be serious once the doors open.” He said giving Monty dap.

  “Hell yeah, I’m real excited. Maurice is on top of his game and I’m glad that he chose us to work with, because he could’ve gone somewhere else. We need a man of his caliber on our team.” Monty said.

  “You couldn’t be more right about that.” Rico agreed. “Hell, I’m already learning shit from him.” he paused. “Hey listen, bruh. I know Monica hooked you up with a lot of shit when y’all were fucking around.”

  “She did.” Monty responded. “She is the reason why I’m able to open this business so fast. I can’t lie she hooked a brother up. I’m sure she hooked you up too with her desperate ass. Go ‘head spit it out.”

  Rico shook his head as a smile crept across his face. “There was one good thing about Monica.”

  “Well maybe two or three good things,” Monty teased thinking about her mouth that snapper.

  Rico laughed. “You’re right. Well, like you said, she did look out for me too. She gave me some property on Mike Padgett Highway and a building over in the National Hills shopping plaza on Washington Road.”

  “She hooked you up with some of those checks to huh?” Monty asked.

  “Yeah, she did that too,” Rico confessed.

  Monty shook his head with a low grin. “That damn Monica Hunter, she knows how to keep a man, don’t she?” He asked. “The sad thing is that she don’t realize that she is so pretty and she definitely knows how to please a man that it don’t even take all that for her to keep somebody. I don’t know what fucked her up along the way, but I ain’t mad at her gifts, because they come in big packages; every time.” Monty said laughing.

  “Hell yeah!” Rico agreed. “I don’t even want to keep the property. I already have an investor who is looking to buy it from me for twice as much as Monica paid for it. I’m just weighing my options though.” Rico said. “The building in the National Hills shopping plaza I might just lease, but I’ll see. I do want to sit down with you and Maurice and go over the options with this property to make sure that I’m doing the best thing that I could be doing with it.” Rico stated.

  “Hey bruh, that sounds real good.” Monty said. “I got some ideas that I need to discuss concerning some property that I own. This will be good for us to go over together.”

  “We can look over the property during the next meeting that we have. I’ll bring in everything I’ve already done research on.” Rico said.

  “I’ll run it by Maurice later so he’ll be up to speed. I wish Bren could’ve been here to share this moment with me, but hopefully he’ll still make his way to Augusta around my birthday.” Monty said. “So how are things with you and my sister?”

  “Things couldn’t be better. I told her about Monica and she actually was calmer than I thought she’d be. She said she is willing to work things out with me and I’m just happy to have her back in my life.” Rico stated.

  “What?” Monty questioned. “Not my sister? I can’t believe she swallowed that pill as easy as she did.”

  “She did,” Rico confirmed. “She also wants to talk to you as soon as possible. It ain’t nothing about Monica, so don’t look like that. She wanted me to tell you to stop by your mama’s house when you leave here.”

  “I wonder what the hell she could want that she couldn’t call me.” Monty wondered. “I’ll go by there.” He said looking down at his phone since a text message had come through.

  I’m done with the web designs. Would you call me when it’s convenient for you? I need to see you. Tony

  Monty looked over at Rico with a smile on his face.

  “Toni just messaged me. She said that she is done with the designs.” He informed him.

  “I bet that ain’t all she said.” Rico stated with a grin.

  “Naw, it wasn’t but she’s trying to act like she is all professional, but I know the freak in her.” Monty said. “She damn sho can put it down with that wet pussy.” They laughed.

  “Do you plan on fucking her again?” Rico asked.

  “If the time is right, I probably will. Why?” Monty asked. “Do you want her?” He teased.

  “Hell naw, not this time Bruh. If it ain’t mine first then I don’t want it.” Rico said. They both laughed about it as Maurice and Mama Mack came walking out of his office.

  “Is everything a go?” Monty asked.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna love my lil set up.” Maurice replied. “This pretty lady knows her thang.” He smiled at Mama Mack.

  “I hate to gloat, but I already know this.” Mama Mack laughed at her own comment causing the fellas to laugh.

  “Mama lets head into my office so I can get a feel of how I want things to be.” Rico said anxiously ready to pick out his décor.

  “Well, y’all go ahead. I’m about to head over to my Mama’s house right quick.” Monty said feeling for his keys in his

  “Yeah I got to meet with someone this afternoon about a business deal, so I’ma get on outta here too.” Maurice said.

  “I’ll lock up the place and I’ll holla at y’all later. Call me after you talk to your sister, man.” Rico said.

  “A’ight, I will.” Monty said. He and Maurice walked out together as Rico and Mama Mack headed toward his office for some décor ideas.

  Chapter Nine

  Monty sat in his Tahoe looking through his phone for MiKayla’s number. He quickly dialed it, pulling out the paperwork revealing the nice condominium he’d purchased just for her.

  “Hello,” she answered in the sweetest and sexiest voice ever.

  “What’s up, MiKayla,” he said.

  “I’ve been expecting a call from you.” She said in flirtatious manner. “How have you been doing?”

  “I’ve been good and yourself?” H asked.

  “I’m good, as well. I’d been thinking about you ever since that day I saw you.” On her face was a smile so big that it revealed just how glad she was to hear from him. Monty knew she was smiling. He could envision it from the sound of her voice.

  “Oh yeah,” he commented. His deep voice was very sexy to her as she continued smiling.

  “Yeah, but more importantly,” she stated not wanting to sound like she was all up on his jock. “Did you look into that for me?” She asked while sitting on the couch at her sister’s house eating popcorn, watching the movie Obsessed. Crazy white bitch, she thought then stood up, redirecting all her attention back to Monty.

  “I did and luckily for you my boss had a nice condo that a client was supposed to buy, but due to unforeseen circumstances he didn’t get it. So, that means that it’s available if you’re interested.” He informed her.

  MiKayla’s smile grew even bigger. “Hell yes, I’m interested in checking it out!” She happily responded being that she was ready to move into her own place and get her sister’s nosey ass out of her business.


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