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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 47

by Alice Cooper

  “I don’t know how you have done this to me, Samantha, but I think that I need to curse your name. You and your high and mighty ways, not mention a body that just won’t quit has made me see things differently. I didn’t think that was possible. I now know what the coach meant by some of his latest tirades. It took a woman like you to open my eyes.” Judson nudged a little bit at her lips and felt her resistance give way to his intrusive methods. She spread around his knob, grabbed onto it like that of an octopus. “I don’t think this one’s going to last very long. I need to cum, but I’m not going to do that, until you get yours.” Usually, he was not about anybody but himself, but this woman had come into his life and gave him something to think about.

  They were desperate for each other, not caring about what other people thought. For the first time in Samantha’s life, she was metaphorically tossing the wine glasses into the fire. Her other leg had joined the one that was draped around his waist and now her ankles were locked in place. She could feel the knob resting inside the entrance and saw in his eyes that he was waiting for some kind of sign that he should continue. “It’s not like you to hold back. That’s the one thing that I don’t want to change about… YOUUUUUUU.” She moaned and her vocal response was made from the balls deep insertion of his manhood. Her lips grabbed him and the inner muscles of her sex were now working over time to get him off in short order.

  “I need you; Samantha and I don’t think that I’ve ever said that to a woman before. I can’t tell you what you want to hear, but maybe I’m just cautious. Fuck…you do know how to make a guy feel welcome. Your body is so warm and inviting and just touching your skin makes you shiver with a combination of heat and cold. I love the way that my cock feels inside you. There’s not a moment that goes by that I don’t think about you.” He had reached down and undid his jean button. He let the natural motion of what they were doing slide them down below his posterior. His bare ass was swinging in the breeze, as he continually gave it to her. He saw her eyes glaze over and the way that she stared at him gave him every indication that she was enjoying herself.

  “I want you to tell me that you can feel my pussy holding on to you. I want you to know that that wetness that seeps down your shaft is courtesy of my excitement for you being inside me. Do you know how good it feels to know that you love me in this way? Your shaft runs up against my walls and on each stroke, you seem to find a way to rub another part of my anatomy. God damn… I don’t know if it’s you or the excitement of the moment, but I don’t think that my orgasm is going to stay hidden for very much longer… AHHHHHH.” That sentiment was met with the thrusting of his hips and the flexing of his ass cheeks, as he reveled in the feeling of her climax taking him on a journey that he would never forget.

  “I’m almost…there. Just a little bit…more… YESSSSS.” His loins gave up what was stirring down below with one shot after the other like a gun going off. Judson could actually hear the proverbial gunshots, but it didn’t fully come to his consciousness that it was really guns going off somewhere. The loving motion of his body was controlled by Samantha. She was grinding in a circle, feeling him going off and loving the way that he gave her a nice cream pie.

  Judson did not stop, grunting with the exertion of what he was doing, until finally his cock began to slide out on a combination of both of their juices. Samantha placed her finger in between them and rubbed vigorously. She came again with only the head now lodged within. She trembled in his grip, her body now letting it be known that those two climaxes were only enough to satisfy for the time being. It was like he was imprinted on her body and that feeling was a mere shadow of what it could be when he was really there in person.

  “I know that that was sudden and I apologize if you feel that I let you down in some way.” Judson knew that he was not the only one that came. He was sure that she had found hers at least twice. He wasn’t quite that aware of the female form, but he was slowly learning about what made a woman tick on the inside and outside.

  “I know that most women want that romance, but for me it’s that spontaneity that does it in spades. You took a moment of complete terror and worry and turned it into something that was beautiful. This is the unspoken bond that I have been talking about. You may not believe it, but you have finally met your match when it comes to a woman. You can give me that look all you want, but I’m through walking round on eggshells. Everything that has gone on up to this point has proven to me that life is just too damn short to worry about the things that you can’t control. Life is fleeting and if you don’t take chances, then you’re not really living.” She felt the seepage from what he had deposited. She had to concentrate hard to keep it inside, while looking around in a mad panic to find something to cover her shame.

  “You could wear a potato sack and you would still look absolutely stunning. You have this raw sexuality that is perfectly in line with my own overcharged libido. You didn’t know that you could be this type of woman. I know that it scares you, but it shouldn’t. You are evolving into something that is open to changes and not just willing to go with the status quo.” He lost his train of thought, as she was reaching for the gown and then suddenly inspiration took over. He wasn’t quite ready for her to touch him after such an explosive discharge. It was sensitive to the touch and he bucked uncontrollably against her face, as she cleaned him of whatever was left.

