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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 33

by Alice Cooper

  “You are one fucking real man and that has been vastly lacking from my life. I thought that I was immune to anything that was just physical, but maybe there’s more here than meets the eye.” The scientist in me knows that this is just a reaction to the blood lust running through his veins. The woman in me wants more than anything to ride his cock and make him compliant to my wishes. I’m not sure which one is going to win out, but I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be my body that’s going to call the shots. I don’t think I would want it any other way.”

  “Erica, I know that this is wrong and that I should have enough sense to know that you don’t really want to do this. I would like to say that I can stop, but there’s no way that I can with a straight face.” He looked upon her loveliness and felt the beast within unable to contain its excitement by having her in this submissive position. “I’ve missed everything that there is about sex. I can’t trust myself with other women, but maybe with you it can be different.” He moved his hands through her hair, looking into her eyes and seeing a compliant woman ready to do practically anything.

  “You make it hard for me to see the writing on the wall, Lyon.” Erica looked at the impressive stiffness and wrapped her hand around the base to get a feel for it. It was everything that she wanted and more. She’d never felt so overwhelmed by a man and it was something that she didn’t know that she needed, until this very moment. “I have to have you and I ache for the feel of you to fill me up.” She had never said these words before to anyone and it felt like she was losing a part of herself. “I know that what I saw was real, but I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that he’s a gorilla. I’ve seen with my own eyes and still I’m having trouble to adjust to my new set of circumstances. I see him as the perfect man and I know that it’s just his natural animal pheromones talking for him. I wonder if I will feel the same way if he were to be cured tomorrow. I can’t think like that and there’s no use in thinking about the future when the present is right here in front of me.”

  “I’ve been running from the pain for too long and it’s a shame that you haven’t come into my life until now. My heart has been feeling empty and maybe what I needed most of all was not somebody to take care of me. What I needed most of all was somebody that was going to accept me and not to look at me like I was some sort of freak. Your scientific background has given you an interesting insight and you don’t seem to be afraid.” Lyon had never felt his cock so hard and all the blood from the rest of his body had now accumulated in that one very spot. His shaft was throbbing and that vein looked like it was something of an alien entity of its own.

  He kissed her deeply, feeling her losing her composure and giving into those natural tendencies that come with a man and woman finding one another after so long. He used his knee to insinuate in between to get her ready for more than just a casual glance. His tongue found hers and they dueled like that of the renaissance to see who was going to come out the victor. It was like they were matched and that their bodies were pretty much in tune with one another.

  The kiss was something special and she looked up into his eyes after they had separated to see more than just passion. This was a connection that went beyond a casual one night stand. She watched him intently, as he dipped below and started to make sweet love to her nipples. They were already erect, but they had become rock hard underneath his competent attention. “I lie here and let him take his pleasure from me and I’m getting the exact same thing in return. I’m not sure that I should give in this easily. I’ve never been one to just throw caution to the wind. I’ve always been more selective and took my time to get to know someone. This is different and it’s like we have always known each other and didn’t even know it.”

  Erica was somebody that he didn’t expect to have in his life. He was going to take full advantage of this wonderful gift that had been laid right on his bed. All of his doubts went out the window and somehow he knew that this was meant to be. He left her nipples coated in his spit and moved down with his tongue taking some liberties by dipping into her navel. She giggled and that only enforced his desire to take her to new Heights of pleasure that she had never known before.

  “Time stands still when I’m with you, Lyon. I’m trying to be brave and not do something stupid to ruin this. I’m fighting my natural tendencies and this urge to run is almost too powerful to resist. Fortunately, your body and the way that you look at me tells me that I have nothing to worry about.” She threw her chest into the air with her nipples straining to the ceiling. She let out a moan that was very deep and had no hidden meaning.” “I don’t know how I’m going to feel in the morning. I should’ve considered that before I did something, as reckless as getting involved with the man that kidnapped me. I should be cross with him, but I think I understand his motivation for doing something like that. His tongue ignites every part of my body and I know that being with him is the only thing that matters.”

  “I have died every day waiting for you, Erica. I lost my breath the moment that I saw you for the first time. I thought it was that feeling of having nobody in my life that was causing me to react like that, but now I know different.” He lifted her legs onto his shoulders and it didn’t matter how much she weighed. She was beautiful and had a glow about her that he couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from. It was like this natural aura of sex had surrounded them both and the only way to escape it was to succumb to their basic nature.

  “I need you to eat me.” She turned her head to the side whipping her hair across the pillow, as he insinuated his tongue passed the lips of her resistance. “Oh god…you don’t know how long it has been.” Her confession was not meant for him to stop and it did the exact opposite. Her repression from her sexuality had now been awakened in a very profound way with his tongue now taking what her body had been waiting to give to someone. “I’m not usually one for being this open, but he really does take my breath away. I see the animal inside and I wonder what it’s going to take to unleash it from its cage. Will it be my orgasm or maybe his that finally allows me to see him as he was truly meant to be. What will my reaction be when he turns again?” She didn’t get a chance to really think about it. His tongue had now reached the very spot that every woman was begging their man to find.

