Book Read Free

Going on Red

Page 43

by Lyn Gardner

  A slight flush crept across Brodie’s cheeks, and taking a step in Kate’s direction, she dipped her chin. “I guess I’ve been a bit overprotective—huh?”

  “I’m not made of porcelain, Brodie.”

  “You’re not made of Kevlar, either.”

  Kate drew her head back quickly. “I didn’t know my job bothered you.”

  “Honestly, it didn’t until you got hurt. Not really.” Brodie stopped and shook her head. “I mean, you’re a copper, and you’re bound to get into some…into some bad situations. I know that, but seeing you hurt, seeing you bruised, I guess it just put things into perspective.”

  “Meaning life’s too short?”

  “Meaning I love you with all my heart, and I’ll do my best not to worry, not to dote, and not to coddle, but I can’t promise I won’t. It seems, when it concerns you, it’s become as intrinsic to me as…as breathing.”

  Brodie’s words brought a glow to Kate’s face. “I can accept that,” she said on a breath.

  “So, you’ll forgive me if I go too far occasionally?”

  Before Kate could answer, her stomach announced itself like a rabid lion, and she laughed, “Yes, I can, but only if you light some candles so we can eat. It appears I need to be fed.”


  Brodie placed her hand on her stomach, groaning as she stared up at the ceiling. “I can’t move. In fact, I doubt I’ll ever move again.”

  “Well, nobody said you had to finish the whole tray,” Kate said, coming from the kitchen carrying two cups of coffee.

  “I know, but it was so good. I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “I noticed,” Kate said, handing Brodie a cup. “Here, this may help take the edge off.”

  Brodie propped herself up on her elbow and took the coffee. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” Kate said, sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Brodie. Sipping her coffee, she gazed at the flames in the hearth while she digested her dinner. Lost in her thoughts, Kate jumped when she felt Brodie’s finger on her cheek. “What?”

  “The cream worked. You can’t even tell the burns were there.”

  “Yep, I’m fit as a fiddle,” Kate chirped.

  “So, I guess that means you’ll be going back to work on Monday?”

  “That’s the plan, but I’ll need you to take me back to my place on Sunday.”


  “Because I don’t have any work clothes here,” Kate said, setting her coffee down. “And I guess I should also refresh myself on the Tube schedules. It’s either that or take a taxi since I can’t drive for another bloody week.”

  “I’ll take you to work and pick you up. That’s not a problem.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You’re not asking. I’m offering, or is it because you don’t want your colleagues to see us together?”

  Kate’s features softened, and empathy glistened in her eyes as she gazed at Brodie. Months before that question would have led to an argument, yet Kate couldn’t fault Brodie for still having some doubts. Progress had been made in proving herself over the past two weeks, but two weeks of visits to the market or to the doctor or to the car dealership weren’t enough to erase the damage she had caused. That was going to take a four-letter word called time.

  Kate took a deep breath and climbed on top of Brodie, straddling her legs as she looked down at the woman. “I suppose I deserve that,” she said as she took Brodie’s coffee cup and put it on the floor. “But I’m more than willing to keep proving it to you…as long as it takes.”

  “Then, let me drive you to work on Monday.”

  “Will that do it? Will that prove to you, for once and for all, I’ve changed?”

  “Yes…well, I mean, it’s the biggest hurdle. Isn’t it? What those blokes think? What they may say to you? It drove you to do…to do a lot of what you did.”

  Kate nodded slowly. “You’re right. It did, but not anymore.”


  “No,” Kate said, looking Brodie in the eye. “Because, Brodie Shaw, if your offer is still good, will you do me the honor of driving me to work on Monday?”

  “I’d be delighted to,” Brodie said, her face brighter than the flames in the hearth.

  “Good, then it’s settled,” Kate said, grinning as she leaned back and rested on Brodie’s thighs.

  “Are you comfortable?”

  Kate looked right and then left. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. Why?”

  “Because I’m a bit warm, what with the fire and all.”

  “Are you asking me to move?”

  “If you don’t mind.”

  Kate picked up her coffee and took a quick sip. “And if I do?”

  “I guess I’ll sweat.”

