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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 57

by Alice Cooper

  But every time he would shrug it off. Tell her she was worrying for no reason. He had even told her that even if he did die she would find another man and she would move on fine. That had hurt her when he had said that.

  Trent felt bad for everything he had said to her in the past. Now that he understood what he felt like from the other side especially? Then he had to wonder, did she find another man? Is she married? “No she has her maiden name still.” He said to himself.

  But what if she had kept her maiden name when she got married? What about if she hadn’t married yet, but was dating someone else? Then no matter what Trent said to her she would go back to that man. She wouldn’t be like him and held on to the ghost of a relationship. Kimberly was smart, she would have moved on by now.

  The thought made him sad. So many years ago he had his chance. Now it was too late for him. Trent would have to see her, and hopefully save her for the other man. Whoever he was, Trent hoped he treated her the right way. Not the way he had done all those years ago.

  “Where’s the bottle when you really need it?” He muttered.

  Knowing he had to keep his head clear he knew even if there was a scotch right in front of him he would say no. He wouldn’t take the drink, not with her life on the line.

  “Alright let’s get ready men, almost jump time.” He heard called out.

  “Time to get serious now, you can do this.” He said to no one but himself. He knew the team was already serious. But this mission had an extra layer to it that no one else knew about.

  Would he be in trouble afterward when they found out? Sure he would be. But if she was safe that was all that would count. He didn’t are about anything else but making sure Kimberly made it out alive, and he wanted to be alive too.

  Trent went to the door and jumped. The plan was well thought out. He knew that they had gone through this scenario more times than once before. Together as a group they had practiced and done this for real several times now. They were a well-oiled unit and he was one of the cogs that would work the hardest this time around.

  He felt a burden to make sure Kimberly made it out. He wanted to hold her tight to kiss her and tell her “I love you, I’m sorry.” Along with that would come the words, “I hope you’re not involved with anyone?” Then Trent would most likely kiss her. Of course he would wait until they were too safety!

  “Move in, bogey one out.” He heard the order to advance. The sniper had obviously taken out one of the bad guys in front of him. Trent snuck around the corner of the building. His outfit made him a shadow in the night.

  He was focused and determined to get her out safe. Sure the Admiral as well, but his focus was more on Kimberly. Taking a deep breath he peaked around the corner. Time to move!

  Next thing he knew it was all over, he was running out of the room with his other team members and the two hostages. They had to move quickly the forces outside were converging. It wouldn’t be safe for a while, and he wanted to make sure no bullets got too close to her.

  The kidnapper’s forces were madder than a hornets nest. Thankfully, the team had gotten most of the way out of danger before an alert had been sounded. What that also meant was one of his team had failed at something. He wasn’t sure who, but he hoped they were okay, because he wanted to beat the living hell out of them.

  “Here put this on quickly.” He handed Kimberly and the Admiral all black gear. It was the special material the Seals used. This should help them blend into the night just fine.

  “Thanks.” She looked up at him. Just as shocked as he was that they were once again face to face.

  He shook his head giving her a silent no. She would know that meant “we have to talk about this later.”

  Trent really wanted to hug her and hold her close. But there were too many of the enemy forces around.

  At least their Intel had been a bit off, and there had only been around 20 soldiers who had been guarding the hostages.

  Trent held his hand up in a motion for everyone to be still and quiet. He heard the whistle as a signal and saw the enemy soldier drop to his knees. He motioned for his group to move out. They rushed across the last open area; on the other side was their way out.

  He let Jake take lead and flanked the side of the group. Trent moved right behind Kimberly, watching every second across the opening. Looking to ensure there were no snipers on the sides waiting to take them out. He knew his team had most likely cleared the area already. But his nerves were on high alert anyway.

  The space seemed to take ages to cross but finally they were on the other side. Inside the armored vehicle they pulled out. They were almost safe. Though he would feel better once they were in the air and out of Northern Egypt!

  Trent still couldn’t let himself focus on Kimberly. But he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, and saw her studying him. He had to fight himself not to sweep her up right at that moment and kiss her.

  “How close to drop off?” He asked the driver.

  “No more than five minutes sir.” The driver answered.

  He didn’t know why the time seemed to crawl now that he had Kimberly safe, well relatively safe. Was this karma getting him back for all the times she had to sit and wait for him? He seriously had to wonder if that was the case.

  “Sir, we’re coming to the drop point now. Get ready. You’ll be in the air in two minutes.” The driver informed Trent.

  “Let’s get ready.” He looked at his group. They shook their heads. “Keep them secured in the middle of us, you hear. If one of us has to die it won’t be one of these two. You got it?” He looked at each of his guys in the eyes. Making sure their hearts will still in it. He saw no sign of hesitation in any of them.

  “Go, go go.” He heard the driver yell.

  They were out the door in a second. No one knew if they would catch any resistance at this point or not. But they always planned for the worse and hoped for the best. Some of the time they would get lucky and it would go smoothly.

