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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

Page 127

by Ashley Stewart

  “Nothing,” she shook her head frantically. “Nothing at all.” Swallowing the lump in her throat, she tried to speak without her voice cracking. “Aren't we going to carry on?”

  “Hmm,” he pondered, his finger tapping against her clit. The staccato movements against her sensitive nub had her arching her back, failing to hold back the, 'ah, ah,' that passed her lips with every soft tap against it. “No, I think not,” he decided, pulling his fingers out of her completely. “Not just yet.”

  Just as she got the distinct impression that she should prepare herself for what was to come, he slid his hand into her hair, and his lips were on hers before she had the chance to take a breath. He was so strangely soft and gentle, his lips pressing against hers in such a way that she almost relaxed enough in his arms to let her guard down. She might have done it completely, if she hadn't known him as well as she did, but she had eased herself enough to be able to wrap her arms around his neck and enjoy the kiss for what it was. Sure enough, her instincts were proven right, as he was soon gripping her hair tightly and thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

  Angela pulled her head back to catch her breath and try to get her head out of the clouds from the way that he was making her feel, but David’s grip was firm, holding her right where he wanted her to be.

  “Ah, David…” She pushed at his chest as she tried to loosen his hold on her just enough that she could gulp in some air. His lips were unyielding, his tongue probing and unforgiving as he continued to press himself upon her, imprinting himself onto her puffy, kiss swollen lips. She placed her hands flat on his chest and pushed against him in an effort to create the space that she needed. It had the intended effect, with him immediately pulling away just far enough that she could catch her breath for a moment.

  As she continued to gasp, she was acutely aware of his gaze on her as her chest heaved in time with her breaths. But he wasn't looking anywhere but her eyes, his darkened orbs staring into hers. She squirmed under him and swallowed thickly, nodding to him, signaling that she was ready to continue.

  It was all it took for him to return his tight grip to her hair and pull her back in, his open mouthed kisses just as searing as they had been before she asked them to take a break for air. She hummed, her mind a bit clearer and able to handle it, and so she enjoyed the way that she was swept up into the whole experience, and enjoyed it with the entirety of her body.

  The fingers of his free hand laced through hers as he broke away for a second time, his breath a little more ragged, his voice a little hoarser when he whispered her name as he looked at her through hooded eyes. The usual mirth that she could so easily find in his eyes was replaced by an intensity that ensnared her every time that they found themselves in this space, with nothing between them. She stared at him, into him, and her body stilled itself under his gaze, and she found herself breathless for reasons beyond his kiss.

  “It would be so easy for me…” he murmured, the warmth of his breath caressing itself over her lips. “To just…” he leaned forward, pressing delicate kisses along the length of her collarbone. “Fuck you until you break,” his words devolved into a moan at the end as his kisses dragged on longer, turning into long strokes of his lower lip against her skin.

  “David,” she moaned, the center of her sense of self absolutely throbbing at the suggestive tone of his voice. His finger traced her jawline as he gazed at her, the strength and hardness of his body reassuring as he pressed it more firmly against her, as if he was trying to kiss her with the entirety of his body.

  “Give yourself to me.”

  The atmosphere in the room, already heady and thick with arousal, was still as he waited for her to say that she was ready for it. She peered at him, her eyes slowly moving between his steady ones, noticing how the fierceness of his want for her was making her already pulsing core throb with a heat that she needed addressed. Now. It was hardly a demand that she even needed to consider any more; she had been to thoroughly his for so long, the words were like music to her ears, and she was already nodding before she had even had the thought to form words in response to him. A look of surprise flitted crossed his face but it was instantly quelled and his usual haughty grin replaced it.

  “Awful quick to decide,” he chuckled. “Last chance to back out. I'm not going to give you another one.” She matched his grin with one of her own, and she wrapped her legs around his to drive her point, and his, home.

  “I don't need another chance, David,” she emphasized with a knowing look, rolling her hips up to meet his. Within a second of their hips connecting, he had lowered his head and kissed her soundly, a small taste of the passion he was about to unleash upon her.

  “I'm not going to be gentle this time.” He sat up and shimmied out of his boxers, his naked body completely exposed to her, his erection so engorged that the head of it was an angry purple. He looked down at her, the corners of his lips quirking into a smirk. “I figured I should warn you ahead of time.”

  “It's hardly the first time we've done it rough.” In spite of that knowledge, she shivered a little at the suggestion in his tone, at the hint at what was to come.

  He pressed the full length of his body against hers, both of them humming low in their throats at the pleasant tingling that crawled across their skin. His gaze danced along the planes of her body, lingering at her breasts, the curve of her waist, and the softness of her thighs before swiftly moving to the drenched slit between them.

  She felt her cheeks begin to burn under his scrutiny, and her teeth worried her bottom lip, instinctively beginning to press her thighs tighter together to simultaneously try and sate the throb between them and her bashfulness that was beginning to show.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” he warned with a shake of his head. “Don’t go closing them on me now …” The smile he wore on his face only widened as he slipped a hand back between her thighs, coaxing them to relax and part to allow him to slip between them. “Come on, now, there's a good girl,” he cooed to her, her legs growing pliant and lax under his fingers.

