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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 48

by Alice Cooper

  Judson really wanted to keep her out of this, but so far that had been an effort in futility. Every time that they turned around, they were in danger and that had turned them into wild animals in the sack. The feel of her skin and the touch of her lips on his body had made him yearn for something that he had never thought possible. He wanted that white picket fence and those two kids running around in the yard with gleeful expressions on their faces. He always thought that being a bachelor was better than being tied down, but now he was rethinking his position.

  “There has to be a reason why you are saying this. I know that we don’t have all the answers and maybe we never will. The person that came after you with that assassin has to know by now that he has failed. You never know, he might tuck his tail between his legs and leave without causing any more mischief.” I want to believe that, but the look in his eyes tells me that he knows something that he doesn’t want to tell me. I wish that he could trust me, but maybe it has nothing to do with trust. It’s possible that he’s trying to protect me. I’m getting a little sick and tired of having somebody thinking that they can look after me better than I can look after myself. Being stabbed and almost killed in the hospital after has certainly given me a thicker skin.”

  She wrapped her hands around Judson’s midsection, feeling the muscular formation of his abdominals and tracing each individual one with a gasp of approval coming from her lips. She got her hand into his boxers to find that the sleeping snake had not awakened with the rest of his body. Even her agile fingers stroking his length did not make his flag salute. There was definitely something going on and it was about time that she threw back the curtain and made him look at her differently.

  “I know how hard this might be to believe, but I’m really not in the mood. I can’t just turn it off and on like a light switch whenever you feel the need to grab onto any part of my body.” He was being a bit defensive, but Samantha had compounded the issue with her oversexed libido out of control.

  “I know that something is wrong and I’m not letting you leave here, until you tell me exactly what’s going on. Stop treating me like I’m fragile or that I’m going to break every time that you turn around. I think that I’ve already proven that I’m tougher than I look and maybe you should top treating me like I’m a doll that you have to put in the closet to protect me.” I really did love him, but he was going to have to start treating me with more respect. We were in this together and he was going to have to learn that having me with him was better than not having me with him.” Samantha’s hand was still around him, but this time it had nothing to do with sexual. It was more of a comforting gesture to let him know that she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “You’re definitely one girl that doesn’t take no for an answer. You are tenacious, stubborn and there are times that I can’t believe that I’ve fallen in love with you.” He had said the words, but this time this was not a knee jerk reaction. This is something that he really did believe deep down in his heart third “God help me, but I think that I found the woman that I want to be by my side in all the trials that I face. It’s going to come, as a bit of a shock to those I have slept with in the past. They won’t believe that I’m finally ready to settle down. They’ll most likely still keep throwing themselves at me, even if they do see a ring on my finger.”

  “I have no delusions that you will have that effect on them. I know that you won’t stray, because you have found something to fight for. I’ll know that you can look, but after everything that is said and done, you’ll be coming home to me. If you are really serious about making this work, then we need to be completely honest with each other and not hold anything back.” “This was his opening and I was waiting with bated breath to see if he was going to walk through that door willingly. If he didn’t, I would pull him through it and make him see me, as somebody that could be relied on in moments of great stress.”

  “I’ve been trying to keep this from you, but you are determined not to let me have any secrets. I know that this isn’t over, because I got a message last night on my phone that was not very pleasant.” Judson opened up his mouth and out came the full extent of what they were dealing with. He did feel a lot better after talking it out with Samantha. Having somebody to talk to was better than letting it fester inside, until it became something ugly. He couldn’t believe that he had actually trusted her, but with everything that they had gone through, it was a wonder that they didn’t admit their feelings sooner.

  “It’s only a threat and right now we have police protection and we should take every advantage of that. Let them know that you’re still worried. I get this feeling that this might have something to do with the big game tonight. I think that somebody wants you to pull back and not do the impossible on that field. If I don’t miss my guess, I would say that your next phone call will be to tell you to do exactly that or face the consequences. It’s going to be a little more difficult for them to follow through on their threat with the police standing in between them and me.” I didn’t want to tell him that I was shaking on the inside, but on the outside I was projecting an air of confidence that I really didn’t feel. I knew that I shouldn’t be afraid and that the police would take care of me, but I had this feeling that wasn’t going to be enough.

  “I think that you might be right and if it comes down to that, then I will have no choice, but to throw the game. I may have a lot riding on this and my team is counting on me, but you mean more to me than some game. I just don’t know how to be something that I’m not. The coach will see right through me and know that there’s something wrong. I can only hope that that phone call doesn’t come. I will do what you say. I’ll tell the police that I’m worried. That’s definitely not going to be a lie.” With the weight of the secret off his shoulders, his manhood had begun to show some signs of life. He was semi erect and growing rapidly.

