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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 32

by Alice Cooper

  “I’m just trying to make a good thing even better. Why you are resisting is beyond me. Every woman loves pleasure and I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve had several scream to god about my prowess. You might be curious or even tempted, but you have yet to throw caution to the wind and it’s about time that you do.” Resisting him was giving him license to believe that the hunt was still on. Seeing her every day was like dangling a piece of raw meat in front of a slobbering and hungry dog. It was cruel and unusual punishment. Once she did finally succumb, he was going to make her realize just what kind of mistake she made. He had seen her walk to her car several times and that feeling of coming up behind her and kidnapping her for days on end to satisfy his carnal lust was feeding into his fantasies like never before.

  Erica didn’t dare turn her back for too long. Every time that she was working, she would get this intense feeling of somebody staring at her. She had her own lab, but that didn’t stop Nigel from coming down to witness her in action. She had known from the moment that she met him that he was more than just her benefactor. He was the type of guy that couldn’t rest until the woman that he wanted was in his bed. She hoped that bringing it up during negotiations would put an end to any such nonsense, but it only seemed to fuel his need. “I hope that he understands. I don’t want to consider putting him in jail tonight and not promising to bail him out after. He’s getting dangerously close to making me feel like he’s a threat. I have to commend him for giving me this DNA sample and the several others that come before it. It has helped me to make this breakthrough and mankind is never going to have to worry about cancer again. The one disease that has taken too much from many people will be eradicated by my hand. I feel like I’m a god, but maybe that’s just my god complex raising its ugly head.”

  “I can see it in your eyes and you may say one thing, but your body is certainly saying something else. The quiver of your lip and the way that you stare at my crotch and wonder what I might be packing. All you do is work and I don’t think that I’ve ever seen you enjoy yourself in the five years that we have worked together.” Nigel knew that five years of pursuing this conquest was getting the best of him. She made him feel, so small and most of what she did was over his head.

  “You only see what you wanna see and nothing more, Nigel. I’ve learned a lot about how a man’s mind works. It’s all about sex and nothing more. You don’t want anything with substance and the only thing that you’re concerned about is getting off. I’m sorry for being so blunt, but you really do need to know that this is never going to happen.” “I want him to say something to make me believe that he’s listening, but he’s been remarkably silent.” Erica could see the wheels turning in his head and it concerned her that he was going to do something worse than just flirting.

  He walked off in a huff, turning one more time to see her naked and bent over at an angle with him plugging her solid from behind. He bit his lip and knew that one day she would be his.

  Erica didn’t have to look to know that Nigel was treating her like a piece of meat. It was almost as if they were connected. For some reason she could almost envision what he was thinking. It made you cringe to be treated like that and she wondered how other women in the personal trade of working the street could possibly give their bodies away without having any kind of emotional connection.

  She finished around 11:00 PM and walked to her car with her key in her hand as a makeshift weapon of sorts. The last couple of months, she had been feeling like somebody was waiting in the darkness. She heard something and turned to see a giant shadow coming down from the trees. It was quite sudden and the impact of something striking against her neck caused her to drop into an unconscious state.

  Chapter 2

  Several hours later, she awoke to a sight that was quite daunting and not at all something that she was expecting. The room had this old style that went back to the years of the renaissance era. The four poster bed was adorned with carvings of wild animals with one being more prevalent than the others. The silk sheets wrapped around her were a cocoon of loveliness that had her feeling like she was some sort of princess. “I don’t recognize this place and whatever Nigel is thinking is going to blow up in his face. He can’t just kidnap me and expect me to roll over like some sort of sex slave to be used and abused. I will fight him every step of the way and I will get my pound of flesh one way or the other. He messed with the wrong person and this time he has gone too far.”

  Erica tried to get up, but she noticed that she was without clothes. Her body was underneath the sheet and the thread count caressed her skin like nothing ever before. It made her nipples erect and her sweet pussy was slightly juicy from the excitement of the unknown.

  “I’m glad to see that you are awake. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. It’s about time I get what I want.” Lyon Williams had given up everything in his life. Staying out of the public eye was paramount and doing anything else was risky at best. “I know that this comes as a bit of a shock, but I’m afraid that your being here was by no accident. I’ve been watching you for some time and I know that you don’t have any friends or family to speak of. Nobody will miss you for quite some time and besides they’re never going to be able to find you here of all places.”

  Erica had the sheets tucked up underneath her chin and didn’t like that look in this man’s eyes. It was possible that this man was working for Nigel. “I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish, but this is against the law. You go back to Nigel and tell him that I might look past this indiscretion, but only if he allows me to leave right now.” Erica had no idea that Lyon was working on his own agenda and had very little to do with Nigel and his insidious ways of trying to seduce women. “I can’t let him get away with this. He thinks that he can use me like this and then expect me to work with him after. How delusional is Nigel? I can only put up with him for so long. It’s the money that makes me stay. Without it, he’s nothing but a pretty boy playboy that doesn’t know how to back off. I don’t even want to consider putting a black light over any of these sheets and it might cause me considerable concern.”