  He got on his knees and lifted her up to his mouth with her hands now the only thing touching the mattress. Her entire body was now hanging precariously in the air and he was ravenously attacking her like a starving dog. He was salivating for a chance to taste her and then the scream that echoed from her mouth was soon followed by the sweetness between her legs flowing freely. Those juices continued to pour out of her and he was right there to capture every single drop without losing any of that sweet elixir of life.

  “Please… I can’t take anymore…you have to stop.” She noticed that his face had contorted into a mask of not only lust, but also from the beast that had gained a bit of control. He looked like something of a Neanderthal and the evolution of man was pretty damn apparent in his features. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to pass out.” “It doesn’t seem to matter what I say. He has me right where I want to be. I have to do something, or these continuous orgasms are going to kill me. I’m already breathing heavy and my heart is beating a million miles an hour. I only have to touch my chest to know how close I am to taking my last breath. Any more stimulation is going to cause me to go into cardiac arrest. I think he knows that deep down, but he can’t seem to pull back when it matters the most. It’s going to be up to me to stop him from killing me.”

  His tongue was moving very quickly and he just couldn’t get enough of that sweet juice. It wasn’t until he felt somebody pulling at his hair that he looked up to see that she was having problems breathing. He reluctantly let his tongue fall lazily outside of her well tongued hole. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me and maybe we shouldn’t go any further than what we already have.” His cock was raging and it had never been this way in all of his life. He needed something
to get off, but he would gladly take matters into his own hand to prevent her from any more harm.

  Erica lay there for a few minutes trying to compose herself, but it was very hard when she had no energy to speak of. She knew that she was asking for trouble, but there’s no way that she was going to stop, until she had gone all the way. The feelings that he had for her were nothing compared to the feelings that she had for him. Convinced that this was an opportunity that she shouldn’t let slip through her fingers, she decided to make the most out of the situation. “Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll be ready for more. Scratch that… I will want more and you better be able to provide me with what I need.” “I want him to be aware of my condition and maybe the animal inside him already has a pretty good idea that I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I need to be very careful about getting too overly excited. It might cause more harm than good, but maybe it’s worth it to feel again.”

  He was on his knees with his cock no more than a couple of inches away from the burst of the dam that he needed so badly. He saw something and sensed something like the animal inside had knowledge of something that he needed to know about. It was like a neon sign flashing intermittently right in front of his eyes. She was suffering from some kind of heart condition and he could hear the irregular heartbeat inside her chest. It concerned him, but he didn’t know what to do about it.

  Chapter 4

  “Tell me honestly that this is something that you want. You’ve been hiding something from me and maybe it’s about time that we put all of our cards on the table.” He had this need that was compelling him to go a few steps forward by shuffling ahead on his knees. “Tell me now before I do something that we’re both going to regret.” Lyon had newly formed hair that had now come to the surface. He could see himself across in reflection of the mirror over his dresser. He was afraid of what this could mean, but for some reason he was able to keep the beast from gaining that necessary control. Erica seemed to have this soothing influence, but was that enough to make him think that he could have a normal life?

  Erica put her hand on his chest to keep him from initiating first contact. She still needed time to adjust. “I do have a heart condition, but it’s nothing to worry about. I’m on medication and if you give me a moment, I will take one of those pills and then we can do what we intended when we came up here.” She jumped back on the floor and barely made it to the door when he landed right in front of her.

  “You stay here and I’ll be more than happy to go get what you need from your purse. I didn’t know about your condition and I’m sorry that I took advantage of you.” His hands were hanging down with his back hunched over. He tried to straighten up, but it was virtually useless. “I’ll be right back and don’t go anywhere.” He bounded down the stairs leaping the last 10 steps before finally snatching up her purse and grabbing for the pill bottle inside.

  He returned with a glass of water and handed her the pills. He waited patiently, but his patience was wearing thin. He was licking his lips with anticipation. She swallowed those pills and then lay back with her two hands on her chest with her eyes closed waiting for them to take effect.

  Erica opened her eyes and saw a combination of man and beast staring at her. She should’ve been terrified and part of her wanted to run, but there was no way that she could with the other feelings superimposing over anything else. “If I don’t do this, I will live with this regret for the rest of my life. I’m feeling a whole lot better. It’s a wonder that he was even able to put back in his pants. I think that I’m going to have to show him that I’m ready.” She didn’t want to wonder what could’ve been, but instead he grabbed for him. He heard his moan of pleasure. It was more of a growl than a human voice of pleasure.