  “It appears that getting this off your chest was a good thing. I can think of something that we can do for a couple of hours that will get your mind off of this. I’m going to take a shower. I don’t know if you want to join me, but I think that I can make it worth your while.” Unashamed, she dropped the sheet. Walking towards the bathroom, she glanced over her shoulders to see that his mouth was wide open and he was staring at her like there was nothing that he would want to do other than to join her. “I’m sure that there’s more than enough hot water for the both of us. If you scrub my back, I’ll be happy to scrub whatever you want me to scrub.” She was a little bit bolder. With everything that had happened up to this point, she was feeling a little like a new version of herself.

  “You do strike a hard bargain and I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t take those beautiful moments and turn them into something more. I don’t know where you came from, Samantha, but I have to say that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’re even better than getting that contract.” Judson stripped off his boxer shorts, showing his healthy appendage pointing like a divining rod to where it wanted to go. He shrugged off those boxers and left them lying there on the floor with the sheet that allowed him to see her in all her naked Glory.

  “I do believe that you see something that you like. You are obviously a man that knows what he wants. I suggest that you stop thinking about something that you can’t control and do something about something that you can control.” She slapped her ass making this resounding crack that had her wondering where this woman had come from. “I have never been this open in my life and it feels kind of liberating to allow myself to emerge from my shell. I have him to thank for it, but there were several pieces on the puzzle board that had to fall into the right place. I’ve always shied away from life, not realizing that I only have this one to live. I can’t allow any more time to be wasted, especially when I have a man like Judson. He needs to know that I can be unpredictable and not just go through the motions.”

  “I’m going to get you, Samantha. I’m going to make you scream my name, so loud that the police officers outside p
rotecting us will think that I’m killing you. I don’t even care if they come in and get embarrassed by seeing us doing something that would be considered illegal in some states.” He was feeling better and was about to feel a whole lot better than that. He stepped into the bathroom with the steam swirling around him. He knew the object of his desire was right there in reach.

  Chapter 2

  Samantha was in the shower feeling the hot spray of the water hitting her skin and knowing that things were going to get hotter in a second. She felt his presence behind her and then his soapy hands were sensuously roaming over her body freely. She felt him barely touching her nipples and that of course made them quite hard to the touch. “I’ve never met a man like him and I do believe that god broke the mold when he brought him into existence. I need him all the time and the sex that I had previously doesn’t even hold a candle. There’s something primal about us getting together and I don’t think that I would want to change anything. Maybe I would like to change one thing.” Samantha looked down at the wound in her shoulder and could feel the stinging sensation of the water striking against it. She angled the spray, so that it wasn’t directly on the one thing that gave her discomfort.

  Judson put his hands on her shoulders, moving his fingertips very cautiously over that wound and brought her fingers back to him, so that he could suck each individual one into his mouth. The overdeveloped muscle between his legs was now placed with care between her buns. He could feel the heat from her hole and wanted nothing more than to slip into her warm caress. “I’ve never needed anyone in my life, but you are something different, Samantha. I feel almost powerless, except that I know that you like a man that has a firm hand.” He showed that by slapping her ass and making her jump with a bit of a giggle coming from her mouth.

  Samantha turned in his arms, grabbing onto his obvious endowment and giving it a healthy tug for good measure. She loved the feel of it, but it was only a tease to the real main event. “He is a fucking awesome specimen of man and one that every man should strive to be like. It’s too bad that he had that attitude, but I was able to smooth out the edges. I do like a firm hand, but how he knows that is beyond me. Am I really that transparent, or maybe we just know each other better than we know ourselves?” She watched him with her tongue moving across her own lips, as he moved down onto his knees. Samantha didn’t know if there was any better sight than seeing him in a subservient role.

  “I know that this might seem out of character, but I did tell you that I was good at this. I can see in your eyes that you are remembering the last time that I did this. I will never get tired of seeing that anticipation.” His tongue momentarily dipped into her navel, making her shiver and cause these Goosebumps to spread over her body exponentially. The tip of his tongue moved down to the obvious source of her enjoyment. He was not going to be denied and hearing her cry out with pleasure was his ultimate thrill. It was better than the adoration of the crowd or the feeling of spiking the ball at the goal line.

  “You’re not the only one that will never be able to get enough of this. I look at you and you are definitely not the same man that I remember sitting down with the other day. Things have happened since then and we have both changed for the better. Oh my…the way that you touch me has me believing that sex can be like this all the time. I want your tongue inside me and I want you to fuck me with it for, as long as you can stand.” I know that he’s not a woman, but he certainly treats my body like he knows how to navigate to all those little special places. He has already told me that he has been taught by an older woman. I do admit that I’m glad that he had those lessons. Unfortunately, it did make him cocky and a bit chauvinistic. I can see now that it was only a phase and he just needed the right woman to come around to show him the kind of man that he could be.”

  Judson had his fingernails digging into the soft pliant surface of her inner thighs. He pulled back to see the indentation buried within her skin. Her legs were shuddering underneath his oral ministration. He always loved how a woman reacted to him when they got into bed together, but Samantha was taking things to a whole different level. He had to admit that she was something special and that without her, there was no way that he could possibly go on.