  “Well, then if you’re going to sweat, I may as well give you something to sweat about,” Kate said as she leaned in and placed her lips against Brodie’s.

  The first kiss was light, almost whimsical, and they both smiled into it. The second held a hint of need and passion, and when the third began, they both moaned as familiar flavors swirled together. It had been months since they had kissed like lovers, and time stood still as they rediscovered the sweetness of the other.

  Brodie pulled away and held Kate at arm’s length. “I think it’s time for you to get some sleep.”

  “I’m not tired,” Kate said, studying Brodie for a second. “And neither are you.”

  “Kate, I don’t think you’re ready…” The words died in Brodie’s throat when Kate raised an eyebrow, a silent yet oh so deadly dare for Brodie to continue, and Brodie thought long and hard before she spoke. “What I mean to say is, and please don’t get angry, but you’re still recuperating, and I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t,” Kate said as she began unbuttoning the flannel shirt. “Make love to me, Brodie…as only you ever will.”

  Brodie watched in silence as each button opened, and when the shirt gaped, showing just a hint of the creamy mounds still hidden by the fabric, Brodie swallowed the moisture building in her mouth. Her eyes were drawn to what remained of the bruise that ran from Kate’s shoulder to her hip. Although impossible to miss, the colors had faded to pale yellows and greens, and gently, Brodie placed her hand between Kate’s breasts. “Does that hurt?”

  “No, sweetheart,” Kate said in a breath, and taking Brodie’s hand, she slid it over until it was cupping her breast. “And neither does this.”

  Brodie’s guttural grown told Kate all she needed to know, and she bent forward, hovering over Brodie on outstretched arms. “You know what I like, Brodie,” Kate said, lowering her breast to Brodie’s mouth. “Please, don’t make me ask, because I will ask…as I’m sure, you remember.”

  Brodie captured the swollen tip in her mouth. She heard Kate suck in a sharp breath, and when Kate threaded her fingers through Brodie’s hair, silently urging her on, Brodie inwardly smiled. Yes, she knew what Kate liked.

  Brodie tenderly sucked against the distended point, flicking her tongue over the bud again and again while Kate writhed over her. She ran her hands lightly over Kate’s back, leaving trails of goosebumps wherever they went as she sucked and nipped until she finally rolled Kate to her side, gently guiding her to the floor until they were lying face to face.

  Awash in the glow of the fireplace, Brodie brushed a strand of hair from Kate’s face before running her finger over her lips. “You are absolutely the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life,” Brodie whispered. “And I’m totally in love with you.”

  “Then show me.”

  The naked longing in Kate’s eyes took Brodie’s breath away, and standing up, she offered Kate her hand.

  “What?” Kate said, looking at Brodie’s hand as if she was holding a snake.

  “Let’s go to bed.”

  “I told you. I’m not tired.”

  “I know,” Brodie said, and taking Kate’s hand, she pulled her to her feet. “Neither am I.”

  Hand in hand, they walked to the bedroom, their movements unhurried yet focused. As Brodie lit more candles, Kate turned down the bed, and piece by piece, clothing found its way to the floor. They slipped onto sheets smooth and cool, and in the dancing light of the candles, they came together like they’d never done before. Their foreplay had always been rushed; their need for each other undeniable, but tonight while their need was as strong as it ever was, their love was stronger.

  As the aroma of bergamot and sandalwood rose from the melting wax, they dissolved into each other, their legs meshing perfectly seconds before butterfly kisses were bestowed. Tender and light, their lips met again and again, each holding the message of forever in its touch. Fingers, like feathers, brushed over skin warm and smooth, and they lazily traveled over naked backs, bottoms, and arms.

  Their tempo was melodic, and like a slow-motion ballet, their bodies caressed each other’s. Nipples aroused and hard met a matching pair as did breasts full and round, and lips supple and wet parted so tongues velvety soft and oh so welcomed could leisurely explore. They enticed with each kiss and coaxed with each touch, the gentle massage of their lovemaking slowly dampening their hairlines and making their skin gleam with sweat.