  “Nigel is an insipid fool and I’ve been this close to snapping his neck. You don’t have to put up with that kind of nonsense. I have everything that you need right here underneath this roof. Your own lab is in the basement and I stole all of your research.” Lyon had never been one to mince words. It was time to tell her the truth. “I’m in a bit of a bind and let’s just say that you bring a certain element to my life that has been missing lately. I do desire a relationship with you, but it’s not in the way that you think.” Liam wanted to believe that, but seeing her these few weeks had made his groin ache for something more than just a collaboration of minds. In his natural form of a gorilla that feeling was enhanced even more so. He wanted to have her, but it was her analytical mind that initially attracted him to bringing her aboard. “I have a condition that needs your medical expertise. I don’t want you to consider yourself a prisoner, but essentially you are to remain inside this place for as long as I deem it necessary.”

  “I’m not a doctor. I’m a research scientist. I’m afraid that this might be something of a mistaken identity. I don’t know what you expect from me, but going about it this way is only going to make me fight harder to get away.” Erica didn’t dare let the sheets go and it was quite obvious that this man had taken liberties with her clothing. “I don’t want to get you angry, but taking my clothes off was a definite invasion of my privacy.” “I need to tell him that I’m not some kind of prize. I’ve always been a bit of a loner and coming here to the mountains of Montana was not an easy thing for me to do. I was terrified, but Nigel promised me the world and he had delivered it on a platter.

  “I’ve never had anybody in my life and I’m tired of waiting for the right one to accept me. I want a normal life and you’re the only one that has been even close to getting an answer. Your work with genetics and stem cell research has not gone unnoticed. I can assure yo
u that I have no ulterior motives about getting you into bed. My main focus is to cure me and then to move on with the rest of my life. You think that you have the cure for cancer and you might have that, but you also have something else. I know that this is going to be hard for you to believe, but I’m not exactly normal.” He didn’t quite know how to say the words, even though he did stand in the mirror for days trying to come up with the right words.

  “What you need is a real doctor and why you think that I can help you with my research in a mystery to me.” Erica was trying to remain calm, but inside she was shaking like a leaf. She didn’t even know this man and yet there was this attraction that had her wanting to touch him. “I’m sure that whatever is happening to you can be dealt with in a hospital where they have the machines and the technology to go that extra mile.” What Erica didn’t know was that the lab downstairs was nothing, but the best. One look at what he had to offer and she would be practically on her knees begging him to stay. “Maybe being kind is the best way to get him to realize his mistake. I find him uniquely fascinating and the long dark hair and brooding deep blue eyes is seriously making me wonder what it would be like to be underneath him.

  “I thought about what I was going to tell you when the time came, but I guess there really is only one way to do this. When I said that I wasn’t normal, I meant it in the most profound way possible. It was during my trip to the zoo when I was 18 that I got a little careless and too close to one of the exhibits. The gorilla in the cage bit me and I never did tell anybody. It wasn’t until later on that I started to put the pieces together. I even videotaped myself and maybe the best way for you to learn the truth is to see it for yourself like I did.” Lyon turned on the video and the screen appeared like magic from a cabinet across from the bed. Everything came to life on 52 inches of screen.

  Erica had no idea what she was going to see, until the realization had her dropping the sheet and crawling on her hands and knees to get a better look. Even naked, she didn’t feel any shame and her eyes were transfixed on the young man that Lyon was a few years ago. She had to shake her head several times, but the proof was right there. It had to be some kind of trick of the light or camera lens or maybe some special effects like you would see in blockbuster summer movies. “It can’t be and there’s no possible way you could be an animal. I’ve heard of shape shifters, but I’ve never actually believed that they existed.” “As a scientist, I need more than just something that I can see on a screen. It’s quite convincing, but I’m just not sure what I’m seeing. Of course this means that I need to request something that I’m not sure that he’s going to be willing to give me.”

  “I’ve been watching you and I’ve learned how your mind works. You may see it on the screen, but a lifelike example is the only thing that’s really going to convince you. I had a feeling that it would come down to this, but I was hoping that you wouldn’t make me walk down that path willingly again.” Lyon walked out of the room and was barely aware that his new charge had now followed him without hesitation. “It took a lot for me to adjust to my new set of circumstances years ago. I’ve been searching high and low for a cure. I’ve used considerable resources and money at my disposal through my family. Imagine my surprise when I found out about your research. I know, nothing is sacred anymore and these kinds of secrets have ways of finding their way into the light of day.”