  “Here,” he pulled the fingers that were caressing her out of her entrance and held them up to her lips. “Have a taste.” He tapped her lips lightly and she parted them eagerly in response, greedily accepting the offering. “Be a good girl and lick them clean.”

  Angela sucked on his fingers, her gaze steady, unwavering, and never leaving his. She was so consumed with desire, so wanting, that she thought that the heat inside of her would burn her alive from the inside out. From how closely they were pressed together, she could undeniably feel his rock hard cock against her thigh, throbbing and eager to get inside of her.

  Angela moved her head away so his fingers would slip out of her mouth, and she took the moment to slip her arm in the scant space between them so she could curl her fingers around his cock. Before her fingers had even touched him, she knew that he was rock hard and twitching in his eagerness. She ran a finger along the thick vein that pulsed along the underside of his length, knowing that it was a particularly sensitive spot for him. It got the desired effect out of him, making his whole body shiver in anticipation.

  David tilted his head and watched her face through narrowed eyes as she worked him in kind, his expression wild and wanting. He allowed her to continue playing with him, gently pumping his erection up and down with her hand, until she felt his hips grinding against her, a sign that he was about at his limit for how much he was going to let her tease him.

  In the next second, both of her arms were pinned above her head, and his lips had crashed into hers in a wild kiss, his free hand stroking wherever he could touch her blindly and without having to stop what he was doing before coming to stop at her breast. He wasted no time in caressing and toying with the sensitive, supple flesh, rubbing and tweaking her nipple until it stood stiff and hard. She writhed under his touch, wanting to feel more of him, wanting to have him play with her body more, the heat that had flooded through her entire being feeling like it was going to overwhelm her at
any moment. She clung to her sanity, wanting this to last but still craving her release all the same.

  “David …” his name slipped out past her lips, her tone husky and wanting. “I, ah, I need …” she felt her face scrunch up on its own, and she wanted nothing more than to beg him to let her come, but she knew better; she was still being punished for being so brazen earlier.

  “Mmm?” His smirk was expectant as he peered down at her, like he knew exactly what she wanted from him, and knew that he was the only one that could ever give it to her.

  “I, I need to … I need …” she swallowed when his fingers went back to her entrance, lightly touching without actually slipping inside of her. Her rebellious streak flared up at his carefree negligence of her sexual needs, and she cried out in exasperation, “You know exactly what I need!” His eyes flashed darkly at her defiance, at her blatant disregard to their usual game, but she wasn't sure if that was out of annoyance or excitement. At this point, as long as he eventually made her finish, she didn't exactly care.

  “As a matter of fact, no,” he trailed a circle around her nipple with his tongue teasingly. “I don’t know what you need. Would you care to elaborate?” So he was just playing ignorant until she followed the game, eh?

  “David!” she gasped when he thrust one finger inside of her and used his thumb to flick against her clit.

  “You always sound especially lovely when you say my name, you know.” His grin was the physical embodiment of the word 'haughty', and if she wasn't in such desperate need to have an orgasm, she just might have throttled him.

  “Need you,” she moaned. “Need your cock …” Immediately, he released his hold on her arms and kissed her long and hard, humming in pleasure.

  “There's my good girl.” he murmured heatedly against her mouth. He thrust his cock deep into her in one fluid movement, and she saw white for a second from the intensity of their coupling. He wasted no time in snapping his hips against hers, setting a grueling pace for them before she even had time to adjust. But she didn't need it, wrapping her legs around his waist as she felt him hitting that sweet spot deep inside of her that made her cry out in ecstasy.

  David’s hands caressed her body freely, wildly, tracing the curve of her waist, the undulating mounds of her breasts as he shifted his hips just enough to angle himself so that he was hitting her most sensitive area. Angela took in a sharp breath, plunging a hand into his hair and gripping at his short locks in an effort to ground herself against the tidal flood of pleasure that was encompassing her as he continued to piston his hips against her ruthlessly.

  She moaned his name, the nails on her free hand dragging along his back as he continued to move inside of her at a break neck pace, his growing urgency increasing the pace of his thrusts, all caution thrown out the window as he chased after his own high, and by proxy, hers. His breathing was quickening in deep, heavy pants, and she closed her eyes just to hear the aggressiveness of his heaving pants, which only made her head swim with pleasure even more.

  Her hips began to rise and fall, meeting his in a synchronized rhythm, the pace slowly increasing as she felt the desire in her stomach beginning to reach a peak. Her breath was coming out with faster and harder heaves of her chest, and the throbbing that she had been feeling this whole time, that edging toward her orgasm and yet not going anywhere at all quickly turned into a crazed type of pulsing as David tilted his hips with each thrust, brushing his cock against her clit.

