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Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin

Page 8

by Tiece

  Monty smiled at her expense. “Well, do you have time to go by the place and check it out? My boss is willing to show it to you personally and if you want it then it’s yours.”

  MiKayla immediately started searching for her shoes. “Sure, I’ll leave now. Send the address to my phone and I’ll GPS it.”

  “Oh, so you got a GPS now?” he joked.

  “Yeah, I got tired of tryna find everything by asking for directions or having to take my sister with me. I figured that everybody is not gonna be as nice as you were to me.” She grinned a little in the phone causing him to share the smile. “When am I going to see you?”

  “I’m not sure,” he paused. “But, I will keep check on you to make sure that you like the place. Mr. Banks will go over the paperwork and payments with you. Send me a text after you see it and let me know what you think.” Monty said.

  “Okay, I will,” stated MiKayla. Monty could hear the disappointment in her voice, but he smiled knowing that he had a trick up his sleeve for Miss MiKayla.


  Monty pulled up to the condominium and looked around. The location was private and quiet just like she asked that it be. He could see the river located behind it since the Condominium overlooked a small section of the River Walk. He figured that she would love it, but sat there as he was wondering if she was serious about making such a costly purchase. He knew that he couldn’t judge a book by its cover, but something about her told him that she was about business and he always liked that in a woman. He was anxious to see her so he got out of his vehicle and decided to wait for her on the inside of the place.

  MiKayla pulled up behind the navy blue Tahoe while taking a look around the area. It’s nice as hell, seems quiet, and I love the view of river in the back. His boss really has good taste. She thought. She sat up to take a really good look at what she already knew would be the place she’d call home. She got out of her car and smiled while checking out the 24’inch chrome rims on the Tahoe.

  Now, I like that. Mr. Banks must be cool as hell. She thought walking up to the door as it was partially left open. Easing it open, she slowly walked in. Her eyes lit up. The place was everything she wanted. She stood in the foyer and scanned the open layout. She could almost see every room from where she stood. The kitchen was to the left of her and besides the spaciousness of it, she loved the stainless steel black appliances that set it off. She walked in further noticing the fireplace sitting at the rear end of the entertainment room. It was like no other she’d seen before. It sat up about two feet off the floor and had black marble granite along the sides and base of it. Surrounding the marble granite was a stainless steel bookcase.

  Wow, this is beautiful. She thought, realizing that she still hadn’t seen Mr. Banks, yet. “Hello,” she said softly. “This home is beautiful. What are you asking for it?” She peeked around the corner and noticed someone standing on the balcony. She walked to the back glass doors and slid them open from the middle as she saw that the person standing there was none other than Monty. He turned and looked at her.

  “Hey,” she said in an excited, very surprised tone. Her teeth were so white and straight that they made her smile seem even brighter.

  “What’s up?” He nonchalantly responded. “I didn’t even hear you come in. This view had caught my attention.” He smiled back watching her shoulder length bob blow slightly in the wind.

  “I know,” she paused taking in the view. “It is so beautiful and peaceful out here.” She couldn’t help but admire him just as much as she admired the view of the river. His demeanor was so appealing.

  “So, I take it that you like the place.” He asked, enjoying the view of her thick nice legs. She stood there in a white fitted blouse, pair of baggy gray knee length shorts, and open toe grey pumps. Her style was casual and very cute. It turned him on.

  “Yes, I love the place. You didn’t tell me that you’d be here. Where is Mr. Banks? Is he still coming?” She asked.

  “Yeah, he’s still coming.” He grinned. “Let’s go into the kitchen. I’m sure he’ll show up.”

  “Wow, I must say that I wasn’t expecting this. It is very nice in here,” she said, leading the way into the kitchen.

  “I love this layout myself.” Monty agreed entering the kitchen area as he followed MiKayla, scoping out her fat ass. He went over to his briefcase that sat on top of the marble granite countertop. He smiled and opened it up, taking out the paperwork. MiKayla was softly rubbing her fingertips across the brand new stainless steel island stove. She turned toward Monty as he was handing her paperwork to the condominium. She smiled.