  “Fuck…you do know how to do that better than anybody that I’ve ever been with before. I’m going to cum. I’m giving you fair warning, because you know that I go a bit crazy after the first one.” Her orgasm was enough that she had to grab onto the side of the shower stall to prevent herself from any serious injury. She did not close her eyes. She felt like it was a whole lot better seeing him staring at her from below, while lashing her clit repeatedly. “I don’t think that I could feel any better and this is like my own personal sexual awakening. I want this all the time and I just hope that he keep up with the high demand.” He had one of her legs over his shoulders and that gave her the incentive to push up against him to get an even tighter seal.

  Judson had given girls this kind of pleasure before, but it was never more fulfilling than what he was doing with Samantha. He saw the wonder in her eyes. He wanted to see that all the time. He was never going to become complacent and the sex that they were going to have over the years was going to be more experimental and fun. He had his eye on buying the book called the Kama Sutra and putting those positions to good use.

  “I can’t believe that he hasn’t come up for air. It’s like he has gills. I know that he’s breathing through his nose, but he certainly makes it look like it’s superhuman.” “I don’t think that I have to tell you this, but I’m going to… AHHHHHH.” She moved against him erratically. She was beginning to realize that she was no longer that dainty little flower that had come calling on him for an interview. She was sexually aware and adventurous and as god as her witness, she was never going to be denied this kind of pleasure ever again.

  He finally stood up looking at her glazed eyes and seeing that he had done his job remarkably well. “I think that you should taste some of this yourself.” Judson grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss. Before she knew it, she was getting a brief taste of what he had already gorged on. He felt her struggle, but it was more for show than actual discomfort. Her hands wrapped around him and his eyes were the ones that came alive this time, as she settled his cock between her legs.

  “I can’t wait any longer and you were right about becoming a master at the art form of eating pussy. If every guy had that kind of expertise, there would be no woman ever alone on a Saturday night again. The older woman that taught you these things has done you a favor. She didn’t do the favor just for you, but she did the favor for those women that you’ve been with in the past and for me. I feel bad for them and taking you away from giving some of those girls something to remember is not fair. I guess I’m going to be selfish and have you all to myself.” She had her hand around him and she was waiting for that moment.

  “You’re not the only one that has been spoiled. Guys have no idea what they’re missing and I have no intention of letting them find out… My god…you are even tighter than I remember and I have no idea how that’s even possible.” Judson had bent at the knees and had given her half of his staff. He only had to look down to see her excitement trailing down the rest of the length. She was holding onto the bar over her head and then he suddenly turned her and pressed her against the cold tile. They had not lost their connection, but he did slip deeper, until his balls were the only thing to be seen.

  “Every time that I forget how this feels, you always find a way to remind me. My wet pussy is on fire and your cock is feeling what it’s like to be with a real woman. I think that it says a lot about you that you have this kind of stamina. Your body is something else and I feel like I’m floating on a dream.” Her words were breathy and he had to admit that Judson was the best lover that she had ever had. It wasn’t like the other guys were scaling that fence. “I know that he is going to be mine, but it’s nice to know that he thinks the same way. His cock is amazing and I swear th
at he is the kind of man that is going to wait for my pleasure. I don’t think that he was like that before and even though he did give great lip service, I’m sure that the girls were left a little wanting at the end of it. There was always going to be something missing and I think that him finding himself and knowing what love is has made the sex even that much greater.”

  She writhed against her, making him feel her hole grip him tightly and pull him in with the hot juices now collecting around him. He loved seeing her like this and for the first time, since he got the phone call, he began to think that things were going to work out. The only thing that he was interested in at the moment was that feeling building up inside him. The way that her lips fluttered every time that he gave her one hard thrust was enthralling. “Do you know that I’m going to fuck you like this for the rest of your life? I’m going to be constantly coming up behind you naked and ready to take you anywhere in the house. I won’t be able to stop and you have only yourself to blame.” He sucked on her neck like some kind of vampire, grazing her skin with his teeth on her skin and hearing her throaty response.

  She felt like she was falling into a sexual oblivion and there was no way that she wanted to come back. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She did begin to scream “FUCK… Fuck me… Judson…JUDSONNNNNNNNN.” It was her personal mantra and was so loud that the police officers did hear what was going on.

  The young rookie went for his door, but the veteran had stopped him before he had made a mistake. He informed him of what was going on and at first he was reluctant to believe that, but the screams did sound vaguely familiar like his girlfriend and one of her well placed toys.

  Judson could feel the crippling sensation of those muscles bearing down on him. It was too hard to resist and then he was adding to the decibel with his own bellow of desire. “I’m cumming… I don’t think that I’ve ever cum like this… Beforeeeeeee.” It was like somebody had reached down into him and pulled out everything that he had to offer. There was nothing left behind. He fell forward exhausted with his two hands holding her firmly against the cold tile.


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