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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

Page 128

by Ashley Stewart

  “That won't be necessary,” David cut him off. “I've moved my assistant out of her house and into another, safer location. Parking a car in front of it would only draw attention to her. And Darla doesn't know where I live, so putting a police car here would only lead her to where she would otherwise never go.”

  “At least that's one base covered. As soon as we have her in custody, I'll notify you.”

  David sat back on the bed, the hand not holding his phone coming up and rubbing Angela's lower back in slow, soothing circles.

  “Sounds good,” David agreed, still not looking at Angela but continuing to rub her back in a calming way. He and the detective said their goodbyes, and David hung up the phone. “Well, this has turned out to be a shit show,” he said, tossing his phone behind him on the bed, his lips pulled into a thin, grim line.

  “David,” Angela hadn't realized how much the revelation that Darla was out and about rocked her until she heard her voice tremble under the weight of her anxiety. “What's going to happen?” He didn't answer her immediately, his gaze still focused ahead of him instead of beside him, where she sat eagerly waiting for some reassurance that things were going to turn out alright in spite of the recent development in the case. “David?” she said again when he still hadn't said anything.

  “She's going to get caught,” he finally said in a quiet but firm tone. “She's not smart enough to evade capture now that the police know that she's the one that did it. She's only gotten sloppier as time has gone on, and she doesn't have it in her to avoid capture forever.”

  “But is she going to get caught before she harms someone else? Before she gets to us?” Angela swallowed in an effort not to start shouting and revealing just how close she was to panicking about the situation. She knew, knew that working herself into hysterics wasn't going to help anything, but she felt the fear that gripped her heart, steadily squeezing the organ tighter and tighter until it felt like she couldn't breathe.

  Her worries quieted when she felt his large hand take hold of her chin and lift her head so that their eyes could meet. His gaze was gentle but steady, and there was a sureness in his eyes that pried the cold fingers of fear's grip off of her heart in a way that was so sudden that she needed a moment to register that the feeling had left her.

  “It won't happen,” he said with a firm nod of his head. “I won't let it happen. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” her answer was immediate, and held no hesitation. The corner of his mouth twitched up into a smile at the surety with which she answered him.

  “Good girl,” he praised her, tugging her face by her chin towards his to reward her with a kiss. She had expected him to be sated, had expected herself to be sated, on account of them having had sex twice that night, and yet when he slanted his mouth against hers and pulled at her bottom lip with his teeth, she felt herself throb between her thighs again, and that same urgent need clog her throat. She moaned, her arm blindly trailing down his chest until her hand automatically splayed itself over his cock, already rock hard and pulsing against her touch.

  “Eager for round three, are we?” he hummed as he pulled back just enough to speak. “My, that's a rarity. What's got you so worked up?” He smirked as he stared her down with half lidded eyes, and she felt herself grow hotter under his sexy scrutiny.

  “Maybe I'm just in need of some … reassurance,” she swallowed and pushed him back onto the bed with the hand that wasn't on his cock. He grunted when his back hit the mattress, and a look of mild surprise came over his face when she settled herself over him.

  “How bold of you,” he commented, his words devolving into a quiet hiss when she shifted just enough for her bare sex to brush up against his groin, and he could feel the way that she was already wet again from the way that her juices were beginning to coat the organ. “Think it's wise to try and take control from me?”

  “More like I'm offering to make you feel good before we start,” she said, her gaze more focused on the hard planes of his chest as she slid herself off of him and settled between his parted thighs.

  “Are you sure? You really don’t have to do that to make me feel good,” David pointed out, but wasn't exactly doing anything to try and stop her; he couldn't deny that the soft puffs of her breath against his cock felt pleasant, and made his libido stir even more.

  “Trust me. I’d like to do this for you,” she said with a firm nod while not taking her eyes off of his cock, still twitching in anticipation of what was to come. “Besides, you're always taking care of me like this. It's hardly a surprise that I want to return the favor, right?” He conceded her point with a nod of his own and settled in without further complaint. She watched him breathe deeply, his chest rising and falling with the exhale, and she could tell without him saying anything that he was pleased by the turn of events. Though she had little experience with doing this, her hands seemed more sure than she was, trailing up his thighs and settling where she could hold him right where she needed him. One hand gripped his hip, and the other flattened its palm against his cock.

  He let out a low hiss, his hips shuddering sharply at the contact. The movement spurred Angela into sparing him a glance, to try and gauge what in the world that meant.

  "Your hands are fucking freezing,” he grumbled, but didn't seem entirely displeased by it. “It doesn't feel bad, though. Just … interesting. Keep going,” he ordered quietly, his gaze analytical, as if he were memorizing what she was doing to him. She figured that it wouldn't hurt to warm her hand against his cock if he wasn't complaining about it, and began to slowly pump his shaft in an effort to build friction — can't build a fire without a few sparks, after all. After a few steady strokes, she had found a rhythm that made his breath quicken, and though the change was subtle, it encouraged her to grow bolder. Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue across the tip of his head, not enough to actually stimulate him for long, but just long enough to give him a taste of what was to come.

