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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 41

by Alice Cooper

  “I know all about acceptable risks, but football takes that to the extreme and you know it.” She did not even give him the satisfaction of answering his assumption of her. She could see that he was waiting for the necessary response, but wasn’t going to get any. It almost gave her a giddy little thrill to know that she was ignoring his way of trying to get some kind of reaction. “It’s a good thing that you can run fast, because those players on the field really do mean business. I watched a few clips of some of the more violent acts on the field and let’s just say that I was shocked.” “He’s fucking well put together and the only problem that I see is that he knows it. He’s doing it on purpose. He’s even flexing of his cock inside his pants. I know that it’s meant to make me fall on my knees. I’m tempted to do that. My hand wanted to reach out and grab it to see if it’s real.”

  “I think that secretly you like seeing the men on the field in their tight little pants. You get one look at us and you feel this urge to reach out and touch us in a more profound way. You really don’t want to admit it to yourself and I’m sure that there are girls just like you that I’ve had the pleasure of teaching one lesson or another. You give me 3 hours of your time and I will change your mind about football players. I’m sure that you think that we are full of ourselves and for the most part I’m sure that we have that element mixed into our DNA. What you don’t know is that we can be compassionate lovers and even though we have this hard edge on the field, we show a feminine softness in the bedroom.” He had used this spiel several times before. Nine times out of 10, it worked to make the woman think that he was on the level.

  “I don’t know who he’s trying to kid. I can see right through him, but for some reason I feel this need to do more than just give him lip service. I know that my mouth is dry and that my hands are shaking with these impulses. I’m doing my best to resist them, but it’s becoming an effort in futility.” “I don’t know where you get off on speaking to me like I am one of your mindless one night stands. It’s a common fact that you like to sleep with a certain type of woman. I don’t even know why you’re giving me the time of day. I’m certainly not your type, but maybe the unattainable is exactly what drives you to try to seduce me with your eyes. They are very beautiful piercing blue eyes that seem to follow me everywhere I go.”

  Samantha was swaying on her feet and then she felt his lips touch hers. She opened her eyes wide and that was when she saw that this man was hell bent on putting her into a submissive position. She really did think that she was immune to the charms of any man, but Judson was different in so many ways.

  Kissing her was stirring up his libido and his cock was now rampant and looking for any kind of pleasure that he could find with her. He peeled his lips away from her, nonchalantly scraping his teeth along her tongue and making her legs tremble. He sat back down on the bench and then he grabbed her and pushed her into a pressing formation.

  Samantha found herself giggling, despite the fact that she really didn’t like this cocksure young man that thought that he was god’s gift to women. Every time that he lowered her, he would nip at her blouse with his teeth. She should have told him to stop, but the feel of his teeth grazing her nipple was enough to make her fall dreamily into his arms.

  “I don’t know what this exercise is supposed to…accomplish.” She lost her voice for a second. She could feel that bit of wetness at her entrance. She’d never felt like she was falling into an abyss with no way out. She’d never felt the need to strip naked and grab him and pull him into a sexual embrace that would curl both of their toes. This was what she was feeling with Judson. She wasn’t sure how she was going to react to any more of his advancements. “You can…put me down…anytime.” She was trying to remain cordial, but underneath she was falling apart and turning into creature that she didn’t recognize. She noticed that lying beside him on another one of the benches was a medley of different letters. She had no doubt that he had his own fan base of females that were willing to give him their bodies without, so much as any kind of hesitation.

  “I think that you like this a little bit too much, Miss Maxwell.” He liked calling her by her last name and it brought to mind how he had given his innocence to an older woman. She was a widow at the time and hadn’t had the company of a man for at least six months after her husband’s demise. He was turning the tables and making Samantha into that very cougar, except that he was a little older than she was.

  “I don’t know what…gave you the idea…ahhh…that I like this.” The wet spot on her blouse had turned into something of a wet T shirt contest. Every time that his lips made contact with that particular nipple, she would shiver down to her very core. His hands on her thighs and the way that she was feeling were getting dangerously close to losing it all together. She could feel his fingers digging into her flesh.

  “I know it to be true, Miss Maxwell. Your nipple is hard and if that isn’t enough to prove to me that you are excited, then I don’t know what will. Perhaps, I should lift up your skirt and see how your panties are faring. I have a very interesting way of working out with a woman. Every man should have the benefit of a very shapely young lady in the weight room. It gives us the incentive to push ourselves beyond our own endurance. It’s exactly like the way that we feel that we have to perform in the bedroom. We know that you girls need somebody to impress you and I think that I can accomplish that very easily.” They had gotten away from the interview, but their raised voices showed that they were willing to throw down with the best of them.