  “So, is there anything on here that I should be aware of?” she asked. “Mr. Banks isn’t tryna get over on me is he?” She smiled, scanning over the agreement.

  “Nah, Mr. Banks wouldn’t do anything like that. He’s on the straight and narrow. He’ll never steer you wrong.” He confirmed.

  “Okay,” she nodded. “The asking price is a little less than expected. So, thanks for looking out. I do want it. Where do I sign?” Monty pointed to the signature line. As she signed the paperwork she hummed a little tune. She was happy to be buying her first piece of property in Augusta, Georgia.

  “So, let me get out my checkbook. I assume Mr. Banks is not going to show, huh?” She continued as she’d figured out that Mr. Banks was him. Monty grinned. “Do you think Mr. Banks would mind if I gave him a hug for being so generous and allowing me to get this place when I see him?” She asked.

  “Nah, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. He’d probably like that a lot.” Monty stated. MiKayla walked over to him, standing a little taller with her pumps on. Her big brown eyes stared in his and, before he could say anything, she put her arms around his neck. “Thank You, Mr. Banks,” she said as she inhaled the nice smell of his Gucci Sport cologne.

  “You’re welcome,” he said hugging her back. Her warm hug caught him off guard. He held her around the waist and smiled, enjoying this little intimacy they were sharing. They both let go at the same time, knowing that a hug like this could lead to much more. Monty stood there watching her rub her hand around the back of her neck as she shook her head.

  “I’m just gonna come out with it and ask you. Can I see more of you?” She asked wanting to know more about the mysterious Mr. Banks.

  “I would love to see more of you.” He said just as his phone rang. “Excuse me,” he said as he answered it.

  “Hello.” He said stepping away from MiKayla with his back turned to her.

  “Hey love, whatcha doing?” Candy asked.

  “Oh hey babe, I’m a little busy right this second. I’m with a client.” He responded.

  “Okay, my legitimate business man. How long are you going to be out?” She asked.

  “Not that long, baby. What’s up?” He asked.

  “I want you to stop by and get your son some Tylenol. He’s running a slight fever.” She said.

  “Is he okay?” Monty asked.

  “Yeah, I know it’s early, but he’s probably just teething. I don’t think it’s nothing serious. He is somewhat fussy, though.”

  “Yeah, I hear him whining in the background.” He said with concern in his voice.

  “Well, you don’t have to rush home. Just don’t forget about it. Do I need to text you to remind you?” she asked.

  “No, I’ll remember it.” He assured her.

  “Okay, babe.”

  “I’ll be there soon.” He said as they ended their call. He turned back to MiKayla who was just standing there watching him. She had a disappointed look on her face, but smiled at him anyway.

  “So,” she paused. “That phone call answered my next question.” Monty knew that it was better for her to find out now than later.

  “Yeah, I’m definitely in a relationship and yes, that was her on the phone. It seems that my three month old son isn’t feeling well.” He confessed.

  “Awww, I’m sorry to hear that.” She said, backing up to the countertop. She jumped up a lit
tle to sit down on it. “I don’t wanna hold you here. I guess we’re done.” She handed him the check with the down payment and first month’s mortgage. He reached in his pocket and handed over the keys to her new place. She seductively smiled watching him pick up his briefcase.

  “Let me know if you need anything else.” He stated, hating to leave so soon. He brushed by her as she pulled his shirt making him come toward her. With her legs open he stood between them and stared into her bright, pretty eyes. She leaned in and passionately began kissing him. He didn’t even try to stop it, because he was enjoying every bit of that kiss as she was. Damn, what am I doing? He questioned himself when the thirty-five second kiss was over.

  Wow, she thought knowing that she felt a spark with him that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Monty knew he had to leave or something else was about to go down.

