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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 42

by Alice Cooper

  “I thought that I was going to have to fight to get into your panties, but I see that you are ready for me right now. I’m not even going to try to fuck you and that is entirely up to you to make happen for yourself. I’m more than willing to get a boner again, but for now I think that I should show you what I can do with my tongue. I’ve shown you a little bit, but it’s not nearly enough to truly understand what it’s like to have my oral expertise at your beck and call.” Judson was giving her what she wanted. He had no delusion that she would easily spread her legs for the chance to be speared by the man of the hour.

  “I really don’t think that you know what you’re doing. This is going to come back against you in some way. Your behavior is deplorable and sooner or later somebody is going to find a reason to take exception to how you treat them. I might be the fortunate one and by playing with your emotions, I might have been able to break you of some of those bad habits. I’m not much for teaching, but for you I might just make an exception.” “I may be barking up the wrong tree, but he does have some redeeming qualities that I would like to cultivate into something more. He looks at me with this delight and I know that there’s no way that I could possibly stop him from having his way with me. I’ve never had a man this close and this available that wanted me and nobody else. I may plead innocent, but underneath there is a guilty woman begging with her eyes for the boys to see her, as a sexual object.

  “What you need to do now, Samantha is to sit on my face. I will understand if you’re scared and maybe you would like to tuck your tail in between your legs and run off into the night. You’re the type of woman that is probably scared of your own shadow. You’re definitely not my type and maybe I should seriously consider turning my attentions on somebody else.” He was purposely daring her to find something deep down inside to grab onto and let things happen naturally. “I have no better place to be and maybe after I finish pleasing you orally, I might even be able to give you tidbits of information for your project.” He saw no reason why he had to mince words. He was saying that she could have his time, but only if she was willing to show some gratitude in return.

  “I don’t think that I should do that. I will be back tomorrow. I’m leaving before I change my mind.” She was able to pull away from Judson’s grip, feeling his fingers like a phantom indentation in her skin. Breathing deeply, she gathered up what she had come with and left without looking back. “If I even make one mention or show any kind of sign that I’m interested, then I won’t be able to leave here, until I am walking on bowlegged legs. I really do want that, but he needs to work a little bit harder. It will be more satisfying, if he was to make a conscious effort, instead of lying back and letting the world hand him everything on a silver platter.”

  She heard him laughing behind her back. It was almost like this was one big joke and that she was unfortunate enough to fall into his web.

  “I know that you’ll be back and it’s not like you’ll be able to help yourself. I’ve gotten underneath your skin and now that you have gotten a taste, there’s no way that you can possibly leave without going all the way.” He had no idea if he could reach her, but he suspected that she was nearby. “I’m not going to tell you that I want you. It will be a cold day in hell, when I come crawling to a woman on my hands and knees. Girls like you are all the same. You claim to be innocent, but there is a bad girl lurking underneath waiting for someone like me to bring it out in them. You’ll come to your senses and eventually you’ll be the one begging me for the chance to ride my manhood. Don’t kid yourself and it will happen sooner than later.” He got up and went directly into the showers, turning the tap and letting the water wash away the insanity of the moment. He didn’t even want to consider the fact that she was the one that got underneath his skin. He stuck his head underneath the spray, closing his eyes and envisioning her mouth over top of him all over again. He was always one to love them and leave them and to forget about them after. So, why was it that he was actually thinking about her in a more than friendly manner? He couldn’t answer that. He didn’t dare pull away the curtain to see the truth for himself.

  Samantha heard everything that was being said. She was lying back against the door to the weight room, unable to move, except to squirm a little bit in her own discomfort. “God help me, but I do want him, but to tell him would make him even more smug than he already is. He needs to know that his actions have consequences. I may not be the one to teach him, but somebody will. Girls have come in and out of his life. I’m sure that some of them have left with hurt feelings. I’m sure that there are even some that want some kind of revenge for being treated like they meant nothing afterwards.”

  She moved away from the door and then a figure clad in a black hoodie slammed into her and knocked her against the wall. She watched him leave through the exit door at the end of the hall. It led to the parking lot. At first, she thought that the man was being a little rude and then she took one step and realized that there was a fire in her gut. She mistook it for the heat between herself and Judson, until she placed her hand up against that very spot and came back with blood dripping from her fingers.

  Samantha stumbled and fell back against the door with a heavy thud. She tried to say something, but the only thing that came out was a squeak. She was trying to call for help, but the shock of the moment had gotten the best of her. It was kind of alarming to see the blood flowing through her fingertips. It was a deep cut and one that was meant to do the maximum damage. Sliding down the door, she left behind a trail of blood in her wake. She saw in front of her on the wall across from her the fire alarm. She tried to move, but the pain was imaginable and then her eyes started to flutter with the black abyss about to swallow her whole.