  He propped himself up on his elbows, his gaze still steady. The only thing that gave away that he was affected at all by what she was doing was the way that his mouth was slightly parted, and how deeply his chest had begun to heave. Goaded on by the steady progression of the way that he was reacting to her touch, she flicked her tongue out enough to wet her lips, and took the head into her mouth at a slow, agonizing pace. He bit his lip, the first sign that his cool exterior was crumbling swiftly. Even with his dick in her mouth, it was hard not to grin around it at the minor victory.

  Moments like these were rare when it came to the two of them. Typically, it was David that was initiating whatever was going on between them, and during the rare times that she gave him oral and not the other way around, it was on his terms, with his hand guiding her as she worked her mouth on him. How strange it was for her to wrap her lips around his cock with no guidance on his part, no direction on what he wanted out of the experience, and she had to admit, it was hard not to flounder without that surety of what he was after in the whole thing. Though she felt a bit more confident when, after she ran her tongue along the underside of his shaft, following the thick, pulsing vein there, he groaned, his head rolling back for a moment before he hauled it back up to keep watching her.

  Feeling emboldened by his reactions so far, she sank her mouth down his cock as deeply as she could before bobbing her head back up. At his groan, she steadily picked up the pace, her tongue working in concert with her lips to pump his shaft. When she sucked on his member, her cheeks hollowing out to create a vacuum, his hand shot out and tangled into her hair, gripping the locks firmly but not to the point of causing pain.

  The sudden shift out of him coaxed her into taking a glance at him, to see how far gone he had become. His hair was disheveled from his other hand running its fingers through it, and his mouth was now openly panting. His eyes were nearly black with desire, and it was clearly taking everything in him not to take control back and have his way with her.

  “Ah, shit, Angela, I'm getting close,
” he warned her, though it only served to further spur her on. She swirled her tongue around his manhood, and she sucked on it even harder. She felt it throb against the walls of her mouth, and she hummed, pleased with the effect that she was having on him.

  Evidently having grown fed up with not being in control, the hand that was gripping her hair tugged her head back just hard enough for her to be removed from his cock with a sound pop. She gasped when his mouth crashed into hers, and he mercilessly bit her bottom lip. Her neglected core was drenched from her earlier activities, and only pulsed harder when he pulled away and sunk his teeth into her neck.

  “I'm not going to cum before you,” he practically snarled before swapping their positions, pressing her firmly into the bed. The breath in her lungs came out in a whoosh when she connected with the bed, but he wasted no time practically ripping her shirt off of her, the only thing that she had left between them. Really, putting the damn thing on in the first place was something of an afterthought that she had only done out of habit. She wasn't sure why she had even bothered.

  * * * *

  “But you've been a bad little girl, haven't you?” She swallowed thickly at the dark spark in David's eyes as he crawled upon her, edging her further up the bed until she was resting against the pillows. “And bad girls need punishing.” His grin widened as he leaned back over to his night stand and rummaged in its drawer for a moment.

  Angela's heart skipped a beat when she heard metal clinking together.

  When he pulled his hand back into view, she felt her throat dry up as she eyed what he was holding: a pair of handcuffs that clinked ominously, and a vibrator that even looked more expensive than any toy she had ever dabbled with.

  “Still feeling bold?” he challenged her with a quirk of his eyebrow. Her core was pounding, and dripping with the evidence of her arousal. She nodded, her need greater than any apprehension that she may have felt about the whole thing. “Good. I know,” he chatted idly while he lifted her hands, one at a time, and cuffed them to the head board of his bed, “that the whole reason that you started this is because you needed a distraction from what's going on.” At the clicking of the handcuffs locking her wrists into place, she pressed her thighs firmly together to try and tamp down on the white hot spike of need that shot between them. “I'm more than happy to provide that distraction, mind you, but,” he nipped at her neck before nibbling his way to her earlobe, “I'm going to keep you safe, here, and outside. You need only trust me.”

  “I trust you,” she nodded emphatically with another swallow. “I would think that me doing this with you would be proof enough of that,” she shivered when she felt the cool head of the vibrator being pressed against her clit, where she knew, knew that he wasn't going to take it easy on her with it. Or maybe he would, and just edge her for hours.

  She wasn't sure which idea was more horrifying to her.

  “A fair enough point,” he conceded, idly swirling the vibrator around in a lazy circle, still not having turned it on. The anticipation was almost enough to drive her mad, they had never used such a tool in the bedroom before, and the idea of introducing it now made her head swim. “Ready?”

  Wordlessly, she nodded and stared at him evenly in an effort to gain control of herself.

  And then he turned the vibrator on.

  She wailed much louder and in a far less dignified way than she had ever done before, her head tossing to the side as her arms automatically jerked against her restraints. There were a few thrilling moments where her foggy mind couldn't grasp why she couldn't move her arms more than an inch, but the solid weight of the cuffs was enough to remind her of what she had agreed to. She bit her lip to try and hold back her moans, but he rolled the vibrator against her clit, and all restraint went out the window.