  This time they got lucky. They were in the plane and in the air in two minutes time. As soon as they reached cruising altitude he felt better. There had been no signs that the enemy had aircraft in their arsenal.

  Finally, he went and sat next to Kimberly. He looked at her deeply and just shook his head. “I’m so sorry for everything I ever put you through.” He felt the tears threatening to break through and run down his face.

  Kimberly stood up and walked over wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you for saving me.” She pulled back and kissed him on the lips.

  He knew the guys were watching, and the questions would soon come. But he didn’t care; he squeezed her tightly and kissed her back. He picked her up and he didn’t want to put her down and let go.

  “I am so sorry. I don’t know what else to say.” He looked at the ground. Then he looked up. “I hope you aren’t married or dating, or anything else.”

  She laughed. “I’m not dating anyone.”

  He smiled. “Great because I’m not letting you go ever again.”

  “Well see about that.” She stated.

  Trent could understand her hesitation. After all she had been with him for years. She had watched each and every time a mission came up how he would get excited and would smell the scent of adventure and danger.

  It was his one and only drug. But his addiction to it was strong. So he knew she had to doubt that he could quite that so easily.

  He hoped to prove her wrong. Really he had a completely different outlook on it now. Pulling her into his arms again he planted another kiss on her.

  “Um, don’t you think we should maybe stop? I think everyone is watching us by now.” She pulled away and whispered into his ear.

  Trent knew she was right but he held onto for a few minutes longer. “If I’m going to get in trouble for coming on this mission, I want to make it worth it.” He said and stole another kiss from her.

  “Senior Chief Jonas I think we need to have a quick talk.” He heard the voice of his
Master Chief. He knew the questions were about to begin.

  “Look I know I should have told you sir before we went. But I knew I could keep a clear head.” Trent tried to explain.

  “It doesn’t matter. You know that you aren’t supposed to be on a mission where you’re too close. All it takes is a lapse and a moment where you take your mind off of all involved. Focusing on that one special person has gotten more than one man killed in the past.” The Master Chief stated.

  “I know sir. Whatever, you need to do I accept my punishment. I can’t fight it; I knew I was in the wrong.” Trent stated.

  The Master Chief looked at him. “Well we may be able to go light on you. But you know the higher ups may not see this the same way.”

  Trent knew the Master Chief was referring to the big boys back home in the office. If and when they found out there might be hell to pay. “I’m ready sir. Don’t protect me I’ll take the full heat.”

  He couldn’t ask the Master Chief to put himself on the line for something he had so knowingly disobeyed.

  “Alright Senior Chief just be ready in case.”

  Trent walked away and headed back to where Kimberly was sitting.

  “Is everything okay?” She asked.

  “It should be, well maybe not.” He turned and looked at her.


  “When you know someone who you are rescuing, you’re supposed to bow out of the mission.” Trent told her.

  “Well that’s dumb; what if it was the President you had to rescue. Who would do it if you all know him?”

  “No not know of, but know. I dated you I should have bowed out. I put the whole team in danger. The platoon could have been killed thanks to me.”

  “Oh. You didn’t tell anyone about me? But that was 20 years ago, what difference would that make? It would be different if you still loved me like.” She stated.

  “I do Kimberly.” He said softly.

  She looked at him unsure if she had heard him correctly. “How can you still love me?” She asked.

  “Maybe it’s the idea of what we used to have? I don’t know but I was so worried about you. I should have told them I couldn’t go on this mission. But the thought of someone else saving you didn’t sit well with me. What if they wouldn’t have got you out? How could I ever live with myself?” Trent told her.

  “Trent I don’t know if it will work between us or not. Really every time you had to go out I was so scared. Some nights I wouldn’t sleep, especially on the longer missions. I lost hair, I didn’t eat. It hurt so badly.” She tried to explain.

  “I know how you felt. I felt it when they said your name as one of the hostages. When I thought about failing the mission it was devastating to me. I thought my heart was going to burst from the ache. I could barely breathe thinking of you, and whether or not I’d see you alive again.” He told her.

  She just stared at him. Unsure what to say to the words she had just heard. Instead she sat and let it soak in for a few minutes. “It’s like I used to feel. Yes exactly. “She nodded her head. “I’m willing to give it a shot. But right now I’m not stationed near you.”

  “Well I think I may be able to get out of the military sooner than 2 years. Maybe I’ll be forced out. I’m not sure. I did something they seriously frown upon. So I could come to where you are?” He stated.

  “You really think you’ll be court-martialed?” She asked.

  “Either that or they will offer me early retirement with an honorable discharge.” He stated.

  “But you love the military, what will you do without it?”

  “I’ll take care of my wife. Do anything with her that she wants.” He said.

  She sat there her mouth wide open. “Did you just say your wife?”

  Trent shrugged his shoulders. “Of course I said wife.”

  “In all the years we were together you never once asked me to marry you. Is this really the Trent Jonas I know? Are you an alien? What have you done with the man I used to know?” She touched his head, turning it and looking into his ear.

  “Stop already, you’re going to embarrass me.” He pulled his head away from her prying hands.