  “I’m guessing that Nigel might have had something to do with it. He did mention in passing that he was going to reach out to some people for necessary introductions. I would say that he moved past that and is trying to sell my research to the highest bidder. I should have known that was what his true agenda was going to be, but I really did believe at the time that he was on the level.” Erica watched him hunched over and then his suit began to shred down the middle with a profound backbone coming out to shape into something that was even more terrifying than being kidnapped. “If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it.” Her eyes were glued to the spot and there was no way that she could deviate from where she was or what she was doing at the time.

  The gorilla shook off the rest of the remaining clothes and leaped from the banister down onto the floor with barely a whisper. It had to weigh 300 pounds and yet it landed like the softness of a cat leaping from a couch to the floor. It pounded its chest and turned its attention toward causing havoc. Furniture went flying in all directions like it weighed nothing. He tore into the mahogany bar throwing bottles and smashing glass like that of a kid having a tantrum. It pounded that bar into kindling, until it was breathing heavy and standing with its hands firmly on the wood of the floor. Lyon was inside using considerable concentration to bring himself under control.

  It was always the same way and once transformed, he had to let the beast tire itself out before tethering it to his mind. It took a lot of hard work to get this far, but he was through playing by the beast rule. He changed back and was on his hands and knees looking up at the concerned expression on Erica’s face. “I’m lucky that I had the forethought to come down here and away from doing you harm. I’m there at all times and I’ve seen that other part of me do some heinous things. I won’t go into detail, but there have been death and blood on my hands that I can never wipe away. This is why I have chosen you and it was destined that we were going to meet eventually.”

  Erica put her two hands on his shoulder and in this position of kneeling at her feet; it felt almost serendipitous that this moment had happened. His hands gripped her thigh and the stockings that were smug up against her legs. He ripped them by reaching up underneath her skirt and pulling with enough force that it made her gasp with approval to his actions. “Whoa… I didn’t think that you were going to do that. I would say that the beast is still in there somewhere and it’s acting out on your behalf.” The grazing of his hand down the inside of her thigh had her holding onto his shoulders for some kind of support. “I can’t explain it, but I want him and I need him inside me. I know that this is the influence of the gorilla, but I can’t help the way that I’m feeling. I want him to show me the animal underneath the animal that he becomes by getting agitated.”

  “I always get this way, but I’ve never had anybody here to witness it. I’ve always had to take matters into my own hands. I do have to say that being connected to this thing has its advantages. My stamina is a lot more than it was when I was even a teenager. I can go all night and I don’t know how many times I’ve shot my load with my hand in one night. My own personal best was 16 times. I know that seems impossible, but hand to god it’s the truth.” He kissed the bare skin of her leg, drawing his tongue in a straight line up to the crevice between her legs. The wetness that soaked through her panties was more of an aphrodisiac. Seeing him like this with the gorilla still inside him lurking in the darkness was too tempting an offer to pass up.

  “I know that your condition is causing me to feel this way. It’s going to be up to you to stop this from happening.” This is the kind of sex I’ve been looking for and I’ve never found it, until this very moment. The scent in the air has the pheromone of sex and I want more of it. “I want you to eat my pussy and to make me moan with unbridled passion. You did say that you were quite proficient and it’s about time that you show me. I should be more shocked than this, but I’m not. Call it a scientific curiosity. I don’t believe that I’ll ever be in this position again. Why not take advantage of it. I would be kicking myself if I didn’t and I don’t believe in having regrets.”

  Chapter 3

  Looking up into her eyes, Lyon knew that he was never going to back down from a challenge like that one. “I’m not sure that you know what you’re asking. I brought you here to help me and not to be used like some common whore. I don’t see why they have to be mutually exclusive. Business and pleasure is made to go hand in hand.” He lifted her startled body off her feet and carried her heavy body encircled in his arms like that from a scene of an officer and a gentleman.

  “I want to help you, but for ri
ght now I want you to help me out of my clothes. They are feeling a little too tight and besides, I believe that one of us is wearing too much. It doesn’t seem fair that you are naked and that I’m fully clothed and at the mercy of your hungry eyes.” “I want him to stay with me and for this moment he is all that I need. The fire I see in his eyes is not making me back down from this course of action. Whatever has infected his DNA is giving him this irresistible quality. It seems important that I should pull back, but my body is telling one thing and my mind is saying another. This is the way that sex should be and he has certainly brought about something in me that I never knew was there before.”

  “This feeling for you didn’t just start today. You were always going to be here and I knew deep down that you were meant to stay with me, as my caregiver and possibly the one that is going to release me from this self imposed prison. I don’t allow it out, unless I can’t control it during the full moon. I’ve been procrastinating. I should’ve taken you long before now, as the full moon is approaching in the next couple of days. That doesn’t give you a lot of time. I’m not sure that I can survive the next time I change during the full moon. Each time makes me feel like I’m losing a part of myself. I don’t know how I know, but this next time is going to be the last time.” He laid her on the bed and proceeded to rip off her clothes.


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