  BOOK – 2

  Chapter 1

  Judson was thankful for the reprieve of the hot shower. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough and he had to turn the dial to the freezing cold to freeze the heat of the moment between him and Samantha. He remembered every little detail and it was like a little movie that he could play in his head over and over again. Their witty banter back and forth about violence in sports was almost laughable. He liked that she was opinionated and wasn’t about to bow down to conventional thinking. She was ready to make a stand and be damned anybody that got in the way.

  Judson wanted to follow her outside of the weight room, but to do that would admit something that he didn’t want to. He had seen the light, but maybe it was more of a darkness that was seeping into his very soul. She was corrupting his thoughts and his feelings that he was getting angry. He began to pound his fist against the tile like that of a mad man possessed by a demon. It brought to mind the way that his father treated his mother. She was always doing his bidding and there were times that she didn’t look at all happy about it. He was very young at the time and he didn’t know any better. He began to emulate his father in ways that he probably shouldn’t.

  He needed to get her out of his head and the best way to do that was to get the necessary sleep. He was a big believer that 8 hours was never enough, but he was also a sucker for a pretty face. He envisioned what it would be like to be with that redheaded vixen with no morals and suddenly the face of Samantha came flooding in over top of those naughty thoughts.

  He finally turned off the shower, feeling that adrenaline rush from the cold water pulsing through his veins. The unfortunate side effect of shrinkage was very evident by his cock that was acting like a turtle shying away from the public eye. He had lived with that appendage swinging down between his legs all of his life, but he still could not understand the mechanism of how it all worked. Certain fantasies could bring about an erection, but even a brief graze by a female hand on his pants could bring about that same condition. There was no telling what would make him salute and raise the flag in the presence of the female form.

  He toweled himself dry and tossed it into a nearby bucket in the corner. He walked unashamed back into the wei
ght room. There was something different, like a foreboding sense that surrounded him like a personal aura. He couldn’t understand what it meant, but he was prone to getting these kinds of feelings from time to time growing up. The one that he remembered vividly was how his father had died for 1 minute during a heart attack. He had lived, but he had changed his attitude and was now mostly a family dedicated man. Judson thought that he was weak and that maybe having that heart attack had broken the man into a shell of his former self.

  He slipped into a pair of track pants that were black and had white stripes down the side with buttons that could easily expose his more private region in a quick flick of his wrist. He had had the pleasure of showing women what they were missing. He saw the look on their faces and some had even taken him up on his offer about going back to his place for a little bit of something on the side.

  He put on that black sweater and then picked up his gym bag and made his way over to the door leading to the hallway. He had his hand on the handle, when he realized that he had forgotten his fan mail. He went back to retrieve it, stashing it into his bag for further perusal in the cold light of day.

  He opened the door and there was a certain weight behind it that didn’t make any sense. He almost stepped on Samantha, as she was lying in a pool of her own blood. At first, he was shocked by this latest display. Thankfully, that shock wore off and he was able to pull himself out of it without much difficulty. “I need you to hold on, Samantha. I’m calling for an ambulance.” He saw her holding onto her stomach. She was possibly trying to use some pressure to stop the bleeding from getting any worse.

  Samantha could sense that somebody was there and that she wasn’t alone. She opened her eyes to see a sight that surprised her. There was a moment that she thought that she had gone to heaven, but the face of the concerned Judson was more of reality than something of an ethereal nature. “I can’t…breathe.” It was the only thing that she could say. All the energy had been drained away from her and she couldn’t even hold onto the wound.

  “This is Judson Nielsen and I have an emergency at the college coliseum. I need an ambulance. She’s breathing, but it’s erratic and it appears that she has been stabbed with something. I don’t know if it goes all the way in and through to the other side. I do see a streak of blood going down the door. I’ll try to put pressure on it, but do hurry.” He hung up and then knelt on the floor beside Samantha with the care and compassion of a man that really did want to get to know her better.

  “Don’t…leave me… I’m scared.” This was not the position that she wanted to find herself in, but it wasn’t like she had much of a choice. She remembered the black clad man. He had purposely hidden his features from being seen after the attack. Even the cameras wouldn’t be able to capture the likeness of the attacker. He had kept his head down low and he used the darkened parking lot, as his only form of escape. The figure could have been man or woman, but she had to believe that a man had gotten the best of her. The pain of his hand pressing down on the wound had almost made her pass out. She knew that the possibility of waking up again was slim to none. She could almost feel that clammy hand of death on her shoulder and she had no intention of giving in to the blackness. “I know that I’m dying, but it gives me comfort to see that he has more than just himself to worry about. He could’ve easily left me here, but I see now that I have vastly underestimated him. I don’t know who did this, but if I survive, I plan to make them pay.”

  “I don’t know what to do. Tell me what to do…for god’s sake somebody tell me what to do.” Judson was panicking and even though he could hear the operator from 911 on the other end of his phone, he really couldn’t understand what was being said. To him, it was this mumbled garbled bunch of nonsense, but maybe that was the shock of seeing Samantha in this way. It had caused him to lose a part of his conscious mind. “I have my hands pressed up against it. I think the blood is slowing down. I can’t tell, if I am doing any good or not. You need to get here and I think… I think that she’s dying.” He was worried. For the first time in his life, he was concerned for somebody other than himself.