  “I think that you are a bit of a callous prick and maybe a bit too full of himself. I have no expectations of anything sexual between us. This is a professional arrangement and maybe you should treat it with a bit more respect than that.” She was putting her foot down, but what she really wanted was for him to kiss her all over again. It lingered on her lips and made her wish that they could find someplace private to entertain the idea of making their bodies into their own personal playground. “Put me down, or I will scream.” “I don’t want him to put me down, unless he’s going to slide me down that huge pole that has become quite evident by the outline in his pants. I want to feel him filling me up and making me scream in a different way. I wish that I could say that I didn’t want that, but I think he knows from looking at me that I’m practically ready to tear my clothes off.”

  “Miss Maxwell, I believe that you are protesting a little bit too much, but never let it be said that I don’t listen to a woman’s needs.” He turned her in such a way that she was hovering over top of him. He brought her down to his masculine chest and could feel his fingers digging into a certain soft part of her anatomy. His body was pushed up against her nipples and he could feel the presence of those hard pebbles like they were made of stone. “Are you sure that there isn’t anything that I can do for you? You have this stress in your shoulders and I believe that I have exactly the right exercise to help you relieve yourself of that.” She was straddling him and he could feel the heat of her loins giving him the idea that she wanted more than just a professional arrangement.

  “I don’t want… I don’t want… I can’t believe that is all you. You’ve gotta be the only guy that I know that can probably scare little old ladies on a bus. I’ve never been with somebody of your… impressive size. Maybe, if I just get one brief peek it will satisfy my curiosity and we can get back to the business at hand.” She was rubbing up and down on top of him. She reached into the opening of his pants. She released it by getting him to lift his legs. He was naked with no shame.

  “As you can see, I really don’t have anything to be ashamed of. I look in the mirror and I have to say without a doubt that I love what I see. From the look on your face, I would say that you are more than adequately impressed. I am not your average Joe and what I have makes most women happy enough that they come back begging for more. You may not think that you are in that same category, but trust me every woman is the same. They want only one thing and I am more than happy to supply the
m with that one thing.” He was arrogant and knew that his experience made for a pleasurable time that had both him and his partner smiling.

  “I think that you should stop talking. With every word that comes out of your mouth, I begin to realize just what kind of mistake I’m making. I’m this close to ignoring the condition that you’re in. I would tread carefully, if I were you.” She was warning him ahead of time that his attitude and his words were ruining a moment that was best suited to their bodies doing the talking.

  “I don’t think that I like the way that you are…never mind…forget I said anything. You do whatever you feel comfortable with and don’t mind me.” The only way that he was going to get any kind of play from this girl was if he played by her rules. She wanted a moment to look at him with her eyes. He saw no reason to deny her the right to treat him like a piece of meat. Ironically, that was exactly the way that he had treated women and maybe he was getting a taste of his own medicine. The way that she licked her lips and gave him that ‘I’m going to take you and there’s nothing that you can do about it kind of look’ was exactly the same that he had given many a woman over the years.

  “There’s no denying that you have the kind of body that could turn any woman into something that they never knew was possible. We consider ourselves strong and independent, but guys like you remind us that there’s always room for bit of physical relief with the opposite sex.”

  Chapter 4

  Samantha touched the physical presence of the man and it jerked with a mind of its own. She had him vulnerable and exposed. It looked like it was having that kind affect on him. Wrapping her hands around the girth, she began to stroke it in earnest to see him move his hips in an almost instinctual need to get off. “I can’t possibly give him my body, but maybe I can give him a pale substitute. I don’t think that he’s going to deny himself any kind of pleasure, regardless if it’s coming from only my hand or not. I’m tempted to suck it, but I don’t want to give him the wrong impression about me.”

  “Your awkward hands feel amazing. I really have no idea what you plan to do. I hope that you’re not just going to waste it in the air or all over myself. I can’t stop you. I’m not one that’s going to force my will on others. You have me, at a distinct disadvantage and I think for once in your life you enjoy having the control.” He was watching out of sheer curiosity and the last time that he had had a hand job was several years ago. It was in the back seat of his father’s car and she was adamant that they didn’t go very far. She was religious and for the life of him, he couldn’t remember her name. He did remember her silky hands, but they were nothing in comparison to what Samantha I was doing to him.

  “Every guy wants an orgasm and they really don’t care how they can it. You can say that you want to fuck me, but I think deep down you only want what you can’t have. I will never give in to you and there isn’t anything that you can say that will change my mind. You’ve tried every trick in the book and I have rebuffed your advances. That might seem trivial to you, but it’s a testament to my strength of character. You will tell me what I want to know and I think that I have you in the palm of my hand, literally and figuratively.” “It’s challenging to do nothing about my own pleasure, but I think that this way might be a good way to earn his respect. I don’t want him to see me, as any of the other conquest that has found their way into his bed and underneath his sheets. I want him to see me, as somebody that will bend a little, but not enough to give him a reason to walk away.”

  Judson had never felt like someone that couldn’t go the distance. He prided himself on his stamina, but this girl was showing him that he was being adversely affected by her nimble fingers. He could see that she was disgusted. He felt a need to satisfy his sweet tooth in a different way than others. Her grip was tighter than some women that he had the fortune to be with. She was actually using his own natural essence to pave the way for a slippery sensation that couldn’t be beat.