  Their lips parted, and as Kate gazed at Brodie, her breath caught in her throat. There was a hint of fire in Brodie’s eyes, born from lust and passion, but there was something else swirling in the brown. Unyielding, like invisible tears, love reflected back at Kate, holding in its shimmer tenderness, devotion, and eternity, and Kate’s eyes shimmered, too. “I love you so much,” she said, tracing Brodie’s lips with her finger. “So, so much.”

  “I love you, too,” Brodie said before she lowered her eyes.

  For a split-second, Kate didn’t understand why Brodie’s brow had furrowed, and then she remembered the faint bruise across her chest. “Don’t,” Kate said, lifting Brodie’s chin. “I told you, it doesn’t hurt.”

  “It looks like it does.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll have to prove it to you then,” Kate said, and shifting slightly, she placed her knee against Brodie’s center. “Now…where were we?”

  Before Brodie could respond, Kate began pressing her knee into Brodie as she slowly started to rock. The sensual massage was to die for, and Brodie was transfixed. The sensations Kate was causing spread throughout her body like a million tiny specks of energy, they sparked and sizzled in every crevice of Brodie’s being. Placing her hands on Kate’s bottom, Brodie closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride, for she knew when those specks finally came together…the result would be soul-shattering.

  Kate took her time. The slow grind, the unrushed slide, and the arch to press deeper were natural and instinctive, and while indeed carnal, they were also pure. The love Kate wanted to bestow on Brodie needed no intrusion, no probing or exploring for sometimes, especially this time, Kate needed to memorize everything she had almost lost. The beauty of a face flushed with passion. The sound of breathing growing ragged with each casual thrust. The way Brodie’s hands felt on her bottom, possessive yet guiding. The slickness and scent of the desire coating her knee, and the way Brodie’s body meshed so exquisitely against her own as they met again and again in an unceasing rhythm.

  Perspiration dotted Kate’s upper lip as she hovered on stretched arms over Brodie. Mesmerized, she fought against eyelids growing heavy with passion as she gazed at the writhing woman under her, and as if Brodie could read her mind, her eyes opened, and she looked up at Kate. One heartbeat later, she bent her leg and pressed her thigh against the apex of Kate’s legs.

  Air rushed from Kate’s lungs at the feel, and the cadence of the tempo she had set quickened almost instantly. With her eyes locked on Brodie’s, Kate arched into her, her nectar coating Brodie’s thigh with each slide, and as their pace grew frenzied, so did their breathing. The thrum building within was growing more thunderous with each push and gasps spilled from lips as all was lost to this thing called love.

  It wasn’t long before liquid fire ignited their bodies. Brodie cried out first, her guttural, low groans filling the room as her body shuddered from release, and Kate followed soon after. Closing her eyes, she squeezed her legs tightly around Brodie’s thigh, and gripping the sheets as she sucked in a breath, her climax brutally claimed her. Desire pulsed from her core as spasm after spasm pummeled her and helpless against the onslaught, Kate’s uninhibited throaty sounds of pleasure went unchecked.

  Neither opened their eyes until their breathing had slowed and still straddling Brodie, Kate smiled. “How you doing down there?”

  “I’m doing well, and you?”

  “Never been better,” Kate said, her eyes creasing at the corners.

  “I’ll second that.”

  “Will you now?” Kate said, her gaze firmly held by Brodie’s erect and pebbled nipples.

  “Yes.” Brodie gently rolled Kate to the mattress, and sliding her leg between Kate’s, Brodie murmured, “So…are you tired yet?”

  Brodie’s answer came when Kate bent her leg and pressed her thigh against Brodie’s soaked folds, and as Brodie lowered her mouth for a kiss, Kate whispered into it, “Absolutely not.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  As planned, late Sunday afternoon, Brodie brought Kate back to her house to get ready for work the next day, and bright and early on Monday morning, Brodie returned. She was greeted by a sleepy woman with a puffy face and a to-die-for smile, and after having a cup of coffee together, Kate disappeared into her bedroom and left Brodie to her own devices. After finishing a second cup, Brodie made her way to Kate’s room to wait, and sitting on the bed, Brodie was mindlessly glancing around when Kate emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but her underwear.