  “Oh there he is, welcome back Trent.” She laughed.

  “I’m serious Kimberly. I don’t have a ring right now so I can ask you officially. But will you marry me?” He got down on his knee in front of her.

  The other guys in the plane had turned around and were all watching the show. “Get up your embarrassing yourself. “ She laughed.

  “Answer me first.” He said holding his ground.

  “You don’t have a ring. It won’t count as an engagement if there isn’t a ring.” She said.

  “Well shoot. You know usually I bring that engagement ring with me on every mission. But this time I think I left it at home.” He stood up and put his hands in each of his pockets.

  Kimberly stood there and laughed. “You’re crazy.”

  “Hey guys. I need something I can use as an engagement ring? Anyone got anything that will work?” Trent yelled out.

  “Stop it Trent.” Kimberly said to him softly.

  “Nope the lady said she needs a ring to accept or not accept. So I need to find a ring.” Trent looked around at the guys.

  Several of them shrugged their shoulders.

  “Hey I have this, will it work?” Jake yelled out.

  “What is it?” Trent hollered.

  “It’s the ring off of my cigar.” He held it up for Trent to see.

  Trent looked back at Kimberly. “Well, will it work?” He asked her.

  Kimberly turned red but shook her head yes.

  “Great she said it would work. Let me see that Jake.”

  Trent went back to Kimberly and got back on his knees. With the paper band from around Jakes’ cigar in hand he looked up at her. “Kimberly Sanks will you please do me the honor of marrying me?” Trent asked as he slipped the paper band over her finger.

  She looked down at the band and laughed. “Trent I can’t, not yet. I’m sorry if you would have asked me 20 years ago I would have said yes without a doubt. But I have to make sure I don’t have to go through the same feelings again.”

  Trent looked down. “I know I’ll prove myself to you. But next time I hope you will say yes.”

  The guys had the good sense to not say anything. They went back to what they were doing. Letting Trent sulk in his bad luck. He sat and wondered how he would be able to prove to her he was serious?

  “I’m serious I’ll still move to where you are stationed.” He looked at her and said.

  “That’s a start. Trent last time you moved so slow, don’t go to fast this time.”

  “I have a lot of years to make up for though.” He said.

  He looked out the window. Not sure what else to say to her right now. He could profess that he changed until he ran out of breathe. But he had to show her by actions. Trent knew she wouldn’t just go along with him claiming he was different.

  The rest of the flight was quickly done. “So when will you have to go back your station?” Trent asked her.

  “I don’t know. I suspect your team or someone will tell me.” Kimberly answered.

  “Can I see you while you’re still here?”

  “I’d like that.” She smiled.

  “Great take my number and call me when you have free time.”

  Trent left hoping that she would be calling him soon. Though he also knew he would have some meetings coming up as well. He had made sure on the trip home that something would be said about him and Kimberly to one of the higher ups. Who would be told and what they would do was still left to be seen.

  Walking in his door he checked his phone again. Making sure the volume was up.

  “Nope there’s no message.” He said after making sure he hadn’t missed one. “Might as well take a shower since I’m sure I’ll get a call from Kimberly or someone else.”

  Hoping in the shower he tried to move past seeing Kimberly again. Admitting how he f
elt had been hard. But when she turned his proposal down it had hit him harder than he had let on. Trent had hoped that him saying he loved her would automatically take away the past. All the pain and worry he had caused her would be magically erased, or so he had hoped. When she had told him no, that she wouldn’t marry him, he realized that she had hurt so many times, and so much. He hadn’t been fair to her at all. Often times he had scoffed at her, told her she was being too emotional!

  Hanging his head in the shower he now realized he was the one being too emotional. It wasn’t like she hadn’t said she would see him when she was here. Not only that but she hadn’t shot him down when he told her he would move to her station.

  “This is a good sign!” He cheered himself on.

  Drying off after his long hot shower, Trent felt a bit better. Going to his phone he saw the light flashing. “Oh it’s a message. Well it will be one of two things. I sure hope it was Kimberly!” He muttered hitting the side button to see who had sent him the message.

  “Senior Petty Officer Jonas I need you to report to my office at 0900 in the morning.”

  Trent heard the voice of the Captain, the big deal, the one who oversaw the whole operation of his platoon. “This can’t be a good sign.” He said.

  Honestly when he thought about it though he really didn’t care the circumstances. He wouldn’t change his decision. Not even if they kicked him out of the Seals and hell even the Navy.

  “I’d do it for her again. No doubt in my mind. This is what I’ll go in and say. If it seals my fate so be it!” Mark said aloud.

  He really wished that Kimberly would just stop by and see him. No call would be needed he would be so happy to see her. But he knew he had told her a lot today. She might just be absorbing it all day long.

  Trent was tired so instead of watching his phone he decided to lay down for a little nap. “I’ll get up in a bit and cook, or do anything.”

  As his head hit the pillow he thought about her once again. Her long brown hair as it hung down. He imagined seeing her as she was on top of him. He grew hard thinking about her moistness enveloping his penis.


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