  “If you’re not careful, I might give you a handful. I’m giving you fair warning and I don’t know if you know this, but when the vein starts to throb, you should really think about stopping.” He wanted her to finish him off, but he was uniquely aware that this woman was not exactly the wanton whore that others have claimed to be. She had that naughty quality, but it needed to be coaxed out slowly and with more work than the average woman in a bar. He felt like it was a good way to test his mettle, as a man and maybe find a new perspective about what women really wanted. “I’m telling you…you keep stroking it like that and I won’t be responsible…for my own actions.” His breathless tone and the way that his words were rushed had confirmed that things were getting to the point of no return.

  “I don’t think that you understand. We have a long-term commitment. I’m not going to ruin it by giving in, so easily. I’m not saying that you have a chance of getting into my panties, but I’m not going to rule it out either.” She was giving him false hope and she was very aware about what the vein throbbing meant on the underside of his cock. “You have had it easy with women falling all over themselves to be with you. I’m going to be more of a challenge and I just hope that you are up to stepping up to the plate.” It was a mixed metaphor and one that really didn’t go with the football analogy. “I believe that you can be one of the good ones, but you need a woman like me to mold you into the right type of man.”

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to say. I’m not paying attention to any of your words. My main concentration is the way that your fingers are feeling like a tight hot glove around me. I just…need…to make sure that you don’t…think that you have all the power.” He grabbed for her hand and held it steady, while moving his hips in a way that was indicative of a sweet hot piece of ass. “That’s it, just stay steady and let me do all the work.” Judson looked into her eyes and then saw that she wanted him to blow. He was actually pleased that she was a captive audience of one and that he had her undivided attention like nobody else.

  “You’re just using me for your own pleasure and that is about to end. You need a lesson in what it’s like to really treat a woman with the kind of respect that they deserve. You can’t always think that you’re going to always have your way, because that only sends a bad message to any one that you tell this tale to. Guys will begin to think that your way is the best way and from there we will devolve into a society of women bending over backwards to please men. It shouldn’t be like that and it should be a matter of give and take.” “This guy needs to change, or his life will revolve around a woman that is only after his money. He’s going down a dangerous path that is ripe for addictions like alcohol and drugs. I don’t think that he wants to do that and maybe I can steer him in the right direction. Giving him the tools will help him to decide what is the right course of action to take. I want to finish him off with my hand, but my mouth waters for the taste of the man. I haven’t had the privilege or the honor of siphoning a man dry in quite some time. I actually find that I miss it and the taste of sweetness on my tongue is something that I can really get used to.”

  “You wouldn’t dare leave me like this, as some kind of punishment for how I treat women. You can’t be…that cruel.” Judson was doing his best to get there on his own, as he could see that she wasn’t going to lift a finger to make it any easier on him. “I can feel it…it’s so fucking close. Your attempt to tease me has only had an unexpected side effect. The ferocity in which I shoot is going to be a little bit more than how I usually fire off with my own hand. I’m not one for delayed gratification, but you have certainly shown me that there is a place for something like that.” He found his eyes closing and then he slipped into his own little world of sexual pleasures.

  All the blood had rushed to a certain part of his anatomy and there was no way that he was going to deny himself the kind of joy that only comes around once in a lifetime. Her hand was very tight and made it impossible for him to move freely without dripping more of that secret sauce from within.

  She saw th
at he was at the end of his rope and this need to feed came over her in a wave that even surprised her. She saw that it was about to blow and then in a surprise twist, she slipped her lips over top of the head and gave in to her own form of depravity. “I just heard him gasp with his own arousal and I can only imagine what he’s thinking at this very moment. I feel that first spurt and I want more. There’s no way that I’m going to give up one single drop to somebody else. This may not be exactly the way that I wanted this to go, but I’m not going to quibble over details. His hot seed splashes against my tongue and I taste him and it only makes me crave for the last little bit that I can get from squeezing from the bottom to the top.”

  “I can’t believe…that you are…doing…that.” He wasn’t expecting to feel her lips and that tongue circling around the crown. There was nothing better than having his cock sucked, especially when it came from a woman that knew how to bring about that explosion in the most intense way possible. He moaned and held onto the bar over his head to grip it tightly. He let that pleasure flow over him like a roller-coaster ride.

  She was vividly aware that she had taken it a little bit too far, but this was one thing that she couldn’t take back. Samantha didn’t bother to lick him clean, feeling like she had done women of mankind a disservice. She didn’t want to be known, as someone that could easily fall for a man of his obvious character flaws. It was possible that he could be changed, but that was wishful thinking. “This was a stupid thing to do and I had him exactly where I wanted him and now everything has changed. He thinks that he knows how to get to me and I have only shown him that he is probably right. I’ve never been one to fall for the bad boy, but I can see the merit in letting our bodies do the talking for us.” She tried to move away, only to feel his hand grip her wrist in a way that was almost menacing.


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