  “My, my,” he cooed, his free hand coming up to idly swirl a finger around her pebbled nipple. “And it's on the lowest setting, too,” he mused mostly to himself. She wrenched her eyes open to gape at him and vaguely wondered when they had screwed themselves shut.

  “H-how many settings does it have?!” she stuttered, as her hips and thighs trembled against the onslaught of pleasure that the vibrator was besieging her overly sensitive body with. His grin turned haughty and his eyes danced in delight.

  “Six,” he hummed to himself. “But I don't quite know what the other settings do exactly, this is something of a recent purchase that I made just for you, you see.” She watched as a finger on the hand that was holding the vibrator slid over to the buttons on its base. “Shall we find out? I'm so eager to learn.” Before she had the wherewithal to respond, he hit one of the buttons, and the vibrator's speed increased. She shrieked against the tide of pleasure, her hips lifting off of the bed in response. “So that's what setting two does,” he said as if he were making a mental note to himself.

  He probably was, the bastard.

  “Ah,” she panted, her lips desperately trying to form words but only coming up with syllables that didn't quite make anything but a noise. She heard the button click again, and the speed doubled what it was before. The pleasure bordered on painful at that point, and she silently screamed against it, her orgasm building quicker and quicker and she wasn't sure that she would be able to keep up with it.

  “Setting three,” he lazily smirked at his new discovery. “But I don't want you do cum just yet,” he hit the button again, and the speed returned to what it was when he first turned it on … at first. Then, it slowly swelled up to the fastest speed on the damned thing, then ebbed back to the start, like literal, actual waves of pleasure that were cresting themselves against her clitoris. She thrashed wildly, not sure if she wanted more from it, or she just wanted to breathe for a moment so that she could decide, even if that meant that she stopped feeling this wonderful for a moment.

  Nah, not worth it.

  “Oh, I quite like this one,” David said with a triumphant smile, opting to leave it at this setting.

  “But, ah, I thought…” her eyes rolled back into her head for a moment when the speed amped up again for a moment before it receded, “there were two more settings?”

  “That greedy?” he mused. “We can take our time exploring them,” he twisted the vibrator to hold it in place when her womanhood grew too slick for him not to put more pressure on it. “I'm more than content with this one for the time being.”

  Well, that settled it, Angela managed to think to herself as she tossed her head to the side. She preferred the fast and hard method; this teasing, hot and cold approach was far more punishing.

  She wasn't sure how long she laid there, riding the rising and falling pulsing waves, coming so close to falling apart only for the dial to be turned back down on her before she could find release, but when her eyes filled with tears, David decided to take some pity on her, turning it back to its slowest setting. While it wasn't going to be the speed that got her there the fastest, at least it was a consistent speed that she didn't have to chase after.

  Still, she needed more.

  “David … oh god, David … p-please?” Angela moaned, her hips rolling to let her clit press more firmly against the vibrator rubbing against it. The handcuffs had long since stopped feeling cold against her skin, but that didn't mean that they didn't feel just as confining, like a leash on a dog. David knew damn well what he had done, setting the speed to an annoying pace that was just enough to stimulate her but not enough to bring her to the orgasm she so desperately wanted after what felt like hours of edging her.

  “Come now, Angela. I've heard you beg better than that for less,” he scoffed into her ear before biting her lobe. She cried out, partly in pain from the bite, partly out of sheer frustration; she could feel her orgasm just out of reach, and he knew exactly what it was going to take to send her over the edge.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Angela writhed on the bed, her back arching against the pleasure, her hips writhing in an effort to build more friction, anything to set the coil in her core to snap. He licked the shell of her
ear while his free hand twisted her nipple in the way that he knew drove her wild. She cried out again, her voice hoarser than it had been all night, and he relished the way that she sounded when she was at his complete and utter mercy.

  He pulled away from the crook of her neck with a sigh, rocking back onto his knees as he continued to pleasure her with the vibrator. He laid his palm flat against his cock, trying to relieve some of the arousal gripping his veins. Even when he focused on anything in the room other than her, her moans were driving him insane, edging him closer and closer to losing control. Her sweet, raspy voice rang in his ears, and his cock twitched at the knowledge that it was only hoarse because he made it so. He wondered how he’d never truly adored the moans from another woman’s lips before taking Angela as his lover. They used to be just background noise to him, something to fill in the quiet while he busied himself between their thighs. But he drank in every breathy sigh, every little noise that escaped from her parted lips. Some part of him wondered if this was building into something deeper with her, something that was uncharted territory that went deliberately unnamed.

  “David…David…please…please…I need you,”

  He swore quietly under his breath – that was one of the few things that she could say that would be enough to break his self-control. He wondered if she knew that, or was just voicing what was on her mind.

  “What do you need from me?” he asked without letting up on the vibrator. He wasn't going to give in until she said exactly what she wanted from him.

  “I need you,” she repeated as she thrashed. “I need your cock inside me. Please, please, please!” He grinned at her but still didn't move. “I … I need your cock, please … David …I need you inside me.” Angela did her damned best to ignore the throbbing of her clit, the almost painful stimulation doing nothing but make the ache for him almost unbearable.


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