  “I thought you’d be dressed,” Brodie said, standing up. “Lucky me.”

  The look in Brodie’s eyes was unmistakable, and Kate waggled her finger as she went over and opened the door to the wardrobe. “Don’t even think about it. The last thing I need is to be late on my first day back to work.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Weren’t you the one that said relationships need honesty?” Kate said, stepping into her skirt.

  “I hate it when things come back to bite me in the arse,” Brodie said through a frown.

  “Then you are probably really going to hate this,” Kate said, putting on her blouse.

  Brodie paled instantly, and as her lungs emptied in a whoosh, she sunk onto the edge of the bed. “Let me guess,” she said, staring at the floor. “You don’t want me to take you to work.”

  Kate froze with her arm halfway down a sleeve. Hanging her head, she took a breath, pushed her arm through the sleeve, and then went over and stood between Brodie’s legs. Putting her finger under Brodie’s chin, Kate forced Brodie to look at her. “You couldn’t be more wrong.”


  “No,” Kate said softly. “But a few months back, you told me you’d be willing to lease your place and move in here. Do you remember?”


  “Well, I don’t want you to do that.”

  Brodie slouched even further into the mattress. “Okay.”

  “Instead, I’d like to put this place on the market and move into yours. That is if it’s okay.”

  “Are you serious?” Brodie said, straightening her spine.

  “I’ve never been more serious in my life,” Kate said, gazing into Brodie’s eyes.

  Before Kate could take another breath, Brodie pulled her into a passionate kiss, and it didn’t end until Kate felt Brodie trying to unclasp the hooks on her bra.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Kate said, struggling out of Brodie’s grasp. “You’re going to have to put your hormones on a leash because I can’t afford to be late.”

  “Is this you calling the shots again?” Brodie said, crossing her arms as she fought to hide her smile.

  Kate squinted back at Brodie. “Don’t even start,” she said as she buttoned her blouse.

  “Right,” Brodie said, getting to her feet. “Well, I guess I can start grabbing some clothes for you.”


  “You’re moving in—right?”

  “Sweetheart, do you honestly think you can fit anything other than my houseplants in your car?”

  “Damn,” Brodie said, flopping back down on the bed. “I should have kept the sedan.”

  “The hell you should have,” Kate said, taking her suit jacket off the hanger. “That was so not you.”

  “And you think the new one is?”

  “Do you really have to ask?”


  Brodie pulled into a parking space and turned off the engine. “So…you ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Kate said, pressing the button to unlock her door.

  “Wait. I have something for you.” Brodie reached behind the passenger seat and pulling out a white paper sack, she handed it to Kate.

  “What’s this?”

  “Chocolate frosted donuts. I heard they’re your favorite.”

  Kate’s heart doubled in size, and leaning over, she gave Brodie a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you,” she said before opening the door. “But now I really have to go.” Without waiting for a response, Kate climbed out of the car and shut the door.

  Brodie hit the control for the passenger window. “Oi!”

  “What?” Kate said, bending down to look into the car.

  “Is that it?”


  “I pick you up at the crack of dawn, wait for hours whilst you get ready, buy you your favorite donuts, and all I get is a chaste little peck on the lips?”

  “What did you expect?” Kate said with a laugh.

  “A bit more tongue would have been nice.”

  Kate’s smile reached beyond her ears. “Pick me up at five, sweetheart, and you just may get your wish.”


  When Kate walked into the station, she was greeted by smiles and handshakes. Uniformed officers, detectives, and superiors all made it a point of stopping by her desk to let her know how much she’d been missed. A short time later, she was called into her Chief’s office and informed that since her driving privileges would not be returned for another week, for the next five days, Kate’s duties would be more secretarial and less investigative. Upon hearing that a seasoned officer would be assisting them in doing their dreaded reports, almost every detective in her department began dropping off files and notes, and within two hours of her arrival, Kate’s desk was overflowing with folders. Kate had never been one to back away from paperwork, so after grabbing a cup of coffee, she took off her suit jacket, rolled up her sleeves, and got to work, snacking on chocolate frosted donuts in between deciphering the handwriting of others.


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