  “Hey listen, I gotta go, but I’ll definitely talk to you again.” He said.

  “I know,” she said knowing that he felt something, too. “I hope your son feels better.” She added.

  “Thanks, me too,” he said while swiftly exiting the place.

  Chapter Ten

  Monty pulled up to Catherine’s house. He got out of the car and used his key to open up the front door. He walked through the foyer and around the corner to the family room. Mona was there relaxing on the baby blue suede recliner chair with her feet up. She was scanning through a magazine. Monty walked over, sat on the matching sectional across from her, and grabbed the remote to the TV.

  “What’s up, Sis?” He asked while flipping through the channels on the 62’inch plasma screen.

  “Nothing much, big head… I’m just chilling out and waiting for Mama to come home so that we can go to the mall. What are you up too?” She asked as if she was more interested in the magazine now that he was there. She hadn’t even looked up at him.

  “I came by to see what you needed to talk to me about. It sounded important and I didn’t want to wait.” Mona sat the magazine on the end table next to her and looked at Monty. She smiled a little.

  “Well, what’s up?” he asked. He was anxious to know. “You got that smile on your face like it’s something good. I hope so or your ugly ass owes me some gas money.”

  “Whatever,” Mona laughed out loud. “I have some news to tell you.”

  Monty interrupted her. “I hope you ain’t quitting school, because I’ve paid all that.” He was cut off in mid sentence.

  “Oh, shut the hell up!” Mona said quickly. “Ain’t nobody quitting school.”

  “Oh, well… I’m glad to hear that.” Monty responded. He felt a little bad that he’d jump to that conclusion.

  “I just wanted you to hear this first before it began to show.” She said.

  “Don’t keep me waiting here. Just tell me.”

  “I’m pregnant.” Mona dropped her head. She was almost afraid of Monty’s reaction. He sat there quietly as the words of her being pregnant played over and over in his head. She slowly raised her head to look at him and he was just sitting there. He was thinking of what to say to her.

  “You’re pregnant, but you’re staying in school, right?” he curiously asked.

  “Yep,” Mona responded. Monty was looking down as if he was the one that couldn’t quite look in her face.

  “What are your plans on raising this baby?” he questioned.

  “I’m going to give my baby so much love and be the best Mother to him or her that I can be. We’ll take things one day at a time and it’ll all work out.” Mona said.

  “We, huh?” He said in a low tone still not able to look up.

  “Yep,” Mona said as she was wondering what Monty was thinking.

  “Well, I know that Mama and I will be here for you, but what about the baby’s daddy?” He asked.

  “What about him? He’s involved with us and will continue to be; ain’t no doubt about that.” Mona explained. Monty began to think back about Rico’s conversation earlier. No wonder he and Mona were deciding to be together. He thought.

  “So, I’m guessing that Rico is the baby’s daddy.” Monty said looking over at Mona for the first time since the conversation started.

  “It’s Rico.” She clearly stated. “Who did you think it was?”

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking.” He paused. “Oh, so he knows about this with his sneaky ass. No wonder he was talking like that today when he was saying that you wanted to talk with me. Hell, I didn’t realize that y’all were still messing around like that. I mean I knew he had a thang for you, but I didn’t know it was like that.” Monty grinned. He felt a little better, but quickly thought about Monica being pregnant by him also. Damn, he thought. He only wanted his sister to be happy and with Monica in the picture that may not be possible.

  “So, you’re cool with this?” She asked.

  “Yeah, I’m cool with it. Hell, I got a baby with Candy. I was a little shocked at first, but I can’t stop you from doing what you do and as long as you respect yourself and handle your business then what can I say? You’re grown and I respect that. I’m happy to be an uncle.” Monty smiled at Mona while pushing her a little on the arm. “Now you gotta watch how you talk about people or that big head baby gonna look just like ’um.”