  He really did look like he had gone back in time to where the dinosaurs were still roaming the earth. He stood there with her on her knees with her mouth open in obvious invitation. He gave her one moment to see if she was ready. He was suddenly surrounded by the hot recess of her mouth and the agility of her tongue, as she curled around him. “I don’t know why you think that I deserve this. I’ve done too much damage already and to have a gift like you is like a teasing gesture from the devil himself.” He let her service him and watched as every inch began to disappear, until nothing remained. He was in a position where he could see his animal self and his human side trying to fight for supremacy.

  Erica didn’t want to look and was more concerned with what was facing her than the actual idea that he may not be all man anymore. The cock was human and had life size balls that looked like they were ready to explode at any second. She pushed herself to the limit and was barely able to deepthroat him before gagging on that large and imposing head. She was impressed with herself that she had gone that far. “He’s letting me have my way and I can’t say that about other guys that have found themselves in this position. They always think that I should let them control the action, when it’s so much better when I’m the one that’s holding the power of their orgasm in the palm of my hand.”

  “I don’t know how much more I can hold on before the gorilla is here and I’m not.” He was breathing heavy placing his paw on his chest and seeing the long razor sharp claws taking the place of what used to be his fingernails. “I want to apologize before hand. If something happens, then I want you to run and not look back.” His hips were moving in the way that had her cheeks puffed out. It gave him the idea of what kind of effort she was putting out for him. “I’m trying… Oh I trying… YESSSSS.” He came with an onrush that surprised him and had her eyes growing wide with the onslaught of the cream now shooting in long and determine squirts across her tongue.

  Erica had never been in a submissive position and had done everything that she could not to be subjected to any man’s whims. She did like sex, but it was always messy and inconvenient. “I should have thought about this before I did this. I’m not even sure that he’s going to be able to get it up after getting off like this. I can only hope that I haven’t made a mistake.” Erica swallowed most of what was given to her with only a small amount escaping her attention. She did manage to wipe it off her face and to savor each drop that danced on her taste buds.

  He suddenly found herself Airborne and landing on the softness of the mattress. He leaped onto the bed pounding his chest and then wrapping both hands around the dripping member that had showed a resurgence of life.

  She was a little afraid, but she didn’t stop him from lifting her and then impaling her on every single inch. He pushed her up against the wall and she could literally hear the plaster cracking underneath the force of him taking her with no mercy or hesitation. “YES… oh my…god…take me…I’m yours and I will never leave your side. Fuck me and make me feel like I have done the right thing by letting you consume me like this. My pussy is on fire and my body begs you to satisfy my longing.” “I don’t know if this is something that can be broken and I can only hope that this is not some kind of black magic. I know that he’s looking for a secret potion to cure him of what ails him, but I’m not sure that I’m the woman that he thinks I am. I would do anything to help him, but he thinks my cure for cancer is the answer.”

  Lyon was pounding her into the wall with her hands over her head. Lyon was still there and he was pounding his hands into the plaster leaving gaping holes in the wall. His hips were flexing against her with an obvious need to blow his whistle.

  “I can’t believe that this is happening.” His voice had lowered and this was the first time that he had ever felt like he was beyond the gorilla. He was still there and whatever hold Erica had over his transformation was something that he couldn’t be parted from. He didn’t know how long they had been going at it like this, but their bodies were completely saturated in sweat. They were doing something that only animals should be able to perform on a daily basis. “You have no idea how much I have waited for this day. I have so much pent up sexual frustration that it’s hard to even imagine being with a
woman quite like you.”

  “You’re not the only one that has been lost and insecure. I don’t know where you have… been all of my life… Lyon. I don’t know if I will ever…find another one like you and you’re certainly one of a kind. I need you to make me cum and I promise that I will do the same thing for you. It will be…like a domino effect.” He was getting close and she could feel the product of his arousal making its way up the length of his shaft.

  “This tremendous pressure is too much for me to take. You’ve done something for me that no other woman has ever been able to do. My god…your pussy is getting even tighter and I have no idea how that’s even possible. No one has made me feel like you have and for that I thank you.” He let go and it was precisely the same time that she found herself writhing in complete bliss from having him take her like some wild animal.

  Erica was slapping her heels on his hairy ass and feeling the fur on his skin tickling her toes. It was inserting a different element into their lovemaking. Her orgasm blew her mind and shattered her defenses. She was left like a limp rag doll, until she felt him very gently putting her back down on the bed. “I hope every day with him is like this, but I have to remember that I’m here for a reason. He needs my help and I’ve never had anybody in a position where they truly wanted me to be around for more than just my body. He handled me, so easily and the extra weight that I have didn’t even affect him when he had me up against the wall. I look at where we have just been and the indentation of my body and his two hands is a permanent reminder that this did happen.”


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