  Samantha was in the perfect position and did not hesitate for a second. She found the bold taste more like something that she would want on her diet daily. She enjoyed the blend of both of them mixed into one. It was a cocktail that was meant for consumption and she eagerly complied with her instinct that took over. She delivered him a certain uncomfortable pleasure that made him gasp noticeably and hold onto her shoulders to make sure that she wasn’t going to leave him in that condition. “I don’t want to admit it, but having him around has turned me into a full fledged whore. I want it all the time, but maybe this is the way that it’s supposed to be with people that you love. He may not be able to say it out loud, but his eyes and his body tells me everything I want to know and more.

  Judson could barely stand and being in that position with her legs wrapped around him was a little taxing on his body. It was a good thing that he was in great shape, or he probably wouldn’t be able to keep up with a woman of high demand. “I doubt that it comes, as a big surprise that what you are doing right now is making me climb the walls.” His voice was rushed and he could literally feel the byproduct of the climax that he just had. It paled in comparison, but it still made him aware that his body was now hers. He could deny it all he wanted, but the proof was in the way that she could make him practically jump at her command.

  They continued to administer to each other’s needs, until she got up after getting her fill. She loved that he was a little beside himself after such a display of sexual heat. She couldn’t help herself and she didn’t give up, until every single drop was not wasted. None of it made it to the floor of the elevator. The main portion was inside of her and that little bit that was on her tongue was causing her to remember more than she wanted to.

  Somehow, he had found a way to kick out and hit the stop button on the elevator. Neither one of them was fully aware that the alarms were going off. It wasn’t, until they fixed themselves up that they finally came out in the lobby looking like they were wearing their sex on their sleeve.

  Chapter 6

  “I don’t have time to grill you on what you were doing in the elevator and I think that is pretty damn obvious. How you could possibly do something like that after everything that you’ve been through is beyond me. We got the guy, but he didn’t go down without a fight. He shot one of the guards, before we opened fire and brought him down in a hail of bullets. We found his phone and our tech guys are going over it to find out who might have put him on this assignment. I don’t know when or if we will have answers, but we won’t give up, until we have something. In the meantime, we are stationing a couple of extra patrols near
both your houses. It would be better if you stayed in one place together and maybe I can convince you to…never mind, I doubt that it’s going to take much convincing.

  They were a little breathless, but they sheepishly looked at each other and realized that staying in one place together wasn’t such a bad thing after all. “I can’t speak for Judson, but I don’t see any reason why we can’t do that.” She almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of having him underneath one roof together. They would never be able to stay away from each other and what they had already done in the elevator was only a prelude to better things to come.

  They were escorted to his palatial estate, but they were soon squirreled away to a safe house that didn’t have wall to wall windows. That was easy access for any sharpshooter that wanted to get his sights on the both of them.

  “Tomorrow morning, we’ll have a nurse stop over to make sure that you are on the mend. You can be assured that nobody’s going to get near you without our direct permission. I don’t want you to call any one of your friends and family. They can’t know where the both of you are. If this is a professional hit, then it is possible that they will send somebody else to get the job done.” Officer Mills had decided to take a personal interest in this case. He had come this far and he felt that he had to go the rest of the way. He gave them no answers and his only hope was that something on the phone would lead them to more of the story. He knew that he was missing something. Even if they didn’t know it, one of them had the missing puzzle piece that would explain all of this.

  “We’ll be perfectly fine officer Mills. I plan to make something for Judson that will satisfy his palate and his appetite for something spicy.” Her underlying meaning was not lost on either officer Mills or Judson for that matter. Samantha was actually enjoying playing the seductress. She mostly went with the flow, but maybe it was time to grab on to any kind of happiness.

  “Myself and one other officer will be outside watching the place. I can’t see how they’re going to find you, unless they are really that damn good.” After Officer Mills left, Judson and Samantha had a very spicy rice dish.

  “I don’t know where you learned to cook like this, but you do know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. If you continue to do this, I don’t think that I will ever want to leave you.” Judson was smiling from ear to ear and then they retired to the living room to watch a little TV. There wasn’t much on the shooting and apparently they had swept it underneath the rug by saying that the man was deranged and they had no choice, but to use lethal force. It was the only a way to keep the public and the press from digging into the personal life of young Judson Nielsen. His publicist was good at spinning things and she had a way of twisting people around her little finger.

  Judson picked up the phone and found that his publicist Sarah was more than happy to gloat over her success at making this kind of bad publicity go away. “Judson, I don’t want you to worry about anything. I’m making sure that this ugly business doesn’t get in the way of you winning that big game tomorrow night. The championship is on the line. If you can lead them this far, then you can take them all the way to the Super Bowl.” Sarah was a nice girl, but when push comes to shove, she was able to give her client the benefit of her years.

  “I’ve been thinking about getting an agent, but maybe you can take on both roles. Give it some thought. That kind of percentage can make or break your career. I’ll be in touch and believe me nothing is going to keep me from that game.”