  “Let’s…you and I do this together, Judson. Keep talking to me and maybe that will be enough to keep me from knocking on heaven’s doors. I’m grateful that you were here. Without you, I think that I would’ve been a goner.” Her voice cracked and there was a trickle of blood coming out from her lips. The pain had turned into this numbing sensation. It was like somebody had poured cold water onto her stomach. It had to be the shock, but she wasn’t going to give in to the need for sleep at the moment. “I need you…to talk about something. I don’t care…what it is.” She was waiting with bated breath, but he was too far gone to give her anything to hang onto.

  Judson saw her head slumping forward and her eyes beginning to droop a little heavier than normal. He didn’t want her to die, but he really had nothing of any kind of training in first aid. This was his first emergency and he hoped to god that it would be the last one that he would ever have to deal with on his own. “I was an only child and let’s just say that I was given practically anything I wanted within reason. My parents overcompensated for their own shortcomings. They made sure that I was taken care of financially. My father was not a very nice man and I see now that mother only put up with him for the sake of the child, which of course was me. I thought that he was my hero, but I think I see now that he was only a hero in my eyes.” This was the first time that he had admitted anything of the sort. He didn’t like opening up that Pandora’s Box. He had denied himself the right to know the truth, even though he already knew it deep down inside.

  “It must’ve been…hard on you for being some kind of pawn in their games. I doubt…that your mother was very nice to your father. There was probably a lot of cold moments in your house. You probably didn’t recognize it for what it was at the time. Did they…did they…even sleep in the same room together?” She had a coughing jag, but she was trying to stop herself from coughing up a lung. “This is the real Judson and maybe I should have gotten injured a long time ago. This is a refreshing look at the man that thinks he’s better than everybody else. He hides his insecurities with bravado and sexual conquests to make him feel better about his own childhood. I’m glad that I was able to get him to open up, but I certainly didn’t want to do it in this way.”

  “I never thought of it before, but they do tend to sleep in different bedrooms. They told me that it was because my father snored, but now I think that there was another underlying reason. They barely ever talk and when they did it was mostly a shouting match to see who was going to come out on top. He was always telling her what she couldn’t do and she was damned and determined to make him regret saying a damn thing. I look back and I don’t think that my mother was ever happy. I regret that I might have started to emulate the way that my father spoke to her on occasion. I guess what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree is true. We learn from what we see and I don’t think that I was given the right way to treat women.” He was convincing himself that he was only telling her what she wanted to hear. It was a good way to keep her talking, but underneath he suspected that there was something to everything that was being said.

  She could barely hear the drone of the sirens in the distance. It had to be that the ambulance was close by and hopefully they would get there before it was too late. “I have to thank you for letting me see who you really are without the constant need to puff out your chest. I think that after everything is said and done that I still would like to come back and speak to you on violence in sports. I want to get your own unbiased opinion without the caustic behavior that makes me want to slap you upside your head.” She was talking in a whisper and feeling like her limbs had turned into concrete. “I don’t want to die, but I’m not afraid anymore. There’s a sense of calm and maybe this is acceptance raising its ugly head. I want to live and I have, so much more that I want to accomplish. I have barely scratched the surface of my profession and it seems w
rong somehow that I will have to let somebody else take my place.”

  Judson heard the sirens getting louder. There was the slamming of the door and the emergence of the paramedics coming down the hall. They were moving at a rate of speed that seemed of some urgency. The look on their faces told him that Samantha was not even close to being out of the woods. “Let me take over here, young man. You’ve done everything that you can. You need to let the professionals take care of things.” The paramedic could see that Judson was trying to deal with something and maybe this woman really did mean something to him “You have to let me do my job. Take a step back and we’ll take a look at you after we’re done with her.” James Garfield had no relation to the man in history. He was always ribbed about his name, but for now his expertise was what people were looking for.

  Samantha looked up at her savior and then her eyes fluttered and rolled into the back of her head. She began to convulse and went into some sort of fit that reminded the paramedic of some epileptic seizure. His partner held her down, while she was administered with an adrenalin shot to make her heart pump with a renewed rejuvenation. “I don’t know if their lifesaving measure is going to work on me or not. I guess I should be thankful that I met Judson and was able to make him see that his life was predicated on something that wasn’t true. I’m sure that a therapist would’ve been able to do the same for him, but maybe not in the same way.”

  Judson stood nearby watching them work and seeing the distress on their faces from how hard they had to work to try and stabilize her condition. “She just went into cardiac arrest. Give me the paddles and charge it to half power.” They ripped open her shirt, cutting it down the middle and leaving her exposed to the elements. Her bra was the only thing that was keeping them from seeing her nubile young body. Her chest was not rising with each breath and the adrenaline shot was only a temporary measure. “Let’s get these things connected.” It would’ve been better had they been in the hospital, but this portable unit was going to have to suffice for what they had in mind.


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