  “Ah, David, David, I'm so close!” she panted breathlessly. She was right at the edge and all he had to do was tip her over it, provided, of course, that he was willing to allow this to end so soon. With one thrust that was hard enough to nudge them both further up the bed and a final brush against her clit with the base of his cock, the coil in her core snapped, and she wailed as she orgasmed. Stars burst behind her closed eyelids as she rode out her orgasm, each cresting wave of pleasure peaking higher with each subsequent thrust of his hips against hers as he chased her orgasm with his own, his hot seed dousing the fires in her womb before he collapsed on top of her, his head falling beside hers as they both caught their breath.

  In the pleasant haze that was the aftermath of their lovemaking, Angela began to feel herself normalizing against the fuzz in her head from her orgasm. She felt the sweat on her skin cooling, and she shivered, eliciting a soft moan out of her lover, who was still inside of her. With one last shuddering sigh from the both of them, David eased out of her with a kiss pressed into her temple and slid off of the bed languidly, sauntering over to the master bathroom attached to his bedroom and fetching a towel to clean her with.

  “Do you do your own laundry?” she asked as she slipped her oversized shirt over her head. She opted to leave her yoga pants off, allowing her lower half to cool down after their activities. He chuckled and nodded as he sprawled out on the bed again, taking her hand and bringing her down with him.

  “I might be a billionaire, but I wasn't raised that way. Ma always made damn sure I knew how to wash my clothes so she didn't, 'have to storm into my home and clean up after me again,' as she put it,” he said, holding his fingers up to make a quotation sign with it as he impersonated his mother with an unflattering high pitched voice. Angela laughed openly at the display, turning into his side and curling around him, reveling in the closeness that they enjoyed between them like it was still a new thing that she had to get used to.

  “My parents made sure I knew how to cook and clean and take care of myself from an early age,” she sighed, strangely nostalgic for her childhood in a way that she hadn't been in years. He quirked an eyebrow at her.

  “Don't tell me it was to train you to be a good wife,” he snorted. “Because that's an absolutely stupid, outdated reason for that shit.” She giggled and shook her head.

  “No, it was to prepare me for college, or whatever came after high school so that they didn't have to constantly call me and badger me to see if I was taking care of myself. I might have been their only daughter, but I think a part of them was relieved when I moved out immediately after college.” He laughed heartily.

  “If they were anything like my parents, they were equal parts relieved to have the house to themselves again, and horrified at the fear that they had let me out into the world before I was ready to face it all.”

  “And did they?” She tilted her head. “Let you out before you were ready to face it, I mean.”

  “It might have felt that way at first, sure,” he shrugged. “But I think everyone feels that way the first month or so after they move out of their parents' place. I adapted pretty quickly, though, and I'd like to think that I turned out alright in the end,” he smirked. “My parents certainly enjoy how well I've done.”

  “It's good that you help them,” she hummed against his chest. “I send money home when I can, but it usually gets returned to me in some way, shape, or form.”

  “That's why I just bought their house. They couldn't exactly return it.” They laughed openly, and for a few moments, her heart felt light. They fell quiet, and the silence should have been a comfortable one, but Angela's thoughts betrayed her, and drifted to Kaitlyn, who was driving out to her friend's house as she was enjoying herself, and all because she had stuck her nose into someone else's business.

  The silence that had filled the room was short lived, as David's cell phone began to ring from the night stand beside the bed, its vibrating rattling the phone against the surface of the stand. He groaned in annoyance, but stretched himself just far enough away from her to pluck the phone from its place and answer it without looking to see who it was.

  “This is David,” he said, putting it on speaker phone.

  “Mr. Westley,” Angela recognized the voice as one of the detectives that she had seen in his office earlier. “Are you at home? Are your doors locked?” He frowned.

  “Yes to both. Why?”

  “A squad car just went to the woman's house that you mentioned to us earlier. She's wasn't there, and it looks lik
e she's on the run.”

  The Billionaire’s Exclusive Book 10

  Bella Rayne

  The Billionaires Exclusive

  “She's nowhere to be found?” David frowned. “You're certain that she didn't just head out for groceries or something?”

  “Given how all of her drawers are nearly emptied and her neighbors reported her peeling out into the night at break neck speeds in her car, no, I don't think she's just, 'out and about,' Mr. Westley.” Even though she was only vaguely hearing the other end of the phone conversation, Angela could still make out the distinct snarkiness in the tone of the detective on the other end of the line. “I would advise that you and your assistant be on the lookout, lock your doors, and don't go anywhere or do anything that could leave yourselves vulnerable — either of you. This woman's clearly out for blood, and I don't think she'll stop just because we're on to her.”

  “Duly noted,” David said wryly. “Is there any way that either of us can help in the investigation? If there is, I can pass the message along to her.”

  “Unless either of you have seen her, no,” came the curt reply. “Things are, more or less, in hand, and we're fanned out all over the city. Authorities in neighboring towns have been notified to keep an eye out for her or her car, so she doesn't have many places to go. It's only a matter of time before she's caught, but it would be better for you and your assistant if you laid low until then. Try to break from patterns that she might know in your day to day lives, don't go out late, don't go out alone,” she heard the detective sigh on the other end of the line. “I wish there was more I could do for you. Best I can offer is to have a car in front of both of your houses—”


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