  Sarah hung up and then lay back in her leather chair with her hands over her head. Her secretary Jennifer was only one reason why she was smiling. Jennifer was taking liberties down below for the chance at a big raise. She looked down on the blond mane and the way that her tongue was making her feel out of this world. She had actually been able to talk with Judson without having her voice crack from the obvious pleasure that she was enduring.

  Jennifer was happily taking the one thing from her boss that she’d never been able to take before. Feeling her hump up against her mouth and the taste of her sweetened her lips was more than enough to make her want to stab her tongue deeper. This was a means to an end for the both of them.

  When she was finished with her personal attention, she climbed out to see the look of on her bosses face. She could hear something underneath her breath, but she wasn’t completely sure of what that might have been. “I really have to get home to my husband. I’m sure that he’s wondering where I’m at. Don’t worry; I’ll be able to convince him that I was working late. He doesn’t even know that I have these tendencies and to be honest, I really didn’t know that I had them myself. You do have this way and I think that this is the kind of power that you hold in the palm of your hand.

  Jennifer stumbled from the office, leaving Sarah to lie there in the post orgasmic embrace of her own hands. When the door closed, both of them reached for their phone at the same time, not to mention the same thing was happening with a certain Officer Mills outside in his patrol car.

  Judson was lying there with Samantha nestled in between his arms. Her head was lying on his chest and she had obviously used the drone of his heartbeat to fall into a deep slumber. He looked at her like an angel and this was the most serene that he had ever seen her. She was quiet and his heart was racing a million miles an hour. If he could keep her like this, he would’ve been happy to take all the stress from her life and bring it on to himself. He didn’t like that she had to fight for her life and it was all because of him. He wanted to keep her away from harm, but he had done a piss poor job of it up to this point. Why did she have to be, so damn stubborn? It was his least favorite trait of hers, but that was part of the whole package. He would’ve loved to change her, but this was who she was. She was a survivor. Samantha would probably differ, but he knew the truth.

  He heard his phone and very quietly reached for it on the coffee table. He had to be careful not to wake Samantha. It didn’t appear that that was going to be a problem considering that she had quite the day. He could easily see down her negligee and it was making a certain part of him come alive all over again. He managed to get his hands on his phone. When he pressed for the messages, his eyes went wide with alarm.



  BOOK – 4

  Chapter 1

  The message was there and then suddenly it vanished into a jumble of letters. There was no real proof that it happened at all, except the Judson had seen it and now he was wide awake with no idea how he was going to close his eyes.

  “If you think for a second that I’m done with you, then you are stupider than you look. You may have stopped me for the moment, but expect the next time that I take a more personal approach. Never let somebody else do for you, when you can do for yourself. If I want something done right, then I’m going to have to get my own hands dirty I will be in touch if you don’t do what I say, then you’re lady love will suffer the consequences.” These were the words that he had seen and was now running around in his mind all night long. He wasn’t sure what to tell Samantha.

  There was no way that he could possibly get any sleep and there were times during the night that he was pacing the floor trying to come up with something that would make all this go away. He still had no idea who was after him, but he was getting the sinking suspicion that maybe this wasn’t what it appeared to be. They had thought that this was some kind of stalker, but hearing the words of the assailant had made him believe that they weren’t really grasping why this was happening.

  “Don’t tell me that you’ve been awake all of this time. I know that it has been hard on you, but you have to take some solace in the fact that the man has been dealt with. They’re only keeping us here, as a precaution and there’s no doubt in anybody’s mind that the danger is over.” “I don’t know why he’s worrying and I can see the angst on his face. He wants to tell me something, but he’s not sure how to say it. Maybe he’s ready to finally admit that he has fallen in love for the first tim
e in his life. I want to hear those words. He has come, so close and it was right there at the tip of his tongue. He has already told me that he cares for me deeply, but I haven’t really heard him say that he was in love. I know that he’s scared, but he’s not the only one.”

  Samantha got up with the sheet around her body, making sure to hide her shame from those that might be able to see through the curtains at this early hour. She was aware that there were perverts amongst them and they would have no problem using a high powered pair of binoculars or even a telescope to creep into her personal life.

  Judson was wearing a pair of boxer shorts that had this very intricate pattern of red lipstick. It was a valentine’s gift that he had gotten from an old flame. He had no idea of the reason why he kept them, except that he kind of found them cute and very much a conversation piece. “I know all that and I wish that I could get this feeling out of my head, but I don’t think that it’s over. I want to believe that it is, but everything that I have learned has been to the contrary. The man spoke of doing this for money and I think that somebody has been pulling the strings all along. I don’t exactly know what to do, except to continue to live my life, as normally as possible.” Judson was that close to telling her what the text message had said, but he had no idea if the walls had ears.


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