  She laughed. “Shut up, boy and leave my baby outta this,” she said. As Monty sat there, he couldn’t resist trying to find out how much his little sister knew about Monica. It was still in his nature to protect her from getting in too deep and possibly getting hurt in the long run.

  “Well, Sis… I heard about you and Rico having a serious conversation, because he told me about some it. He just conveniently left out the part about you being pregnant, of course. And, as you know Rico is my right hand man, but I want to make sure that you know everything that is going on his life before you make a serious commitment. If you don’t mind me asking, what else did y’all talk about? I’m just curious to know.” Monty asked. He still trusted Rico’s word, but just wanted to make sure that everything was put out in the open concerning Monica.

  “We talked about everything and to my surprise Rico was very honest about everything going on in his life.” Mona sighed since she now hated to even hear Monica’s name come out of her mouth. “I even know about the whole Monica situation.”

  “Wow,” Monty said, relieved to hear that Rico was a man about the situation and kept it real with his sister. “I’m happy to hear that Rico came clean about it and so you do know the whole story, right?”

  “Yep, I know that she’s pregnant by him, we think. I hate to say it, but I knew that she was pregnant by him back when Candy was giving birth to MJ.” Mona said.

  “How did you know that?” Monty asked.

  “Her trifling ass called Candy’s cell phone while we were in the hospital to spill the beans about the relationship that the two of you had. She even said that you were with her on the night of your birthday and that y’all had been messing around the whole time Candy was in Atlanta. The only thing was that she was talking to me and not Candy.” Mona responded.

  “Damn! I can’t believe she did that shit.” Monty scratched his head, growing weary of how conniving Monica could be to get next to him.

  “Yeah, well… She even went ahead and told me that she was pregnant by Rico, but wanted me to know that you were no Prince Charming, more like a lying man who slept around outside of his relationship. She hung up after saying all she had to say. I guess she was happy, thinking that she had caused your relationship some harm. But, little did she know that she really had caused my relationship with Rico so much more than that, because I had just found out that I was pregnant by him earlier that day.” Mona said.

  “Damn, Sis! I’m so sorry about that.” Monty shook his head. “That bitch really knows how to get under your skin. She is nothing like the Monica I used to know. I hate that she stooped so low to try to get back at me for leaving her slick ass alone.”

  “Well, even though she got to me; I’m just glad that it wasn’t Cand
y who answered that phone or your ass would not be with her today.” She stated.

  “I know, Sis and thanks for not telling her about any of this.” He responded.

  “Who do you think I am; with your big head self? I am not going to tell on you like that. You might make me sick sometimes, but you’re still my brother and I love you. I would not come between your relationships like that.” She confirmed.

  “I can’t thank you enough. I owe you big time for that one.” He said.

  “Well, good, because I need some money so I can go shopping with Mama. She’s pulling up now.” Mona leaned back peeping out of the window and started to grin as she held her hand out, wiggling her fingers back and forth.

  “Damn, you don’t waste any time do you?” he reached in his pocket and pulled out some money. He rolled off five one hundred dollar bills and handed them to her. “Don’t make this a habit with your fat self!” He said.

  “I’m not fat!” Mona snatched the money and got up. “By the way, what are you doing for Candy’s birthday, Sunday?”

  “She’ll tell you about it. I’m not talking.” He said.

  “As long as it’s something real nice then I don’t care, Sucka.” She hit him on the head and walked out of the room. No sooner than she could get upstairs Catherine walked in.

  “Hey Mama,” Monty said. He got up and kissed Catherine on the cheek. “Why are all these young girls having babies?” he teased.

  “Because these knucklehead young boys aren’t using any condoms,” she sarcastically responded with a smile. He frowned. “Hey son, where is my baby?” She asked while standing there looking at him like she hadn’t just clowned him right quick.

  Monty shook his head with a grin. “He’s home with his mama. I’m ‘bout to head on over there now. We were supposed to go out to eat later, but she believes that he is teething. So, I’m not sure right now.” He said, thinking about the Tylenol that he needed to get.


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